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Chapter 132 Free Gold Medal Fighter

Ye Feng said and sat back in his seat, and said harshly to Yue Maiden: "I'm hungry, so I can't beat you. I'll beat you when I'm full."

The restaurant owner said indifferently: "Sir, why don't you guys compete first, and I'll bring back the stove to heat this porridge for you?"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at the restaurant owner and said secretly: "You don't think it's too big a deal to watch the excitement, do you?"


Ye Feng grabbed Li from the boss's arms and said, "What do you know? Go and get the pickles. Also, give this girl a piece of porridge, and it's mine."

The restaurant owner glanced at Yue Maiden and said, "This girl probably doesn't have as much appetite as you. Is one bite too much?"

Ye Feng said impatiently: "There's so much nonsense. You can get it as soon as I ask you to get it. Are you afraid that I won't give you money?"

The restaurant owner said in a friendly manner: "Okay, sir, please wait a moment." After saying this, the restaurant owner turned around helplessly and entered the kitchen.

Ye Feng pointed to the seat opposite him and said: "Come, sit down, let's eat first, and I, Mr. Ye, will pay for it today."

After saying that, he hugged Ge, picked up the rice dagger, scooped out the porridge inside and started eating.

Yue Maiden straightened her clothes, elegantly walked to sit opposite Ye Feng and sat down.

Yue Maiden sat here not because Ye Feng invited her to eat the morning meal, but because she was curious about why Ye Feng could recover so quickly.

The virgin girl took the bowl and rice dagger, rinsed them with tea, and then poured the water into the bucket collecting kitchen waste.

Ye Feng looked at it and said, "Looking at your habits, you must be from Cantonese."

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After hearing this, Yue Maiden was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly: "Don't you know that I am from Yue country?"

Ye Feng scratched his head and said to himself: "Ma Dan is tampering with us."

Then he said with a smile: "I asked you if you are from Guangdong, Vietnam."

Yue Maiden shook her head and said she was not from Cantonese. She thought to herself: "Does Yue have a place like Guangdong?"

The awkward atmosphere was interrupted by the shouts of the restaurant owner, who shouted: "Here comes the porridge."

After hearing his voice first and then seeing him, the restaurant owner came out of the kitchen holding Li in his arms and holding a bowl of pickles in his other hand.

Before Ye Feng could wait for the restaurant owner to put down the pickles, he scooped some out and ate them.

As soon as the pickles entered his mouth, Ye Feng's eyes lit up.

The pickles here are very different from the pickles made from leeks in Qin. They taste like almonds. They taste delicious and have a sweet aftertaste.

Ye Feng was full of praise for this pickle.

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The restaurant owner boasted, "Sir, you really know your stuff. My pickles are well-known in this area."

"Our pickles are equipped with peach kernels, almonds, peanuts and other ingredients. They smell fragrant and leave a fragrance on your lips and teeth after eating. It will definitely make you think about the next bite after one bite."

The restaurant owner opened his mouth again to boast a few words, but the virgin girl interrupted and said: "Go and do your work first. We will call you if we need you."

The restaurant owner closed his open mouth, smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Okay, call me if you need anything."

After saying that, he shook his head helplessly at Ye Feng, glanced at Ye Feng sympathetically, and turned around to leave.

Ye Feng was eating something in his mouth and thought to himself: "No, what does your sympathetic look mean?"

Before Ye Feng could start thinking wildly, Yue Maiden asked coldly: "The scars on your body healed quickly. How did you do it?"

Ye Feng ate the porridge and thought to himself: "No, sister, who are you? It's like interrogating a prisoner. With your attitude, is it the attitude of asking others for advice?"

"With your temper and attitude, you don't know how many people you will offend in a day. If you don't change your temper, you will get into trouble sooner or later."

"Answer my question." Yue Virgin's cold voice came again.

Ye Feng came back to his senses and was about to get angry, but when he saw Yue Maiden's cold eyes, he couldn't help but shuddered. He said with a smile: "Don't I know how to explain to you what's brewing?"

"Is it innate or acquired?" Yue Maiden asked coldly.

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said, "It's neither innate nor practiced."

Yue Maiden looked at Ye Feng with a frown.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng was stunned. Ye Feng realized that he had lost his composure and quickly took a mouthful of porridge to cover up his swallowing of saliva.

The virgin girl looked away and put down the bowl and rice dagger in her hands.

Because he saw Ye Feng's saliva dripping into his mouth, and then he scooped it up with his rice dagger.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Ye Feng said casually: "The robot helped me transform it."

Yue Maiden looked at Ye Feng again and repeated the name Ye Feng said: "Ji Qiren?"

"Who is this master? What martial arts is he good at?" Yue Maiden asked coldly.


Ye Feng shook his head and said: "I don't know, but it knows everything and can do everything. Anyway, it is very powerful."

The virgin girl's eyes lit up and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she said, "Take me to see him."

This scene once again stunned Ye Feng. Ye Feng nodded blankly and said: "Okay, okay, okay."

The virgin girl stood up and urged: "Why don't you leave quickly?"

Ye Feng came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "No, no, we can't go, it's too far." Then he swallowed a few mouthfuls of porridge.

Yue Maiden frowned, looked away, and said coldly: "No matter how far away I am, I will challenge him."

Ye Feng frowned and said, "No, I have to save people first. The matter is more urgent."

Yue Maiden looked at Ye Feng, quickly regained her composure, and asked coldly: "Who are you trying to save?"

Ye Feng thought to himself: "This sister is too stubborn. Isn't there anything serious other than martial arts competitions?"

