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Chapter 120 She Is the Woman He Eats and Wipes Off

Xiahou Chunyan felt Wen Gongyin's mood darken, and he realized that it might be because he mentioned that she was from a brothel, which made her feel ashamed.

So, he apologized slightly and said: "Miss Wen, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to look down on the girl. I just..."

"I know that the prince has no ill intentions and is even praising me. But I have to admit that the prince's praise is a shameful reminder to me."

She is the daughter of a great Confucian family and has grown up among scholars since birth.

A place like a brothel is like a hell to her. Even if her body is still innocent, it cannot erase the fact that she once made a living by selling jokes in a brothel.

The humiliation of being forced by Mother Wu for the first time and almost becoming a prostitute still lingers in her mind every day.

Every time after that, she performed numb performances to win the "favor" of strange men, so as to get the money in their pockets to stop Wu's mother's greed... All these forbearances were actually trampling on her dignity all the time.

Those humiliations even made her feel that as long as she could see that the injustices of the Wen family received due justice, she could immediately end her own life to end her shame and anger.

The humiliation in Wen Yunyin's heart was so difficult to conceal that Xiahou Chunyan easily understood what she meant by her so-called "reminder of shame".

He looked at her profile quietly. Her appearance was not that beautiful, but her cold arrogance highlighted her unique beauty.

She looks defenseless and weak, but there seems to be infinite power in her soul that others cannot shake.

Xiahou Chunyan was a little surprised. He was surprised that he could see Wen Yingyin's heart. They didn't even know each other.

However, he didn't pay much attention to this issue and just said sincerely:

"Girl, why should you embarrass yourself? So what if you have been in the world? That does not affect you as a human being of flesh and blood."

"It has flesh and blood..." Wen Gongyin sneered at himself: "But it's not clean anymore."

"A girl's heart is clean, isn't that enough?" Xiahou Chunyan smiled sincerely again: "A clean heart can be fearless!"

His words made Wen Junyin turn to face him and remain silent, as if he was carefully studying his words.

"Why, you don't agree with what I said?" Xiahou Chunyan also looked at her.

"The prince doesn't know me, so how can he think that I can be fearless?"

"Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean you can't feel and judge."

"The prince's feelings and judgments may also be wrong."

"I may be wrong, but I trust my own judgment."

Xiahou Chunyan's smile was very confident. To Wen Gongyin, it seemed that he was not confident in himself, but in her.

Inexplicably, Wen Junyin felt a touch of warmth. This was the first time since she suffered the tragic death of her family that she felt not so alone.

This kind of companionship that is not companionship is actually a bit strange, but Wen Yingyin really wants to reach out and grab her. She is drifting alone with heavy pain. She needs someone who understands her to see her vulnerability.

Unknowingly, Wen Gongyin shed crystal-hot tears, and Xiahou Chunyan in her eyes blurred and became clear for a while.

When the tears on her cheeks were gently wiped away by a warm thumb, she was stunned. Xiahou Chunyan, who was wiping her tears, seemed informal, as if he was just doing it conveniently.

Just as Xiahou Chunyan's hand was wiping the tears on her other side, an annoyed voice came:

"Brother Emperor, what are you doing?"

Xiahou Chunyan calmly continued to wipe away Wen's gurgling tears before turning to look at Xiahou Yi who had come to him angrily and asked with a smile: "Didn't you go out to the wild again, why did you come back so quickly?"

Xiahou Yiyun didn't reply. She first glanced at Xiahou Chunyan with her mouth raised, and then she could be said to have glared at Wen Yin. She looked back and forth like this several times, and then she said to Xiahou Chunyan in a weird and strange way:

"Brother, don't you know that men and women cannot be intimate? Miss Wen is a woman who was redeemed by Prince Hao for a large sum of money. Don't think that because Miss Wen came out of a brothel, you can do whatever you want. You are not afraid of subjugating yourself.

My identity has tarnished Miss Wen's reputation. No matter what, Miss Wen is still a master now."

Xia Houyiyun sounded like she was talking about matters, but in fact, every word she said was laced with sarcasm.

Moreover, her mouth is not a mouth, her nose is not a nose, and there is no visible part of her beautiful face.

But even though she was so presumptuous and rude, Xiahou Chunyan still doted on her face, pinched her face, and then said with a smile:

"Brother Huang also touches you like this, do you think there is a problem?"

"How can this be the same? I am your emperor...the emperor's younger brother, can I be the same as her?"

Xia Houyi arrogantly avoided Xia Hou Chunyan's favor. She glanced at Wen Gongyin. She didn't like Wen Gongyin's hypocrisy, she didn't like it very much!

But her pampering was rewarded by Xiahou Chunyan's slap on her forehead. Before she could cry out that it hurt, he half doted on her and half scolded her:

"Why are they different? They are all the same to me. You are me..." Taking a look at Xia Hou Yiyun's male attire, he was helpless: "You are my brother. Miss Wen is like a sister. What's the point of a brother showing kindness to his sister?


