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Chapter 100

The skyline in the distance to the east is filled with fiery red, which is the scene when the sun is about to rise.

Ye Feng likes to watch the red clouds and sky the most, which is why Ye Feng likes to watch the sunrise.

Ye Feng was admiring the beautiful scenery when he suddenly heard a faint noise coming from not far away.

Ye Feng looked around and vaguely saw several men escorting or driving two women forward.

But because they were too far away, I couldn't hear what they said, and I couldn't see clearly whether they were being escorted.

But judging from the way they were pushed and pushed while walking, it seemed that they were not friendly.

Two women were surrounded in the middle, and one of them kept pushing the two women forward.

What Ye Feng thought of was "kidnapping."

Ye Feng shouted loudly: "Let go of those two women and let me come. No, you come first. No, I come first. Bah. Come at me."

It's a pity that he was too far away and the other party didn't notice him.

Ye Feng helplessly muttered to himself: "Hey, are you ignoring me? Are you looking down on people?" As he spoke, he walked down the mountain.

As the saying goes: "It's easier to go up the mountain than it is to go down the mountain." It took Ye Feng half an hour to get down to the foot of the mountain. When he ran over and saw that the other party had long since disappeared, Ye Feng chased them for a while in the direction they were traveling.

Not far away, I saw a large house on the roadside, and just in time an old man who looked like a servant came out to sweep the floor.

Ye Feng stepped forward and asked: "Old man, did you see a few men escorting two women passing by just now?"

The old man's eyes narrowed and he said quickly: "No. I just opened the door and only saw you coming."

Ye Feng asked: "I'm from out of town, where is this place?"

The old man glanced at Ye Feng and said: "This is Baifu, Dayong Township. Young man, if you have nothing to do, please leave. My master's car will be there in a moment, so don't block the road."

When Ye Feng saw that the old man had issued an order to expel guests, he had no choice but to leave.

After not walking far, a big man dragging an iron chain followed behind him, and Ye Feng became wary.

Ye Feng thought to himself: "Is there something wrong with the White House? You dare to send people to arrest me in broad daylight? You even bring a dog chain, that's too much."

Ye Feng couldn't help but get angry, so he slowly slowed down and waited for the big man to follow.

When the big man approached, Ye Feng turned around and asked, "Do you think you can catch me just by holding a dog chain?"

The big man was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the iron chain in his hand. He shouted in surprise: "Hey, where is my dog?" After saying that, the big man turned and walked away, leaving a confused Ye Feng swaying alone in the wind.

Ye Feng walked forward for a while and found that he was back at Yongshui Pavilion. Without any other discoveries along the way, Ye Feng returned to Jiangchuan's house.

Back at Jiangchuan's house, Jiangchuan's family had already gotten up and were busy cooking, chopping firewood, and fetching water.

During this period, people work at sunrise and rest at sundown. It is not because of Ye Feng that they get up early.

Jiangchuan saw Jia Shuangbai boiling a full cup of bean soup, and said angrily: "What's wrong? I told you yesterday, are you dissatisfied? Is it intentional to make so much bean soup?"

Jia Shuangbai asked Edo and found out that the leaf maple was very edible, so he made a lot of pottery.

Jia Shuangbai said, "We'll find out after we eat." Jia Shuangbai felt that it was useless to say more, because no one would believe that someone could eat so much.

Jiang Chuan said angrily: "Are you still angry?" Just as he was talking, he saw Ye Feng coming back.

Instead, he whispered: "I'll take care of you later."

Ye Feng and Jiang Chuan said: "Brother Jiang Chuan, who is that Baifu in the east? What does it do?"

Jiang Chuan asked strangely: "Why do you ask this?"

Ye Feng said: "I just passed by and saw that their house is very big, so I asked casually to see if there was any chance to find something to do and earn some travel expenses."

Jiang Chuan pulled Ye Feng and said: "Brother, listen to my elder brother's advice. Don't get close to the Bai Mansion in the future, and don't get involved with the people in the Bai Mansion. If you want to earn travel expenses, my brother will help you find a place. Don't go to their house."

