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Chapter 65: People Who Can Dominate the Fengmen

Ximen Yourong had already known about You Kouyi's arrangements in Lengyue Palace, but You Kouyi still thought that he had hidden them deeply.

After leaving Lengyue Palace and returning to Xiangyun Palace, You Kouyi's mind never stopped thinking.

Although she was turned away by Ximen Yourong today, she thought she got enough information.

Ximen Yourong used his physical weakness as an excuse not to see her, but intentionally or unintentionally let her hear the funny and joyful sounds of her and her little nephew.

That was obviously Ximen Yourong hinting that she was not too weak to see guests, but just didn't want to see her.

Of course, You Kouyi didn't care whether Ximen Yourong saw her or not. What she cared about was why Ximen Yourong refused to see her?

You Kouyi was still thinking about this. Manzhi sent the other palace people down, then she looked at You Kouyi and said:

"Your Majesty, there seems to be something wrong with the one in Lengyue Palace. She obviously didn't see your Majesty on purpose today."

You Kouyi didn't even blink. She slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip before saying with a cold smile:

"It seems that our Queen is not as indisputable as we thought. Perhaps, it is not surprising that her strategy is even better!"

"Does the Queen think highly of her? In my opinion, she is jealous of the Queen being favored by His Majesty, and is not willing to lose favor, so she deliberately uses her position as Queen to show off to the Queen, right?" Manzhi said with some disdain.


"In your eyes, is the Queen such an ignorant person?"

You Kouyi's furrowed eyebrows showed that she rejected Manzhi's opinion. Although Ximen Yourong did not have the gorgeous power of her mother's family like her, Ximen Yourong's state of mind revealed a nobility that could not be ignored.

Therefore, Ximen Yourong would never look down on Dongling Yuanyong because he favored her. Because Ximen Yourong would not bother doing such superficial things at all.

But it is undeniable that Ximen Yourong did express some dissatisfaction towards her today.

But, what is Ximen Yourong's dissatisfaction with her? Or is Ximen Yourong trying to warn her?

With eyes darkened, You Kouyi suddenly asked cautiously:

"Manzhi, are you sure everything in the palace is hidden deep enough?"

Manzhi paused slightly, then she whispered back:

"Don't worry, Madam, the "Shadowers" we arranged have integrated well into the palace. No one will know their identities except us."

"But why do I feel something is wrong!" You Kouyi gradually felt uneasy.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. The people we have chosen to enter the palace are all the top "shadow users" of the "Yuanmen". They have enough ability to avoid being discovered by others. Moreover, except for Lingbi, there are several other "shadow people".

"The one who can control the Enemy Sect" does not know that the person who can control the "Enemy Sect" is in the palace. Therefore, even if someone accidentally exposes his identity, we will definitely not be involved. As for Lingbi, the empress also knows her loyalty.

Otherwise, the empress would not agree to let her enter the Lengyue Palace to perform her mission."

Manzhi didn't think there was anything to worry about. The "Lingbi" she was talking about was actually the second palace maid next to Ximen Yourong, Qiaoer.

During this period, the disturbances in Lengyue Palace were naturally transmitted to Xiangyun Palace secretly by Lingbi.

Who would have thought that in recent years, the dark sect "The Enemy Sect" that has made people famous in the world would be a force that You Kouyi can use at any time!

As early as when Dongling Yuanyong came to You Zhongru to seek cooperation, everyone, including Dongling Yuanyong, thought that it was You Zhongru who put forward the conditions for You Kouyi to marry into the palace for his own benefit.

As everyone knows, it was You Kouyi himself who was really seeking his own benefit from the beginning.

You Kouyi has grown up in the intrigues of a deep house since birth.

She was not favored by You Zhongru from the very beginning, but she also learned how to become the most noble daughter of Dacheng in the eyes of outsiders through the influence of her ears and eyes!

Because of her extraordinary intelligence and strategy, she has a lot of insight when discussing matters.

Therefore, You Zhongru prefers You Kooyi's ambition and shrewdness to his other sons. When he needs to discuss something, You Kooyi is also his first choice!

It was under such circumstances that You Kouyi learned that Dongling Yuanyong was bound to return to the imperial city for revenge.

You Zhongru did not dare to agree to Dongling Yuanyong at first. After all, no one dared to challenge the power of the Ximen clan at that time. Naturally, You Zhongru would not risk the entire You clan rashly.

However, You Kouyi believed that this was not an adventure, but a good opportunity for You to occupy the top position among the powerful ministers of Dacheng.

If Dongling Yuanyong successfully returns to the imperial city, he will definitely kill the Ximen clan, and the You family will also gain the aura of being the first among the heroes because of helping Dongling Yuanyong.

The reason why You Kouyi is so confident is because "Yuanmen" has found out a lot of information that can be used for her.

Among them, the unjust death of Queen Fuxuan was the most source of hatred for Dongling Yuanyong.

However, Dongling Yuanyong had already mastered a lot of evidence that the "Enemy Sect" secretly discovered, so You Kouyi would not bother to announce her source of information.

She is a powerful and powerful lady in everyone's eyes. How can she let people know that a dark sect that has arisen in the world is closely linked to her?

From the moment she invested all her future ambitions in Dongling Yuanyong, her goal was to become the most noble woman in Dacheng Kingdom.

