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Chapter 14 Sneak Attack of Special Robots

This kind of mecha robot uses liquid metal alloy. Using this metal, the mecha robot can transform into different forms, allowing them to climb mountains and wade on the ground. Their hands and feet can be turned into sharp claws like Wolverine, which can destroy

They can also be used to kill enemies and climb. They can also transform into hollow air bags and float across water. They can also change forms and pass through small spaces, etc.

For the battery of this kind of mecha robot, other countries use biological batteries, while Guwa uses biochemical batteries. The reason why biological batteries and biochemical batteries are used is because these two batteries are liquid, making it easier for the robot to change forms. However, they are different from biochemical batteries.

Compared with batteries, biological batteries are relatively bulky and unsafe. However, biochemical batteries are only available in the ancient Wa country, and are not sold to the outside world, and the production process has been kept secret.

There is a phased array radar in the robot's head, as well as some thermal imaging low-light night vision equipment, and batteries and hydraulic equipment are stored in the chest. The body is driven by hydraulic pressure, and the hydraulic pressure has arc heating equipment, because some forms of liquid metal need to be controlled by temperature.

Of course, these temperature-generating devices are shielded and will not be detected by infrared devices. There is a laser weapon on the shoulder, a 7.62mm caliber machine gun on one arm, and a 40mm grenade machine gun on the other arm. Two

All weapons are fed through ammunition belts. There is a protective cover outside the ammunition belt, which is connected to the ammunition box on the back. The ammunition box contains 1,000 rounds of machine gun ammunition and 100 rounds of grenades.

Guwa State uses different types of ammunition. The machine gun uses 6.8mm caliber ammunition, and the grenade machine gun uses 35mm caliber ammunition. The ammunition reserve has been increased to 1,200 rounds of rifle ammunition and 120 rounds of grenades. This kind of mecha robot not only has advanced weapons, but also has high defense power.

The operators are also selected from a million, so their combat effectiveness is very strong. With advanced technology and superior operators, one special forces robot can often defeat several or even ten ordinary mecha robots.

In military skill competitions, special robots often shout "I want to fight ten" and want to fight ten ordinary robots.

It is also difficult for unmanned tanks to resist the laser weapons on their shoulders. UAVs can only win long-distance attacks with the help of missiles beyond visual range, and they can easily be shot down by lasers within visual range.

The arms and legs of the special forces robots of the Ansa country turned into claws and inserted into the mountain to climb up. Although the mountain was made of hard rock, they were easily penetrated like tofu in front of the liquid metal. The special forces robots of the Ansa country were fast.

Climbing quietly to a position near the top, they stopped and conducted a series of scans. After confirming the location of the coalition sentries, they made tactical arrangements.

After the deployment was completed, he suddenly used his strength to jump up to the top of the mountain, then raised the machine gun in his right arm and fired continuously, blowing the heads of several mecha robots serving as sentries of the coalition forces. The mecha robot's signal transmission equipment and monitoring equipment

They are all on the head, so you cannot control them if you blow the head. The reason why these devices are placed on the head is because they have a good field of view and a good signal.

After the special forces robots of the Angsazi Kingdom occupied the top of the mountain, they immediately found a place to fix one end of the ladder they carried on their backs, and then dropped the other end of the ladder. The Angsazi Country's plan was to first send ten special robots to climb the mountain, and then pick up the three.

A dozen mecha robots went up the mountain, and then opened a landing site for the transport plane to transport the follow-up troops. As long as these thirty dozen mecha robots and ten special forces robots persisted for three minutes, the first batch of three to five squadrons of troops transported by the transport plane

can be reached to reinforce them.

Fortunately, the coalition forces still have several secret sentries wearing concealment cloaks. The concealment cloaks can absorb radar waves and shield heat signals to avoid detection. The secret sentries are prepared to take advantage of the Angsa country's mecha robots when they are not paying attention, and suddenly open fire to eliminate a few of them.

A robot, but due to the existence of the special forces robots of the Angsa Kingdom, the hidden sentry was quickly destroyed.

