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Chapter 48 Ye Feng Appears Again

The masked man in black suit paused and continued: "We used Duzunjia to lock the development of Guwa's technology before, and this time we solved the hidden danger of Ye Feng, we have completed our mission. Next, we will do the finishing work.

, and then set all bases to enter standby mode."

The robot said respectfully: "Okay, master." The 3D image in front of the robot then disappeared.

The robot came to the cave above, and what surprised it was that a man was sitting there watching TV. The robot carefully walked to the side of the man, and was even more shocked when it saw the man's appearance clearly.

This person turned out to be Ye Feng.

The robot stammered: "I, I, I just teleported you up there?"

Ye Feng glanced at the robot, smiled and did not answer the robot's question, but asked: "My body has replaced all the cells and reorganized into a brand new me, but the consciousness and memory are still the same, so am I still me?"

My mind entered someone else's body and gained control. So is this person the original person or me? I can control your mind so that you can feel me, see me, and hear me.

, but in fact I don’t exist in front of you, so do I exist?”

At this time, the "computer" inside the base continued to issue high-temperature warnings. The "computer" burned its "computing power" crazily to analyze the words Ye Feng just said. After a long time, the robot said in surprise: "Psychic power? You have evolved to level four.

Civilized organisms?”

Ye Feng smiled without confirming or denying, and continued calmly: "In one hour, a person has experienced two thousand and five hundred years. So if you see this person again one hour later, will he still be the same person he was an hour ago?


The robot was even more surprised and said: "Travel through time and space at will? Have you evolved to level five?"

At this time, Ye Feng didn't speak anymore, just looked at the robot with a smile.

Only then did the robot realize that Ye Feng had changed a lot from an hour ago. He felt that this person was much more mature and steady, and the look in his eyes was no longer the one that was thirsty for knowledge an hour ago, but a look that saw through everything.

Looking down.

Although the robot is now standing and Ye Feng is sitting, the robot is taller, and even Ye Feng is slightly raising his head to look at it, this still cannot hide the feeling that Ye Feng is looking down on it.

The high temperature alarm of the "computer" inside the base suddenly stopped, and the robot calmed down. The robot sat opposite Ye Feng and asked: "How did you evolve to a fifth-level civilized organism? What have you experienced?"

Ye Feng said calmly: "This is a long story."

The robot raised its head slightly and looked at Ye Feng and said, "Do we lack time?"

Ye Feng sighed softly and said, "Okay." Then Ye Feng began to tell the story of being "travelled".

Ye Feng said calmly: "Two thousand years ago~" Ye Feng just opened his mouth and the robot interrupted: "An hour ago."

Ye Feng said helplessly: "In this hour and more than two thousand years."

When the robot heard this, it clapped its hands and shouted: "Hey~ OK." Ye Feng had a black line on his face.

In one hour of this parallel universe, Ye Feng experienced a long life of 2,570 years. In more than 2,000 years, he and his beloved experienced life and death seven times. This made Ye Feng deeply understand

"Eternal life is actually a punishment."

In more than two thousand years, Ye Feng has experienced an ordinary life, experienced infinite scenery, and experienced adventures that can be said to have tasted all kinds of life. His adventures allowed him to cultivate and evolve on his own, and his knowledge allowed him to save danger time and time again.


During more than two thousand years, he discovered a shocking secret. He also encountered dark forces from different parallel universes and different planets. They were good and evil, good and bad. Ye Feng balanced and restricted each other with them, and with them

Intrigues, confrontations with them, and contests and competitions were staged again and again.

The story begins in the Quewusu parallel universe, Panding Star, on the evening of September 28, 528 BC.

The Quewusu Parallel Universe Panding Star Western Region, the Kunlun Mountains in the south of the Qiemo Kingdom. A light ball appeared in the valley. It emitted a dazzling white light. The white light illuminated the Qiemo Kingdom more than two hundred miles away. It was even brighter.

The Khotan Kingdom in the distance saw bright light, but the bright light soon disappeared.

The people in Qiemo City walked out of their homes one after another, discussing with each other and asking about what had just happened. Even the king in Qiemo Palace was awakened by this incident and hurriedly sent someone to summon the ministers to discuss the matter.

