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Chapter 95: Are You Drinking Fake Alcohol?

Lanti's mouth was dry as he ran away. When he saw a bowl of broth on the table, he picked it up and drank it.

He choked and coughed a few times before holding back and saying: "Captain, it's not good, the Qin army is coming."

Captain Right was so frightened that he stood up immediately and said, "What? Where are they? How many people are there?"

Randy said: "We should have almost reached the gate."

The captain on the right immediately drew his bronze sword and rushed out of the camp, giving the order to assemble.

When Captain You rushed to the gate of the camp with more than a hundred troops who had just gathered, he found only Ye Feng alone.

The right captain frowned and asked Xiang Lanti: "Is this the other party's spy?"

Randy shook his head and said, "No."

The captain on the right asked again: "The opponent's vanguard?"

Randy shook his head and said, "No."

The captain on the right asked impatiently: "What is that?"

Lanti said: "Qin Army."

The captain on the right said helplessly: "Nonsense, I didn't know this was the Qin army? I was asking, where is their main force?"

Randy said: "That's him."

The right captain was speechless and said: "Is he alone? You ran into my camp in a panic and asked me to gather thousands of people just to deal with one person?"

This time Randy nodded and said, "Yes."

The captain on the right said angrily: "I~" I wanted to curse something, but after thinking about it, I shook my head.

He turned around and said to a guard next to him: "Go ahead, kill this Qin soldier for me." After saying that, he turned around and returned to the big tent.

But just when he took a few steps back, he heard a scream from behind. Then he saw his guard flying over his head in an incredible way.

The captain on the right shouted: "The direction is reversed."

Then he set up an awning and took a look to make sure that the guard had flown far away and could no longer hear him.

The right captain turned around and looked at Ye Feng, only to see Ye Feng riding a horse and holding a copper stick, looking at him with interest.

The captain on the right frowned slightly and said to the left and right: "Come in together and take him down." After that, the five guards rushed towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng clapped his horse to meet him, and rushed forward with his bronze stick to hit the first guard who rushed up. The guard's eyes blurred, and his chest hurt sharply. Before he could react, he flew backwards.

The captain on the right put up an awning with his hands, looked at the guards flying away and shouted: "Where are you going?"

Ye Feng swung his arm in a circle, then the copper rod rotated in a circle and hit the second guard.

The guard raised his bronze sword to block, but with a bang, the guard vomited blood and flew away.

At this time, the third guard had rushed up and stabbed Ye Feng with his sword on the right side of his chest. Ye Feng had to withdraw his stick and block the copper sword. When there was a sound, the copper sword made a trembling sound, and Ye Feng pushed the copper stick towards the guard.

chest, using a copper rod to pick up the guard.

Then he threw it violently at the fourth guard, who rolled off his horse along with the third guard.

The fifth guard knew that he was not an opponent and wanted to rein in his horse and escape, but Ye Feng's copper rod swept him away and flew him away.

Captain Right looked at this scene and everyone was dumbfounded. He kept saying: "I'm going. Hey, I'm going. I'm going. Hey, hey, I'm going."

Lanti had already sneaked back when he saw the fourth guard being knocked away. When he saw all five guards knocked to the ground by Ye Feng, he immediately shouted: "All guards, come up together."

The hundred-man guard of the right captain was also a veteran who had been on the battlefield many times. Seeing Ye Feng's bravery, they did not dare to be careless, and everyone gathered around him.

Lanti saw the right captain watching the fun in a daze, and thought to himself: "If your sister hadn't married King Yiqu, would you, a fool, have become the right captain?"

Lan Ti's mind changed and he thought, "But if you die in battle, will the position of the right captain be~"

Thinking of this, his vision suddenly turned cold, and he quietly walked behind Captain Right, looking around to see if no one was paying attention, and slapped Captain Right's horse on the butt with his sword. The horse was frightened and rushed forward with a neigh.

When all the guards saw the Right Captain rushing toward Ye Feng with a howl and a horse, they all shouted: "The Right Captain is mighty, the Right Captain is so cocky~" Before the guards could shout out the second sentence, they saw Ye Feng's copper.

The stick blew open the head of the right captain.

Someone stuttered and received the message: "Right, right, the captain of the right army has exploded. No, right, right, the captain of the right army has exploded."

The uninformed person behind asked: "What equipment exploded?"

If the general dies in battle, the guards will take full responsibility. These guards will definitely die, unless they can kill Ye Feng, they may have a chance to avoid death.

At this time, the captain of the guard shouted: "Kill him and avenge the right captain."

The guards have also reacted, and they are all fighting to the death. Because they know that if they can kill Ye Feng, they will be able to overcome the problem, or their family members will not be implicated if they die in battle.

Therefore, there is only one choice before them, and that is to fight to the death.

Ye Feng saw a group of lunatic-like people rushing towards him. He was a little panicked. The copper rod started sweeping left and right without knowing the direction. He swept dozens of people in a row and the copper rod was bent.

One of the guards shouted: "His weapons have been broken by us, let's all go up and kill him."

Then a group of people roared and rushed in Ye Feng's direction.

Ye Feng cursed: "Baga, Lu Smida, you are drinking fake wine."

At this moment, an unknown person attacked Ye Feng's horse. Ye Feng's horse collapsed to the ground, and Ye Feng fell off the horse.

At this time, another guard shouted: "I have knocked him to the ground, he is dying. Everyone, kill him."

I don't know who shouted again: "Dacan, Dacan, come on, come on."

Facing the crowd from behind, the people in the front row who could clearly see the situation were cursing in their hearts: "A horse is buying a skin. What kind of son of a bitch is shouting nonsense."

Although Ye Feng danced like a tiger with a bronze stick, he was still forced by the guards to retreat to the Yongshui River.

