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Chapter 133

The theory of "Xiangyin of the five internal organs" means that the uterine sounds enter the spleen, the Shang sounds enter the lungs, the horn sounds enter the liver, the Zheng sounds enter the heart, and the Yu sounds enter the kidneys.

Similar to the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements, the five tones are also the unity of opposites.

For example, Gong Sheng Zheng, Zheng Sheng Shang, Shang Sheng Yu, Yu Sheng Jiao, in terms of mode, the relationship is dominant and subordinate, this is mutual generation.

However, Shang belongs to metal, Jiao belongs to wood, Zheng belongs to water, and Yu belongs to fire. They are all in the major second degree, which is a dissonant interval, and their zodiac signs are in conflict with each other.

The connotation of music is based on human emotions. The ancients classified the five tones: "Gongyin is peaceful, strong, solemn and broad; Shangyin is generous and sad, tragic and vigorous; Jiaoyin is round, clear and clear. He is honest, upright, gentle and courteous; his musical notes are graceful and fluent, elegant and supple; his feather notes are high, pure and clear, light and clear."

Therefore, hearing the sound of Gong makes people warm and comfortable; hearing the sound of Shang makes people upright and loving righteousness; hearing the sound of Jiao makes people compassionate and loving; hearing the sound of Zheng makes people happy and generous; hearing the sound of Yu makes people happy and generous; People are neat and polite.

The theory of "Xiangyin of the five internal organs" is of great significance in music health preservation.

Generally speaking, Gong Tiao type and Zheng Tiao type are bright in color and have the function of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the heart; Yu Tiao type and Jiao Tiao type are darker in color and have the functions of tonifying the kidney and soothing the liver. Shang Tiao type is in between and can make people feel better. It feels comforting and has the effect of clearing the lungs.

Therefore, according to different diseases, choosing appropriate music can achieve better health effects.

For example, the sound of the horn soothes the liver. Listening to the sound of the horn regularly helps the flow of qi and blood.


The human body uses Qi and blood for its function. Qi and blood flow smoothly, the Qi mechanism of the whole body is accessible, nutrients can be transported throughout the body, and the wastes of body metabolism can also be discharged from the body in time. In this way, the internal organs of the human body move harmoniously, which is reflected in the appearance of refreshment and radiance. .

Zhengyin nourishes the heart. The style of Zhengtiao is cheerful, lively, rising like fire, and has the characteristics of inflammation.

It enters the heart and has a promoting effect on cardiovascular function. It has a significant effect on various cardiovascular diseases caused by blood stasis.

Gongyin strengthens the spleen. The style of Gongdiao music is mainly melodious, quiet, gentle and solemn, giving people a strong and solid feeling.

Gongyin enters the spleen, which can promote the digestive system, nourish qi and blood, increase appetite, calm emotions, stabilize the nervous system, and harmonize yin and yang.

The Shang tone clears the lungs. The style of the Shang tune is sonorous and powerful, high-pitched and solemn, solemn and loud. It has the characteristics of "gold" and can enter the lungs.

Listening to Shang tune music can enhance the body's ability to resist diseases. When Shang tune enters the lungs, it can enhance the function of the respiratory system and improve the condition of insufficient lung qi.

The sound of feathers nourishes the kidneys. The style of the feather tune is quiet, soft, and sad, like the gentle ripples of water. The sound of feathers enters the kidneys and can nourish the kidney essence, which is beneficial to various symptoms caused by yin deficiency and excessive fire, kidney essence deficiency, and excessive heart fire.

Such as tinnitus, insomnia, dreaminess, etc. Kidney essence has the function of replenishing the marrow and regenerating the brain, so the music of Yu mode has the effect of improving intelligence and strengthening the brain.

Ye Feng explained the music while playing "High Mountains and Flowing Waters."

After these few days of contact, Yue Shengrong felt that Ye Feng, a "big loser", knew quite a lot.

This made Yue virgin curious about Ye Feng, and she often asked questions about Ye Feng's life experience.

Ye Feng made jokes and tried to avoid answering these questions, but instead made Yue Virgin more curious.

Yue Maiden asked: "This instrument and music were taught to you by Ji Qiren?"

Ye Feng replied casually: "No, it was taught by the music teacher."

Yue Maiden repeated: "Yin Yue? Is she a woman?"

Ye Feng thought to himself: "Music teachers are basically female." So he replied: "Yes."

The virgin girl frowned slightly and said nothing.

When Ye Feng explained that the palace sound enters the spleen and has a calming effect on the mood.

The virgin Yue said coldly: "You said that your song "Mountains and Flowing Waters" is also dominated by palace sounds. Palace sounds can calm emotions. What do you mean by playing this piece for me?"


Ye Feng instantly felt as if a cool breeze was blowing by, and the surrounding temperature dropped by more than ten degrees.

Even the horse pulling the cart seemed to feel the chill, and it screamed and sneezed.

Ye Feng swallowed and explained: "No, I played this piece casually."

Yue Maiden said coldly: "You just played this piece of music casually? I think it was intentional."

Ye Feng thought to himself: "How can anyone be so unreasonable?"

Ye Feng then explained: “It’s more suitable to play “High Mountains and Flowing Waters” on the guzheng, so I played this one.”

Yue Maiden continued to say coldly: "Just now I said I could play casually, but now I say it's more suitable. There's no truth in it."

Ye Feng had no choice but to shut up, say nothing, stop playing, and just drive honestly.

The virgin Yue said angrily: "Why don't you want to talk to me anymore?"

Ye Feng said helplessly: "No. I'm driving. Follow traffic safety. Don't talk while driving, and don't drive while talking."


The two sides were silent for a while, and then the virgin girl suddenly shouted: "Stop the car."

