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Chapter 96 My teeth are fine

The room where the body was placed was very large, and there were some memorial tablets on one side, with incense and wood burning in front of it. There were no incense candles of later generations at this period.

The two security guards placed the body on an empty wooden board and left in a hurry.

What no one noticed was that the corpse was dripping water all the time. Water dripped from the pores of the corpse as if it was sweating.

The swollen corpse also slowly changed, and slowly "reduced the swelling". The face that was originally hideous due to swelling and could not be distinguished became gradually clearer.

The skin gradually turned from pale to blood-colored, and the damp clothes on his body began to evaporate a little bit of heat.

At this time, Li Zheng came in with two officials and two security guards sent by the county to investigate the corpse.

One of the two officials sent by the county was a criminal official, and the other was a junior official under him.

Li Zheng had an unlucky look on his face, because he managed hundreds of households within a mile, and recently three corpses were discovered one after another. Two of them were female corpses and one was male. The male corpse was the one just fished out of the water.

The female corpses were discovered in the morning and last night respectively. The difference is that the clothes of the male corpse are in tatters, while the two female corpses are naked. It is not known whether they were violated.

What they didn't know was that the clothes of the male corpse were torn by swords, halberds and other weapons.

Several people first walked to the male corpse to check it out. The security guard first stepped forward and uncovered the straw mat on the male corpse.

Another security guard nearby shouted in surprise: "It's Zhao DaDa."

Li Zheng hurriedly stepped forward to see the face of the corpse and said with the same surprise: "Why is it him?"

The clerk stepped forward, took a look, covered his nose and backed away, saying, "This smell should have lasted me two days."

Li Zheng said doubtfully: "It's impossible, I saw him yesterday."

As soon as these words came out, a gloomy wind blew by, and everyone couldn't help but tremble.

Several people couldn't help but peek around, and everyone reflexively took a few steps back toward the door.

Someone knocked off a piece of wood while retreating. A security guard was startled by the sound and yelled.

When everyone looked at Mu Mu and the security chief, Zhao DaDa suddenly sat up.

This scene happened to be seen by Li Zheng, who pointed tremblingly at Zhao Dadan and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, yes, yes, yes, ghost, ghost~"

Everyone looked in the direction that Li was pointing, and saw Zhao DaDang sitting up unsteadily with his eyes closed.

Everyone couldn't help but hugged together in fear.

At this time, Zhao boldly cursed: "Which blind turtle son is shouting randomly and disturbing my dream?"

A more courageous security guard seemed to think of something when he heard Zhao boldly say this.

He stepped forward and slapped Zhao Daring on the back of the head, scolding: "You little bitch, did you drink too much and come here to sleep?"

After that, he covered his nose with his hand and said, "I don't even take a shower when I have time. My body smells like I've been dead for a few days."

When the clerk heard this, he couldn't help but smack his mouth in embarrassment.

At this time, everyone also understood the ins and outs of the matter, and awkwardly put down their hands holding each other.

Li Zheng straightened his clothes and scolded him: "You are so naughty. You don't sleep when you have a place of your own. You have to come to sleep where the corpse is. If you disturb the superior officer, you will be rewarded."

After saying that, he turned around and apologized to Xing Mingshi with a smile: "My subordinates are not strict in controlling me. Please forgive me, Mr. Xing Mingshi."

Zhao boldly smiled and said: "Shouldn't I familiarize myself with the environment in advance? I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Xing Mingshi has also seen the world, so he calmed down a little and said: "It doesn't matter, let's continue investigating the case. Business is more important."

There was a lot of urgency on this matter, so Xing Mingshi didn't want to cause trouble.

Everyone came to look at the two female corpses.

Li Zheng explained to Xing Mingshi and the clerk: "The female corpse on the left was discovered by hunter Zhao Er in the back mountain last night. He ran a little far after chasing a hare, so he came back late."

"And because I was a little lost, I walked straight through the jungle and stumbled over the body in the forest. I took people to move the body back overnight, and I didn't have time to register it."

Then he turned to the female corpse on the right and said: "This female corpse is the night watchman this morning. She saw a masked man carrying a bag acting suspiciously, so he stepped forward to inquire. Before the night watchman came forward, the man

Turn around and run."

"The night watchman stepped forward to chase him. In order to run faster, the man dropped the bag and ran away. The night watchman stepped forward and opened the bag and found the female body."

Xing Mingshi asked: "What are the characteristics of that man? Which direction did he come from and which direction did he run to?"

Li Zheng turned around and looked at one of the security guards. The security guard stepped forward and replied: "Those who came from Yongshui Pavilion ran to Yongshui Pavilion again." The deputy Xing Mingshi carefully recorded it on the bamboo slips.

Xing Mingshi looked at the first female corpse carefully and saw that this female corpse had a purple complexion and teeth marks on her left breast. There were no obvious fatal injuries on her body. There was a little blood and some liquid flowing out of her vagina.

At this time, someone behind him said: "This woman was strangled to death."

Everyone was looking at the corpse carefully. Xing Mingshi looked at the corpse and wondered: "How can you see it?"

The person behind her explained: "Her complexion is purple and her eyes are bulging, which is caused by lack of oxygen. Well, she can't breathe and suffocates to death. And you can see the fingerprints on her neck, which proves this."

"In addition, judging from the fingerprints on the neck and the tooth marks on the breasts, this person is left-handed and has one missing tooth on the upper left side."