Ye Feng asked strangely: "Brother, why do you talk about Bai Mansion as if you are encountering a scourge?"

Although he was at home, Jiang Chuan still looked around to see if there was no one else outside the wall, and then whispered to Ye Feng, "Brother Ye Feng, you are not a local, so I don't know."

"The master of the White House is named Bai Deng. He is a senior official in the imperial court. He seems to have served as a Situ. Although he is now old and has returned home to take care of his old age, it is said that he has a close relationship with the concubine at that time."

The concubine chief is the official in charge of government affairs, and the number of officials varies from country to country. In the early days of the Eastern Zhou royal family, there were still ministers, and later the Dazai was in charge. The Chu State was initially called Mo Ao, and later called Ling Yin.

The state of Qin was called the concubine. The state of Qi was called the prime minister for a time. Guan Zhong was the famous prime minister at that time. The state of Song was called Dayin. The state of Zheng was called the state. The state of Wu was called Taizai. The state of Jin was called the general of the army. Situ was a military position and led the battle.

Soldier's officer.

Ye Feng asked in confusion: "Aren't you just a high-ranking official? What's there to be afraid of? Wouldn't it be a good idea to go to his house to work and make money?"

Jiang Chuan made a low-pitched gesture and continued to explain: "This Bai Deng is murderous. It is said that he often killed the enemy's surrendered soldiers when he fought with Xirong many times."

"And he is a ruthless person. If he doesn't get his way at all, he will break off his hands or even his legs~" Jiang Chuan made a gesture of wiping his neck and did not continue.

Jiang Chuan patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said: "Listen to my brother, your life is important, cherish life, Li Bai's family. Several young men in their family are not good people. They often bully men and dominate women, causing harm to the village."

"Before, their second son had a wishful thinking and wanted to marry our Shuji as a concubine." At this point, Jiang Chuan said angrily.

Ye Feng said: "This kind of person must not marry his daughter to him, this kind of person will harm others."

Jiang Chuan said: "Of course we can't marry our Shuji to him. My eldest cousin helps me fight with him. Although his family has some strength, their clan is far worse than my eldest cousin's family."

"In the end, members of my cousin's family came forward to mediate, and he didn't dare to mention it again." When Jiang Chuan said this, he slightly raised his chest and raised his head.

At this time, Edo saw two blood stains on Ye Feng's clothes, and asked: "Uncle Ye, there are blood stains on your clothes, are you injured?"

Only then did Ye Feng notice that it turned out that many of the clothes worn by civilians during this period were hemp and a little rough, and his skin was bleeding after running for a long time.

Ye Feng didn't know what to call a man's vagina at this time, and there was a woman present, so he said: "Oh, it's okay, there are two knots on my chest that are bleeding."

Edo asked doubtfully: "Is it hemorrhoids?" In his mind, hemorrhoids were only pimples and could bleed.

Jiangchuan couldn't help laughing, and immediately said to Edo: "Children, don't ask random questions, and eat well."

Ye Feng had a black line on his face and said to himself: "Hemorrhoids on your chest? Is that ridiculous?" Ye Feng couldn't say anything, so he kept his head down and continued eating.

Seeing Ye Feng eating a lot of bean soup in a row, Jiang Chuan finally realized that he had wrongly blamed his wife. Ye Feng ate two-thirds of Tao Ge's bean soup by himself, which was almost twice what Jiang Chuan and his family of four ate.

Jiangchuan looked at his Tao Ge and secretly made up his mind that this recruitment of labor must be completed as soon as possible and start as early as possible to save some food for the family.

Jiangchuan thought again: "My eldest cousin said that I can go to his house to get food. I want him to help share some of the work. Otherwise, if this continues and I have to build the city wall by myself for a few months, I am afraid that my wife and daughter will starve.


After dinner, Jiangchuan went to other houses in the surrounding area to inform them that every household would have to contribute labor to build the city wall. He was about to go to work from house to house.

