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Chapter 106 Poultry Selling Chicken Shop

Xiao Sikong looked at the "father and son" and said, "Well, do your job well and don't cause trouble. He looked at the craftsman next to him and said, since this man is strong, let him do more and give him three times the ration."

The craftsman next to him responded "Yes".

Jiang Chuan pulled Ye Feng to thank Xiao Sikong again, and Xiao Sikong glanced at the father and son again.

He patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said lightly: "Do a good job and I won't treat you badly if you work harder." Then he turned and left.

In the past few days, Ye Feng had to borrow or buy other people's food rations when he didn't have enough food. He had been very depressed at first. He didn't make any money when he went out to "work" but was always in debt.

In fact, the rations Ye Feng received were not too small. Each person had two-thirds of a dou of food per day. In addition to Ye Feng's "salary" privately given to Ye Feng by Jiang Chuan and others, Ye Feng had two dou of food per day.

Normally this is a lot, but Ye Feng eats so much that he has to eat at least three buckets of food every day.

However, Xiao Sikong's increased rations this time allowed Ye Feng to barely balance his income and expenditure.

Ye Feng's increase in rations made others envious of him, and of course they admired him even more for his immense strength.

Some people even approached Jiangchuan privately and suggested that Jiangchuan let his son Edo join the army. He might be able to gain a lot of military honors with such great efforts.

Jiang Chuan smiled and agreed, thinking in his heart: "If this is really my son, I can't afford to raise him. But it is very honorable to have such a powerful son."

Jiang Chuan couldn't help but look at Ye Feng with a smile, but saw Ye Feng looking at him fiercely, which scared him.

Of course, all the superficial glory must be repaid behind the scenes. Jiangchuan was beaten by Ye Feng a lot behind his back, and of course Ye Feng would not be harsh.

But Ye Feng's strength was not very good at this time, and it was still very painful for Jiang Chuan.

When Jiang Chuan was hurt by the beating, he took bags of building materials to resist Ye Feng's punches and kicks.

Here, Ye Feng is boringly building a city wall, thousands of miles away in the State of Lu.

Chuan Jianguo and Obama were planning to open a poultry store, but they were having a dispute over the name of the store.

Chuan Jianguo said: "It's called poultry selling. It explains briefly and comprehensively what the store does. No one knows poultry selling better than me."

Obama retorted: "I think it should be called a chicken shop, concise and easy to understand."

The two of them were arguing over this, and then Zha Da, who was standing next to him, said: "You two, stop arguing, or else just put your two names together and call it a poultry shop."

Obama said dissatisfied: "Why don't you call it a chicken and poultry shop? Why is his name in front?"

Zhada explained: "He said his name first, so he was in the front."

Obama curled his lips and said nothing more.

Chuan Jianguo held his head high like a victorious rooster, snorted disdainfully and said, "No one knows how to sell and cook chickens better than me."

Next to him, there was a woman in ordinary clothes who was cleaning the shop silently. But it could be seen from his eyes that she was holding back her laughter.

It turned out that after Chuan Jianguo and Obama saw Ye Feng falling into the water, they returned to the base with the captured Zhada.

The base is located in a secret valley, probably at the southern foot of Dahang Mountain. It is in a valley called Guigu adjacent to Wei, Zheng, Song and Lu.

It is said that this valley is haunted, and there are some animal bones scattered at the entrance of the valley, so nearby villagers never dare to enter the valley.

The widest part of the valley road entering the valley can accommodate three carriages traveling in parallel, and the narrowest part can barely accommodate one carriage.

The valley road is winding and has many forks, making it difficult to identify and easy to get lost.

This is one of the reasons why villagers dare not enter the valley, but if someone is careful enough, they can see that there are traces of manual excavation in this valley.

It's just that the people who excavated have uncanny skills, making it difficult for people to find problems.

After walking through the valley road, you will find a slightly wider valley, and in front of you is a stone city gate that is in line with the characteristics of this era, blocking the way.

The city gate has always been closed, and no one can be seen moving on the city wall. However, there are several men in black guarding the city in the dark.

When you come to this city gate, there is a short valley road and a city gate. When you enter the second city gate, you will suddenly see a prosperous scene inside.

In the middle, there are well-organized roads and buildings lined up in rows, and on the outside are farmland and streams, where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

This place is like a fairyland, and the architectural style is completely different from this era. There are not only some later buildings, but also some European-style buildings.

Judging from the scale, this residential area has a population of at least two to three thousand. But it is surprisingly quiet here, and there is a strange atmosphere everywhere.

There are two types of people in the residential area, one is the people in black, and the other looks like ordinary people of this era.

In the middle of the residential area is a tower-like building with a total of nine floors. It is also the tallest building in this paradise.

The entire paradise still looks like a primitive way of life, and there is no trace of electricity supply.

The electricity supply here is hidden underground, and only supplies a few buildings where people in black live. This mix and match method also makes this place full of weirdness.

Living in the nine-story pagoda is an old man known as Mr. Bai. He looks amiable, but everyone here seems to be afraid of him.

Of course, Mr. Bai is what the men in black call him, while ordinary people call him Mr. Guigu because this is Guigu.

Only people in black are allowed to enter the nine-story tower here, and ordinary people cannot enter.

Most of the ordinary people here are orphans who were brought here, or scholars who were persuaded by the men in black.

These ordinary people will be arranged to teach different knowledge to different men in black, including the military strategist, Yin Yang strategist, strategist strategist and other theories.

These people will be sent out of the valley after completing their studies, but these people are required to only say that they are disciples of Gui Valley and are not allowed to reveal other information about Gui Valley.

When Chuan Jianguo and Obama saw Ye Feng falling into the water, they returned here with the captured Zhada.