Upon seeing this, Lanti immediately ran back to the camp and gathered more troops to rush towards Ye Feng. Because there were too many people, the guards in the front were squeezed towards Ye Feng, and some of the guards in the front were even pulled by the people behind to resist Ye Feng's copper rod.

The worst thing was that the guards in the front row, some injured and some dead, were used as human shields against Ye Feng. This made Ye Feng's space for movement smaller and smaller.

But his copper stick could only hit the corpse that was lifted up in front. If only one person was holding the corpse, Ye Feng could sweep the corpse and the person away. But with thousands of people from behind, Ye Feng couldn't do it no matter how strong he was.

Sweep everyone away.

In the end, Ye Feng, the corpses of these guards, and some guards were squeezed into the Yongshui River.

Falling in the air, Ye Feng secretly thought it was bad because he couldn't swim.

Ye Feng shouted: "Give me a life saver!" Before he finished speaking, he fell into the rushing river with a thud and was quickly washed away by the rushing river.

Chuan Jianguo, who was in the distance, saw this and said anxiously: "Should we give him a lifebuoy?"

Obama rolled his eyes at Chuan Jianguo and said, "Are you stupid? We are here to kill him, why save him?"

Chuan Jianguo murmured to himself: "No one knows how to kill better than me. He should die in my hands."

Obama looked at Ye Feng floating into the distance and ignored Chuan Jianguo.

Yongcheng was the capital of the Qin State in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in China. From the first year of Qin De (677 BC) to the second year of Qin Xiangong (383 BC), the capital was established here for 294 years. There were 19 kings of Qin here.

It was the capital of Qin State for the longest time.

Yongcheng is a "riverside city" with a river as its city. It is the "Qin Capital on the Water". The Qin Dynasty used water to defend its enemies for 200 years and built the first city wall. Its location is in Fengxiang, Baoji, Shaanxi today.

It's dozens of kilometers outside Yongcheng.

Several women were washing clothes by the river. One woman saw something floating in the distance. When she got closer and saw it clearly, she screamed in fright. The other women looked along and saw only a body.

Floated face down.

Most people die by drowning face down. The debate on this issue originated from ancient autopsy.

"Volume 3·21·Drowning" in the book "Collection of Abandoned Wrongs" records many methods of identifying drowning, including this passage: If the corpse was drowned before death, the male servant will lie down.

, the woman lies on her back.

Modern medicine also has relevant explanations, mainly focusing on the structure of the human body. In particular, the shape and size of the pelvic bones of men and women are different, resulting in a slightly different center of gravity depending on the shape of the pelvis.

When a person is upright, the plane of the pelvic mouth and the horizontal plane present a certain angle, which is also called pelvic inclination.

But in fact this is not the case. According to statistics from the Yangcheng City Public Security Bureau during the ten years from 2003 to 2013, the floating corpses of 751 drowning people were found lying on their backs.

There are 411 male floating corpses facing down, accounting for 79.8%; 104 facing up, accounting for 20.2%; 182 female floating corpses facing down, accounting for 79.1%; 48 facing up, accounting for 20.8%


Both men and women are more likely to face down, and the proportion is close to 80%, while the proportion of facing up is about 20%. There is no difference due to different genders. In other words, it has nothing to do with gender.


One of the brave women picked up a thick branch from the river and hooked the body over. They saw that the body had been soaked and swollen. At the same time, someone immediately ran to find Zheng Zheng.

Li was the head of a li and was responsible for household registration, taxes and servitude. During the Guang Dynasty, he was renamed the head of the li.

The number of five to ten households is one guarantee, which is slightly different in different dynasties. "Gongyang Zhuan. Xuan Gong Fifteenth Year" He Xiu notes: "Eighty households in one li... Those who have defense and health are called lizheng."

Ten li is a pavilion, and there is a post of pavilion chief. Ten pavilions are a township, and there are three elders in the township, who have rank, stingy husband, and wander.

The three elders are in charge of education, while the stingy husband is in charge of litigation and tax collection. Traveling and traveling are prohibited, thieves and thefts are prohibited. The county magistrate is a hundred miles away, and the density of the people is reduced, and the sparseness is vast. The same is true for villages and pavilions, which are all under the Qin system.

Personally, I think Li Zheng should originate from the urban areas or residential areas. Because during this period, one family had hundreds of acres of farmland.

One acre is ten paces by ten paces, one hundred acres is one hundred paces by one hundred paces, and one mile is three hundred paces by three hundred paces, so nine hundred acres is one mile. Then there are only nine households within the jurisdiction of one mile.

Houses are much smaller. Common people's houses generally have an acre of land. "Book of Rites. Confucianism" records that "a Confucian scholar has an acre of palace."

Soon a Li Zheng came over with two security guards. When Li Zheng saw that the man's body had expired, he asked the security chief to send the body to Yizhuang. Li Zheng said to himself: "What have you committed recently?"

Evil? Why are there dead people everywhere? I'll have to find a sorcerer to do some divination some other time."

Two security guards found an ox cart and transported the body to Yizhuang.

Yizhuang is located halfway up the mountain in a relatively remote area, and there is a bold watchman on duty here. This man is called Zhao Dadan, and he is a widower. He lives in Yizhuang and has little contact with the outside world.

He is withdrawn and rarely talks to others. The income of a watchman in Yizhuang is relatively high, which is enough for him to eat well. He also cultivates wasteland in the nearby mountains, so his life is better than that of ordinary people.

At this time, Yizhuang was relatively simple, with only one courtyard. After entering the main gate, on the right hand side was the place where Zhao Dadan, who managed Yizhuang, lived, and directly in front was the place where the corpse was placed.

This chapter has been completed!
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