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Chapter 135


Ye Feng smiled and said: "Thank you sister for saving your life. I can't repay you."

Ye Feng calls Yue Maisheng sister not because she is older than her, but just like Tang Monk calls female Bodhisattva when he meets a beautiful woman, Ye Feng calls her sister when he sees a beautiful woman.

Yue Shengsheng explained calmly: "I didn't save you. I was about to take you to find a doctor, but I didn't expect that I hadn't found you yet."

Ye Feng was in a good mood because he seemed to be able to detoxify himself, so he said teasingly: "At least my sister saved me from several kidnappers after I fainted. My little brother has no way of repaying me, so I can only pledge myself to him."

As soon as the words were spoken, Ye Feng felt that something was wrong, but he could not take them back after he had spoken them. He could only cover his mouth and carefully look at the back of Yue Virgin who was driving.

I only heard Yue Maiden say lightly: "Nonsense."

Ye Feng secretly thought in surprise: "That's it? She doesn't seem to be angry. Does she have a crush on me? Impossible. She is interested in me."

Ye Feng shook his head and couldn't find any other topic for a while. The car fell into an awkward atmosphere.

Two days later, the two arrived at Qubu in the State of Lu. Ye Feng and the others still found no trace of Lu Kui's caravan.

Ye Feng felt that Lu Kui was looking for beauties everywhere in order to buy them back, so he would definitely bring these beauties to Linzi.


Then you can rush to Linzi first, and then ask someone to help inquire about Lu Kui's whereabouts to find him.

Ye Feng made up his mind and told Yue Maiden his thoughts and prepared to go to Linzi.

The more virgin you are, the more likely you are to have no objections and be ready to leave as soon as you say so.

In the past, because Ye Feng was only busy on the road, he spent most of his time outside eating and sleeping. Moreover, when there was not enough food, he often went without enough food in order to keep Yue Maiden full.

Ye Feng felt that he could not wrong his Five Zang Temple so much, so he needed to prepare more food to eat on the road.

In addition, during this period, there were many fights between robbers and black shops along the way, which made Ye Feng feel that he needed to get a handy weapon. He couldn't always grab hidden weapons with his bare hands, as this would make him look stupid.

So Ye Feng took Yue Maiden to buy some dry food such as dried meat and fish, and also bought some quilts for Yue Maiden to pad in the carriage.

On the one hand, it was because winter was approaching, and on the other hand, Ye Feng could smell the smell of blood.

When purchasing items, Ye Feng found that it was inconvenient to use Qin currency to purchase items here.

Because every time, the copper coins of Qin and Lu must be weighed and compared, and then how many Qin copper coins need to be paid according to the weight conversion.


So Ye Feng took Yue Maiden to exchange for copper coins.

The copper coins used by the State of Lu were called cloth coins, but the exchange of gold and copper coins in various countries was basically the same, and the exchange of different copper coins was based on weight.

There are two kinds of cloth coins in the state of Lu, big and small, two liang each, and small coins one liang and one tael. However, in the Lu country, the currency is twenty taels per catty, so one tael is almost 13 grams.

The exchange of gold and copper coins is based on weight. The basic exchange ratio is generally between one to two hundred and eighty to three hundred. That is to say, one kilogram of gold can be exchanged for nearly three hundred kilograms of copper coins at this time.

Ye Feng used the weights and measures of Jin, Song and Lu to exchange twelve gold coins for almost thirty-six kilograms of copper coins in later generations.

This operation confused Yue Virgin, who said calmly: "How many things are you going to buy? The currency used in Qi is different from that in Lu, so there is no need to change copper coins here."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "I have other uses. You will know later."

Yue Maiden glanced at the copper coins in front of Ye Feng and ignored Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took out the stick he had prepared in advance. Fortunately, the coins were strung with ropes, and Ye Feng hung them on the stick and carried them all the way to the coppersmith's shop.

This move attracted many passers-by on the road to watch. The only difference from later generations was that no one took out their mobile phones to post on Moments.


The virgin girl was a little disgusted when she saw someone watching, and the virgin girl's eyes immediately turned cold.

Ye Feng, who was walking in front, suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped several degrees, and said, "What the hell is the weather like? It's just cooling down."

I was about to turn around and ask Yue Virgin if she was cold, but I happened to see Yue Virgin's cold eyes and couldn't help but shudder.

Ye Feng saw the reason for Yue Nu's dissatisfaction and immediately said: "Sister Yue Nu, why don't you go and sit in the carriage first?"

The virgin girl nodded slightly, then jumped up and jumped onto the carriage.

After entering the carriage, Yue Chunqing saw Ye Feng laying on a quilt in the carriage, with a mountain of food and water beside him, and a small heater thoughtfully placed on one side. For a moment, Yue Chunqing's eyes became a little blurry, losing the coldness of the past.


He glanced at Ye Feng secretly through the gap in the carriage door curtain, with a complicated expression on his face and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ye Feng thought: "Hey, this little girl will definitely be very moved when she sees what I have prepared. When the time comes, let her teach me two moves, so I can walk sideways here."

Ye Feng happily came to the coppersmith's shop and asked the coppersmith to mix some tin and make it into a copper rod with a diameter of two inches and a height of eight feet and three inches.

The state of Lu used a small ruler, which when converted to later generations' weights and measures, was approximately 3.94 centimeters in diameter and 160 centimeters in height.

This first site is:

If it is pure copper, based on the calculation of 8.96 grams of copper per cubic centimeter, this copper rod is about 35 kilograms.

But because it is mixed with 20% tin, the specific gravity of tin is 7.28 grams per cubic centimeter. Therefore, this alloy copper rod weighs about 33.63 kilograms.