For some families whose eldest son is married and other sons are not married, all undivided families are counted as one household. In this case, Jiangchuan requires them to provide one more laborer.

For those with many boys, most of whom are adults and unmarried, they are still counted as one household during this period. For this situation, Jiangchuan also requires one more laborer.

In fact, there are very few families with only two children like Jiang Chuan's family, most of them have at least three children.

This time Jiang Chuan was surprisingly efficient. He finished the two-day work in one day.

Ye Feng came back from running early the next morning. He didn't even have time to eat, so Jiang Chuan took him to Zhao Kuangyin's house to report on the work progress.

When he arrived at Zhao Kuangyin's house, Zhao Kuangyin was surprised at his cousin's work efficiency this time. He was a little worried and asked about some details. He was relieved after confirming that everything had been communicated and the personnel had been determined.

Just as Zhao Kuangyin's family had prepared the morning meal, Zhao Kuangyin asked politely: "Have you eaten the morning meal?"

Before Ye Feng could speak, Jiang Chuan immediately said: "I came out in a hurry and didn't have time to eat."

Zhao Kuangyin was a little surprised. Jiangchuan had never been so sleepless and forgetful about food at work. What happened this time? But he didn't think about it and said, "Then you can eat at my place."

There was a servant in Zhao Kuangyin's family. Zhao Kuangyin ordered the servant to bring out the food, and the three of them started eating.

During the meal, Jiang Chuan found an opportunity to whisper to Zhao Kuangyin: "Eldest cousin, you said before that you would share the rations for brother Ye Feng, so give me some to take back today."

Zhao Kuangyin frowned slightly and thought: "When did my cousin become so stingy? What happened today?"

But he didn't take it seriously and said, "Wait a minute and I'll have someone get you two buckets."

Zhao Kuangyin thought that they would be able to set off in about three days. During this period, an adult would have two-thirds of a dou a day, and a full dozen would count as seven liters. Ye Feng could stay at Jiangchuan's house for up to four days, and giving him two dou was already more than half of what he had promised.


Dou and stone are devices for measuring grain and are units of volume, while kilograms and dan are units of weight, so the two cannot be converted.

Objects with the same volume have different weights due to different densities, so buckets and stones do not represent fixed weights. Just like the weight of a one-liter bottle containing soy sauce and gasoline is different.

The original meaning of dou is a vessel for holding wine, and it is also used as a tool for measuring grain. Later it was extended to a unit.

In the old days, ten liters equaled one bucket, and ten buckets equaled one hundred liters, which was equal to one dendrobium. Dendrobium and stone were interchangeable.

In the Han Dynasty, a bucket of rice was about 4 kilograms; in the Shi Dynasty, a bucket of rice was about 6 kilograms; in the Ci Dynasty, a bucket of rice was about 12 kilograms; in the Daguang Dynasty, a bucket of rice was about 18 kilograms; in later generations, a bucket of rice was about 12.5 kilograms.

The laws of each dynasty are different, but the conversion in the self-contained system is relatively accurate.

During this period, one dou was equivalent to almost three kilograms, because the Han Dynasty used the same unit of measurement that the Qin system should use, but there would be differences in measuring the weight of different grains.

Another circumstantial evidence is based on the "Atlas of Ancient Chinese Weights and Measures" of the State General Administration of Weights and Measures. At that time, one liter during the Tian Qi period was approximately equal to 205.8 milliliters, while one liter during the Jiang Qi period was approximately equal to 187.5 milliliters.

We take the former 205.8 ml, which is equivalent to 2058 ml per bucket.

The test weight of soybeans (gram weight per liter of volume) is about 690 to 720 grams, or 0.7 tons/cubic meter. A full 2058 ml of soybeans is approximately equal to 1.5 kilograms.

If you are measuring corn, that is, millet, millet is about 1000 grams per liter, and rice is 750 grams.

2058 ml of millet is approximately equal to 2.1 kilograms. One bucket of millet weighs four kilograms. What we eat here are soybeans, so one bucket of soybeans weighs about three kilograms.

This chapter has been completed!
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