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Chapter 119 Broken Friendship

When Ximen Yourong appeared from around the corner, the two people who were glaring at each other were startled at the same time.

Chu Hengye, who was holding Wu Jiayi's front collar, saw Ximen Yourong. He was at a loss for a moment. Then he let go of Wu Jiayi and knelt down to salute her. Wu Jiayi also knelt down respectfully.

"Two generals, please rise."

Ximen Yourong's face remained as usual, but with a hint of coldness. After the two kneeling people got up, she looked at them with their heads slightly lowered and said softly:

"I was passing by here and overheard a somewhat unpleasant conversation between the two generals. Is there such a big deal that the two generals had such a dispute in the palace regardless of their status?"

As soon as the two of them heard the hint of displeasure in Ximen Yourong's words, they immediately knelt down to listen to the lecture. Chu Hengye apologized first:

"I had a dispute with General Wu because of different opinions on some official matters. I unknowingly lost my sense of proportion in my words. Please forgive me, the Queen!"

"The two generals are responsible for the safety of the palace, and their responsibilities are not light. However, if I remember correctly, General Chu is the commander of the Imperial Army, and this..." Ximen Yourong looked at Wu Jiayi and expressed his unfamiliarity.

"My minister, Wu Jiayi, is the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army. I was responsible for inspecting the palace last night. I think it would be harmless to change some of General Chu's defenses according to the actual situation, but I don't want to offend General Chu."

When Wu Jiayi reported his family status, he also explained the reason for the dispute between him and Chu Hengye.

Although Ximen Yourong didn't know Wu Jiayi, she was actually very familiar with the name "Wu Jiayi" because Wu Jiayi was the most critical person in the Wen family's injustice case mentioned by Dongling Yuanhao.

Looking at Wu Jiayi like this, he looks like a military commander and his eyes are full of righteousness.

If Ximen Yourong had not heard about what he had done, he would not have thought of him as a selfish and evil person.

Moreover, if she guessed correctly, Wu Jiayi should be the person Chu Hengye once regarded as a close friend. Because he mentioned to her more than once that he had a brother who he truly loved!

Wu Jiayi's words of ridicule to Chu Hengye before she appeared proved that he knew Chu Hengye's life very well, otherwise he would not have mentioned that she and Chu Hengye had a marriage contract.

Only those who have been regarded as confidants by Chu Hengye may know Chu Hengye's humble past.

As for why the two of them now have a tit-for-tat relationship, she wasn't that concerned, but she looked at them with slight condemnation and said:

"Since one of you is the orthodox leader and the other is the deputy commander, that is the relationship between superiors and subordinates. It is said that generals will have orders and soldiers will follow them. The two generals should know this rule without anyone mentioning it. If the words and deeds of the two just now are

How can you embarrass His Majesty when your behavior has reached His Majesty’s ears? After all, it is Your Majesty who allows you to hold such an important position. I believe that those who can be recognized by His Majesty are talents worthy of reuse. I hope that the two generals will not let down His Majesty’s high expectations.


Ximen Yourong's words were vague, but the implications were clear. She reminded Chu Hengye that he should maintain his authority as a general, and at the same time secretly blamed Wu Jiayi for not respecting his superiors. Finally, she pointed out that they could be promoted to important positions in the Forbidden Army.

The most direct reason is not because there is any force behind them, but because Dongling Yuanyong decided their current identity, and she skillfully maintained Dongling Yuanyong's imperial power.

Naturally, Chu Hengye and Wu Jiayi also understood what she meant. They said "I acknowledge my guilt" at the same time and stood aside in silence.

Ximen Yourong actually had no intention of saying anything else, but she finally said before leaving:

"I became your Majesty's queen because of the oath sworn by the ancestors of Dongling. I am fortunate to have the same mind as your Majesty and work together to benefit the people of Dacheng. If someone makes trouble and destroys the peace and tranquility of today, let alone your Majesty's permission, I will not do anything.

Don’t care about it. So I ask you two generals to exercise caution and say what you should say and don’t say what you shouldn’t!”

After saying this, Ximen Yourong stepped away, leaving Chu Hengye and Wu Jiayi to look at each other. From Ximen Yourong's warning, they knew that she heard that their dispute just now involved her.

Chu Hengye looked at Ximen Yourong who was walking away, with complex emotions still lingering in his guilty eyes.

His memories were deeply hidden, but Wu Jiayi, who knew him well, sneered:

"Chu Hengye, you probably never dreamed that in the end, you would be the one abandoned."

Wu Jiayi knew that Chu Hengye had invested all his love in Ximen Yourong.

He knew because they were confidants who talked about everything. Therefore, there were almost no secrets between them.

The irony is that despite how good they were in the past, they are now on bad terms...!

Chu Hengye retracted his greedy gaze. When he looked at Wu Jiayi, his strong cheek bones protruded, but it didn't look like he was angry. He seemed to be answering Wu Jiayi, or talking to himself:

"Perhaps, she doesn't feel that it is abandonment at all."

She had never loved him, so what did his "abandonment" mean to her?

Who doesn't know that the love between the emperor and the empress is growing day by day? What's more, he has seen Ximen Yourong follow Dongling Yuanyong with eyes full of admiration more than once.

