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Chapter 64: Secret Work Lurking in Lengyue Palace

Ximen Yourong's inner loneliness was covered up by her frail and sick appearance, so that no one could see her secret sadness.

When Dr. Ai heard that Ximen Yourong was thinking about Ximen Ruozun as soon as he woke up, he immediately responded to her:

"Queen, please rest assured. Dr. Zhong was at the side hall last night taking care of Young Master Ximen. In addition, the Young Master's injury is under control. He will be fine."

Ximen Yourong closed her eyes with peace of mind, and then she asked Xiang Qing to help her sit up. When she felt the condition of her body, except for the wound on her arm which still hurt a little, she felt almost no discomfort.

However, feeling his warm body, Ximen Yourong looked at Doctor Ai and asked:

"What... happened last night?"

She was puzzled that she could survive last night's poisonous hair safely! In fact, it was not uncommon for her cold poison to be stimulated by external factors and cause poisonous hair.

She had experienced poisonous hair caused by being exposed to cold air for a long time during the cold season. This was the first time that poisonous hair had been caused by an injury and fever, and she knew it would make her suffer even more.

But she didn't expect that the pain was really beyond the range she could bear, because she could feel that even if she was unconscious, the pain in her body was constantly being transmitted to every muscle and vein in her body!

But what she was confused about was that the normal poisonous attacks in the past would have cost her half her life. With the pain last night, wouldn't it be even more impossible for her to be safe?

Or did someone help her? But over the years, the only person who could help her relieve her pain when she was suffering from poisonous attacks was her master ~ Grandma Youkong, and...

"Your Majesty had an unusual fever last night, so I concluded that your Majesty's constitution was not a general cold syndrome, but a cold poison. Therefore, I tried to give my Majesty the "ink needle acupuncture technique". After repeating it several times, my Majesty's fever finally subsided.

So I’ll take care of myself for a few more days now, and I’ll be fine once the wound heals.”

Dr. Ai's explanation paused Ximen Yourong's suspicions that were just about to come out.

If Dr. Ai knows how to use the "ink needle technique", it proves that Dr. Ai's medical skills are extraordinary.

Although "ink needle acupuncture" can save people in critical moments, acupuncture is extremely dangerous. If something goes wrong, the person who is acupuncture may die at any time.

Ximen Yourong herself knew the dangers involved because she had used the "ink needle technique" several times to save people.

However, "ink-mark acupuncture" is only suitable for the person who performs the acupuncture to save others, but it cannot be used to save oneself.

Therefore, even if Ximen Yourong knows how to use "ink needle", he cannot use it on himself.

Since Doctor Ai helped her, why would she naively think about the impossible? That ruthless and cruel person, he could order Xueer's life to be killed, which also proved that he could ignore her pain!

Perhaps because she was feeling bored, Ximen Yourong didn't want to worry about how she spent last night. She asked Doctor Ai to rest peacefully, and then she asked Xiang Qing to bring Ximen Ruozun to her.

From now on, she must stick to her original intention that should not be shaken from the beginning. Because this palace is not the place she wants to settle down, and that man is not someone she can honestly rely on.

Ximen Yourong quickly calmed down her mind. As long as her mind was not chaotic, things would not be chaotic.

Soon, someone came to test her state of mind, and that was You Kouyi.

But she did not hesitate to refuse You Kouyi's "visit" because of her weakness.

The palace maid who conveyed Ximen Yourong's "decline" to You Kouyi was Qiao'er. You Kouyi was not dissatisfied because Ximen Yourong turned him away. She asked Manzhi to hand over the supplements given by Dongling Yuanyong.

to Qiaoer, and then said:

"Is the queen's health feeling better? Are you taking good care of her?"

Qiao'er raised her eyes to look at You Kouyi, then she lowered her head slightly and responded:

"The Queen has woken up, and the servants are taking care of her attentively. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

You Kouyi's eyes flashed for a moment, and she glanced at the closed palace door. She could still vaguely hear the child's giggle.

Qiaoer also followed the child's laughter and said casually:

"Maybe it's because of the Queen's love, or because the Queen used all the "purifying flowers" given by the Imperial Concubine on Young Master Ximen's wounds, so Young Master Ximen recovered quickly."

"The Queen loves Young Master Ximen, and it is reasonable for her to take care of him first. Even the Queen's injury is worrying. It's a pity that I only have one "Cleaning Flower", which cannot meet the needs of the Queen's nephew.


"When the empress had a fever last night, Dr. Ai originally planned to use the "Pure Dust Flower" for the empress to use as a medicine, but then Dr. Ai gave the "Pure Dust Flower" to Dr. Zhong, who was taking care of the young master, to use it on the young master.

At that time, the imperial doctor also said that the precious "dust-purifying flower" does not need to be used on the young master's injury, and that it would be more suitable for the empress to use it."

Qiaoer said something casually, and Youkoyi seemed to listen attentively. Then Youkoyi left Lengyue Palace without asking any more questions.

Qiaoer returned to Ximen Yourong with the supplements sent by You Kouyi and reported:

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Concubine has left. These supplements were given to the Imperial Concubine by Your Majesty. The Imperial Concubine said that she did not dare to enjoy them alone. It happened that the Imperial Concubine was injured, so she gave some to the Imperial Concubine."

