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Chapter 146: Dragon Head Spring Named by the Ancestors of Dongling

Ximen Yourong remained silent for a long time. In fact, she had already thought of the key point pointed out by Dongling Yuanhao.

It is precisely because she has come to a conclusion in her mind that she is confused now when facing the special situation of Longquanzhuang.

Chu Hengye, who was equally confused, followed Dongling Yuanhao's words and put forward his own opinion:

"What Prince Hao just said is completely reasonable, but what explanation should be given to Longquan Village? This place does not belong to chronic poisoning. It is acute in any case. If it is really artificially poisoned,

In other places, it is reasonable to say that we did not have time to check where the poison source came from. But for the poisonous outbreak in the villagers of Longquanzhuang, in terms of time, we should not miss the chance to find the source of the poison."

"However, as soon as the empress arrived at Longquanzhuang, she confirmed that the food the villagers ate and the water they drank were very clean. I also asked the villagers that since the incidents in Yizhou, Longquanzhuang has closed the village on its own and they do not allow outsiders.

After entering, the people in the village did not go out. Because it was always peaceful, the villagers in the village believed that they were safe and sound because of the protection of the Dragon King. But they did not know that it was not because they were protected by the Dragon King, but because they were poisoned

It’s just a little later than other places.”

Chu Hengye was transferred to Yizhou to assist Ximen Yourong. He not only had to protect Ximen Yourong's safety, but also randomly investigated the causes and consequences of people's poisoning.

Therefore, even if he did not know what the final consequences of the poison to the people would be, he was at least certain that the poisoning in Longquanzhuang and other places was the result of deliberate planning.

After Dongling Yuanhao listened to Chu Hengye's words, he tapped his fingers lightly or heavily on the desk, which made the desk make a rhythmic sound. He thought while saying:

"Who is so evil that they want to take advantage of innocent people? Why do they do this...?"

"Why Yizhou?" Ximen Yourong suddenly said. She looked at Dongling Yuanhao, then looked at Chu Hengye and asked again: "General Chu, you just said that the villagers of Longquanzhuang firmly believe that they are protected by the Dragon King. What is this?


"This... I'm not very sure about it, it seems to be related to a spring."


Ximen Yourong felt that some suspicion was about to come out. She suddenly stood up and walked out quickly without saying anything.

Dongling Yuanhao and Chu Hengye, who were confused, looked at each other and followed closely.

The person Ximen Yourong wanted to see in a hurry was the old man she had just rescued, the old patriarch of Longquanzhuang.

After meeting the old patriarch, Ximen Yourong asked directly without saying anything:

"Old patriarch, did you hold any sacrifices before the accident in Longquan Village?"

The old patriarch didn’t know why Ximen Yourong asked about the sacrifice, but he answered respectfully and truthfully:

"Reply to the Queen, it was indeed held. Because three days ago was our annual Dragon God Day in Longquan Village, we held the sacrifice according to tradition."

"During the sacrifice process, were there any special rituals? For example, what did everyone eat or drink together?"

"We don't have anything to eat together, but every day on Dragon God's Day, all of us, men, women, old and young, without exception, will line up one by one to take a sip of faucet water!"

"Faucet water?"

When Ximen Yourong heard this, it was as she expected. When she discovered that there were many traces of recent sacrifices left in the ancestral hall, she guessed that the villagers of Longquanzhuang must have done something collectively to make it possible for the poisoning to occur almost at the same time.


"The so-called leading water is a spring that belongs to our village. Since ancient times, whenever there is a drought year, there is no water everywhere, but the leading spring in our Longquan Village also has an endless supply of water. I have seen a severe drought in Yizhou in my life.

After three times, when the water source downstream dries up, Yizhou will be able to avoid disaster years by relying solely on our leading spring to supply water to the lower reaches..."

The old patriarch said this in one breath. The pain in his chest forced him to stop and calm down before continuing:

"It's just strange that although our Longtou Spring can continuously emit sweet and thirst-quenching water, it just won't overflow. Therefore, if there is a drought and water is needed downstream, manpower will be needed to fetch water from the Longtou Spring.

Just go downstream."

The words of the old patriarch are a bit strange. If in a drought year, the entire Yizhou needs water from Longtou Spring to save life, how can it meet the needs of so many people and crops by relying solely on manpower to collect water and irrigate it downstream?

However, for Ximen Yourong, this was not a doubt that she was anxious to care about. She thought about it briefly and then asked decisively:

"Old patriarch, can I go to Longtou Spring to have a look?"

"If others ask for it, it is definitely not possible, but the Queen is the mother of the country chosen by the ancestors of Dongling in the spirit of heaven. Naturally, it is a different matter. I will ask someone to take the Queen to Longtou Spring."

Although he didn’t know why the old patriarch suddenly mentioned Dongling ancestors, Ximen Yourong didn’t think much about it!

Following the people assigned by the old patriarch, we climbed up Longquanzhuang for an hour and still didn't reach Longtou Spring. The others were fine and didn't feel tired, but Ximen Yourong was already panting and walking slower and slower.

Suddenly, she stepped on a round dry branch, and her feet slipped. She fell backwards and was about to fall.

But Chu Hengye, who was guarding her, reacted quickly. He quickly reached out to support her waist and stabilize her body, preventing her from falling.