The surprise attack by the special robots of the Angsa country was immediately captured by the intelligent command system and sent to all nearby information control vehicles, as well as to the command screens of the squadrons, groups and column headquarters directly under them. The relevant commanders quickly made a decision

Commanding, the captain of the second squadron responsible for defending the rear mountain immediately summoned all combat teams to immediately counterattack this vanguard force of the Angsa Kingdom.

The captain immediately dispatched special robots from the brigade to support the second squadron. Because Guwa State has a strong manufacturing industry, although the cost of producing special robots in other countries is very high, with the mass production of Guwa State, the cost has been further reduced.

.And the ancient Wa country has a large population and relatively developed e-sports, so those who can join the army and become operators of unmanned equipment are only one in a million, and their quality is generally higher than that of the armies of other countries.

Other countries only equip special forces robots at the column level, but the Guwa State Brigade is equipped with special forces robots. The elites of the brigade are only one-in-a-thousand, but they are not inferior to the one-in-a-thousand special robot operators from other countries.

The column leader judged based on the intelligence that this enemy force was only the vanguard, and the follow-up troops must be airlifted by transport aircraft, so he immediately dispatched heavy fighter jets to intercept the opponent's transport aircraft. The opponent's escort fighter jets were far more than those sent by the Guwa Kingdom, but the Guwa Kingdom's fighter jets

Still destroyed some of the Angsa transport planes.

The first transport plane, the Angshazi Kingdom transport plane transporting the equipment of two squadrons, was destroyed by the Guwa Kingdom. All unmanned equipment jumped from the air, because the mecha robots and other equipment have anti-collision designs, and in order to avoid being destroyed by the Guwa Kingdom

When the Ansa transport plane was destroyed, the flight altitude was not very high at the time, so most of the unmanned equipment was intact.

What I want to say here is that because the transport aircraft is too large and complex, it cannot be operated unmanned or manned. The crashed aircraft was hit in the cockpit, and all pilots died on the spot.

The second transport plane, transporting equipment for a squadron and replenishing ammunition for the Angsazu mecha robots that climbed the mountain first, barely landed on the top of the mountain.

The pilot of the last transport plane, the one transporting equipment for two squadrons, saw that the situation was not good and chose to return immediately.

However, Angsa did not give up its hard-won position on the top of the mountain. It sent a large number of drones and ground troops to try to use the drones as cover to rush the ground troops to the foot of the mountain and climb up the mountain to expand their position on the top of the mountain. This left the southern coalition forces overwhelmed.

It is no longer possible to provide long-range fire support to Ye Feng's coalition forces.

The situation suddenly took a turn for the worse, which was even more unfavorable to the coalition forces. Faced with being attacked by two places at the same time, supplies became even more stretched, and the Ansa Kingdom also discovered this weakness of the coalition forces. Because the coalition forces had limited supplies, they were unable to continue high-intensity operations.

In order not to give the coalition forces a chance to breathe, the Angsa Kingdom implemented a strategy of non-stop attacks in shifts. This caused the coalition forces to be constantly short of unmanned weapon supplies, and many positions were lost because of the lack of follow-up support.

The attack of the Angsazi Kingdom lasted for one day and two nights. Ye Feng's column could only recover the damaged mecha robots and unmanned tanks to the rear, and then use several scattered unmanned equipment to splice them into complete equipment and send them again.

Going to the front line. Some mecha robots have been reused three or four times. After a day of fighting, even a complete mecha robot cannot be assembled.

The battlefield is full of incomplete mecha robots, resisting the attack of the Anzac army. The unmanned mecha robots even only have guns, or some only have grenade machine guns as weapons, and some even only have a head and torso plus an arm.

Holding weapons, it serves as a fixed weapons platform to resist the attacks of the Angsa Kingdom.

In the end, the entire brigade only had six unmanned fighter aircraft available. One of them was controlled by Zhao Ziqing, who was an ace pilot in the brigade. She could have applied to join the column's sharp knife unmanned fighter squadron, but she said she liked staying in Ye Feng

Squadron, unwilling to go to the Sharp Knife UAV Squadron. Of course, only she knows the real reason why she is unwilling to leave.

This chapter has been completed!
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