Ye Feng thought for a while and felt that if there were such a powerful gold medal thug to help save people, it would be easier for Yang Yiying to be rescued.


Thinking of this, Ye Feng briefly told what happened.

Yue Maiden looked at Ye Feng, obviously not expecting that Ye Feng traveled thousands of miles to rescue his benefactor's daughter just because of a meal.

Moreover, virgins are inherently women, so they are even more angry about this kind of abduction and trafficking of each other's daughters for revenge.

Yue Maiden said coldly: "Where are the people? Take me over now and destroy them."

Ye Feng said: "I don't know."

The virgin girl stared at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng quickly explained: "She was abducted and trafficked. I am tracing her. The person may be Lu Kui from Qi State."

The girl from Yue said coldly: "Let's rent a boat and go there directly." After that, she started to walk to the ferry again.

Ye Feng said hurriedly: "There's no rush now, just wait until I'm full and then we'll set off."

The virgin girl Yue looked at Ge, who was holding Ye Feng, and saw that Ye Feng had eaten half of the porridge. She asked curiously: "Are you not full yet?"

Ye Feng nodded and said sheepishly: "Almost."

The virgin girl said coldly: "Eat quickly." After that, she sat down again.

Ye Feng ate the porridge with a rice dagger. Under Yue Maiden's surprised eyes, he ate all the porridge. Ye Feng put down the dagger and wiped his mouth.

Seeing this, Yue Maiden stood up with her sword.

Ye Feng said hurriedly: "Xia Xia, wait a moment."

The virgin girl asked coldly: "What else is going on?"

Ye Feng smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said, "No. Do you still want to eat this porridge?" Ye Feng pointed at Ge in front of Yue Maiden with his other finger.

The virgin girl asked slightly surprised: "Are you not full yet?"

Ye Feng smiled and said: "Xia Xia, you are so talented and smart, you can guess everything."

The virgin girl couldn't help but laugh, and said with a straight face: "I never would have guessed that you are so thin that you are still a loser."

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Ye Feng murmured to himself: "Who would have thought that a weak woman like you could kill so many big insects?"

Ye Feng said, taking the Ge in front of Yue Maiden and started eating it.

The virgin girl is actually a big eater. She ate more than a third of this porridge, which is about the amount of food for one and a half to two people.

Under Yue Maiden's surprised look, Ye Feng finished another bowl of porridge, and even the pickle bowl was hung clean by him.

Ye Feng put down the eaten Kong Ge again and burped.

He wiped his mouth and rubbed his stomach, then gathered the copper coins on the table and settled the bill with the boss, before heading towards the ferry with the Yue Maiden.

On the way, Ye Feng also gave two hats and a silk scarf to Yue Maiden. He suggested that she cover her face with the scarf.

She explained that she had traveled a long way to avoid being exposed to wind and sun, but actually she felt that her appearance would easily cause unnecessary trouble on the road.

In fact, virgins often encounter this kind of "trouble" on their way out, but in the end these troublemakers are asking for trouble themselves.

As for Yue Mai, the guards brought by the dandies from the family that she often provokes, or the gangsters who are often aggressive and aggressive are all the targets for her to practice.


Ye Feng rented a boat with Yue Maiden, but Ye Feng did not go directly down the river. Instead, he first went to Xinzheng on the south bank, and then went to Lu State by land.

Since traveling by land is faster, there is no objection to the virginity.

Ye Feng bought a carriage with a carriage. The virgin girl sat in the carriage, and Ye Feng sat outside to drive the carriage.

The two parties had some conversations along the way, and Ye Feng got a general understanding of Yue Virgin.

Yue Maiden traveled thousands of miles across the country just to find a rival and learn from the strengths of other families.

The more virgin she is, the more talented she is. She can learn the essence of the opponent's moves as long as she has seen them move.

Then you can integrate or improve it to become a move that suits you.

Ye Feng felt that this virgin was Dugu Qiufei and Bruce Lee from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

These days of contact with Yue Virgin also changed her view of Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng is a straight man, he is good at taking care of others. The arrangement of food, clothing, housing and transportation along the way makes Yue Virgin very satisfied.


And sometimes Ye Feng would also use some cooking skills to let Yue Maiden eat some unheard-of delicacies.

Some musical instruments will be played along the way to make the journey less boring.

Ye Feng played "High Mountains and Flowing Waters" on the guzheng. Ye Feng played this song because it is based on the pentatonic mode.

In addition, this piece of music has the effect of calming emotions, stabilizing the nervous system, and harmonizing yin and yang.

There is a passage in the Huangdi Neijing: "Heaven has five tones, humans have five internal organs, heaven has six laws, and humans have six internal organs. This person is in harmony with heaven and earth."

In ancient times, music only had five tones: Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu. Those who corresponded to later generations came to Mi Soula.

In ancient times, music was combined with traditional Chinese medicine. The five tones correspond to the five internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, and also correspond to the five elements of earth, metal, wood, fire, and water.

Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that earth governs muscles, fire governs blood vessels, wood governs tendons and qi, metal governs bones and teeth, and water governs fluids. Therefore, relative to the five internal organs, earth governs the spleen and stomach, fire governs the heart, wood governs the liver, gold governs the lungs, and water governs the lungs. Double kidneys.

In Su Wen's Theory of Yin and Yang's Corresponding Symbols, the five tones of Jiao, Zheng, Gong, Shang, and Yu belong to wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Therefore, the five tones are connected with the five internal organs, and there is the theory of "the mutual sound of the five internal organs."

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