Ximen Yourong reacted inertly and had to hold on to Chu Hengye.

However, when she stood firm, she felt that the hand she was holding on Chu Hengye was sticky, as if Chu Hengye was soaked.

She looked at Chu Hengye's arm near her shoulder, and then at her soaked hands. No...it should be said that her fingers were red, stained red with blood. She raised her eyebrows and exclaimed:

"How could you...?"

"I forgive you, I have no intention of offending you!"

Chu Hengye thought Ximen Yourong was blaming him for holding her body too closely, so he reacted quickly and knelt on the ground to apologize.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Dongling Yuanhao, who was walking in front, came back and looked at Ximen Yourong, and then at Chu Hengye who was kneeling on the ground. He always felt that Chu Hengye's protection for Ximen Yourong was beyond something, just like he and Ximen Yourong had

It is more than an ordinary relationship between king and minister.

"I'm fine." Ximen Yourong responded to Dongling Yuanhao and then looked at Chu Hengye: "General Chu, why are you injured?"

Chu Hengheng was stunned. He looked up and saw that Ximen Yourong's half-open hand was stained with a lot of blood. Only then did he realize how she knew he was injured.

"My injury is not serious, I don't need to worry about it."

Ximen Yourong did not respond to Chu Hengye's words. She looked at the road ahead, and then asked the villager leading the way:

"How far is Longtou Spring?"

"There are about two miles left, but the road behind is a bit difficult. Queen, why don't you rest for a while before continuing."

The road to Longtou Spring didn't look very far, but because the road was steep and difficult to walk, it was not easy for the villagers, so the villagers who led the way thought that walking on Ximen Yourong would be more difficult.

However, it is not that Ximen Yourong has never climbed mountains and waded in rivers. She has lived in the mountains for many years. Because she studies medicine, she naturally has to go into the woods to dig for medicinal herbs.

Therefore, hiking up mountains and walking by streams was once her daily routine. But it may be because she lived a leisurely and comfortable life almost every day after entering the palace, and her leg strength has weakened a lot. In addition, she has not had a good rest since arriving in Yizhou.

Now that she suddenly had to climb such a strenuous mountain road, she would inevitably feel overwhelmed.

After looking at the sky, which was not too late yet, Ximen Yourong said:

"Then let's take a rest first."

Then she looked around and asked Dongling Yuanhao: "Yuanhao, please help me take down the white-flowered weed above."

Dongling Yuanhao followed the direction of Ximen Yourong's finger and saw a piece of grass growing in the rock crevice of the cliff four or five meters high. He didn't know what Ximen Yourong wanted the grass for, but he still said nothing.

He jumped up, and in the blink of an eye, he and the grass fell back down in front of Ximen Yourong and handed the grass in his hand to Ximen Yourong.

Ximen Yourong took it and looked at the bright white flowers. She seemed satisfied before saying to Chu Hengye:

"General Chu, please take off your clothes. Your injury needs medicine."

As soon as she spoke, everyone realized that the grassland she wanted was a healing herb.

Chu Hengye didn't dare to trouble her, so he declined politely:

"My injury is just a scratch on the skin, it has no impact. Please rest assured, Madam!"

Ximen Yourong knew what he was worried about, but she still half-ordered:

"Even a small injury is still an injury. If you don't recover, how can you continue to protect me and help Yizhou get out of trouble?"

Chu Hengye was speechless for a moment. He had no choice but to take off his shirt and let Ximen Yourong check his wounds.

Ximen Yourong could tell that the crack on his shoulder and arm was a new injury at a glance. If she guessed correctly, it should be the injury he sustained when the villagers made a riot earlier and they fell to the ground to protect her. He held it down for her.

A sharp weapon on the ground, otherwise she would be the injured one.

Ximen Yourong did not say thank you, she just tried her best to help Chu Hengye bandage the wound. Then she ordered to continue on the way to Longtouquan without stopping.

Not long after, they came to Longtou Spring, which was regarded as a sacred source by Longquanzhuang.

When they saw Longtou Spring, except for the villagers who led the way, everyone else was greatly surprised.

They were surprised not because of the mystery of Longtou Spring, but because there was an inscription next to Longtou Spring. The inscription turned out to be a record of the name given to Longtou Spring by the founder of the Dongling clan.

Dongling Yuanhao took the lead and knelt down in front of the inscription. After kneeling respectfully, he said with some understanding:

"I originally thought that the monarchs of our Dongling clan valued Yizhou just because Yizhou was the closest place to the east of the imperial city. In addition, Yizhou had a bumper harvest every year, and the taxes and grains paid were large in quantity and high in quality. Now look at

Come on, it’s not just that Yizhou is valued by the imperial city, it’s a practice that has been in place since the founding of Dacheng!”

Ximen Yourong also looked at the inscription. She suddenly understood why the old patriarch mentioned that she was the mother of the country chosen by the ancestors of Dongling. It had to do with the inscription!

Because Longquanzhuang has admired the ancestors of Dongling for generations, she, who was favored by the ancestors of Dongling, has also become a symbol of everyone's worship. No wonder the people of Yizhou pray so devoutly for her arrival!

If she had known this, no matter how worried she was, she would not pretend to be an ordinary doctor. She would give the people the peace of mind they want as a queen!

This chapter has been completed!
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