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Chapter 47 The Mysterious Man in Black

Ye Feng asked: "Why is the transmitter in the magma so deep underground?"

The robot replied: "Remember what I told you about the conversion of matter and energy? Putting you into your own high-temperature and high-pressure environment will make it easier for us to heat and pressurize you."

Ye Feng sweated a little when he heard this and said: "Holy shit, this is more cruel than the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty. If you do this, won't I be dead?"

The robot replied: "No, we are just energizing you instantly. In this way, you will not be affected by gravity since you have no mass. After that, we will turn on a special pulse signal. This pulse signal can sense the same planet in another parallel universe.

location. Then we will transport you there and materialize you at the same time, so that you can instantly appear in another parallel universe."

Ye Feng said with some fear: "Then am I still me?"

The robot explained: "The material that makes you up has not changed, and your memory has not changed. So in theory it is still you."

Ye Feng asked doubtfully: "Theoretically? What does it mean?"

The robot said: "Your body first converted from material form to energy form, and then converted from energy form to material form after arriving in another parallel universe. It is equivalent to reorganizing you. Everything is synthesized anew. So in theory, it is reorganized

You are a 'new' you."

Ye Feng asked in confusion: "Isn't this the same as not saying anything? Am I really me?"

The robot urged: "Ask yourself when you get there and you will know." As he said that, he pushed Ye Feng forward.

Ye Feng hurriedly asked again: "Teleport me there, won't you get me stuck in a tree or under a rock? Or under a mountain, and then let me wait for five hundred years, will a monk rescue me or something?"

The robot said: "No, this pulse signal is like a 3D scanning device, which can avoid overlap. In addition, because you are transmitted in the form of energy, it will materialize instantly after arrival. The high temperature and high pressure brought there will

Burn out a space around you that can accommodate you."

Ye Feng was somewhat comforted after hearing this, but after all, it was his first time traveling through the parallel universe. He was still a little nervous. The robot had just pushed Ye Feng into a glass cover and closed the glass cover.

Ye Feng suddenly remembered the conditions and shouted: "Wait, there is another condition that has not been mentioned?"

The robot said slyly: "Didn't I satisfy your request for a bath just now?" After pressing the switch, the capsule-shaped glass cover slid down the pipe.

I only heard Ye Feng shouting from a distance: "Liar."

The robot walked to the console and used the communication device to say: "I gave you a gift in your body, which are some repair cells. These cells were optimized and cultured by me in your world, combined with the cells of our world. This is the entire universe.

The only one. However, I only partially injected you and did not completely replace it, so it will take some time for these cells to work. After they are completely integrated with your body and replace all your cells, you may have some special


Ye Feng asked: "Maybe you have some special abilities? You are not a test subject, are you? Have you had any clinical experience?"

The robot said awkwardly: "That's true. You are the first experimental subject."

Ye Feng said anxiously: "Are you using me as a guinea pig? Do you have a medical qualification certificate? I'm going to report you and I'll seal you off here."

"Medical qualification certificate? There is really no such thing." The robot said as it turned on nine energy switches. Nine energy beams shined through the magma into the glass capsule where Ye Feng was. All the clothes and belongings on Ye Feng's body were reduced to ashes. At the same time,

All the ashes were sucked away, and all the air, bacteria, etc. were sucked away. Ye Feng suddenly felt suffocated and his body seemed to be expanding. But the glass cover seemed to be shrinkable. The glass cover tightly wrapped Ye Feng to prevent him from internal and external injuries.

Loss of pressure and swelling leading to internal bleeding.

The robot simultaneously turned on the pulse signal devices at other locations on Panding Star and performed parallel universe positioning. At this moment, the red light on the control panel in front of the robot lit up, and a large number of alarms sounded.

"Abnormal energy."

"Insufficient energy."

"Energy decreases rapidly."

"Energy reduced to its lowest value."

Soon nine energy switches alarmed at the same time.

The robot immediately pushed up all the energy switches, trying to quickly increase the energy input. Fortunately, it had four mechanical arms and two pairs of hands, and the operation speed was twice as fast. But the energy seemed to be absorbed by something, and the increased energy was quickly sucked away. The robot only

It can continuously push up the energy injection. At the same time, be careful that the raft value is not too high. Too high energy will cause an explosion and blow up the entire base.

Because the energy deviation navigation information always changes according to the change of energy level. One second it shows normal positioning, and the next second it becomes positioning deviation.

The robot kept pushing up the nine energy switches, like an impatient child competing with a toy.

This lasted for more than ten seconds. The robot looked at the moment when the navigation display showed that the positioning was normal, shouted: "Let's go." Then fiercely pressed the launch button. The brightness of the strong light instantly became several times brighter, and then stopped abruptly.

The brightness of the space dropped instantly, and by this time Ye Feng had disappeared.

The robot looked blankly at the navigation information, which stayed at the positioning deviation. After a while, the robot said awkwardly: "Well, it seems to be a little bit off. The time travel is not standardized, and relatives shed tears. It's okay, young man, just give it a try."

While flipping through the launch record information, the robot said to itself: "Strange, it took ten times the energy to successfully travel this time."

The robot started the self-test of the equipment, and the results showed that the equipment was normal. The robot hugged the lynx and left the control room. I just don’t know if it was mumbling to itself or talking to the lynx: "Did this guy suck the energy away?

Is it because of his own self-cultivation method? This kid is also a genius. He actually used his own philosophical thought, Ye's Probability Theory, as a guide, combined with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and used Qigong from the ancient Wa country to understand a method to promote brain development.

.From the fact that qigong can cultivate the five elements, he speculated that qigong can also stimulate the brain and increase brain activity, thereby making oneself smarter."

"He even began to study the use of Qigong to maintain his youthful state and extend his life. If he is allowed to continue this method, his descendants will evolve into three-level civilized organisms in a few generations. The first level is intelligence.

Human beings, the second level is what they call modern humans, and the third level is highly intelligent organisms. This will be a qualitative leap. It took our civilization nearly tens of millions of years to evolve from level one to level three."

"If he evolves into a third-level civilized organism in this parallel universe, then the technological development of this parallel universe will develop explosively, which will squeeze the development balance of Panding Star in other parallel universes. We will send him to us

’s parallel universe, then he will benefit our parallel universe. Even if he restrains and does not improve the technology of our parallel universe, he will continue to maintain the balance of each parallel universe. The problem is solved perfectly, I am really a genius. Haha

Haha." The robot quickly forgot about the failed launch and began to boast.

The lynx screamed "ah" "ah" "ah" and seemed to be happy for the robot.

Suddenly the robot's laughter stopped abruptly, and he lowered his head and said to the lynx: "Can that kid absorb so much energy? That much energy is enough to destroy an island. His small body~won't die~"

While the robot was hesitating, a 3D projection suddenly appeared in front of the robot, and a masked man in a black suit appeared in front of it.

The robot immediately interrupted his thoughts and said respectfully: "Master, what are your orders?"

The other party asked: "Did you just open the portal?"

The robot briefly told what had just happened.

The other party was silent for a moment and said: "No one has been here for thousands of years. Why did this person suddenly appear? And he is exactly the person we are looking for. This coincidence is too coincidental. This matter must be investigated and confirmed as soon as possible.

Has our base been exposed? In addition, you used pulse positioning for this transmission. Next, you need to monitor all network information to see if anyone has noticed the pulse signal."

The robot, or the "computer" in this base, can connect to the Panding Planet human network and monitor and analyze all the Panding Planet human network information.

This chapter has been completed!
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