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Chapter 145 The Next Victim Has Been Invited

While Ye Feng was talking to him, he pulled up Qiu Laoer's sleeves and exposed his arms.

Ye Feng said: "I don't know, he never mentioned it to me. But he taught me all my skills."

Qiu Laoer asked in surprise: "Brother Feng, did you learn medical skills from him?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "No." After that, he stabbed Qiu Laoer's arm with a copper needle that had been roasted by fire.


Qiu Laoer was thinking and didn't pay attention. A policeman next to him wanted to remind him but he gave up after stretching out his hand because Ye Feng had already pricked Qiu Laoer's arm.

The county lieutenant next to him pulled the policeman and signaled him not to interrupt Ye Feng.

Qiu Laoer asked doubtfully: "Then what did you learn from him?"

Ye Feng smiled slightly and said, "I learned some ridiculous tricks." After that, he poured a drop of cowpox liquid on Qiu Laoer's arm.

Qiu Laoer asked curiously: "What's the trick?"

Ye Feng simply bandaged Qiu Laoer with a piece of clean cloth, then motioned for him to take his arm away, and said with a smile, "For example, I'll vaccinate you with cowpox."

Qiu Laoer looked at the cloth bandaged on his arm and realized that Ye Feng had vaccinated him with cowpox. Qiu Laoer pointed at Ye Feng and said silently: "Me, you, this."

Ye Feng pushed Qiu Laoer away and said, "I'm curious about everything. Haven't you heard that curiosity killed the cat? Come on, let's go ahead and invite the next victim."

When Ye Feng raised his eyes, he saw Yue Virgin sitting in the corner meditating. Yue Virgin was breathing and breathing rhythmically, exchanging the remaining viruses in her body.

Yue Maiden is using a breathing method to exhale toxins from the body through breathing.

When Qigong reaches a certain level, you can practice or use it at any time without being disturbed.

For a person who practices Qigong, the Qi in his body is always circulating on its own.

Luck's mobilization of infuriating energy only temporarily changes its trajectory. When people's thoughts no longer control infuriating energy, it will automatically resume its previous trajectory.

If luck really cannot be disturbed, then you only need to keep interfering with your opponent. As long as he cannot have luck, he will lose.

In that case, the leader of the martial arts alliance must be Guo Degang, because he can fight you while telling you cross talk to make you lose your luck, and even make you laugh out loud.

The most powerful Kung Fu is not the Hedong Lion's Roar, but the Hexi Mouth Breaking Kung Fu. If you know the Hexi Mouth Breaking Kung Fu, you can become the leader of the martial arts league. Because as long as you keep talking and interfering with the opponent's luck, you will win.

After a while Yue Virgin opened her eyes, then stood up and stretched her limbs.

Yue Maiden looked at Ye Feng and said calmly: "This cowpox is indeed effective. I just accelerated the blood circulation and accelerated the fusion of the cowpox poison into my body."

"As my body adapted to the toxin, I found that the smallpox that I had previously controlled was less harmful to the five elements of my body. This gave me the opportunity to force them out of my body."

Ye Feng smiled and said: "Actually, you don't need to expel smallpox from your body, because smallpox no longer poses a threat to you."


Ye Feng looked around and asked, "No one dares to try it yet?"

Ye Feng smiled slightly and said: "Then I will plant one for myself first and show it to you."

After saying that, Ye Feng rolled up his sleeves and vaccinated himself with cowpox.

In fact, whether or not to vaccinate with cowpox has no effect on Ye Feng. On the one hand, Ye Feng was vaccinated as a child, and on the other hand, the repair gene injected into him by the robot can identify all known viruses and kill them.

In other words, unless Ye Feng encounters a special virus that has never appeared before, ordinary viruses will have no effect on him.

But after Ye Feng vaccinated himself with cowpox, the people in the inn increased their trust in him.

The innkeeper's wife is a well-informed person. Being able to run an inn here for so many years, she has naturally seen a lot of people from all over the world, so she knows people very accurately.

So the proprietress was the first to sit across from Ye Feng and asked Ye Feng to vaccinate her with cowpox.

During this period, people had not yet been poisoned by the feudal ethics of the Duzun family, and women could show their faces.

Even in ancient times, there were female heroes such as Fuhao who went into battle, and during the Spring and Autumn Period, there were female swordsmen like Yue Nu.


During this period, there were also bullock carts specially designed for women to go out.

The landlady was a very decisive person. After she got vaccinated with cowpox, she asked her husband to get vaccinated with cowpox too.

I even asked the shop assistants to come over and vaccinate against cowpox.

Under the persuasion of the proprietress with her "powerful" aura, the innkeeper and three waiters carefully allowed Ye Feng to be vaccinated with cowpox.

Seeing that Ye Feng had nothing to bandage, the proprietress took the initiative to take out a clean sheet from the store and tear it into strips for Ye Feng to use for bandaging.

After several people in the inn were vaccinated with cowpox, the county captain, the first person representing the "official government", sat down opposite Ye Feng.

In the end, all the people brought by the county captain, except the clerk, were vaccinated with cowpox.

Even though everyone else was vaccinated with cowpox, the clerk still refused to be vaccinated with a straight face. He still felt that vaccination with cowpox was useless.

In this situation, it is not easy for others to force you. After all, this is a matter of life and death, and you can only make your own decision.

Ye Feng gave the remaining cowpox potion to the county captain. This half bottle of potion may not sound like much, but one drop per person is enough for thousands of people.


