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Chapter 149

Ye Feng shouted anxiously: "Damn Nie Yin, are you anxious because your mistress is dead? You don't even care about your husband, but you are so anxious when your mistress is dead."

Nie Yinniang couldn't help but look at Ye Feng and shouted: "You". The Yue virgin took advantage of Nie Yinniang's distraction and immediately counterattacked, throwing countless sword flowers at Nie Yinniang.

When Nie Yinniang felt the sword energy, she immediately shut up and turned around to block Yue Maiden's attack.

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Although both parties are at the same level, after all, Yue Maiden has been practicing in the Mahayana realm for a long time and has rich experience.

Therefore, the flaw exposed by Nie Yinniang's distraction was much more serious than the flaw left by Yue Shengyu when she assassinated several other people in the inn.

Nie Yinniang was slapped on the chest by Yue virgin, and she vomited blood and flew out.

On the other side, the innkeeper took advantage of Ye Feng's distraction and kicked Ye Feng in the chest, causing Ye Feng to fly sideways out the door.

When the virgin girl Yue heard that something was wrong with Ye Feng, she immediately turned around and stabbed the innkeeper to death in mid-air.

Yue Maiden nervously ran to the door of the inn and saw Ye Feng lying on the ground at the door of the inn and struggling to get up.

Yue Maiden flew forward, helped Ye Feng up and asked with concern: "How are you doing? Is everything okay?"

Ye Feng squeezed out a smile and said, "It's okay. I just feel a little pain in my chest."

Yue Maiden immediately stretched out her hand to press Ye Feng's chest, and gently rubbed it a few times.

Ye Feng couldn't help but swallowed his saliva when he saw Yue Maiden's concerned look, and murmured: "Oh, it's so Shuhu."

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The virgin Yue looked at Ye Feng's chest and found that he had recovered. She looked up and saw that she was so close to Ye Feng and couldn't help but blush. She immediately stepped away and stood up.

He said, "I'll go check out what's going on inside." After that, he ducked into the inn as if he were running away.

Ye Feng patted his head and said to himself: "Illusion, illusion." After saying that, he stood up and patted the soil on his body.

Suddenly something occurred to him and he said: "Maimaipi, why are you always flying here and there lately?" Then he entered the inn.

Entering the inn, I found that the county captain had taken advantage of the chaos to escape, and the rescued clerk became energetic at this time and cursed: "This Qiu Sheng, an ancestor of Wo Ri, dares to frame me, and I will never end it with him."

In addition, the two doctors stood aside not knowing what to do.

Ye Feng thought for a while and said to the clerk: "Such a thing happened here, please go to the county office and report it to the county doctor. On the one hand, you will send someone to deal with the matter here, and on the other hand, the county captain is wanted."

The clerk immediately said: "What my brother said is absolutely true. I will go back to the county office now." After that, he turned around and left.

Ye Feng came to the two doctors again and said, "Do you still remember the method I used to remove cowpox?"

The two nodded and replied: "Remember."

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Ye Feng smiled slightly and said, "That's good. I would like to ask you two to collect some cowpox, and then quickly treat the people here."

The two nodded again and said: "This is easy to handle. A lot of cattle and sheep that were previously sold have been quarantined in the Chengdong Market. We will collect them now."

After saying that, the two of them left together. At this time, Yue Shengchun also tied up Nie Yinniang, who was injured and fell to the ground.

Ye Feng asked: "Sister Yue Nu, who are the two people you captured?"

Only then did Yue Shengchun remember the two people she brought with her when she came back, and said, "These two people are the two people who were watching us near the city gate."

"These two people are very tough. I asked them with my hands, but they just said they didn't know."

Ye Feng looked at the three of them and said, "This group of people is unusual. There must be some conspiracy. We should find a place to interrogate them and see if they can find out anything."

Qiu Laoer looked at the boss lady with messy clothes, swallowed his saliva and said: "The interrogation place is easy to handle, I will arrange it."

Half the time it took to burn the incense, Qiu Laoer ran over happily and said, "When you're ready, come with me."

Ye Feng teased: "You look very excited like this. What? Are you okay with this?"

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Qiu Laoer immediately said seriously: "Who said that? Are you slandering me? I am with Ni Gang, this is knowledge. I set out for the purpose of studying knowledge."

Ye Feng curled his lips to show that I believed you.

Ye Feng escorted Nie Yinniang and followed Qiu Lao'er, Yue Wusheng followed behind, and they soon arrived at the torture room arranged by Qiu Lao'er.

Ye Feng took a look and saw that the layout was pretty good and the room was well chosen. There was still a hint of dampness in the dark room.

Qiu Laoer looked at Ye Feng and asked: "Brother Feng, what do you think? Are you professional enough?"

Ye Feng looked at Zan and said, "Yes, you are just sitting on the bench with your butt naked."

Qiu Laoer asked in confusion: "How do you say this?"

Ye Feng explained: "Be strict and discerning."

After hearing this, Qiu Laoer chuckled and said, "Brother Feng, as long as you like it, let's get started? I can't wait."

Ye Feng wanted to scare Nie Yinniang first, so he deliberately picked up a long and thick bamboo needle and asked Qiu Laoer: "Brother Qiu, let's not rush it. Let's introduce these tools to our customers first."

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Qiu Laoer proudly picked up the tools on the table and introduced them one by one: "This is for piercing breasts, this is for clamping breasts, and this is for branding breasts."

Ye Feng hurriedly stopped Qiu Lao Er and said: "Hey, eh, eh, stop it. I said Brother Qiu, do we have anything else?"

Qiu Laoer glanced at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "Brother Feng, you don't think it's exciting enough? No problem, I also have the claustrophobic technique, riding a wooden donkey, and the orifice technique."

