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Chapter 99 The Mexica Reformation Part 2

The candlelight flickers in unpredictable shapes, and the shadows under the candlelight are the same, but more elongated and darker. As long as there is a slight change in the upstream of religion and law, the future of the nation and society will be turbulent.

At this moment, Shulot thought of a lot. For example, the Pope gave an order, and one hundred thousand holy legions responded, and the mighty eastward march. For example, arresting cross missionaries, prohibiting the spread of supernatural gods. For example, priests monitor the alliance, and spies are pervasive. There are also visits to worship.

Devout believers come from all over the Americas and pray every day with the lights of thousands of houses accompanied by the sound of bells...

Furthermore, if someone becomes king and pope in the future, he will have the supreme authority of combining political power and religious power. He even thought of the thousand-year confrontation between green and red, and the civil war between the Crescent Nobles and the clergy group.


But this is all in the future. Religious reform cannot happen overnight. It always takes generations and decades to gradually succeed.

Xiulote pondered for a long time, but only gave a simple description: "In a few decades, the Mexica people will have a cohesive religious belief, and the unified world will form a multi-ethnic country with knitted beliefs. It is like a clay embryo that has to be molded out.

Only through high-temperature firing and time condensation can the final shape be achieved.

The world has a common language and laws, and society operates under the guidance of religious laws. After a long period of precipitation, repeated twists and turns, and changes in ethnic groups, a unified conceptual nation was formed and true unification was achieved."

Xiulote lamented the past of the Celestial Dynasty. The great unification of China went through the bloody changes of the Qin Dynasty and the grammatical construction of the Han Dynasty, and it took hundreds of years to be completely formed. Among them, the First Emperor was indispensable. He laid all the foundations, and he was worthy of being the leader of China.

The ancestral dragon.

"The country in the future needs to carefully maintain the balance of power among all classes. The influence of the priest group will expand rapidly, but a limit must be set to maintain constraints on power. This restriction mainly comes from the emerging warrior group, mainly military aristocrats

and civilian warriors. The priests should also be divided into two factions, those focusing on faith and those focusing on administration.

The royal family must not only become the leader of the priests and warriors, but also carefully maintain the balance between the priests and warriors and suppress the influence of one party. At the same time, the priests and warrior groups must open up the upward channels for the civilian class and promote and select from civilians.

Maintain fresh blood within the ruling class. In particular, reduce the succession of priests from generation to generation.

To put it simply, it is class balance and power restriction. Civilians are promoted and bloodlines are weakened. One hand holds a sword and the other holds a sutra."

In Xiulote's design, the development of the priestly group should be similar to the Chinese scholar-official class, divided into the academic school and the administrative school. While controlling the hearts of the people, they must also limit power. The warrior group represents the emerging common landowners and provides stable force.

Guarantee. When the economy develops enough, there will be a class of citizens and businessmen to check and balance. We cannot allow a certain class to be too large and solid to hinder the emerging demand for reform.

Of course, in order to suppress the priest class, the king must have sufficient prestige and skill.

The elder, who had been silent for a long time, finally turned around. He looked at the young man again.

"My child, you seem to have forgotten a group of people."

Shulot shook his head, gritted his teeth slightly, and declared solemnly.

"Princes are a hidden danger to the alliance. They are not loyal to the royal family at all and must be eradicated! The great noble class occupies too much wealth and manpower, and must be weakened and suppressed as much as possible! At least within a ten-day trip from the royal capital, we can

Directly govern the cities rather than self-governance."

Hulot thought of the historical rebellion of the princes of Tlacopan and Texcoco when the Spaniards arrived. They directly contained most of the alliance's troops. Princes from outside the family must not stay! Similarly, weakening the hereditary nobles,

Training common people landowners and civilian priests is also the core of the reform.

The elder was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly. A skilled ruler would make many preparations in advance, and then take advantage of the situation and insert a sharp knife into the gap between the bones, allowing the blade to flexibly slaughter the target.

The elder walked forward slowly while teaching lightly.

"My child, don't be anxious. The food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. Naturally, the mice in the fields must be eliminated one by one. Tell me about your new priesthood."

Xiuluo nodded and followed slowly. He only knew the general direction of the reform and had no idea how to start at the moment.

"The priestly group needs to establish a strict hierarchy. The lowest level is the urban community priests and village priests. They must have the right to interpret scriptures and laws, the right to judge daily disputes, the right to mobilize warriors and militia, and the right to collect religious taxes. They

Responsible for the education of common people and peasants, and holding ten days of great ceremonies, it is the root system of the towering sacred tree."