A man in black convinced Zha Da and taught Zha Da a set of Chi You sword techniques.

A few days ago, they were assigned a new mission, and Zha Da and a woman named Qi Guan were arranged to perform the mission with them.

This time, Chuan Jianguo disguised himself as an old man, Obama dressed as an old woman, and Zhada and Qiguan dressed as a son and daughter.

They came to the state of Lu and opened a poultry and chicken shop.

The shop had just opened when a young man with a Lu accent approached the poultry and chicken shop and asked: "Is Jieli a chicken cook?"

Chuan Jianguo and others' eyes lit up when they saw this man. Chuan Jianguo stepped forward and said: "Young man, I see that you are a natural-born student of etiquette because of your amazing bones. Why don't you learn etiquette from me? No one knows Zhou etiquette better than me."


It turns out that this person is the second eldest son of Qiu in the state of Lu. He lost his father when he was young and his mother died a few days ago.

He was supposed to stay at home as a mourner for three years, but because a wealthy family nearby did not invite him to a banquet, he left Lu in anger.

Qiu Laoer glanced sideways at Chuan Jianguo and said disdainfully: "This trick is too old-fashioned. When the beggars in our village see the children, they say you are a martial arts prodigy because of your amazing bones. Then he sells a shabby book to the children. Come on.

Scamming kids out of pocket money.”

Chuan Jianguo said: "You learn etiquette from me, I won't charge you."

Qiu Laoer said calmly: "I just pooped a round piece of shit."

Chuan Jianguo asked in confusion: "How?"

Qiu Laoer explained: "It's not very convenient."

Chuan Jianguo frowned, then pointed at Qi Guan and said, "You learn my etiquette, and I will marry my daughter to you."

Qiu Laoer said disdainfully: "Tch, you underestimate me too much. What man can't resist this kind of temptation?"

"Just tell me, when will we start learning? I'm telling you, I'm not doing it for your daughter, I just want to learn etiquette."

Chuan Jianguo said happily: "Don't worry, you can learn from me. No one knows etiquette better than me."

So Qiu Laoer stayed at a poultry and chicken shop, learning etiquette during the day and cooking chicken at night.

When Ye Feng was building the city wall, his life was basically the same every day. The only interesting things were some sacrificial activities.

In the twelfth month of the weekly calendar and the tenth month of the lunar calendar, Qin Gong held a big wax ceremony to worship the eight gods and pray for a good harvest in the coming year.

Regarding the calendar, there is now the theory of the "Ancient Six Calendars". The Ancient Six Calendars refer to those formulated by the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period and the Qin Dynasty.

The collective name includes six calendars: Huangdi calendar, Zhuanxu calendar, Xia calendar, Yin calendar, Zhou calendar and Lu calendar. It is the earliest calendar in my country.

During this period, the Xia calendar, the Yin calendar and the weekly calendar were mainly used. More often, the Xia calendar and the weekly calendar were used.

During the Autumn and Warring States Periods, there were three so-called Xia calendars, Yin calendars and Zhou calendars. The main difference between them was that the months at the beginning of the year were different, so they were also called the Three Right Calendars.

The weekly calendar usually starts with the month of Jianzi where the winter solstice occurs, that is, the eleventh month of the lunar calendar.

In the Yin calendar, the month of Jian Chou, which is the twelfth month of the Xia calendar, is the beginning of the year.

The lunar calendar begins with the month of Jianyin, which is commonly referred to as the first lunar month in later generations.

That is to say, the start time of the weekly calendar is one month earlier than the Yin calendar and two months earlier than the Xia calendar.

Our ancestors used this calendar as far back as the Xia Dynasty, 17th century BC. So people also call it the Xia calendar.

For a period of time after liberation, it was still called the lunar calendar, and it was not until 1970 that our country changed its name to the lunar calendar.

As for why the lunar calendar is called the lunar calendar, as the name suggests, it serves agriculture.

The Shang Dynasty had a relatively complete calendar, the Shang calendar. Generally speaking, the seasons were adjusted based on the stems and branches, the lunar month and the sun, and the leap month.

This is a luni-yang calendar. There are twelve months in an ordinary year and thirteen months in a leap year. A leap year at the end of the year is called the thirteenth month.

The moon has different sizes. The big month has thirty days and the small month has twenty-nine days.

In the late Shang Dynasty, leaps were also placed in the middle of the year. The use of stems and branches to mark dates was to use the combination of ten stems and twelve branches to mark dates.

Sixty days constitute a cycle. A complete list of stems and branches was found in oracle bone inscriptions, which is the earliest record of stems and branches in my country.

Our country's calendar during the Spring and Autumn Period was already very advanced and was at a leading level in the world. The "four-point calendar" that appeared in the late Spring and Autumn Period is an important representative of this period.

The "Quarter Calendar" is a calendar made by taking 365 and a quarter as the length of a tropical year and adding 7 leap months to 19 lunar years.

What should be pointed out here is that the calendar in ancient my country began to be a luni-solar calendar, that is, the solar calendar and the lunar calendar were used together.

The so-called solar calendar is a calendar based on the movement cycle of the sun.

The so-called lunar calendar, also called the lunar calendar, is a calendar based on the waxing and waning of the moon.

The main objects of Qin Gong's wax sacrifice are Shennong and Xianyi, who were the first to plant grains, and sacrifices were also made to Siyi, who was in charge of grains.

The ancestors refer to the ancestors who cultivated rice. For example, the ancients sacrificed rice to the ancestors, and sacrificed silkworms to the ancestors for clothes.

In ancient times, agricultural labor such as farming was called farm work, which generally refers to agricultural labor.

The scope of sacrifices includes all those who have made meritorious services in agriculture to repay them.

They also offer sacrifices to farm officials, farm gods, ghosts of cats, tigers and other animals.

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