Ye Feng immediately shouted: "Stop, Brother Qiu. You don't need to introduce me now."

Qiu Laoer turned around and asked in confusion: "I wonder what Brother Feng has to say?"

Ye Feng looked at these tools and picked up the copper solder.

Qiu Laoer glanced at Yiye Feng and said with a bad smile: "Brother Feng, I didn't expect you to be so good at this. This is for branding breasts."

At this time, Ye Feng felt a chill coming from his back, and Qiu Laoer couldn't help but sneeze too.

Ye Feng looked back and saw Yue Maiden standing at the door, frowning at the two of them.

Ye Feng first showed a polite yet embarrassed smile, and then explained: "This can burn your face."

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Ye Feng came to Nie Yinniang with a copper brand, used the copper brand to mark Nie Yinniang's face and said, "Brother Qiu, is Nie Yinniang hiding from the Jin people?"

Qiu Laoer said proudly: "Yes, his brother killed the Prime Minister of Jin. Jin people are looking for his family all over the world. I heard that there is a reward of a thousand gold. Why is Brother Feng planning to hand her over to the Jin people to receive the reward?"

Ye Feng showed a harmless smile and said: "We are serious people, how can we do that kind of thing?"

Qiu Laoer asked in confusion: "What is that for?"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Qiu Laoer and said, "Your elegant language skills are still not up to par. When you express a question, you say two words instead of one."

Qiu Laoer said indifferently: "The polyphonic characters are all the same."

Ye Feng shook his head, thinking that business was more important, so he continued to scare Nie Yinniang and said: "This Nie Yinniang is being searched for by enemies everywhere, we have to help her."

Qiu Laoer said unwillingly: "I have taken off my pants, and you tell me that you won't interrogate her anymore? Isn't all my work in vain?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "It's not in vain, we can use this copper brand to help her avoid her enemies."

Qiu Laoer asked in confusion: "How can we help her avoid her enemies? Should she burn her chest to show her enemies?"

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Ye Feng explained: "It can be used to burn your face. Once your face is flattened, others won't be able to recognize it."

Qiu Laoer said flatteringly: "If I want to say ruthlessness, you are the one who is ruthless. Brother Feng."

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Qiu Laoer and teased: "You are preparing a copper iron, why don't you prepare a brazier? Are you planning to rub it to generate heat?"

Qiu Laoer asked in confusion: "Touch? How to touch?"

Ye Feng helplessly rubbed Qiu Lao'er's head with a copper iron and said, "This is friction. There is so much nonsense. Hurry up and get a brazier and some wood."

After Ye Feng instructed Kaiqiu's second child, he asked: "Nie Yinniang? Are you going to wait until my brother comes back and we finish scalding his face? Or should we explain it now?"

Nie Yinniang looked at the copper brand swinging in front of her and asked nervously: "What did you want me to say? You didn't even ask?"

Ye Feng slapped his head and muttered: "I, Cao, I forgot about it again."

Then she said to Nie Yinniang apologetically: "I'm used to it. Last time, I removed the arms and legs of a buddy, and then I soaked him in a excrement bucket for three days before I remembered and forgot to ask him."

Nie Yinniang felt even more horrified when she heard what Ye Feng said. She would rather die if she was soaked in a bucket of manure.

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Ye Feng saw that he was almost frightened, so he asked: "What is your purpose here?"

Nie Yinniang hurriedly shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Ye Feng frowned and asked, "Then why are you here?"

Nie Yinniang said: "They hid me here, and arranged several people here to hide my identity. One person pretended to be my husband, and the other three pretended to be assistants."

Ye Feng asked: "Then who are they?"

Nie Yinniang thought for a while and said: "They seem to be an organization, maybe from the Qi State, because every time the people who come to join us have some Qi accent."

"They occasionally bring some troublesome people to my store and ask me to help deal with them. I really don't know anything else."

Ye Feng thought for a while and asked: "Who are the people you are asked to deal with?"

Nie Yinniang replied: "Most of them should be people with status or wealth, because the guards they bring are very skilled in martial arts. They lead people to me mainly so that I can help them get rid of the guards."

Ye Feng asked: "Are there any of these famous or wealthy people that you can recognize?"

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Nie Yinniang thought for a while and replied: "There was one in the past two months who seemed to be Lu Kelong of Qi State."

Ye Feng thought about this name for a while, and only knew that he was the grandson of Duke Zhuang of Qi and the son of the younger brother of Duke Jin of Qi. Because he was the eldest among his peers, he was often called the eldest son of Qi.

Ye Feng asked some more questions, but Nie Yinniang either didn't know or didn't know much about the rest, and in the end he didn't get any useful information.

Ye Feng looked at Yue Virgin and asked: "This Nie Yinniang doesn't know much, and she was ordered to deal with us. Should we let her go?"

Ye Feng said that he was interrogating Nie Yinniang, but he was actually trying to scare her. In addition, Ye Feng admired Nie Zheng's conduct as a person, and knowing that she was Nie Zheng's sister naturally did not want to embarrass her.

The virgin girl said calmly: "It's up to you to decide."

Ye Feng was untying Nie Yinniang. At this time, Qiu Laoer ran in happily holding the brazier and saw Ye Feng untying Nie Yinniang.

I couldn't help but asked blankly: "What's going on? Brother Feng? Why did you let him go?"

When Ye Feng saw Qiu Laoer, he said, "Brother Qiu, what are you doing standing still? Bring the brazier and light it, so that the Nie family can warm themselves up by the fire."

After that, he took out a piece of gold from his bag and handed it to Nie Yinniang and said, "Sister, I couldn't help but scare you just now. Take this gold and live incognito again in another place."

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