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Chapter 13 The Next Goal

At the same time, the surrounded coalition forces are also consolidating their own defense lines. The relatively larger forces among the surrounded coalition forces are also trying to break through the encirclement and join forces with nearby friendly forces to increase their troop strength and expand the defense range in order to have more strength.

More buffer space. These offensives also restrained some of the troops of the Anglican Republic, forcing the Anglican Kingdom to retain more reserves to prevent mutual breakthroughs by the surrounded coalition forces, which prevented the Anglican Kingdom from investing more troops.

Multiple troops are used in encirclement and annihilation warfare.

After many days of fierce fighting, the attacking troops of the Angsatian Kingdom failed to break through the defensive line of reserve forces reassembled by the coalition forces in the central region of Angsazu. The coalition forces also failed to break through the Angsazu defense line and rescue the captives.

Surrounding the coalition forces.

This is not because there is a problem with the coalition's plan, but that the Angsa Kingdom has secretly tunneled in many places and ambushed many troops. The coalition's offensive is often caught off guard, and the offensive is disrupted by enemies rushing out of the secret tunnel.

This gave the Angsa Country time to reallocate its troops and defuse the coalition's offensives again and again. In addition, the Angsa Country's firearms were legalized, and almost everyone had weapons, which also greatly hindered civilians' attacks on the coalition forces. Both sides

This led to a deadlock, and the two sides even started a tug-of-war.

Among the coalition forces that were surrounded during this period, one of the surrounded coalition defense lines was broken through by the Ozarks. This part of the coalition forces was forced to break through to neighboring friendly forces, and ultimately suffered heavy losses. There was also a coalition force in the encirclement circle that was surrounded by neighboring forces.

The coalition forces responded, and the two sides joined forces and reorganized the defense area.

Ye Feng's coalition force has become the one with the smallest strength at present, and is likely to become the next target of the Angsa Kingdom. As for the friendly forces in the two encirclement circles next to Ye Feng's unit, one is far away, and the other does not have many troops, and cannot deal with it.

Ye Feng's troops provided strong support.

Fortunately, in order to intercept the coalition transport aircraft that provide supplies to the surrounded coalition forces, the Angsa sub-state sent most of the drones to the front line. Therefore, there are not many drones used to attack the surrounded coalition forces. Otherwise, large-scale missiles

Artillery shells and drone attacks make it difficult for the besieged coalition forces to hold on.

The supplies of the currently surrounded coalition forces mainly rely on space airdrops. This method is very costly and can be easily destroyed by the opponent's air defense system, so the actual supply efficiency is very low and can only be maintained at a low supply level.

On a dark and windy night, the Angsazi Kingdom suddenly launched a large number of artillery and missile attacks on Ye Feng's troops in order to test the location of the anti-aircraft firepower of Ye Feng's troops. The Angsazi Kingdom prepared to storm the joint between the forest area and the city center of the coalition forces.

The coalition forces tried to open a gap here to separate the coalition forces. In order to avoid the junction being broken through and the junction being hit by artillery, which would cause greater losses, the coalition could only activate the air defense system for defense.

The purpose of the artillery attack by the Anglican Republic was to detect the location of the coalition's air defense system. Seeing that the coalition turned on its air defense system, the Anglican Republic immediately dispatched a drone formation composed of light and medium drones, flying at ultra-low altitudes to prepare for a sneak attack on the coalition's air defense system.

But this was discovered by the coalition's secret sentry using a low-light telescope. The forefront unmanned tanks immediately fired flares at the position of the Angsa drone in front. Seeing that the sneak attack failed, the Angsa commander changed the plot to a conspiracy.

, immediately command the drone to raise its altitude, turn on the afterburner, and penetrate the defense at high speed.

Because the medium-sized UAV has anti-radiation missiles, the opponent's UAV is relatively close to the coalition air defense system. In order to avoid being destroyed by the UAV's anti-radiation radar, the radar system was immediately shut down and the radar and some air defense weapon positions were moved. Only use

Some direct-aimed anti-aircraft weapons fired, and at the same time ordered our own drones to take off urgently to fight.

Although the number of coalition drones is far less than that of the other side, fortunately, they are brave in combat and have superb skills. The coalition first launched a round of missiles and knocked out dozens of Ozark drones. Then the drones of both sides fought in the air.

Together, the two sides engaged in a fierce "dog fight."

In this case, it all depends on the flying skills of the pilots on both sides and the closeness of the team cooperation. This scene is extremely exciting and tragic. Ye Feng and the others looked at Zhao Ziqing's screen nervously. They saw Zhao Ziqing's drone bite an Angsa Ziguo

The drone, the 20mm aerial cannon on her drone spit out tongues of flame, and quickly smashed the Angsa drone to pieces. After being hit, the Angsa drone caught fire and exploded. It exploded into pieces and ignited.