Ximen Yourong didn't even look at those high-quality supplements. She said calmly:

"Take it down, use it if you need it, put it away if you don't need it."

Qiaoer obediently said "yes" and went down carrying those supplements.

Xiang Qing glanced at Qiaoer's leaving figure, and after confirming that she was out, Xiang Qing said with some anger and disbelief:

"It's really strange. No matter how I look at it, I don't think that the gentle and soft Qiao'er has such bad intentions. Moreover, she is two years younger than me. She looks innocent and not as good at lying as me. But how can she

Are you going to become Concubine You and do all the dirty work here with us?"

Ximen Yourong was calm. She gently teased her little nephew who was lively and active again, and said nonchalantly:

"She doesn't belong to Lengyue Palace in the first place, and there's no such thing as cheating. She's just loyal to her master."

Starting from the "sleeping drug accident" on the wedding day, Ximen Yourong guessed that the master Qiaoer really worked for was someone else.

The reason why Qiaoer was initially kept by her side as the second palace maid was because she fell in love with Qiaoer's clean and quiet temperament.

In fact, Qiaoer was indeed so quiet in front of her that she felt comfortable. But it turned out that she had misjudged him, and Qiaoer's obedience and quietness were just to suit her preferences.

Qiaoer's disguise could have been very successful, but on the day of the wedding, she caught a severe cold and lay in bed, bustling in and out without participating.

When Ximen Yourong drank tea for the first time and found out that there was a drowsiness drug in it, she didn't suspect whoever had given the drowsy drug to Qiao'er. After all, Qiao'er was so sick that it was difficult to get up!

It wasn't until she returned to Lengyue Palace after the ceremony to drink the tea again that she found that the amount of drowsiness in the water was even heavier.

In other words, someone added more medicine to the tea when she left the palace to perform the ceremony.

Of course, this is not the reason for Ximen Yourong to doubt Qiao'er. The reason for her to doubt Qiao'er is that when she returned to the dormitory, there was still a faint scent of jasmine floating in the palace, which was the smell of Qiao'er.

If Qiaoer was not sick, she would definitely help take care of Ximen Yourong. Therefore, it is understandable that she left a smell when she went in and out of Ximen Yourong's bedroom.

But Qiao'er was sick and didn't get out of bed that day. How could she go in and out of her bedroom? And after that, Qiao'er even stayed in bed for three days before she got better.

When Qiao'er came back to serve her, the scent of jasmine on Qiao'er's body basically convinced Ximen Yourong that it was Qiao'er who had administered the drug.

However, at that time, Dongling Yuan and Yong both opened and closed their eyes, so Ximen Yourong naturally pretended not to know.

What's more, she still doesn't know who Qiao'er is used for, and she also wants to know what plans the owner behind Qiao'er has against her?

At that time, she did not want to stir up trouble and provoke the people behind the scheme. She could only show others that she was ignorant and didn't know she was being plotted, so that she could spend more time to figure out how she should deal with this palace!

After that, Ximen Yourong also asked Xiang Qing to keep an eye on Qiaoer's movements secretly, and the conclusion was naturally as she expected, Qiaoer indeed had another owner.

Moreover, Ximen Yourong was not surprised at all that the master Qiaoer worked for was You Kouyi.

However, Qiaoer didn't know that the news she usually secretly revealed to You Kouyi was deliberately made known to them.

Including letting Qiaoer see Xueer bite her and Ximen Ruozun with his own eyes, as well as letting Qiaoer contact You Kouyi just now, were all intentional actions by Ximen Yourong.

Therefore, everything You Kouyi knows about Lengyue Palace so far is something that Ximen Yourong can hide or not. Qiaoer has no way of knowing what should be hidden.

However, Dongling Yuanyong clearly knew some relatively sensitive things about her, but he seemed to have been helping her hide them.

Moreover, if she guessed correctly, Dongling Yuanyong should also know that there was Xiao Zuo around her, but he pretended not to know like her.

It's just that she doesn't want to guess what Dongling Yuanyong's plan is. She just wants to think carefully about what she should do next to take her little nephew safely away from the land of right and wrong in order to live freely.

Furthermore, even if she didn't consider her nephew, she still had to keep herself away from that warm place that she was almost obsessed with. Otherwise, she was afraid that one day she would be doomed...!

Ximen Yourong thought that she had locked up her disobedient heart, but when she thought of the emperor who messed with her heart, she found that her heart still didn't seem to be locked firmly enough.

The heart that cannot be locked is so tiring...!

Xiang Qing noticed that Ximen Yourong's face was getting more and more worried. She thought Ximen Yourong was worried about how to deal with Qiao'er, so she said:

"Miss, now that we all know Qiao'er's true identity, even if we continue to pretend that we don't know her identity, it's not difficult to find a reason to send her away from Lengyue Palace. Miss, why do you still keep her and look upset?


"If you send one craftsman away, another one will come, so why bother doing so much!"

Since You Kouyi had placed spies in Lengyue Palace from the beginning, how could she stop making other arrangements just because Qiaoer was sent away?

Instead of facing You Kouyi's new trick, she might as well use Qiao'er to confuse You Kouyi. Anyway, now Qiao'er is in the light and she is in the dark, who is using whom is still unknown!

This chapter has been completed!
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