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Chapter 143 Give me the copper needle, if I can't give it to my sister, I will marry someone...

Moreover, this person started dealing with the plague early in the morning, which was considered diligent. So Ye Feng had a good impression of him.

Ye Feng will not give up delicious food to him. Ye Feng ordered three pieces of porridge before, and gave one piece to Qiu Laoer. Yue Shengsheng drank it with the previous literary and historical clerk and others, leaving two pieces.

Ge Yefeng hugged Ge and drank it all.

Ye Feng saw that Qiu Laoer and the others had half a porridge left in their group, so he drank up the remaining porridge in front of everyone's surprised eyes.


Ye Feng saw everyone looking at him and said sheepishly: "I don't like waste. Have you finished eating the bean soup?"

Upon seeing this, a police officer hugged the bowl of bean soup and said, "I've finished drinking, so I don't dare bother you, sir."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "I'm just asking, I'm almost full."

Everyone said to themselves: "Is this what people say? I'm almost full after drinking two and a half kegs. It's not a waste. You who don't eat enough to eat so much are called a waste."

When the county captain saw Ye Feng drinking so much porridge, he couldn't help feeling a little sick. At first, he thought that these people didn't have much money to drink a porridge, and they drank a bunch of bean soup.

Now I saw that Ye Feng drank two kegs of porridge alone, and there was half a kettle left in the end, and there seemed to be meat in it. The county lieutenant couldn't help wiping his sweat.

Upon seeing this, Ye Feng grabbed sixty-five knife coins and paid them to the boy in the shop.

The cheapest bean soup here is only 10 knives a piece, pickles and side dishes range from 2 to 5 knives, millet mixed with soybeans porridge is 12 knives, and pure millet porridge is 15 knives.

Ye Feng and the others ordered three pieces of porridge mixed with soybeans for thirty-six dollars, and four pickles and side dishes for a total of twelve dollars, for a total of forty-eight dollars.

The county lieutenant and his group spent a total of fourteen knives on a bowl of bean soup and two pickles. The two groups spent a total of 62 knives. Ye Feng gave 65 knives and asked the servant to give it to the county lieutenant.

They added a side dish.

The county lieutenant tried to shirk the problem, saying that he would pay the bill. But at this time, not many people would go out with dozens of knives and coins.

The innkeeper was naturally more willing to accept Ye Feng's "cash", and the county lieutenant was also very sad about the dozens of coins, so he gave up after being polite.

At this time, the man who was responsible for looking for the cows brought back a few cows. When he saw the leftovers on the table, he couldn't help but touch his belly.

Seeing this, Ye Feng paid a few more coins and asked the boy to arrange food.

Ye Feng thought for a while and imitated Lu Qiang and asked the inn proprietress: "Proprietress, do you have a copper needle? Give it to me."

The innkeeper's wife blushed and said, "The guest is really good at joking. I can't give you that. My sister is already married. Besides, your brother is still here." The wife said and glanced at the boss who was entertaining the county captain in the distance.

Ye Feng knew that the innkeeper's wife had misunderstood what he meant, so he explained: "What I want is a needle for sewing clothes."

The innkeeper's wife suddenly understood and said: "Oh, the guest wants this. I mean, you look at how you are so polite and impatient."

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at the innkeeper's wife and said, "Is there any? I'm of great use."

The innkeeper's wife said with a straight face: "There are no copper needles."


Just as Ye Feng was about to turn around, the innkeeper's wife thought for a moment and asked, "I do have bone needles, do you think it's okay?"

During this period, more bone needles, wooden needles and bamboo needles were used.

The earliest needles used by humans were bone needles, followed by wooden needles, bamboo needles, ivory needles and copper needles.

Bone needles first appeared in the Paleolithic Age. For example, the cavemen in the ancient Wa Kingdom used bone needles to sew clothes.

Bone needles are usually made from large fish bones, and the pinholes are made with hard sharp stones and drills.

After the Bronze Age, the cast copper bars were beaten into relatively thin copper sticks. Then one end was flattened, and a sharp stone was used to grind out the needle holes.

Finally, grind off the excess around the needle hole by hand, and then grind out the needle tip.

Ye Feng thought for a while and shook his head and said: "No, it needs metal, and it needs to be burned and disinfected."

The innkeeper's wife asked: "What is the use of the copper needle, sir? I may have it in the back room."

Ye Feng explained: "It is used to treat plague. One or two sticks are enough."

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When the innkeeper's wife heard that it was used to treat the plague, she knew that it was an important matter that could not be delayed, so she hurriedly said: "Sir, wait a moment, I will go find it for you." After that, the innkeeper's wife ran away.

Ye Feng went over and looked at the cows to see where they had cowpox.

The method to prevent infectious viruses is basically one method and three methods. Simply put, the method is to achieve the effect of immunity by allowing people to recover after being infected.

In principle, a person will be infected by a virus because his immune system does not recognize the virus and lets it enter the body. Therefore, as long as the immune system recognizes the virus, the immune system can become immune to the virus.

There are three ways to teach the immune system. To put it simply or use some metaphors that are easier to understand, one way is to draw pictures to teach the immune system to understand the "look" of the virus.

