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Chapter 136 One Meat and Two Vegetarians

Qiu Laoer didn't know Ye Yi and the Ye family, but he knew that the surname Mi was the surname of the royal family of the Chu Kingdom, and that the surname Shen was also the surname of the nobility in the Chu Kingdom.

The surname Mi originated from the Xuanyuan family, after Sun Jilian, the eighth generation of the Yellow Emperor.

The surname is the product of the matrilineal clan system. Later, as the "matriarchy" was replaced by the "patriarchal system", women's surnames were gradually inherited by the patrilineal clan. This is the origin of the surname.

Therefore, Mi is the mother's surname. The historical book "Guoyu Zhengyu" records: "There are eight surnames after Zhu Rong, namely Ji, Dong, Peng, Tu, Ju, Cao, Zhen, and Mi."

As early as ancient times, Chinese ancestors have realized that marriage is closely related to their own reproduction, so they gradually strictly restricted "no marriage among people with the same surname".

Therefore, it is inevitable that the descendants of the same surname family must intermarry with the descendants of another surname family. In this way, some new surnames must appear under one surname, and a clan tribal group will split into several new clans.

Ji Lian was the descendant of Zhu Rong and took the surname of Xuanyuan. He also adopted the surname of Mi and his mother's surname, marking the emergence of a new clan.

According to the historical book "Historical Records·Chu Family Suoyin: "Mi, the sound of sheep." In the classic book "Shuowen Jiezi", Mi is explained as, "The cry of sheep. It comes from the sound of sheep, which is like the sound of air. It agrees with Mou. Sheep and servant cut. .”

The totem of the surname Mi is a sheep, and the sheep is Qiang. It is noted in the classic "Shuowen Jiezi": "Qiang, Xirong, the breed of sheep... The Western Qiang follow the sheep."

So Ji Lian’s mother came from the Qiang tribe in the west. According to the historical record "Shiben": "Lu finally married the ghost Fang's sister, who was called Nüjian."

According to the examination of the historical books "Book of the Later Han·Biography of the Western Qiang" and "Shiben Song Zhongzhong", etc., Guifang is the Western Qiang.

According to the "Historical Atlas of China", the geographical locations of Qiang Fang and Xiqiang are consistent.

This is also why during the Spring and Autumn Period, the Central Plains countries did not really agree with the Chu State and considered the Chu State to be a Chu barbarian.

So when Qiu Laoer heard Ye Feng say that he was from Chu country, his expression was a little unnatural.

But Qiu Laoer's expression quickly returned to normal, and he said calmly: "The surname Shen can be regarded as the descendant of the nobles of Chu State."

Ye Feng explained: "It's not the descendant of the nobles of Chu State, it's not the same origin. My ancestor is the descendant of Ji Dan, the tenth son of King Wu. The surname of Shen of Chu State is the descendant of Shen State."

After the Zhou Dynasty initially established the world, King Wen and King Wu of Zhou died one after another. King Cheng of Zhou was young, and Gongdan of Zhou had no choice but to take over as regent. Gongdan of Zhou became Ji Dan.

At that time, Wu Geng, the son of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, used the topic to say that Zhou Gongdan was disobedient, and Uncle Guan and Uncle Cai, who were entrusted around Wu Geng, also followed Wu Geng in rebellion.


Finally, Zhou Gongdan suppressed the Wu Geng Rebellion and was enfeoffed in the Shen State, so he became the ancestor of the Shen surname.

Qiu Laoer immediately said: "That can be regarded as the queen of King Wu of Zhou, and you are also the uncle of the current Emperor of Zhou. You can imitate your ancestor Zhou Gongdan as regent and help the Zhou family to pacify the princes of the world."

Ye Feng immediately looked around to see if there was anyone around him, and said to himself: "This man is crazy, and his words are not in tune at all."

Qiu Lao Er continued to preach without fear: "Now that the Zhou Dynasty is in decline, and my son's surname is also an orthodox noble of the Song Dynasty, seeing this scene, I am willing to help the Zhou Dynasty and restore the past etiquette."

After that, he talked non-stop about the origin of his surname and how loyal his ancestors were. Ye Feng responded indifferently. He would only ask questions when he encountered something that interested Ye Feng.