Ye Feng stopped the car and looked at Yue Shengchun, who jumped out of the car with a cold face, ignored Ye Feng and walked forward on his own.

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment and said secretly: "What's going on?"

Seeing that Yue Shengchun had walked some distance away, he quickly drove to catch up and shouted: "Why did you get out of the car? Are you tired from sitting?"

After asking the girl twice, she said coldly: "Don't you just say nothing while driving?"

Ye Feng slapped his head and said secretly: "Who can save me? What should I do? Someone come and save me."

At this moment, a loud shout came from the front: "I opened this road and planted this tree. If you want to live forever, leave money to buy the road."

"If you dare to say no, you will come forward and grab your head. You will die in the wilderness and be buried by the authorities. You will be sent to the Wangxiang Tower and you will never come back."

Ye Feng looked up and saw five masked men blocking the front with different weapons.

Ye Feng was overjoyed at first, and then said to himself: "I, Cao, am I so educated? What academic qualifications are needed to do a robbery in this era?"

When the robber saw the virgin, he couldn't help but look greedy.

Ye Feng stopped the carriage and reflexively stood in front of Yue Maiden and said, "You go back to the carriage first and let me do it."

Yue Maiden glanced at Ye Feng, but her eyes softened a lot, and she said: "These people are all practitioners, don't be careless."

After saying that, he jumped on the carriage, but did not enter the carriage. Instead, he stood there secretly holding a few darts in his hand.

When the robbers saw Yue Maiden jumping onto the carriage, they were a little surprised at first.

One of the robbers said: "Brother, these girls are very brave, why don't we rob the village back to the village?" and then burst into obscene laughter.

Several other people also echoed and burst into laughter.

Ye Feng stepped forward and said: "Why don't you rob me and take me to your village? I have little food and can do anything. I am proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, so it would be more cost-effective for you to rob me."

Hearing Ye Feng say that he ate less, Yue virgin couldn't help but smile.

This smile stunned several robbers, and they could only hear the sounds of several robbers swallowing saliva.

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Seeing this, Ye Feng looked back and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The virgin girl glared at Ye Feng and said to herself: "If you didn't seize the opportunity to take action just now, what are you looking back at?"

Ye Feng saw the intention in Yue Maiden's eyes, and immediately turned around to prepare for action, only to find several big men staring at him with jealous eyes.

Ye Feng could only smile awkwardly and said, "Hey, yes, come at me if you have anything."

The leader of the robbers said: "You guys are in a good mood today. As long as you keep this girl, I will spare your life."

Ye Feng thought about teasing the robbers, and shook his head like a rattle and said: "No, no, you can either keep me or let her go. You can only choose one."

The leader of the robber was a little dizzy and muttered: "Either let you go or let her go?"

Another robber said: "No, boss, he said to either keep me or let her go."

The leader of the robbers said impatiently: "I'm leaving you for nothing."

Another robber explained: "It's not me, I'm talking about him."


The leader of the robber said doubtfully: "You asked me to let him go?"

Another robber said: "I didn't ask you to let him go, he asked you to catch him and let her go."

The leader of the robber asked even more confused: "He asked me to catch him and then let him go? What about playing? I let him go, why did I catch him?"

Another robber explained again: "It's not him, it's her. I'll forget you are so stupid."

Before the leader of the robbers could speak, a robber next to him said: "Second, how do you talk to the boss? The boss is stupid, but you can't say that to the boss in front of outsiders."

The robber on the other side said: "He didn't say the boss was stupid, he said he was stupid."

The robber standing behind said: "What he said is right."

The leader of the robbers said: "Are you done? Shouldn't we first discuss what he said about you, me, and him?"

The last robber said calmly: "Boss, what this guy said just now is simply that he is playing tricks on you."

The leader of the robbers said displeasedly: "It's really hard to talk to you. Didn't I understand if I said this earlier? If you dare to play tricks on me, I think he is impatient."


After saying that, the leader of the robbers rushed to Ye Feng's side, grabbed Ye Feng's right shoulder with his right hand, and then tried to push Ye Feng aside.

As a result, the first push failed. The leading robber was stunned for a moment, and then pushed again, but still failed to push.

Ye Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's my turn."

After Ye Feng said this, he pushed the leading robber's left shoulder with his right hand. The leading robber staggered and ran a few steps before stopping.

The leader of the robbers shouted: "The idea is tough, take Qingzi and clear it." Qingzi is a slang word, which means weapon. "Qingzi" means to kill him.

Several people immediately showed their weapons, some with swords, some with guns, etc.

Ye Feng took a look at their weapons. These weapons were all standard weapons at this time.

These people were either former soldiers or were sold out from the army of some country.

Several people attacked Ye Feng at the same time, and several people cooperated well. Some were responsible for close attacks, some were responsible for long-range attacks, some were responsible for sneak attacks, and some were waiting for opportunities and responsible for defense, etc.

Several people take turns to cooperate with you to attack him and defend, he will withdraw his weapon and another person will fill the gap to attack.


The beating made Ye Feng a little confused.

Yue Maiden looked at the situation on the field and said: "Pay attention to who is wandering among them, and attack the person who attacks you."

The virgin girl quickly saw the flaw in the cooperation of several people. The gap where one person retracted his weapon and the other attacked was the opportunity when the opponent lacked manpower to defend.

Ye Feng immediately understood what Yue Virgin meant and reached out to slap the sword of the attacker on his right.

This man's sword was slapped away by Ye Feng, and the deviated position just blocked the weapon of the person attacking Ye Feng's left side.

Then Ye Fengqi slapped the person holding the sword on the chest with his palm. The person holding the sword flew backwards and knocked away the person holding the halberd behind him.

Ye Feng jumped up into the air and kicked out two people on the left, knocking away the two people on the left who were waiting for a sneak attack.

This chapter has been completed!
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