One drop of liquid is approximately 0.067 ml. According to medical and clinical infusion treatment, 15 drops are calculated as 1 ml.

So this almost 300 ml of cowpox liquid contains about 4,500 drops. If you don't use drops, but use a copper needle to dip it, then you can sow it to more people.

The county lieutenant received the cowpox solution and asked the two doctors who followed him to learn the details of vaccination with Ye Feng.

In order to avoid accidents, the county lieutenant let Ye Feng and others stay in the inn. In addition, after all, it was not confirmed whether cowpox was really effective, and it was also to prevent them from bringing smallpox out and infecting others.

Because epidemics were spreading all over the world in later generations, Ye Feng was already used to lockdowns, so he readily agreed.

The county captain settled Ye Feng and the others, and left two policemen behind, saying that it was for Ye Feng's convenience that he could arrange for these two people to help or send a message or something.

Ye Feng also knew that the county lieutenant made this arrangement because he was worried. He arranged for two people to help in the name of helping, but in fact it was to monitor them.

Of course, this kind of thing was tacitly understood, and Ye Feng naturally still said thank you to the county captain for the arrangement.

Ye Feng turned around and entered the inn. He went to Yue Maiden's room and planned to ask her if she was satisfied with the guest room arrangement and if she needed to add anything.

If you ask someone for help, you can't treat them badly.

But Ye Feng couldn't find any virgins anywhere. He originally wanted to ask the two people left behind by the county captain, but after thinking about it he decided against it.

If you let the other party know that there is one less person on your side, they might have other ideas.

In addition, the more virgin she is, the more powerful she is in martial arts. It is impossible for someone to kidnap her away quietly. It is very possible that she found something and ran away.

Ye Feng went to Qiu Laoer's room and chatted for a few words, and then Qiu Laoer kicked him out.

On the one hand, Qiu Laoer wanted to get some sleep because he had not slept well last night, and on the other hand, he was feeling dizzy and tired due to cowpox, so he dismissed Ye Feng and went to bed.

Ye Feng felt that he should carve a powerful and domineering name on his copper rod, so he borrowed a stone chisel from the landlady and returned to his room.

Ye Feng returned to the room and found that his package seemed to have been opened, because Ye Feng would make a mark every time he tied the package, and now the marks on these packages had been changed.

Ye Feng said nervously: "I, Cao, have encountered a thief? No, it's my little money." Ye Feng quickly flipped through the package, but found that nothing was missing inside.

Ye Feng thought to himself: "This thief is interesting. Why does he think I'm poor and didn't take anything? No, someone must want to check me out."

At this moment, Ye Feng heard someone tapping on the back window, as if someone was carefully knocking on the door.


Ye Feng walked over lightly and asked in a low voice: "Who?"

The other party replied coldly: "It's me."

Ye Feng immediately removed the window bolt and opened the window. When Ye Feng saw the scene outside the window, he remembered that he lived on the second floor.

After Ye Feng opened the window, a shadow standing next to the window jumped into the room.

Ye Feng took a closer look and saw that the person was Yue Virgin, but at this time Yue Virgin was wearing a tight suit. The tights fully wrapped Yue Virgin's tight figure.

Ye Feng couldn't help but stare blankly. He didn't even notice that the window bolt in his hand fell.

At this time, I heard someone shouting from downstairs: "Who is so wicked? Throwing things down?"

Ye Feng came back to his senses when he heard the shouting downstairs, but not much came back, and he was still in a daze. Ye Feng casually shouted down: "Uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Ximen."

The virgin Yue asked in surprise: "Do you know the person downstairs?"

Ye Feng asked doubtfully: "Huh? Who? Oh, I don't know you." Ye Feng shook his head again, but it seemed that he couldn't take his eyes away from Yue Virgin.

The virgin girl turned her back and smiled, then coughed.

At this time, I heard someone say from downstairs: "I just came back from getting my hair permed. I bought some wine and was going home to drink some wine and smoke a cigarette. But I passed by here and got hit with a stick."

Ye Feng said in surprise: "Shall I go, Teacher Yu?"

Ye Feng opened the window again and looked down, but found that the other party had already gone away.

The virgin Yue asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say his name is Simon?"

Ye Feng smiled awkwardly and said: "Yu Ximen, oh, why are you dressed like this? Don't you have any change of clothes? How about I lend you some underwear? Mainly because I'm not rich in other clothes."

Ye Feng suddenly remembered that he had never bought any clothes when he came to this universe.

The girl's expression turned serious and she said, "I just went out to check on the two groups who were secretly spying on us."

"One group may be Ren Yazi, two men and two women. The other group is two men, they seem to be performing some mission."

"They should not be targeting us, we don't need to pay too much attention to them."

Ye Feng frowned and said, "That's a little strange. My package was touched just now. But nothing was taken. Someone should be checking us."

The virgin Yue was a little surprised, obviously she didn't expect that someone would come to inquire about them when she went to inquire about others secretly.

The virgin girl thought for a moment and asked, "Is it the owner of this store or the two policemen?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "They were all down there at the time. I could see them while walking around on the second floor. The person who came must have come in through the window."

So Ye Feng carefully observed each window and saw scratch marks on the window bolt of one window when a sharp tool picked up the window bolt.

Ye Feng showed it to Yue Maiden and saw that the scratches were very fresh. The two looked at each other and immediately became wary.

This chapter has been completed!
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