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Chapter 137: Try This Mongolian Sweat Medicine, Is It Expired?

The more virgin you are, the more talented you are and the bolder you are, so it doesn't matter.

The three of them followed the waiter into the store and found a seat by the window and sat down.


The scenery from this location is quite good, you can see the main road and the pastoral scenery across the road.

Although it was a dirt road during this period and the dust was relatively high, the store sprinkled water on the nearby road, so there was no need to worry about the dust from passing cars and horses.

In addition, Ye Feng and the others did not know the road, so they just followed the general direction. This was not a necessary route, it could even be said to be a remote road with few cars and horses.

The three of them had just sat down and ordered a meat dish and two vegetarian dishes. The meat dish was stewed chicken, one vegetarian dish was boiled cabbage, and the other was pickles. Plus two pieces of millet.

I only ordered one meat dish because there was very little meat during this period, and many stores with few customers usually only prepared one meat dish in order to avoid being sold out.

Moreover, most restaurants and inns only prepare one or two dishes. Only those shops in big cities or some capital cities have more abundant ingredients.

You must know that this is an era of material scarcity, and most people are still struggling with hunger.

It will take almost two thousand years for human beings on this planet to basically solve the problem of food and clothing. People more than two thousand years later may not cherish food and clothing, but at this time, food and clothing is a luxury.

At this moment, there was the sound of a carriage jolting on the road outside, and a man's voice said: "Jianguo, are you sure we won't meet that boy?"

Another man's voice replied: "Don't worry, I took a detour. I will definitely not meet that boy. No one knows how to take detours better than me."

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately raised his head and looked out the window. Qiu Laoer next to him was also looking up out of the window.

I saw a man on the carriage holding a woman in his arms while driving the carriage, and at the same time talking to another man in the carriage.

Qiu Laoer said in surprise: "I, Cao, the two people in the car seem to be my master and his daughter." He ran out after saying that.

Ye Feng also ran out because he felt that the way the person spoke just now sounded familiar to him.

When the two came to the roadside, Ye Feng asked doubtfully: "Is that person in the carriage just now your master?"

Qiu Laoer said with some uncertainty: "No, the one driving the car is my master."

Ye Feng said in disbelief: "Your master hugged his daughter while driving? You have watched too many Japanese movies."

When Ye Feng said this, Qiu Laoer was even more unsure whether he was his master.

Qiu Laoer scratched his head and said, "Maybe I'm just seeing things. But Master said that the father is the guide for the son, so it doesn't matter if the father holds his daughter in his arms."

Ye Feng thought to himself: "You are sending an envoy to the Tang Dynasty. But judging from the way the man spoke just now, it should be the man who looked like Trump whom I met in Qin State. How did they come to Lu State?"

There were indeed Chuan Jianguo and several people in the carriage. In order to rush Chuan Jianguo, Obama and Zhada took turns driving the carriage. They took Qi Guan and Yang Yiying and were on their way to Qi.

Obama asked: "Jianguo, why didn't you stay in that hotel just now?"

Chuan Jianguo said: "That store is a black shop, and we have done business with it before. But their Mongolian sweat medicine is good. I bought two packs from them before I couldn't sleep."

"His sweat medicine is colorless and odorless, and just a little bit will make you dizzy. If you have insomnia, just a little bit will make you sleep all night. No one knows how to treat insomnia better than me."

Obama secretly said: "You can do it if you can't sleep and take sweat medicine."

Ye Feng and Qiu Laoer returned to the inn, and by this time the dishes had been served. Ye Feng and Yue Maiden smelled the food but could not smell the Mongolian sweat medicine.

Generally, Mongolian sweat medicine is extracted from Datura flowers, and then mixed with herbs such as Wucao and Abbulus.

This kind of antiperspirant is usually mixed in wine and will become turbid, and it will smell when put in food, so it cannot be hidden from the lake.

It is recorded in "Compendium of Materia Medica" that the ancients could extract the substances needed for Mongolian sweat medicine from a large number of Datura flowers.

Datura flower is also known as goldenrod, mountain eggplant, wind eggplant, etc. It blooms white or purple flowers at the turn of summer and autumn. The leaves and fruits are oval. The leaves, flowers and fruits contain analgesic and anesthetic properties.



Scopolamine has a paralyzing effect in trace amounts and was once used as a "truth serum" by foreign spies, so this drug has a nerve-blocking effect.

Datura flowers have to be extracted and are poisonous if eaten directly.

The toxicity of Datura flowers is almost all over the body. The fruits, especially the seeds, are the most toxic, followed by the young leaves. The dry leaves are less toxic than the fresh leaves.

Among the toxic ingredients of Datura datura, it mainly contains scopolamine and hyoscyamine, followed by atropine, apoatropine, noratropine, daturaline, crotonyl hyoscyamine, daturaline, indiamine, dihydroxyscopolamine, and red bean.

Alkali and dicrotonyl hyoscyamine, etc.

If you are poisoned by Datura flower, you can use licorice juice to detoxify it.

The "Water Margin Notes" written by Cheng Heng of the Qing Dynasty introduced, "Those who were dismissed from office were given strong licorice juice."

Sun Simiao, a medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty who was called the "King of Medicine", recorded in "Qianjin Prescriptions" that "licorice can detoxify hundreds of poisons."

Since she didn't smell anything unusual, Yue Maiden thought that the other party had put the sweat medicine in the heavily seasoned chicken stew, so she only ate cabbage and millet.

Qiu Laoer didn't know the problem, so he ate it happily.

