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Chapter 29

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "The human body will judge the environment and develop a self-protection mechanism. For example, if you stay in a cool air-conditioned environment in summer, or drink a lot of ice water or drinks, your body will mistakenly think that you are in winter.

.Especially after drinking ice water or drinks, when your internal organs feel "cold", your body will produce fat in your body to keep out the cold. The fatter a person is, the more he is afraid of heat, and the more he is afraid of heat, the more he likes to drink cold drinks.

, the more you drink cold drinks, the body will mistakenly think it is being "attacked" by cold and protect itself by producing fat."

Wang Meng smiled and said: "Drink less, it's too hot for you, it's uncomfortable." Ye Feng could only shake his head. After the two of them finished eating, they went to the living room to watch TV. A housekeeping robot would clean up the dining table.

Wang Meng lay on the chair and patted his belly and said: "The military food is good, but it lacks the taste of home. The home-cooked food today is really good, it is only a little worse than the hand-picked rice at our home."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "You lick the plate so clean when you eat at home?"

Wang Meng pretended to be stupid and said, "Hey, don't say that. Your plates are so bright that they can illuminate people. I'll buy some later and take them home."

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Wang Meng and said: "Pretend, keep pretending. Since drones and unmanned robots have been used to deliver express, your new collections have also been free of charge. What can't you buy? It's not too heavy for you to carry a few back.


Wang Meng chuckled and said, "I forgot. Ever since I went to a backward area like Angsazi Country, I have forgotten our living habits here."

Afterwards, there was a lot of ridicule, defense and fun. During the chat, we talked about Wang Meng's family. Wang Meng rarely mentioned his family in the army. Because he wanted to take Ye Feng to play at home, he introduced Ye Feng's family situation.

"My great-grandfather joined the army very early. Later, his unit was sent to Xinzang Province to station and suppress bandits. After he stabilized, he was incorporated into the Xinjiang Construction Corps. Later, my great-grandfather took my grandfather from Qingqing City.

I received the corps garrison and joined the Xinzang Construction Corps."

"At that time, my great-grandmother was not very willing for my great-grandfather to take my grandfather to Xinjiang Province, because although Qingqing City was not very developed at that time, it had served as a wartime capital and was much better than the Xinjiang-Tibet area. But my grandfather arrived.

After I moved to Tibet, I fell in love with it and even married a local girl, my grandma. My grandma is the daughter of a local herdsman named Gulisuruhe Adili Aizezi."

Ye Feng couldn't help but interjected and asked: "Do the locals in Xinjiang Province have long names? How do they choose their names?"

Wang Meng thought for a moment and said: "There are two main ethnic groups in Xinzang Province. One is the Gao ethnic group in the south and the Xin ethnic group in the north next to the Jinxi and Sha principalities. The first part of the Xin tribe is his own name, and the second part is his father's name.

The third paragraph of the name is the name of his grandfather. The new tribe does not have a surname, or the surname is the name of his father or grandfather. Generally, women are named after plants. In the past, men were mostly named after the sun and the moon. All men were named after saints.


"For example, my grandma's name is Gulisuruhe. Adili. Aizezi. Gulisuruhe means rose, Adili means the one who pursues justice, and Aizezi means powerful, great, and precious.

I don’t know the meaning of the Gao tribe very well, but their names also have meanings, for example, the transliteration is Sanji or Sanjie means Buddha and enlightenment, and Dolma means Tara.”

Seeing Ye Feng's confused eyes, Wang Meng explained: "Tara is the mother of all Buddhas in the three generations and the mother of all living beings."

Ye Feng suddenly realized and said: "The Chinese translation of Tara is the Mother of Savior Buddha or Doro Bodhisattva. Doro means eyes in Sanskrit." Ye Feng had read some Buddhist scriptures, but he just said that Tara did not react.

Ye Feng was a little surprised that Wang Meng knew a lot about the names of Xinjiang Province and said: "I usually look like you are unlearned and unskilled, but I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable about the names of people in Xinjiang Province."

Wang Meng said embarrassedly: "My grandma taught me this when I was a child."

Ye Feng said: "I didn't notice that you graduated from the National Education University."

Wang Meng repeated doubtfully: "Jiaotong University? No, I just studied at Xinzang University."

Ye Feng smiled and said: "I mean you were raised by grandma." Just after he finished speaking, Ye Feng saw Wang Meng's hand as big as a fan and wanted to slap him. Ye Feng immediately said: "Stop it, stop it, let's continue introducing your family.


Wang Meng retracted his hand obediently, and then said: "Uh, where did I go?"

Ye Feng smiled and replied: "Your grandfather married a girl named Gulisuruhe. Adili Aizezi."

Wang Meng said: "My grandfather married and had children there. My great-grandmother had no choice but to let my grandfather stay in Xinjiang Province. Later, my grandmother gave birth to my uncle and my father. My uncle is still under construction in Xinjiang Province."

Corps. My father went to my grandma’s hometown and became a herdsman. My grandparents often needed medical treatment because they were old, so they always stayed with my uncle. I am the eldest in my family. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. I am married to a wife and a

A daughter, and our whole family lives on the ranch, you know this."

Wang Meng suddenly thought of something and asked: "Old Ye, do you believe in Buddhism?"

Ye Feng was a little confused by the question and asked: "Why do you ask that?"

Wang Meng said: "I see you know Buddhism very well, and you even know about Tara."

Ye Feng smiled and said: "This is a coincidence. My middle school classmate has some understanding of Buddhism and Taoism. At that time, he listened to me a song of the Great Compassion Mantra, which was sung rather than recited. After listening to it, I felt

It sounded so good that I listened to it often. At the same time, I listened to other scriptures that taught me to read or sing. At first, it was because it sounded good. Later, I was curious and looked for commentaries and translations. After reading the translation, I felt that some of these scriptures were very reasonable, and some were very interesting.


"For example, the Diamond Sutra talks about formation, abiding, decaying and emptiness. These four words mean the process of all things. Just like when we talk about birth, aging, sickness and death, birth, aging, sickness and death refer to people, and the process of formation, abiding, decaying and emptiness is used to describe people.

It is equivalent to birth, abiding is equivalent to growing up, degeneration is equivalent to slowly weakening, and emptiness is equivalent to finally dying. The process of becoming, staying, degenerating and emptiness can refer to everything."

"For example, let's say I quarreled with you, and a resentment formed in our hearts. This is the process of success. This resentment stays in our hearts, and the resentment becomes stable. But as time goes by, we will gradually forget it.

Regarding this matter, the resentment will become weaker and weaker, and this resentment is in a bad process. In the end, it will completely disappear and become empty. Since the resentment will disappear, why should we have resentment? This is what Buddhism calls non-absence and non-attachment.


"Buddhism advises people to stay away from worldly worries, to be more generous, to reduce disputes, and to give up obsessions. It will indeed lead to fewer worldly worries and more happiness. These are all beneficial to promoting social harmony."

"In addition, there are actually some scriptures that imply some psychological things. For example, there are many examples in which good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil. These examples can easily create psychological implications."

This chapter has been completed!
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