Part of the remaining copper coins was used to purchase tin and make copper rods, and the other part was reserved for transportation on the road.

The master coppersmith was very happy to see Ye Feng giving so many copper coins, so he asked other workers to stop their work and help Ye Feng make copper sticks together.

Several people helped at the same time much faster, and an alloy copper rod was quickly made.

Because the copper stick was too conspicuous, Ye Feng used some soil to disguise the copper stick as a wooden stick on the road.

Due to Ye Feng's immense strength, although the copper stick is very heavy, it is light in Ye Feng's hands and looks more like a wooden stick.

Ye Feng took the copper stick and drove the carriage towards Linzi of Qi State with satisfaction.

Considering the long-term problem of driving a carriage, you generally won't run at high speeds, but will run at about the same speed as ordinary people.

In addition, the road conditions at this time were really bad, with potholes everywhere, so it was impossible to drive faster.


This reminded Ye Feng of an incident he encountered when he was in Beijing in 2000.

Once when he was taking a bus, an old man came up and sat in the middle of the last row. Anyone who has ever ridden a bus knows that sitting in that seat gives you a feeling of dominion over the world.

The old man also felt as if the emperor had ascended the throne, until a pothole appeared in the road and the old man died.

The old man was thrown and sat on the ground. The driver stopped the car immediately for fear of an accident. However, when they saw the old man standing up and yelling curses, everyone felt relieved instantly.

On this road, if the carriage goes faster, it can send people flying, making people feel like they are flying.

Ye Feng had just left Qubu and saw a man walking on the roadside carrying a package. He looked like a scholar.

When this man saw Ye Feng, he struck up a conversation and said, "Brother, where are you going?"

Ye Feng looked at him and said, "I'm going to visit Qi State."

The man smiled and said: "I am also going to Qi State. I wonder if this elder brother can give me a ride on my younger brother?"

Ye Feng was always easy to talk to, so he agreed: "Okay, come up." After saying that, Ye Feng stopped the carriage and let the passerby get on the carriage.


Ye Feng asked: "There are so many talented people in Lu State, why are you traveling to Qi State?"

Qiu Laoer said with a smile: "My teacher asked me to show off my knowledge."

Ye Feng looked at his cheerful look and asked, "Why do I think you are more like visiting your sweetheart?"

Qiu Laoer scratched his head and smiled awkwardly and said: "It's not that I'm going to see my sweetheart, but that Master promised me that I can marry my sweetheart when I come back. Hehe." After that, he smiled naively.

Seeing that it was past noon, Ye Feng opened the curtain and said to Yue Maiden: "Sister Yue Nu, are you hungry? Do you want to find a shop to get some food?"

The Yue virgin said calmly: "I'm not hungry. It's not the evening meal yet, are you hungry again?"

Ye Feng said awkwardly: "I'm not hungry either." Even so, he took a pack of boiled beef wrapped in leaves.

Ye Feng asked Qiu Laoer, "Isn't your sweetheart beautiful?"

When Qiu Laoer saw the beautiful virgin, he still couldn't recover and replied blankly: "Beautiful, so beautiful."

Ye Feng asked again: "Isn't your sweetheart your junior sister?"

Qiu Laoer's soul had not yet returned to his original position, and he still replied blankly: "Sweetheart? What sweetheart?"

Ye Feng looked up and saw Qiu Laoer's stunned look and couldn't help but shook his head. He picked up a piece of beef and waved it in front of Qiu Laoer's eyes and asked, "Would you like a piece?"

Qiu Laoer's thoughts were interrupted and he came back to his senses and said, "Ah? Oh, no, I've eaten."

During this period, most people were on a two-meal diet, so they rarely ate at noon. Ye Feng ate on his own.

Qiu Laoer realized that he had just lost his composure, cleared his throat and said: "My name is Qiu Laoer, my ancestor is from the Song Dynasty, and my surname is Zi."

Qiu Laoer asked Ye Feng for help, so although he was older, he called Ye Feng his brother and his younger brother.

Ye Feng replied politely: "My name is Ye Feng."

Qiu Laoer smiled and cupped his hands, waiting for Ye Feng to continue to praise his ancestors, but Ye Feng only said that his name was Ye Feng, and Qiu Laoer coughed awkwardly.

Qiu Laoer then asked: "I wonder where Brother Ye is from? What is his surname?"

Ye Feng thought for a while and said: "Chu State, Ye Yi. The surname is Ji, after the Ye family, after the Shen family."


Ye Feng was not used to having different surnames, so he just forgot to say his last name. However, when the other party asked for more details, he could only answer according to the habits of this era.

Yeyi of the Chu State was the Ye County of Zhendejin Province in later generations. Yeyi was an important border defense town in the northern part of the Chu State at that time.

After the Qin State unified the six countries, it implemented the system of prefectures and counties and established Nanyang County. Ye County was under the jurisdiction of Nanyang County.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, when many countries granted fiefs to some heroes, they usually sealed them at the border, mainly to defend the border. For example, the Sanhuan of Lu State at this time was mainly to guard against Qi State.

In fact, there was no Ye family during this period. The Ye family originated from the Shen family of the Chu State. Shen Zhuliang, named Zhuliang, and given the courtesy name Zigao, was a military strategist and politician of the Chu State in the late Spring and Autumn Period.

According to historical records, in 524 BC, King Ping of Chu granted Shen Zhuliang the title of Yin because his father Shen Yinxu had repeatedly made military exploits in the battle between Wu and Chu.

Because all the kings of the Chu State were called Duke, they were called Ye Gong. Ye Gong is the ancestor of the Chinese people with the surname Ye all over the world.

So Ye Feng said that he was from Ye Yi, Chu State. In principle, Ye Feng was not lying.

This chapter has been completed!
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