In Mexica, villages and communities are generally managed by a four-person meeting. One of them is a priest, one is a representative of the local nobility, one is a warrior, and the other is the autonomous leader of the village community. Currently, for non-directly governed city-states, there is no alliance center

Reasonable jurisdiction can only be controlled through the power of religious priests.

The civil service system was far in the future, and the cultural monopoly was in the hands of high-ranking priests and great nobles. They could only choose between the theocratic system and the aristocratic system. It would take a long period of administrative reform and cultural accumulation before there would be a basis for cultivating administrators and replacing local aristocrats.

The elder pondered slightly. Tax manpower, laws and education. In these places, the priests need to compete with the big nobles who own the villages for grassroots control.

"Further up is the city priest, who is responsible for a city and nearby villages. The parish priest is responsible for a complete area, including multiple cities and villages. The establishment of a parish requires the consent of the central authority. The parish priest can be called the chief priest, corresponding to the specific

The eleven states of Mexico can have eleven officiants.

Several dioceses are united into an archdiocese, and the archdiocesan priest is the chief priest. If there are large and important cities, they can also be set aside to establish separate metropolitan priests at the same level to prevent the chief priest from having too much power. At present, Mexica

Eleven states can establish an archdiocesan archbishop.

Further up the archdiocese is the highest regional unit, the ecclesiastical province. The leader of the ecclesiastical province is the patriarch and has complete control over the religious power of a certain area. In the future, when the Tarascans are conquered, they can be established in the Archdiocese of Mexica.

and the establishment of a higher Mexica Ecclesiastical Province above the Archdiocese of Tarasco.”

Village and community priests, city priests, parish priests, chief priests, metropolitan priests, and suzerain priests. The five-level executive body in the region basically comes from the cross structure in Shulot's memory and has withstood the test of thousands of years of history.

The elder nodded slightly. Religious local divisions will also be the future national divisions. Although the alliance has not yet established a hierarchical country, similar plans have been thought about in his mind many times. This child's plan is even more grand.

and bold.

"Starting from the parish priest, the right of appointment and dismissal will be decided by the central church. Therefore, a three-level central priest group is established in the central church, corresponding to the candidates for the chief priest, chief priest and suzerain priest. And outstanding city priests will be selected into the lowest central church

The priesthood, after being trained in the center, is then put in charge of the parish.

The highest-level central priesthood corresponds to the current chief priesthood and high priesthood, that is, the twelve priests and elders, which are at the same level as the patriarch." In Christianity, cardinals and patriarchs are candidates for the pope.

Shulot thought for a moment, but did not mention the higher-level pope. There is no doubt that the highest religious authority now is in the hands of the elders. He just emphasized the promotion mechanism again.

"God treats everyone equally. The fifth-level priesthood should be promoted in sequence, and all officiating priests must have experience in pastoral work in villages and communities. The priesthood is open to outstanding civilians, and try to maintain a balance in promotion."

Facing the common people is the most important means to maintain the vitality of the priesthood. In the European Middle Ages, the church was almost the only place where common people could make a difference and change their class. Of course, now there are adventures of great voyages.

"According to the Mexica priesthood, priests should completely dedicate themselves to God. Formal marriages are prohibited for priests at all levels. The descendants of priests do not have the right to inherit religious status."

Hulot knew that no matter which religion in the world, for the high priests who really hold the power, the laws prohibiting marriage and the inheritance of status are usually in vain. Ten years later, Alexander VI will succeed as Pope in Rome. Poggi

The Ya family will completely destroy the reputation of the church and ignite the fuse of the religious reform movement.

However, such provisions still need to be written into the priestly regulations to try to restrain the corruption of the priestly community and leave a basis for further reforms for future generations.

The elder fell into a long thought. The present and the future were constantly deducing and intersecting in his mind.

"After I die, there will be a pope who will lead the religion."

Thinking of this, the elder looked at Shulot with a deep look. After a long while, he spoke calmly.

"My child, everything you said requires a written code. I want to hear you talk about the code again."

A hint of murderous intent faced him, and Shulot felt awe-inspiring in his heart. He pondered for a long time before replying carefully.

"Mexican society needs a religious code. The source of the code is divine revelation, not accumulated jurisprudence. The characteristic of the code is that it incorporates moral requirements and regulates the lives of believers."

“The content of religious codes is divided into three aspects: stipulating the order between man and God, stipulating the order between man and social nature, and stipulating the order between man and himself.

Man and God are the ceremonial rituals of worshiping the gods, the reverence and devotion to the gods. This requires modifying the current religious rituals that are too bloody and violent, and retaining the beautiful parts of them.