The second way is to teach the immune system how to defend against the virus through drills.

The third way is to catch a bad guy, a virus, and teach the immune system how to kill the virus through real combat.

The third method has the best effect, but it does not apply to all viruses. For some very ferocious viruses, this method is tantamount to suicide.

Although the third method can now be achieved through some separation techniques to make the virus lose its "virulence", some side effects may also occur due to physical factors and other reasons.

The second method of training is, as the name suggests, to "pretend" to be a virus. This method generally involves finding similar viruses to "pretend" to be the virus to be defended against.


For example, the cowpox virus is used to treat smallpox. The cowpox virus can be said to be a type of smallpox transmitted by cows. Cowpox and smallpox are almost born from the same "mother". The only difference is that the side effects of the cowpox virus are very small.

Therefore, using vaccinia virus to train the human immune system to defend against smallpox virus is the best choice.

The first method is generally to artificially synthesize a similar virus and put it into the body for the immune system to observe many times.

This synthetic virus is non-toxic and mild, and is suitable for most people. The disadvantage is that it requires multiple "teaching" of the immune system, and there are cases where a small number of dumber students cannot learn it.

While Ye Feng was checking the cows for cowpox, two men, one tall and one short, walked around the courtyard like ants on a hot pot in a house outside the south of the city, looking north from time to time.

The short man and the tall man said: "It's time for the people in the city to report to us, why haven't the carrier pigeons arrived yet?"

The tall man said with some doubts: "Will something happen to them? Have they been discovered by people in the city?"

The short man thought for a while and said with a fierce look in his eyes: "Then shall we implement the circuit breaker plan? The smallpox infection records collected these days are almost ready for submission."

The tall man thought for a while and said: "If you wait a little longer, implementing the circuit breaker plan will cause a big mess. I'm worried that it will be difficult for us to escape unscathed. By then, we will be executed by others."

The short man didn't say anything after hearing the tall man's words, but he became obviously a little anxious and worried.


In a house at the north gate of the city, two men, one fat and one thin, looked anxiously at the sky to the south.

The two of them were the two men who had been monitoring Ye Feng and the three of them before. The thin man asked: "Brother, why hasn't this pigeon come back yet? We can't hand in the data today."

The fat man complained: "Didn't you feed the other pigeon to death? Otherwise we would still have another pigeon to send the message."

"Made, those two idiots didn't think we still had a pigeon, so they didn't put it back."

The thin man said anxiously: "Brother, if those two fools never let us go, what will we do?"

The fat man said helplessly: "Then what can I do? Just wait. I'm afraid those two fools will implement the circuit breaker plan."

The thin man asked: "What is the circuit breaker plan?"

The fat man glanced at the thin man and then made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The thin man said happily: "The relationship is great. Those two fools committed suicide and we can worry less."

The fat man rolled his eyes at the thin man and said, "Kill us."

The thin man smiled and said: "Brother, don't be ridiculous, they can't enter the city now, how can they kill us?"

The fat man said seriously: "It is said that the organization has a poison called Jie Mo Qi. As long as you sprinkle some poison upwind, everyone in this city will die."

The thin man swallowed his saliva and said: "It's so powerful. Why are the names of the organizations so weird? The name of the organization is also weird. It's called Deyuntang."

"It sounds like we can get pregnant. Those who didn't know better thought we were treating infertility. The boss didn't let us tell us. I always thought it wasn't to keep it secret but to avoid being laughed at."

The fat man waved his hand to interrupt him and said: "You have only been in the organization for a short time, and you don't know many things. Our organization is actually very mysterious."

"You will never know the true purpose of our organization, and you will never know the identity of the people behind our scenes."

The thin man asked: "Brother, I have been in the organization for a while, why don't you tell me anything? What is the purpose of our organization? Who is the person behind the scenes?"

The fat man said calmly: "The rules of the organization are father to son and brother to brother. I will tell you everything I know before I die or before I am assigned to another place by the organization."

"Now I can only tell you that the people behind the scenes are not from the same world as us."

The thin man said dissatisfiedly: "Of course, he is so superior. How can we little people be from the same world as him?"

The fat man shook his head and ignored the thin man.

In the inn, Ye Feng carefully looked for cowpox on the cows.

Cowpox is an acute infection of cattle caused by the bovine smallpox virus and can be transmitted to humans through contact. Because the prevalence of cowpox is low, Ye Feng carefully checked each cow.

Seeing this, Qiu Laoer walked up to Ye Feng and pulled Ye Feng and said, "Hey, eh, Brother Feng. There are so many people watching. It's not good for you to touch and look at the breasts like this."

People in this period were called Naibang. Qiu Laoer continued: "Brother Feng, I have inquired about it. Not far ahead is Bian Yi, where there is Tianxiangyuan."

"If you hold on a little longer, I'll find two beautiful ones for you when we get there. Then you can touch them and look at them as you like."

Yue virgin coughed lightly not far away. Ye Feng and Qiu Laoer couldn't help but look at Yue virgin. They saw Yue virgin looking at Qiu Laoer with stern eyes. Qiu Laoer couldn't help but trembled in fright.

This chapter has been completed!
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