Ye Feng tasted everything, and then commented: "The chicken was not stewed well, so it failed. The boiled cabbage was overcooked, so it was too rotten, so it was a failure. The pickles didn't have enough sauce flavor, and the seasoning was too strong, so it was a failure."


At this time, the virgin girl said: "No, there is something wrong with the food."

When Qiu Laoer heard what the two said, he didn't know what they meant and said, "This is how the food is made in a place like this. Don't be too picky when you are away from home."

Ye Feng heard the meaning of Yue Virgin and knew that the other party had drugged the food. So he started to pretend to be poisoned and shouted: "Hey, it hurts me to death. You are a shady person. You are a black shop and you are actually eating food."

The food is poisoned."

Ye Feng's shout first stunned Yue Shengsheng and Qiu Laoer. Qiu Laoer quickly reacted and said: "Brother Feng, you want to not give me the money, don't you?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt dizzy and lay motionless on the table with a thud.

The virgin girl was also sitting cross-legged and meditating, motionless.

Hearing Ye Feng's shouting, four big men rushed into the back and front entrance of the store. One of them, a black-faced man who rushed out from behind, was holding a small jar.

The dark-faced man opened the jar, pinched a handful of powder, tasted it and said, "Brother, have you ever checked whether this sweat medicine has expired? Why does it give people stomachaches after taking it?"

The owner of the black shop had just pinched a handful of Mongolian sweat medicine and was about to put it into his mouth, but he saw the black-faced man who had just tasted the Mongolian sweat medicine fell to the ground and fainted.

The owner of the black shop immediately threw away the sweat medicine in his hand and wiped his fingers on his body. He couldn't help but cursed: "You idiot. Do you want to try the sweat medicine too?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Feng was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do. He secretly said: "Ma Dan, you installed it wrong. Is it the sweat medicine?"

At this time, a big man with a stick rushed in from the main entrance and said: "Brother, this guy may be faking it."

Ye Feng retorted: "No, I am allergic to the Mongolian sweat medicine, so I have a stomachache." At this time, Ye Feng was also a little strange, why couldn't he feel the effect of the Mongolian sweat medicine at all?

Ye Feng thought to himself: "Because I didn't eat much just now? But virgins don't eat much either. Oh, she was just pretending. After hearing this, I started telling her to cooperate and let me do it."

At this time, Yue Chunqing's body was tilted to one side and seemed to be falling over. Ye Feng reflexively stepped forward to support Yue Chunqing.

After helping Ye Feng, she realized that the virgin girl seemed to be fainting too.

The other three people were attracted by the virgin's appearance. Because the virgin was wearing a veil when she entered the door, they did not see the virgin's appearance clearly.

When the three of them were eating, the virgin took off her veil. When the three saw the virgin's peerless appearance, they immediately had evil thoughts.

The owner of the black shop said: "Boy, please leave this woman to us, and we will let you live."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "What you said sounds familiar to me. Someone told me this before. I sent them to a better place."


Ye Feng helped Yue Maiden lean against the wall, then picked up the copper stick standing next to him, walked to the open space, and imitated Sun Wukong and turned the copper stick a few times to try out its feel.

The owner of the black shop said: "What you said sounds familiar to me, but I have said it before."

"Today I want to see if you can send me to a better place or if I can send you to a better place."

After saying that, the owner of the black shop stabbed Ye Feng with his sword. Ye Feng blocked the sword thrust with his stick, and there was only a sound of metal hitting each other.

The big man holding the wooden stick said: "Brother, what this boy is holding is not a wooden stick, it seems to be a copper stick."

The big man next to him said excitedly: "Then aren't we rich?"

The big man holding the wooden stick and the owner of the black shop had dark expressions on their faces, and said to themselves: "Can ordinary people be able to hold such a heavy copper stick? Are we not looking for death with our three-legged cat skills?"

But the three of them had no choice but to take action. The owner of the black shop could only pray that the sweat medicine Ye Feng took would work as soon as possible.

The owner of the black shop still believed that his sweat medicine could knock Ye Feng out, but Ye Feng was just holding on.

So he winked at the other two big men, telling them not to fight with Ye Feng, but to delay the fight.


And Ye Feng could see the purpose of several people at a glance. Ye Feng secretly said: "We will stay here tonight anyway. There are no entertainment programs in this era, so I will use you as entertainment tonight."

So Ye Feng slowed down the speed of swinging the copper stick little by little, making the opponent mistakenly think that he was getting weaker and weaker.

Moreover, Ye Feng would cheer up from time to time and pretend to be about to fall asleep.

When several big men saw this, their eyes lit up and they winked at each other. After that, the tentative attacks from several people became more and more frequent.

However, Ye Feng's movements were obviously getting slower and slower, but no attack was effective.

And it looked like he was going to faint in the next second, but he still didn't faint after playing several rounds.

At this time, the virgin girl beside her moved, slowly shook her head and sat up.

It turns out that when the virgin girl found out there was a problem, she immediately used her internal strength to seal the sweat medicine in her stomach, and then used her energy to force out the medicine.

But because part of the Mongolian sweat medicine had been absorbed, he fainted just as he used his energy to seal the food in his stomach.

It was precisely because of this that she only ingested a trace amount of the sweat medicine, so she woke up quickly.

When the black shop owner saw the virgin girl waking up, he couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong with his sweat medicine.

So the owner of the black shop shouted: "Lao San, go and call Lao Si to see if there is really a problem with the efficacy of the medicine."

This chapter has been completed!
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