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Chapter 105 Building the City Wall

Ye Feng said with emotion: "It's okay, thank you Brother Jiang for worrying. I just went to the market to speculate and make some extra money. Here are two hundred dollars, and brother will use it as my meal money for the past few days." He took out two hundred dollars and handed it over.

To Jiangchuan.

Jiang Chuan pulled Ye Feng aside and looked to see if there was anyone around him.

He asked in surprise: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Ye Feng suddenly had so much money, Jiang Chuan thought Ye Feng had gone to rob him.

Ye Feng didn't know that Jiang Chuan had guessed it right, so he found an excuse and said, "I went to the market to buy low and sell high to earn money."

Jiangchuan asked: "How to buy low and sell high?"

Ye Feng didn't go to the market, so naturally he couldn't make it up.

So he prevaricated and said: "Just to see who is in a hurry to sell, buy it at a low price. Then exchange or sell it to someone else in need. It's a long story. Let's go back for dinner."

Jiang Chuan was still a little worried and said: "It's just a business trip. You don't want to rob. This is a serious crime."

Ye Feng thought to himself: "If I go, does he know that I went to rob? However, this is not robbery, right? This is blackmail. This crime should not have been committed at this time."

Although Ye Feng thought so in his heart, he was afraid that speaking out would only make Jiangchuan worried.

So he said: "Brother Jiang, don't worry. I have read books about sages since I was a child. How could I do such a thing as robbery?"

Jiang Chuan believed what he said and said, "Brother, I feel relieved. You'd better save the money yourself and keep it for later use when you return to Chu State." After saying that, he was about to return the money to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said: "Thank you for your kind words, brother, but you should accept the money. I have my own way of paying for returning to Chu State." After that, he pushed the money to Jiang Chuan.

The two sides tried to shirk each other for a long time before Jiang Chuan reluctantly accepted.

Two days later it was time to set off to Yongcheng to build the city wall. Very early in the morning, Jiang Chuan pulled Ye Feng up.

After eating the morning meal, Jiang Chuan took out two packages, handed one to Ye Feng and said, "Here, here are the food on the road and a change of clothes that I asked your sister-in-law to prepare for you."

Ye Feng felt warm in his heart, took the package with red eyes, and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Chuan looked at Ye Feng and said, "Okay, you're welcome. From now on, this is your home."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Hey, thank you, Brother Jiang."

People in the same village gathered at Li Zheng's house, then to the pavilion chief's house, and finally to the countryside.

When Ye Feng and others rushed to the village, nearly a thousand people had already gathered in the village.

The people were named by Chefu, and when Ye Feng was called, Jiang Chuan gave Ye Feng the name Edo.

Because all "households" were registered during this period, many things were inconvenient for "black households" like Ye Feng.

So Jiangchuan asked him to pretend to be Edo. On the one hand, Ye Feng looked about the same age as Edo, and Edo himself was taller and more mature.

Another point is that many people tacitly agree with each other and often "impost".

This situation was not eliminated until Qin State's Shang Yang's Reform and became stricter.

Ye Feng didn't feel anything at first, but as he thought about it more and more, he became angrier and said to himself: "Baga, Lu Smida, I work for others and treat them as their "son". Now I've lost a lot of money. This matter"

You have to pay more.”

A large group of people came to Yongcheng. At this time, Yongcheng looked like a small county town with tens of thousands of people.

This is because on the one hand, it is a population issue. You must know that the city with the largest population in the Han Dynasty only had about 300,000 people.

On the other hand, according to the Zhou system, the capitals of princes and kings have certain size restrictions.

Most of the city wall has been built. It is called a city wall but it is actually a high earth wall made of rammed earth.

Qin bricks only appeared during the Warring States Period and were very expensive. Not the entire city wall was made of bricks. In fact, the walls were made of rammed earth inside and covered with bricks on the outside.

This method of building city walls was still the mainstream even in the Shi Dynasty, and was not replaced by brick walls until the Daguang Dynasty.

A rammed earth wall requires a foundation to be laid first and the foundation to be tamped down.

The earth wall above the ground is first formed into a shape with thick wooden boards and then fixed with ropes. Then mainly loess and sand are poured into it, and some "ingredients" salt, reeds or wicker are also mixed in. Pour some and tamp some, and so on.


Of course, this was the "recipe" for city walls in the early days. Later, city walls were mixed with 12% glutinous rice slurry. The tamped sand was so strong that even a sword could not penetrate it.

If Ye Feng were asked to build the city wall, Ye Feng would choose to use lime as soil and cement to build the wall. But Ye Feng never wanted to interfere too much in this parallel universe, so he chose to live a low-key life.

The method of ramming earth is to lift the stone with a rope and smash it downwards. Usually several people pull the rope and smash it together. Ye Feng was taken care of because he was "young", so he was assigned this job.

And he was assigned to build the palace city, which was where Duke Qin lived.

The palace was not big. Ye Feng stretched out his thumb and squinted to measure it. The palace was about one mile long and one mile wide. The overall plan was designed in a well-field square format.

The outer city wall was three miles long and three miles wide. During this period, the palace generally occupied one-ninth of the city.

The palace city has four gates, one in each direction, and the outer city wall has three gates on each side, for a total of twelve gates. From gate to gate is the main road of latitude and longitude.

The houses in the palace city are not very densely built, and many of them are built on rammed earth foundations. The large palace is almost fifty meters long and twenty or thirty meters wide.

The outside of the palace is divided into nine areas, each area is divided into different functions. The roads between the nine areas are the main roads.

The four areas in the four corners are divided into nine areas of the same size. Except for two areas in the northeast corner that are used as warehouses, the others are all classified as Luli. The roads between Luli are secondary roads.