Saying this, Xiahou Chunyan looked at Wen Gongyin calmly. His expression was not uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, Wen Gongyin felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Xiahou Chunyan didn't look down on her. His willingness to treat her with courtesy made her think he was looking up to her. She didn't expect that he would actually say that she was like a "sister".

She should feel more honored about this, but it would be a bit awkward for her to really regard Xiahou Chunyan as her elder brother, and it would be difficult for her to have such a high-level relationship.

Xia Hou Yiyun felt that her brother had inexplicably recognized a younger sister, and she was someone she hated. She subconsciously objected fiercely:

"When did she become the emperor's sister? I don't allow it."

"I'm just making an analogy, why are you excited?"

"For example, you are so gentle to her. If she actually becomes the emperor's "sister", will the emperor be able to pamper her to the heavens? Or is it more straightforward to just let her be your concubine...?


"How dare you, who allowed you to talk nonsense like this?"

Xiahou Yiyun's unbridled and angry words made Xiahou Chunyan have to keep a straight face. He did not expect that his inadvertent behavior would cause such a big reaction from Xiahou Yiyun.

But he knew his imperial sister, and he knew that Xia Hou Yiyun might be delicate and sassy, ​​but she was by no means the kind of person who was overly and unreasonably troublesome.

It was obvious that Xia Hou Yiyun hated Wen Gong Yin in particular. But he didn't know why Xia Hou Yiyun hated Wen Gong Yin.

Xiahou Yiyun, who had almost never been reprimanded so seriously by Xiahou Chunyan, saw his angry face. She flinched for a moment, and then she pursed her mouth tightly and looked like she was about to cry.

When Xiahou Chunyan saw her pitiful look, his heart softened again, but before he could say anything to comfort her, a chamberlain hurriedly came to tell her that Ximen Rong had arrived at the palace.

Today is the last day for him to remove the remaining poison, but Ximen Yourong seems to have arrived a little early this time.

He knew he should leave, but he was afraid that leaving Xia Houyiyun and Wen Yuyin alone would cause trouble.

Wen Gongyin knew that Xiahou Chunyan was anxious to leave, so she took the initiative and said:

"Prince, please go about your business with peace of mind. If you don't mind, let me have a chat with King Xiaoyun alone. I think I still owe King Xiaoyun an explanation."

Looking at her peaceful eyes, Xiahou Chunyan suddenly lost his worries. He smiled wordlessly at her, then looked at Xiahou Yiyun and touched her head, half explaining, half comforting:

"Okay, don't be angry, take this opportunity to clear up your misunderstanding with Miss Wen."

"Who wants to resolve the misunderstanding with her?"

Xia Houyiyun angrily blocked the hand touching her head and walked to the stone chair to sit and ignore anyone.

Xiahou Chunyan didn't have time to coax her anymore, so he only apologized to Wen Gongyin:

"Then there's Miss Laowen."

Wen Yin smiled, knowing that he meant to leave the remaining "trouble" to her to solve.

After watching Xiahou Chunyan leave, Wen Gongyin sat down and looked at Xiahou Yiyun, who was thousands of miles away, and said lightly:

"If King Xiaoyun has anything to say, I am all ears."

"I have nothing to say to a shameless person like you." Xia Houyiyun sneered disdainfully.

"Then why are you still sitting here?" Wen Junyin counterattacked calmly.


"Isn't it just that King Xiaoyun wants to punish me, so he can't bear to sit here?"

Wen Gongyin smiled lightly. If she guessed correctly, Xia Houyiyun probably came to her because he had reached the limit of his endurance and could not endure it any longer.

It happened that she saw Xiahou Chunyan being unintentionally intimate with her, so now Xiahou Yiyun probably hated her even more.

In fact, what she thought was absolutely right, because Xia Hou Yiyun really stared at her fiercely and said unceremoniously:

"It seems that you are admitting that you have done something shameful?"

"If I did it, it shouldn't be anything to do with King Xiaoyun, right?"


"Or am I bothering King Xiaoyun, that's why you hate me so much?"

"That's right, you are bothering me. Even if you don't do anything, you are still bothering me. In short, I just hate you."

"What do you hate about me?"

"I hate that you use your hypocritical and pitiful ways to win my brother's sympathy. I hate that you let my brother teach me a lesson for you."

"anything else?"


His chest rose and fell rapidly, but Xia Houyiyun just "still" could not form a complete sentence.

Wen Yuyin blushed when she saw her pretty face. She thought it was cute and funny:

"And because of Prince Hao, you hate me even more. In other words, the only reason why you hate me is actually because of Prince Hao!"

"I...I hate what you have to do with him, you...stop talking nonsense."

Xia Houyiyun hurriedly rejected Wen Gongyin's guess, but she felt guilty when she rejected it, because Wen Gongyin was right. She didn't like Wen Gongyin because of Dongling Yuanhao.

As long as she thought about Dongling Yuanhao redeeming Wen Junyin from the brothel and bringing him to the palace and placing him under her eyes, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

That bastard Dongling Yuanhao is just a 250-year-old. He will believe whatever Wen Gongyin says.

The person he spent the whole night with was not Wen Yingyin at all, because...because she was the woman who was eaten clean by him!

This chapter has been completed!
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