Time seemed to pass faster when someone was chatting. But although it was said to be chatting, Qiu Laoer was actually talking most of the time, and Ye Feng was forced to listen.

But this also allowed Ye Feng to learn something about Qiu Laoer.

Qiu Lao Er's father was Kong He, and he died of old age when Qiu Lao Er was twenty-three years old. Qiu Lao Er also had a younger brother named Kong Erni, who was eighteen years old this year, and Qiu Lao Er was twenty-eight years old this year.

Qiu Laoer's mother also passed away some time ago. At that time, the Ji family, one of the three emperors of the Lu Kingdom, held a banquet to entertain famous officials and prepare to recruit some followers.

Qiu Laoer went to participate, but he was kicked out by the housekeeper because he was not qualified enough, so Qiu Laoer ran out to travel in anger.


Ye Feng asked with some confusion: "Why do your brother and your father have the same surname, but you use Qiu?"

Qiu Laoer said arrogantly: "I can have my own surname because I have the ability. Those who don't have the ability will share the same surname with their father for the rest of their lives."

Qiu Laoer said arrogantly: "I am proficient in Zhou rites and am respected by the world, so I call myself Qiu."

But Ye Feng felt that he changed the Qiu family by himself, but Ye Feng didn't expose his lie. To Ye Feng, it was just a story.

Then Qiu Laoer seemed to have remembered something and said, "Have you heard about the recent attacks by Wu, Cai, and Tang on Chu?"

During this period, the transmission of information was not as convenient as in later generations. A lot of information was obtained from spies and merchants distributed in various countries at the national level. Ye Feng has not been in Chu State and does not know what happened in this era.

In addition, although the development of events in this parallel universe is similar to that of Ye Feng's parallel universe, there are many differences.

For example, the order of some events is reversed, some historical figures are different, or their birth years are different.

There are also some famous figures who do not exist at all in the history of Ye Feng's parallel universe.

Ye Feng said truthfully: "I have been doing business outside and am not familiar with these things."

Qiu Laoer said proudly: "The Wu army, led by Sun Wu, passed through Tang and Cai and launched a surprise attack on Chu."

"Continuously marching westward along the Huai River, then suddenly abandoned the ship at Huai Rui, landed, and quickly bypassed the large tunnel in the north of Chu State at that time, Zhiyuan, Ming'e (which is later known as Hubei, Jiuli Pass on the border of Henan, Wusheng

Pass, Pingjing Pass) and other three important military towns."

"We crossed the dangerous pass and directly reached the east bank of the Han River at that time. We completed the strategic deployment of attacking thousands of miles, making deep detours, and going straight to the heart of the Chu Kingdom."

"Facing the Wu army that suddenly appeared in the heartland around the capital of Chu, King Zhao of Chu immediately organized an army to attack in a hurry."

"Sent Ling Yin Nangwa and Zuo Sima Shen Yinshu to lead 200,000 troops to meet the enemy and set up defenses west of the Han River."

"At that time, Shen Yinshu proposed to divide his troops and encircle them, and then detour to the side of the Wu army, destroy the Wu army's boats in the Huaihe River, block the large tunnel, straight shaft, and cause trouble. Then Nangwa crossed the Han River to meet the Wu army, and the two armies attacked together to destroy the Wu army.


"Ling Yin Nangwa was afraid that he would succeed, so he ignored the original battle plan and began to cross the Han River to attack the Wu army before Shen Yinshu could complete his detour."

"At that time, Ling Yin Nangwa had 90,000 main troops, while Wu's army only had 30,000. Sun Wu therefore adopted a strategy of feigning defeat, wearing down the enemy, and then looking for an opportunity for a decisive battle."

"In the end, the Chu army was defeated in consecutive battles. Moreover, under the surprise attack of Fugai's vanguard, the Chu army was severely defeated. The commander ordered Yin Nangwa to abandon the army and escape, and ran to Zheng State."

"The Chu army began a great rout and was defeated by the Wu army, allowing the Wu army to attack the capital of Ying."