The voice paused and continued: "From this, it can be inferred that the murderer should be a physically strong man, and he may be a person who usually likes to be brave and aggressive."

Xing Mingshi looked at the handprints and teeth marks carefully and asked puzzledly: "How do you know that this person is left-handed? And he lacks front teeth? How do you know that this person is a strong man? And he is brave enough to fight?"

The person behind explained: "There are four fingerprints on the woman's right neck and one fingerprint on the left neck. These are the marks left by the left hand of the person facing her who strangled her neck." Xing Mingshi gestured with his left hand and nodded.

, and have the deputy record it.

The person behind continued to explain: "To be able to strangle an adult woman to death with one hand, he must be a strong man. And the fingerprints are very thick, indicating that the hands are very big."

"Generally, people with big hands are also relatively tall, so he may be a tall and strong man." Xing Mingshi continued to nod.

The person behind said: "There is a tooth mark missing on the upper right side of the tooth mark left on the woman's body. Because the person who made the tooth mark was facing the woman, the missing tooth should be on the upper left side."

"Generally, young and strong people rarely lose teeth. Nine times out of ten, tooth loss is caused by external force, and this external force is probably caused by fighting. So it is speculated that he may be a brave and ruthless person."

Xing Mingshi nodded and said: "Yes, there is some truth."

The person behind said again: "The other female corpse should have been cooked to death." As soon as they finished speaking, everyone looked at the other female corpse, and saw that the skin and flesh of this female corpse were separated, which was very scary.

"Her skin and flesh are all cracked, and the surface flesh is white. The flesh is ulcerated and the gaps are bright red. It is caused by high-temperature boiling." The man behind explained.

Xing Mingshi said angrily: "Who could kill an innocent woman so cruelly?"

The man behind said: "It should be the same person. The teeth marks on this woman's shoulder are the same as those on the woman next to her."

Everyone looked at the woman's shoulder. Xing Mingshi nodded after looking at it. Yes, the two teeth marks were indeed similar.

The man Satoshi suddenly had an idea and said: "Look at the male corpse, is it missing any teeth?" Satoshi thought that if the man was the murderer, the case could be closed.

In all likelihood, it was this man who committed the murder, and was discovered while transporting the body. He fled in a hurry, accidentally fell into the river and drowned.

But when everyone looked at the empty wooden board, they were stunned on the spot.

At this time, the man behind continued: "My teeth are fine. If you don't believe me, look at it."

Everyone broke out in cold sweat upon hearing this. Especially the two security guards standing at the back were so frightened that their legs kept shaking.

Everyone turned their heads mechanically, and when they looked back, they were horrified to see the male corpse just now, grinning at them as if he wanted to eat someone.

The security guard who carried the man's body stammered: "Ghost, ghost, that's him~" before he could finish his sentence, he fainted.

The others either fainted or ran out screaming in fright, but Zhao stood boldly and did not move.

The man discovered that Zhao DaDang was not leaving, and said happily: "Hey, I didn't realize it, you are so brave~" He patted Zhao DaDang.

I saw some yellow and white substance leaking out from between Zhao Dadan's trousers, and then he fainted and fell to the ground.

The man swallowed his last words and changed his words: "Baga, Lusmida, is also a coward."

It turned out that this man was Ye Feng, who went into the water that night. He was washed here by Yongshui River and was fished out as a corpse.

Ye Feng covered his nose and walked away a little. He looked around. He felt very hungry now. He looked around and saw nothing to eat, so he walked outside.

Ye Feng came to Zhao DaDa's residence and found Zhao DaDa's freshly cooked soybeans and soybean pods mixed together to make bean soup.

Ye Feng drank it all without being polite, and then looked around to see if there was anything else to eat.

Ye Feng comforted himself and said, "I'm not stealing, I'm trying to avoid danger."

Ye Feng remembered that he had seen a lecturer named Zhang San who used this term in legal knowledge before, and while rummaging through the boxes and cabinets looking for something to eat.

During this period, most people who did not farm did not have much overnight grain. Those who farmed had stored the grain in batches and were reluctant to eat it.

Ye Feng didn't find the place where Zhao DaDa stored food, but only found some temporarily packed soybeans in a jar.

Ye Feng was so hungry that he cooked and ate everything. What he didn't know was that this was Zhao DaDang's remaining grain for half a month, and poor Zhao DaDang could only eat bean sprouts for the remaining half of the month.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, ate other people's rations for half a month in one breath, but was only half full.

Ye Feng looked at his clothes, thought about it for a while, changed into Zhao Bingdao's clothes, and then left angrily.

Ye Feng didn't know the road, so he could only walk along the main road. Rather than saying it is a road, in fact, it is best to use Lu Xun's words, "There is no road in the world. When more people walk, it becomes a road."

There were only a few people along the way, and I only saw an old man after walking for a long time.

Ye Feng caught up with the old man and asked, "Uncle, please tell me how to get to Yangcheng." As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Feng almost gave himself a slap in the face. He asked the question without thinking, and he said it smoothly.

The old man turned his head to look at Ye Feng and shook his head. Ye Feng expected that Yangcheng was still a wild land at this time and was not under Gu Wa's jurisdiction.

Ye Feng asked: "Well, old man, how can I get to Xianyang?"

The old man had heard of this name, but he still shook his head and said, "I don't know. You can ask the director of the pavilion."

This chapter has been completed!
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