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Chapter 138 This girl looks really pompous

The third child is the big man holding the wooden stick, and the fourth child is the big man who just tried to see if the Mongolian sweat medicine has expired.

The third child ran over and called the fourth child several times, but there was no response. Then he pushed again and still couldn't wake him up.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the room was much quieter. When he turned around, he saw Ye Feng standing next to him and looking at him.

It turned out that Ye Feng saw that the virgin had woken up, so he was no longer interested in playing with them.

So when the third child ran away, the black shop owner and the second child were left. When they were distracted and noticed that the third child was calling the fourth child, he got close and knocked them unconscious.

Ye Feng looked at him, then winked at the jar of sweat medicine next to him, and said, "Try to see if it has expired."

The third child smiled awkwardly, but knowing that he was no match, he took a glass of wine and sprinkled some wine on it.

Then he raised his glass and said to Ye Feng: "Come on, let's go one by one, I'll do it, you can do whatever you want."

After drinking it, I passed out quickly.

Ye Feng saw that the Mongolian sweat medicine was quite effective, so he found a small gourd used as a bottle at the counter and filled a gourd of the Mongolian sweat medicine.

Ye Feng poured the remaining medicinal powder into the nearby brazier for heating.

Ye Feng went to find licorice and pounded it into juice, mixed it with water and fed it to Yue Shengchun and Qiu Laoer. The two drank the licorice water and quickly woke up.

Yue Sheng had already woken up. She drank some licorice water to dissolve the sweat medicine in her stomach, and she soon recovered as before.

Qiu Laoer was drunk with licorice water by Ye Feng and slowly woke up after a while. Qiu Laoer looked out the window in confusion at the sun that was about to set, and asked: "It's dawn so soon? Are you ready to go?"

Ye Feng said calmly: "Brother, the sun is in the west."

Qiu Laoer asked in surprise: "What? The sun has risen from the west?"

Ye Feng said helplessly: "Let's change our mind. Do you think it could be sunset?"

Only then did Qiu Laoer realize and asked, "Hey, that's not right. Why did I fall asleep while eating?"

An idea came to Ye Feng's mind. If Qiu Laoer hadn't met him and was killed in a black shop on the road, wouldn't there be no unique family in the future?

In this way, the Duzun family will not tamper with history and let future generations see false history.

The "Shi Ji" written by Sima Qian, which the Duzun family advertises, is a fake history book based on the wishes of the Duzun family. In fact, Gu Wa had a tribal alliance-style recommendation system from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the Spring and Autumn Period.


The Yellow Emperor was a powerful tribe in the tribal alliance and defeated other competitors, so he was selected as the leader of the alliance.

The Xia Dynasty had a dynasty, which was temporarily replaced by the Houyi tribe. At that time, the rulers of the Xia Dynasty were fatuous and declined, and they were replaced.

This is also the reason why there are no unearthed cultural relics with the concept of a Xia Dynasty state, because it existed in the form of a half-tribal alliance and half-state.

After the Xia Dynasty king was defeated, he went into exile among several tribes, which also confirmed that the Xia Dynasty's country was formed in the form of tribal alliance.

This custom continued until the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period. Whoever was stronger among the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period would be elected as the leader of the alliance.

Therefore, if there is a so-called concession in the middle, and then the tribal alliance election method is restored later, this is not in line with the laws of historical development.

In addition, there is another evidence that "Shiji" tampered with history, which is what Wang Yun said when he killed Cai Yong. Wang Yun said: "In the past, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not kill Sima Qian and asked him to write a slanderous book and spread it to later generations."

"Now that the country is in decline and the political power is unstable, we cannot allow treacherous and flattering ministers to write articles next to the young master. This will not enhance the benevolence of the Holy One, but will also expose us to slanderous remarks."

As time has passed, it is difficult for people in later generations to understand the situation at that time, but we can know the true face of this person from the evaluation of people at the same time.

For example, when Qiu Lao Er participated in the politics of the Lu State, he brought the Lu State into decline and chaos, and was scolded by the people of the Lu State. Of course, the Duzun family's good name was slandered by hostile people.


Later, Qiu Laoer was driven out of the Lu State by the Lu people, and people in the world called him "a lost dog."

Being scolded once can be understood as slander by a political opponent, but is it someone else's problem to be scolded again and again? This shows how good Qiu Laoer is as a person and in managing politics.

Of course, this period of history has been beautified by lies, but as long as you analyze it carefully, you can still get the truth. After all, lies are easy to expose.

The Duzun family later slandered the First Emperor for "burning books to entrap Confucian scholars," but no one knows how many books the Duzun family burned in the name of revising books during the Daguang and Manchu dynasties.

Moreover, the standard for burning books at that time was that the symbols did not conform to the thoughts of the Duzun family. The books burned during the two revisions caused the chronology of many precious records in the history of the ancient Wa Kingdom, and many black technologies were lost.

The two purges they led were far more harmful than what they called "burning books and humiliating Confucians." And the obedient monarchs who participated in them became wise monarchs.

Emperor Daguang of the Chaozu killed corrupt officials until there was a shortage of people in the officialdom, but he did not have the reputation of a cruel official or a cruel king. He killed far more people than Shang Yang, but Shang Yang was known as a cruel official.

Because Guwa State only respected the ideological unity of the family, Guwa's thoughts were imprisoned, resulting in the backwardness and beating of future generations.

And the root of all this is Qiu Laoer. If he dies, can everything be changed?

Ye Feng looked at Qiu Laoer, thinking about these things in his head. Qiu Laoer felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Ye Feng.

Qiu Laoer coughed and said, "Brother Feng? Are you asleep?" He waved his hand in front of Ye Feng's eyes.