"After hearing the news, Shen Yinshu immediately returned to the south and was wounded three times in continuous battles with the Wu army. He was finally defeated by the Wu army at Yongxi (about present-day Beijing Mountain in Hubei Province, west of Tianmen and east of the Han River)."

Ye Feng was very concerned about Shen Yinxu's situation, because Shen Yinxu was the father of Ye Gong, the ancestor of the Ye surname, so he asked, "I wonder what happened to Zuo Sima later?"

Qiu Laoer shook his head and said regretfully: "This Shen Yinxu is also a rare talent. Originally, his proposal could form an extraordinary army and have a chance to defeat Sun Wu, encircle and annihilate the Wu Allied Forces, and relieve the Chu State's crisis."

"It's a pity that because this Nangwa is a greedy and rash person, he was eventually implicated and ended up in a disastrous defeat."

This development is basically the same as the events in the parallel universe where Ye Feng lives. Shen Yinxu is indeed the only one who has a chance to defeat Sun Tzu.

But Shen Yinxu in the parallel universe where Ye Feng lived was defeated and committed suicide in the end. Ye Feng even wanted to know if this person was still alive.

But Ye Feng couldn't get in the way of Qiu Lao Er's chatter. He had to evaluate everything before giving the result.

Ye Feng could only listen patiently, but fortunately Qiu Laoer could see that Ye Feng's expression was different.

Qiu Laoer immediately returned to the subject and said: "Later Shen Yinshu was seriously injured and could no longer fight. Because he had served as a minister in the state of Wu in the past, Shen Yinshu did not want to be captured and humiliated, so he asked his subordinate Wu Goubei to cut off his head.


"After his death, the body was properly buried by Wu Jubei. Shen Yinxu organized the whole family to fight against Wu, and he can be regarded as a loyal man."


When Ye Feng heard that the family was full of loyalists, he couldn't help being startled, and secretly said: "What? They're all dead? No more Ye Gong?"

So he immediately asked: "No, no, are there any survivors?"

Qiu Laoer replied: "That's not true. Shen Yinxu sent away his youngest son Shen Zhuliang in advance."

"Later, the Chu State drove away the Wu army with the help of Qin's reinforcements. King Chu Ping granted Shen Zhuliang the title of Yin because his father Shen Yinxu had repeatedly made military exploits in the battle between Wu and Chu."

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: "Maimaipi, can you be more reliable in what you say? I'm shocked."

In the afternoon, before dusk, Ye Feng and the others saw an inn, and then looked into the distance and saw a small town. Ye Feng estimated the distance and found that if they hurried on, they could still get there before dark.

But Ye Feng thought that virgins should not sit for long periods of time during this period and should stand up properly to promote blood circulation, so he planned to stay here.

Qiu Laoer looked at the black-walled inn not far away and said, "Brother Feng, are we going to spend the night in this dark inn today?"

Ye Feng asked in surprise: "How did Brother Qiu know that this store was a black store?"

Qiu Laoer looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "Brother Feng, can't you see it?"

Ye Feng shook his head.

Qiu Laoer said: "Tomorrow we will go to the bigger city ahead to find a doctor to check Brother Ye's eye disease. I heard that some people can't see color. Maybe Brother Feng, you also suffer from this disease."

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Qiu Laoer and said, "You said it is a black store because its walls are black? The black we are talking about is not the same black."

Qiu Laoer rarely goes out, so he doesn't know that the black shop has another meaning.

Ye Feng added: "My name is Ye Feng, you can call me Brother Ye or Brother Ye. Brother Feng, Brother Feng, it sounds weird."

Qiu Laoer replied: "Okay, Brother Feng."

Ye Feng thought to himself: "I have a saying that I don't know whether to say or not."

Ye Feng stopped the carriage, and the three of them got out of the carriage, with the waiter helping to lead the horses and feed them.

Ye Feng and Qiu Laoer were walking into the store with another waiter.

Yue Maiden walked up to Ye Feng and whispered in a low voice: "There is something weird about this shop." At the same time, she winked at the haystack on the side.


Ye Feng looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a blood-stained hem of clothes exposed under the haystack.

Ye Feng smiled and said in a low voice: "Have we encountered many illegal shops along the way? Just cooperate with them in a moment, and let me do the rest."

This chapter has been completed!
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