A moment ago, at the observation deck in the backyard of Fu Guohou's Mansion in Mocheng City, Fu Guohou was originally watching the stars. However, he saw a black figure not far outside the courtyard, turning into the backyard of a private house, but not long after, the figure

The person quietly walked out from the back door. At this time, the sky suddenly became bright. With the help of the light, the Marquis of Fu State could see clearly that the person he saw was none other than the right general Ai Zezi.

The Marquis of Fu Guo felt that this matter was very strange. After thinking about it, he suddenly smiled evilly and said meaningfully: "The right general Ai Zezi is a bit fast."

The Marquis of Fu Guo gloated, grabbed a handful of wolfberries, poured them into his mouth and ate them. The Marquis of Fu Guo was completely focused on the right general Ai Zezi, completely ignoring the appearance of the bright light in the distance. Not long after, the servants came to report to the king.


Just as Qiemo City was in chaos, a naked man stood up in the newly illuminated valley. The man looked around and cursed: "Baga, what the hell did this dog-riddled robot teleport to?"

"This person is Ye Feng.

Ye Feng has developed some new habits recently, and his way of speaking has changed. Ye Feng knows that this should be a problem with the repair cells injected into his body by the robot.

Ye Feng looked at the position of the constellations in the sky and the types of surrounding plants. It was roughly determined that he was in the northern hemisphere, during the alternation of autumn and winter in the second half of the year, and in a higher altitude area. This season is a bit cold in high altitude areas, especially

It's night.

A breeze blew by, and Ye Feng sneezed. Ye Feng immediately looked around, picked up some dead grass, and twisted it into a straw rope. Then he picked a lot of clean dead leaves and tied them with straw rope to make a leaf dress.

Leaves are actually a kind of material that can keep warm. During the primitive society, humans would use leaves to make clothes to keep warm. During the Zhoukoudian cave people period, primitive people used leaves and grass to make clothes.

At that time, the original clothing materials were roughly divided into two categories, one was plant-based, including grass blades, leaves, bark and plant processed products, and the other was animal-based, including animal skins, animal hair, feathers, etc. At that time, it was divided into head clothes

, body clothes and foot clothes, no distinction between hats and shoes.

Of course, animal skins, hemp, kudzu and even cotton are better, but Ye Feng has no materials or tools here. At present, he can only use leaves and straw ropes. After getting dressed, Ye Feng found a tree that looked easier to climb.

He climbed up the tree and made a tree nest on the tree using branches and remaining straw ropes.

Ye Feng also tied himself to the tree with a grass rope, and tied it to a thick horizontal trunk. This tree nest is where Ye Feng will sleep tonight. Fortunately, the weather is cold, and the mosquitoes have hidden.

So Ye Feng slept fairly well that night.

During the primitive society, the characteristics of primitive people's residences in the north and south of Guwa were the north cave and the south nest. Even in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, many civilians still lived in this environment.

The day after Ye Feng arrived in this parallel universe, Ye Feng got up and crawled out of the tree nest at dawn. On the one hand, some bugs had crawled out of the caves to look for food in the early morning, and on the other hand, Ye Feng was anxious to confirm his location.

The robot had told him before that this parallel universe was very similar to his own in terms of dynasty changes and similar geographical locations. So he only needed to find the location of the ancient Wa Kingdom in the previous parallel universe. Another point is that this place is not called

Guwa was called Huaxia.

Because there is no way to know the exact time without a watch, it is difficult to tell the specific location. But he felt that the robot should transmit itself to the territory of China, and it was in the Central Plains area. So Ye Feng tried to compare them one by one, but there was no ancient one he knew.

The mountainous areas in the Central Plains of Wa State have similar landforms to this one.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of Kunshan, and after making a preliminary comparison, he cursed: "Baga, Lusmida. This damn robot sent me to Kunshan."

In this parallel universe, Kunshan is called Kunlun Mountain, and it is said to be the birthplace of the primitive tribes of the Chinese Han people here. Later, due to meteorites and other reasons, some were forced to move to the Eastern Central Plains, and some moved to the Sichuan and Sichuan areas. There is still little understanding of this period of history.

There is a legend that Nuwa mends the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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