That was the look she had never laid on him. He didn't understand it in the past, but he always looked forward to it.

Now he understands that if you don't love, you don't love. It's a look that you can't wait for no matter how long you spend.

Of course, he doesn't dare and will never have that kind of expectation now, but he is willing to silently protect the peace she wants.

Looking at his former friend again, Chu Hengye said as calmly as possible:

"Wu Jiayi, even if you and I can no longer be friends, we should at least be colleagues who serve His Majesty wholeheartedly. I have never thought of using my position to pressure you. There are obvious loopholes in your private modification of the palace's defenses. As the commander,

I can't pretend that I don't know, so I don't think there's anything wrong with me punishing you for your mistakes... As for whether you are unwilling because I have occupied the position of the orthodox leader, or because you dare not face what you have done.

If you become extreme, only you know the answer. I just want to tell you that you are still not my enemy!"

Their conflict today seemed to originate from Wu Jiayi's arrogant opinions on the defense deployment last night, but Chu Hengye knew that Wu Jiayi was more specifically targeting him to create unhappiness.

The Ximen case had a wide impact. The big family was wiped out, and the small ones like him and Wu Jiayi had their friendship broken!

But speaking of the sudden change of their friendship, that is another "story" that is too sensitive to be mentioned casually.

He originally thought that as long as the things that were deeply covered up were not mentioned, no one would dig out them again, and everything would disappear like dust.

However, Chu Hengye had a hunch that some things would not disappear if he just shut up...!

Wu Jiayi's repulsive face was not moved by Chu Hengye's kindness. On the contrary, he turned around and left without even replying.

However, his seemingly disdainful attitude was more of an escape in Chu Hengye's eyes!

"Wu Jiayi..." Chu Hengye shouted subconsciously and walked to Wu Jiayi's shoulder level, but he did not look at Wu Jiayi, just looked ahead and said:

"Prince Hao seems to be trying to figure out the cause and effect of the Wen clan's annihilation. You... take care of yourself!"

This time, Chu Hengye left first, but Wu Jiayi who stayed behind paused. At this time, except himself, no one knew what he was thinking!

The tragedy of the genocide of the Wen family gradually caused some changes as Dongling Yuanhao's overt and covert investigations were carried out.

Some people are curious, some are worried, and some are looking forward to it. The person who is looking forward to it the most is Wen Yingyin.

At this time, she knew clearly that it had only been a few days, and even if Dongling Yuanhao was already investigating the Wen family's case, it would not be possible to have a result so quickly.

However, she always had uncontrollable anxiety in her heart, and she was afraid that her decision to put herself to death would not be able to get the justice she deserved for the Wen family.

She is not afraid of death, she is only afraid that she will not have the face to find her family after she dies!

Thinking of the hundreds of lives of the Wen family without even a decent grave, Wen Gongyin lowered his head and stared at the pool, his eyes filled with tears...

Maybe she was completely immersed in the grief of mourning her family, and Wen Yingyin didn't notice someone approaching behind her.

Until an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded: "Miss Wen...!"

As a result, before the voice said anything more, Wen Gongyin instinctively turned around, but was so frightened by the figure so close that he lost his footing and almost fell into the pool.


Xiahou Chunyan didn't expect to scare Wen Yingyin, but fortunately he reacted quickly and reached out to grab her hand and pull it back, but Wen Yingyin also leaned firmly against him due to inertia.

Wen Gongyin was stunned for a while, and it took him a while to come to his senses. He hurriedly pushed Xiahou Chunyan away and stepped back, looking up at him with a face still covered with tears, looking at him in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I seemed to have scared you. Are you okay?" Xiahou Chunyan smiled slightly.

"I don't blame the prince, I just didn't pay attention."

"You...are crying." Xiahou Chunyan bluntly stated her embarrassment.

Only then did Wen Yunyin remember that her face was wet. She turned her back to him and quickly wiped away the tears on her face, then turned around and showed a slight smile:

"It made the prince laugh."

"It doesn't matter. But, is there anything sad about the girl?"

Xiahou Chunyan only knew that she was redeemed from a brothel by Dongling Yuanhao, but Dongling Yuanhao did not explain why he was asked to help take care of Wen Yingyin.

At first, he thought that Dongling Yuanhao and Wen Gongyin had some different relationship, but due to his identity, he couldn't bring Wen Gong directly back to the palace, so he settled Wen Gong in his place!

Wen Yuyin knew that Xiahou Chunyan's inquiry was not malicious, but she had actually only met him twice and had almost no conversations with him.

Therefore, she didn't want to tell the story behind her tears to a stranger.

So, she forced a smile and said casually:

"I am sentimental by nature. When I think of some sad past, I can't help but feel sorry for myself."

"The girl's sentimentality makes her stand out from the crowd."

Xiahou Chunyan's words were full of praise, but Wen Gongyin looked at him in confusion.

Understanding her doubts, Xiahou Chunyan explained:

"The girl was born in a brothel, but she doesn't have the vulgarity of a brothel girl. Instead, she has a clarity that comes out of the mud but remains unstained."

Wen Gongyin's small smile disappeared completely because of Xiahou Chunyan's words. She looked at the green lotus leaves standing in the pool and remained silent. Only the tears that filled her eyes again told the shame in her heart!

This chapter has been completed!
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