People and society are the laws and regulations that guide society. Criminal law, revenge, prisoners of war, dietary life, loan interest, marriage relationships, property inheritance, and prevailing social ethics.

There are too many death sentences in Mexican society, and perhaps the sentences can be reduced appropriately. The jurisdiction of the market must also be taken back from businessmen, especially the autonomy of foreign businessmen. Property laws can be integrated with existing regulations and further refined.

Man and nature are stipulated in fishing, hunting and gathering, gardens and zoos, sacred mountains and sacred lakes.

People and themselves should cultivate their moral character and observe the precepts, which is similar to our Mexican tradition of being indifferent and ascetic. But bloody gambling should be prohibited."

In Xurot's view, Mexica's social customs are simple, focusing on gods rather than life, and the disciplines are extremely strict. The people are always shrouded in the shadow of death. There are countless laws and customs that punish death: those who commit adultery will die, those who steal will die, and those who dress in a manner that violates the hierarchy

Death, death for those who are publicly drunk twice, death for judges who accept bribes, death for merchants who cheat, death for slaves who resist, death for those who disrupt religious rituals, death for those who trespass on holy mountains and lakes...all of this is very similar to the Qin Dynasty

of severe punishment.

Gambling under the supervision of judges is both orderly and unrestrained. Whether it is a ball game or a dice made of beans, once the two parties start gambling, they often gamble all their property and life, and regard death as a game. All of this is

It shows the splendor and cruelty of the emerging civilization.

On the contrary, slaves in Mexico retain sufficient personal and property rights, and also have the opportunity to rely on the master's family to prosper. Similar to having more servants, they are not completely expendable.

"In general, religious laws and regulations are characterized by sanctity, comprehensiveness, and flexibility. Its status is supreme, it regulates all aspects of life, and it is constantly adjusted and changed with regional customs and the development of the times."

The elder pondered slightly, chewing on the three concepts of sacredness, breadth, and flexibility, and thinking about God, society, nature, and people. After a while, he slowly nodded.

"My son, we need a fundamental creed, both as a guide for religion and as a basis for law."

Shulot nodded seriously, but this was obviously beyond his ability. He could only add.

"The fundamental doctrine is divine revelation, which can be used as a principled summary. This is a towering tree trunk pointing to the sky. It does not need to be too detailed, leaving room for expression.

To the fundamentals, three specific sources of law can be added: the precepts of the saints, the deductions of scholars, and the decisions of the priesthood. This is a large and flexible branch and leaf that specifically guides the details of the implementation of the law.”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The elder was thinking about the religious laws mentioned by Shulot. He needed a specific executive compiler. The two figures kept rising and falling on the scale in his mind.

.Finally, the two figures turned into three. The elder finally made a decision.

In front of us, we reached the stone house deep underground again. The sculpture-like guard captain exerted his strength easily. After a roar, the thick stone door opened, and a small green snake scurried into the corner as if frightened, leaving a frog in its mouth.


"My child, you are here." The elder said expressionlessly.

Shulot silently walked into the snake house and touched the frog on the ground with his foot. The frog moved slightly, but it was obviously not far from death.

With a bang, the heavy stone door closed again, and the snake house was dark. After a while, the little green snake swam to the boy's side. It hissed softly, expressing its dissatisfaction with the door. Well, the little green snake's

Judging from the performance, the elder has gone far.

Shulot leaned against the wall and meditated. The smooth and soft touch came from his wrist again, shaking and entwining, slowly along the arm and into his warm chest, and then became motionless comfortably. The young man sighed,

She fell into a deep sleep with the little green snake.

When the elder returned to the top floor of the palace, the sun had already set in the west. The setting sun was like blood, dyeing the distant sky and the palace of the gods. The elder looked at the setting sun, and his heart was slightly ups and downs. He sat on the stone throne of the gods,

Quietly waiting for the darkness. Behind him, the sculptural guard captain holds the clay pot of fate.

In the big temple, the day-long priestly chanting finally came to an end. The chief priests stepped on the solidified bright red and walked down the stone steps with calm faces. The priests and elders bid farewell to each other and went back to rest. A day of sacrifices is enough to make people tired and their arms sore.

.Ugel gave a slight salute to Kechar, then shook his head and left.

Kechar smiled, admiring the sunset on the horizon, longing for tomorrow's eastward rise. He waited for a moment. Soon, a loyal priest came from the north, holding a wooden box dripping with blood in his hands.

Kechar opened it and saw a big head, with a majestic and unwilling face, and a lifelike expression. Seeing his old friend, the chief priest's smile became more friendly. He closed the wooden box casually, and went straight to the east surrounded by war priests.


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