Ye Feng came back to his senses and ignored Qiu Laoer.

This scene was seen by Yue Shengchun. She was a martial arts practitioner, and she could clearly feel the traces of murderous aura emanating from Ye Feng's body just now.

The virgin girl couldn't help but look at Qiu Laoer twice. Seeing the virgin girl looking at him, Qiu Laoer immediately sat up straight and straightened his clothes.

Ye Feng ran to the kitchen to see what food was there. Everyone fainted after just a few bites of the food on the table, and everyone was still a little hungry.

Unexpectedly, this black shop just went to the trouble to stun them. Now there is no meat in the kitchen. It seems that the chicken given to Ye Feng and the others is the only meat dish they have left.

Ye Feng found some leeks, parsley, winter melon, and tempeh. The Guwa people had been making tempeh for a long time.

In the early days of tempeh, selected beans were soaked overnight and then steamed like steamed rice.

When it's cooked, cover it with fresh thatch and put it indoors for a while.

After fourteen days, yellow clothes will grow on the beans. Remove the yellow clothes and dry them in the sun.

This first site is:

After drying, continue to soak with water until the juice can be squeezed out from the beans and enough to flow out between the fingers.

Then put it into the urn and cover it with mulberry leaves. The mulberry leaves should be covered with a thickness of three inches. Then cover the urn tightly and seal it with mud.

Dig a trench in the ground to accommodate the urn. Heat the trench first and then place the urn.

The corpse is then taken out and dried in the sun until it is semi-dry, then steamed, dried again, and steamed and dried three times to make tempeh.

Ye Feng cut scallions, parsley and leeks into sections, first boiled them with water and oil, then added leeks, scallions, parsley, salt, black beans and millet and cooked them together, making two pieces of scallion and leek soup.

Ye Feng simmered winter melon, soy sauce, scallions and cannabis oil together to make a Chinese melon dish.

Ye Feng made another coriander with parsley and garlic. Blanch the coriander and garlic with water, then dice the parsley and mince the garlic. Mix them with salt and vinegar, and put them separately on a plate.

As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. With these things, Ye Feng could only make these two dishes.

Ye Feng took away the food that had been mixed with sweat medicine and served his own newly prepared food.

Qiu Laoer was full of praise for the style of the food. After filling up the soup, he ate it with big mouthfuls.

On the other hand, Yue Mai was still calm on the surface, without any change. However, she ate a little more than usual.

Ye Feng remained calm as usual, waiting for the two of them to finish eating and wiped out the rest.

After eating, Ye Feng tied up the four big men in the black shop and poured licorice juice into them. After a while, several of them woke up.

The fourth child, who had just tasted the Mongolian sweat medicine, woke up first. When he saw the virgin girl, he shouted: "Boss, this girl is really beautiful."

Ye Feng slapped him on the back of the head and cursed: "You're so arrogant, your sister."

The fourth child shrank his neck and said: "My sister is not showy. My sister is just like me, she is tall, stupid and thick, so she is nicknamed Wu Jinmei."

When Ye Feng heard that this guy was also a fool, he asked, "Why can't your drug taste good?"

The fourth child chuckled and said, "We have a kind of miracle fruit. If you put its juice in Mongolian sweat medicine, you won't be able to taste it anymore."

Ye Feng thought that there was a mysterious fruit in later generations that could change people's taste buds. But it was only introduced to Guwa in the 20th century. How could it exist in this period?

Or is it just the same name? And also has the same effect?

This first site is:

Ye Feng thought for a while and asked, "Do you still have the mysterious fruit?"

The fourth child replied: "No, two men in black always bring a small amount of miracle fruit and sell it to us."

Ye Feng asked anxiously: "Who are they? Where do they come from?"

The fourth child shook his head and replied: "I don't know, I come here masked every time. But the color of my eyes is very strange, not like a Dazhou person."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and thought for a while but had no clue.

Ye Feng then asked: "Then how did you make the sweat medicine tasteless?"

The fourth child smiled and said: "Another group of men in black helped us get it. They said it was some kind of purification."

Ye Feng was shocked and thought to himself: "You actually know how to purify? Are you not from this era?"

Ye Feng asked nervously: "Why do you say it's from another group?"

The fourth child replied: "The boss said that their attires are very different. The black clothes of the one who sells our fruit are loose, while this man in black is relatively tight-fitting."

This first site is:

"And the accents are very different. Although the guy who sells our fruit has a strange appearance, he speaks with our Zhou accent. The accent of the one wearing tights sounds like someone from a foreign land."

Ye Feng asked again: "Then what else has he sold to you or done?"

The fourth child thought for a while and said: "In addition to helping us purify it, we just stabbed us with something unknown, and there is nothing else."

Ye Feng said doubtfully: "I stabbed you?"

The fourth child rolled up his sleeves, pointed to a scar on his arm and said, this is it.

Ye Feng was even more shocked after seeing it and said: "Smallpox vaccine?"

Judging from written records, there should be no smallpox virus introduced into Guwa during this period. The earliest written record is "Elbow Preparation for Emergency Prescriptions."

And why did the man in black inject them with smallpox vaccine?

Why does a person with the technology of later generations appear?

And what are the origins of the other two men in black?


What is going on with all this?

A hundred thousand reasons suddenly flashed in Ye Feng's mind, and he was puzzled by too many doubts. The high-speed operation of his brain made him feel a little pain in his head.

At this time, a warm current flowed directly from Dantian to the Baihui point on the top of his head, and then downwards from the top of his head into his brain. The entry of this warm current relieved his headache.

This chapter has been completed!
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