The four areas from the four sides of the palace wall to the city gate are roughly divided into six areas, and each side of the palace gate to the city wall has three areas.

The outer dynasty, ancestral temple, state affairs, treasury, and stables are divided into two areas adjacent to the palace wall on the south side of the palace wall.

The official offices are located on both sides of the main road between the south side and the city gate.

The city is located on both sides of the main road in the middle of the four areas from the northern palace wall to the city gate.

The national residence is located in two areas adjacent to the palace wall on the east and west sides of the palace wall, and in the middle two areas of six areas in the south.

The craftsmen responsible for the design usually use ropes and steps to measure, for example, one mile is almost three hundred steps.

There are also people who specialize in measuring the direction of sunlight. They will set up a pole and measure the sunrise, sunset and mid-sun position based on the sun's shadow.

Then draw a circle to divide the directions of southeast, northwest, and if there is no sun during the day, look at the position of Polaris at night, etc.

Ye Feng was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden and looking around, completely unaware that the people next to her had walked away.

Everyone didn't pay attention at first, and they only reacted when someone reminded them.

Slowly, everyone looked at Ye Feng quietly, watching Ye Feng running in and out of the palace gate, going in and out repeatedly.

The sudden silence around him brought Ye Feng back to his senses. Only then did he realize that he was now running alone, pulling on a rope and pulling a large stone weighing a thousand kilograms to pound the foundation.

In order to break the embarrassment, Ye Feng said: "You guys are watching what I am doing. Little brother, come over and play together. No, everyone is coming over and talking nonsense together."

A young man next to him who had been with Ye Feng in recent days said: "Brother, this stone weighs a thousand kilograms and it took more than a dozen of us to pull it up. You are alone now~" This man pointed to the stone that was pulled up by Ye Feng.


Ye Feng said in surprise: "Baga, Lusmida, this stone must be hollow."

Ye Feng ran into the palace wall and came to the stone. He lifted the stone weighing a thousand kilograms and tested its weight. He said, "It's so light and weighs a thousand kilograms? It's fake."

When Ye Feng said this, many people around him turned pale. When they saw Ye Feng lifting the boulder so easily, they thought the boulder was fake.

They are responsible for the project and will be charged with serious crimes if they commit fraud during construction.

At this time, several supervisors immediately stepped forward and tried to move the boulder, but the result was that the boulder did not move at all.

Ye Feng looked at the side and said, "You haven't eaten yet? Don't pretend you have no strength."

Several people gathered their strength and tried their best again with red faces, but the boulder still did not move at all.

At this time, several strong men who thought they were strong came forward and lifted the boulder together. The number of people increased by a dozen, and this time they could barely lift the boulder.

Several supervisors shook their heads, indicating that Jushi had not participated in the holiday.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng again, and Ye Feng also realized that he had become stronger recently.

Ye Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said, "What the hell, is it illegal to lift a stone? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Everyone thought: "Yeah, what are you looking at him for? We didn't do anything, we were just surprised."

At this time, Jiang Chuan also ran over, patted Ye Feng and said: "Before, my brother also said that if you eat so much and you don't gain weight, you might as well feed them pigs. This time, let him know that feeding you is worse than feeding pigs." Eat something stronger."

Ye Feng secretly said: "Thank you so much for speaking for me like this."

At this time, Xiao Sikong, who was in charge of building the palace city, happened to be inspecting the area.

During this period, the official systems of various countries were different, but the general commonality was that there was generally a Dazai or a Tsukasa, who was equivalent to the prime minister in later generations, and under the Dazai there was a Shaozai.

There are four important officials, namely Situ, who are in charge of taxation and labor.

Sima is in charge of things related to the army. Sikong, or Sicheng, is in charge of buildings.

Sikou, or Sibei, was in charge of punishment and arrests. Under Sikou there were Wei clan, Li Heshi, etc.

Some countries are divided into big and small, such as big Sima, small Sima, big Sikou and small Sikou.

The boss of the Duzun family, Da Zhong Laoer, once served as a military officer.

In addition to the four divisions, there is Zongbo, who is in charge of the rituals of sacrifices in the ancestral temple. There are clan members under Zongbo.

Grand Master, Grand Master, Young Master, Young Master, etc. are the teachers of the monarch and the prince.

Taishi, internal history, external history, left history, right history, blessing history, divination history, divination history, sacrificial history, witchcraft history, etc., are responsible for records, books, almanacs, geography, allusions, prayers, divination, sacrifices, receiving gods, etc.

Officials of things.

In ancient times, shamanism and history were partial, so the position of history was the most complicated. There were passers-by, who were officials in charge of diplomacy.

These are all internal officials, as well as external officials such as Yiyi Dafu or Yiyi Zai, etc. There is too much content, so 10,000 words are omitted here.

Xiao Sikong saw that people nearby had stopped working, and immediately came over to check the situation.

Seeing everyone surrounding Ye Feng, I didn't know what was going on.

But he was not responsible for the apprenticeship matters, so he couldn't directly control Ye Feng and the others, so he asked the craftsmen next to him what happened.

When the craftsman saw that it was Shangguan, he immediately and respectfully recounted what had just happened.

Seeing that it was not an important matter, Xiao Sikong immediately ordered everyone to disperse and continue the construction to ensure the progress of the construction.

Xiao Sikong ordered someone to call Ye Feng. Xiao Sikong looked at Ye Feng and asked, "Where are you from?"

Jiang Chuan was afraid that Ye Feng would spill the beans, so he interrupted and said, "This is Quanzi, we are from Yongshui Pavilion." At the same time, he pulled Ye Feng to salute.

Ye Feng thought to himself: "My sister, you are the son of a dog, and your whole family is a dog. Take advantage of me." But Ye Feng couldn't get angry at this time, so he had to bow his head and salute.

This chapter has been completed!
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