Until now, even if Ximen Yourong appears and disrupts her expectations, she is still confident that her goal can be achieved.

However, she underestimated Ximen Yourong's presence. Now how can she make Ximen Yourong take off the phoenix crown completely?

You Kouyi was thinking, her beautiful eyes suddenly became deeper, she looked at Manzhi and said suspiciously:

"Just now in Lengyue Palace, don't you think we obtained the information we wanted too smoothly?"

Manzhi was stunned. After recalling what happened in Lengyue Palace, she guessed and asked:

"Does the empress feel that Lingbi's dual identity has been exposed?"

"It's not impossible. Otherwise, why did Lingbi come to convey Ximen Yourong's refusal to see me?"

"But Lingbi herself is the second palace maid promoted by Ximen Yourong. Isn't it normal for her to convey Ximen Yourong's instructions?"

"No! It seems normal, but it's more like deliberate!"

You Kouyi was very thoughtful. Before she thought about it, she thought it was just a coincidence that Lingbi came to convey Ximen Yourong's instructions.

However, Ximen Yourong's abnormality was obvious, which made You Kouyi suspect that Ximen Yourong might already know that the "Qiao'er" beside her had another identity.

If this is the case, then...some uncertain doubts suddenly came to You Kouyi's mind.

Manzhi looked at You Kouyi's increasingly solemn expression and comforted her:

"Your Majesty, Lingbi is meticulous in her work. If there is anything abnormal, she will notice it. She just delivered useful information to us as usual, which proves that her actions in Lengyue Palace have not been hindered."

You Kouyi listened to Manzhi's analysis, and she became a little more settled. Then she thought of Lingbi ~ that is, Qiaoer "accidentally" said that Ximen Yourong did not use "Pure Dust Flower" as a medicine.

She thought about it in silence and asked:

"Mr. Ai did not use the "Chenchen Flower" on Ximen Yourong. There must be a reason...or is it because she was reluctant to use it on herself and only thought about her little nephew?"

Lingbi also deliberately mentioned that Dr. Zhong, who was responsible for taking care of Ximen Ruozun, was also wondering why "Jingchen Flower" was not used on Ximen Yourong's wounds, but on Ximen Ruozun's small wounds.

Even if Ximen Yourong only thinks about her little nephew, Ximen Ruozun's injury is not that serious. Using "Jingchen Flower" as a medicine is simply a waste of such precious medicinal materials.

When Manzhi heard You Kouyi's doubts, she suddenly came up with a guess and said:

"Maybe it's not that Ximen Yourong is reluctant to use it, but that she can't use it!"

"She can't use it?"

You Kouyi failed to understand what Manzhi meant, and Manzhi immediately explained:

"Although the Purifying Flower is a precious medicinal material that is hard to find for hundreds of years, please don't forget, Madam, the Purifying Flower is also a medicinal material for the Yin."

"So what about Zhiyin...?"

You Kouyi stopped before she finished speaking, because she immediately understood what Manzhi meant.

She had always suspected that Ximen Yourong had some unknown secrets. Among them, the fact that Ximen Yourong was more afraid of cold than ordinary people made her even more suspicious.

Thinking about it this way, it makes perfect sense that Ximen Yourong's body is not sensitive to the cold and cannot be treated with "purifying flowers".

But, what kind of body is so cold and fearful that it cannot accept the Zhiyin pharmacology of "Pure Dust Flower"?

But no matter what problems Ximen Yourong has, what is certain is that Ximen Yourong should have deliberately prevented Lingbi from discovering her strangeness. Otherwise, Lingbi would not have reported anything until now.

However, it’s no wonder that Lingbi couldn’t notice anything strange about Ximen Yourong, because Ximen Yourong was just like a normal person on weekdays. Who would think that there might be something wrong with her body?

However, these are just her unsubstantiated conjectures. If she wants to truly grasp Ximen Yourong's secret, she needs to find evidence, otherwise, her conjectures will have no meaning!

At the moment, the person who knows the most about Ximen Yourong's physical problem is probably Dr. Ai.

However, Imperial Physician Ai is from Dongling Yuanyong. She still doesn’t know whether Dongling Yuanyong is really estranged from Ximen Yourong or is just pretending to be angry, so she can’t rush to Physician Ai to inquire about something, lest she herself may easily be tempted.

People pay attention.

However, if you can't inquire openly, you can only investigate secretly. Fortunately, there is already a shadow person from the "Enemy Sect" in the palace, so she is not worried at all that she will not find any clues.

As long as she can understand everything about Ximen Yourong, she won't be afraid that she won't be able to find the most suitable way to tear off the phoenix crown on Ximen Yourong's head at once...!

You Kouyi's ambition for the second position is getting stronger and stronger, perhaps because Dongling Yuanyong favored her last night, and her feelings for Dongling Yuanyong have become more simple.

Therefore, she is even more determined to become the mother of Dacheng. Only when she stands side by side with Dongling Yuanyong can she truly possess the supreme man of Dacheng, and she also has unlimited power!

When You Kouyi was busy thinking about her ambitions, she didn't know that Dongling Yuanyong in Longtai Palace was also "thinking" about her.

It's just that Dongling Yuanyong "misses her" not because of missing her, but because of doubt!

This chapter has been completed!
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