It catches fire and scatters.

Before everyone had time to cheer, Zhao Ziqing's radar system suddenly issued a warning message that it was locked by the enemy's fire control radar, and Zhao Ziqing's headset also made a harsh beeping sound.

Everyone's hearts tightened, and they all clenched their fists and looked nervously at Zhao Ziqing's screen.

I saw Zhao Ziqing calmly turning on the afterburner, accelerating for a certain distance in an attempt to get rid of the lock of the fire control radar. There was a drone biting her behind, so she would not let go of Zhao Ziqing's drone easily. At this time, the Angsaziguo drone

Seizing the opportunity, he launched a missile at Zhao Ziqing's drone.

Zhao Ziqing's screen flickered, showing that it was locked by a USB missile. The USB missile was referred to as missile b, and missile b was an improved version of missile a, and missile b was smarter than missile a. There was an annoying beeping sound for a while, which made people feel depressed.


Zhao Ziqing pedaled the steering wheel to control the plane and raised the nose of the drone at a high angle. The drone drew a perfect curve in the air and circled behind the drone that had just fired at her.

Zhao Ziqing did not stop and immediately used the downward afterburner to fly below the drone. The missile tracking her drone lost its target and hit the Angsazi country drone. Everyone couldn't help but scream.


But before everyone could relax from the intense and exciting air battle, Zhao Ziqing's drone once again issued a warning that it was locked. When the screen turned, it was discovered that there was an Angsazi country drone on the upper right side of Zhao Ziqing's drone, firing toward

Zhao Ziqing's drone swooped over. Zhao Ziqing had no way to avoid it and could only accelerate towards the lower right. The Angsaziguo drone flew from the upper right to the lower left.

Zhao Ziqing flew to the lower right, just at a 90-degree angle with the overcoming drone to avoid the opponent's attack. In this way, the Angsazi country drone lost its target, and Zhao Ziqing's intelligent command system released the locked warning prompt.

Before everyone's hearts could calm down, another warning message of incoming missiles appeared on Zhao Ziqing's screen. The missile, which was avoided by someone unknown, flew towards her drone. Zhao Ziqing immediately fired a series of decoy bombs,

It also turned on the afterburner and made a roller rotation. However, because the distance was too close, the decoy bomb did not work, and the missile clung to Zhao Ziqing's drone.

Zhao Ziqing had no choice but to release the reconnaissance drone in the cabin and gave the order. The reconnaissance drone was ready to sacrifice to block the missile. After receiving the command, the reconnaissance drone immediately flew backwards and crashed into the missile. After an explosion, Zhao Ziqing released the missile on the screen.

Incoming warning reminder.

Such air battles were staged everywhere on the entire battlefield. Both sides fought from night to dawn, and both sides suffered heavy losses. But this was even more unfavorable to the side with the smaller number of coalition drones.

There were more than 300 manned drones. After a night of fighting, nearly 300 were lost, leaving more than 70 drones. The coalition drones only had 130 drones at the beginning, and there were only 12 drones left after a night of fighting.

Machine. It started with one versus three, and now it’s one versus six.

At this moment, another surrounded coalition force in the closer south used laser weapons to bombard the drones that were alone on the edge of the Angsa Kingdom, and at the same time used laser weapons to attack the drones reinforced by the Angsa Country.

This has caused great disruption to the deployment of UAVs in the country.

In the end, the Angsazi Kingdom saw that their plan to raid under the cover of night failed, and there was another laser weapon attack, which caused considerable losses to them. In order to avoid causing greater losses, the Angsazi Kingdom ordered the drones to abandon the entanglement and withdraw from the battlefield.

The battlefield was left with drone wreckage all over the ground. As soon as the Angsa country's drones retreated, the artillery and missiles from the rear of the Angsa country began to bombard the coalition position where Ye Feng was. After half an hour of bombardment, the Angsa country sent out

Ground troops began to attack.

But what no one noticed was that behind the besieged coalition position in the south that had just used laser weapons to support Ye Feng and his troops, on the cliff at the foot of the mountain to their southeast, a group of mecha robots from the Angsa Country were secretly climbing up the mountain.

.It turns out that after the Ansa Kingdom destroyed the two encircled coalition forces, it had sufficient troops to launch an attack on the two encircled coalition forces at the same time.

They are preparing to attack east and west and sneak attack another surrounded coalition force. Even if this plan fails, it can put pressure on the surrounded coalition force and prevent this part of the coalition force from providing long-range fire support to Ye Feng's coalition force.

In modern warfare, many national columns or armies will have some specially-made mecha robots used as special forces robots. This mecha robot is a combination of many high-tech technologies. A few years ago, scientists added gallium indium tin alloy

Some rare earth ores were collected, and finally a liquid metal alloy that was hard, resistant to high temperatures and could change shape was synthesized.

This chapter has been completed!
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