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Chapter 49 Survival in the Valley

Ye Feng was not in the mood to curse the robot at this time. What he was facing now was the problem of survival and how to get out of here. Ye Feng used the sunlight from the sun that had just risen to see a pool next to it, surrounded by mountains, which looked a bit like a robot.

Where he lives in that parallel universe.

Ye Feng found the corresponding cave based on the terrain where the robot was before. However, there was no robot in the cave, and there were no traces of intelligent creatures such as elevators.

Ye Feng thought of the robot, and each parallel universe is a different existence. "Maybe every universe is a possibility." Ye Feng thought to himself. Ye Feng had no time to think about it, he was looking for something to eat to replenish energy.

Ye Feng remembered that he had seen bracken on the side of the robot's cave before. Ye Feng walked along the cave towards the foot of the mountain, but found nothing. Fortunately, he walked behind the pond and found some red pine trees.

, Ye Feng picked up some pine seeds.

Ye Feng said to himself: "Pine nuts are also called marine pine nuts. Pine nuts contain fat, protein, carbohydrates, etc. Pine nuts are an important traditional Chinese medicine. If eaten for a long time, they can keep the mind healthy, moisturize the skin, and prolong life."

Ye Feng thought that pine oil could prevent mosquitoes. After eating some pine nuts, he began to carefully search for pine oil on the trunks of red pine trees. With good luck, he not only found pine oil and rosin, but also found some morels under the red pine trees.

"Pine oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, balsam-like properties, relieves nasal congestion, deodorizes, diuretics, disinfects, resolves phlegm, restores physical strength, warms the skin, and promotes sweating."

"Rosin is steamed with soda ash or caustic soda to form rosin soap. Rosin soap has strong detergency, is easily soluble in water, can dissolve grease, and is easy to foam."

“Morchella is the most famous delicious fungus among the ascomycetes. Its cap part contains seven kinds of human body substances: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine and valine.

Essential amino acids, sweet, cold and non-toxic, beneficial to the intestines and stomach, and effective in resolving phlegm and regulating qi."

Ye Feng was muttering unknowingly, and Ye Feng was suddenly surprised to find that a detailed introduction to what he saw would automatically appear in his mind.

Ye Feng remembered that the robot said that after implanting repair cells into him, it would have some unexpected effects. Ye Feng suspected that his ability was caused by these cells enhancing some of his body's functions and abilities.

"Whatever, it's not bad to have these abilities." Ye Feng said to himself.

Ye Feng took a look at the things he had picked and realized that he probably couldn't take them. So he simply sat on the ground and ate the pine nuts. While eating, Ye Feng looked far away at the opposite hillside and saw many yellow flowers on the opposite hillside. There were many yellow flowers under the flowers.

Many purple-red stems as dense as spider webs.

"The original ginseng fruit of Fernma has flowers on the ground and bears fruits underground. Fernma has the health effects of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, astringing and stopping bleeding, producing body fluids and quenching thirst. It is especially suitable for consumption by people with anemia and malnutrition." Some introductions appeared in Ye Feng's mind.


Because Ye Feng was prepared this time, he didn't say it to himself.

After Ye Feng ate some pine nuts, he made a basket with branches and straw rope to carry the washed morels, pine oil and rosin. Then he made a pair of straw sandals with straw rope and walked to the opposite hillside to start digging for ferns.

Hemp root.

"The roots of ferngrass contain tannins, which can be used to extract tannins, and can be used as medicine and as astringents; the stems and leaves can extract yellow dye; they are also nectar plants and feed." The young leaves of ferncoma are also edible, but it is already autumn.

The leaves of Fernweed have grown old, so Ye Feng only dug out the roots.

After digging a lot of fern root, Ye Feng felt that it was enough, so he went back to the pond to wash the soil from the fern root. He threw some of the stems and leaves into the pond, but the stems and leaves attracted several fish to compete for food.

Ye Feng's eyes lit up and he thought: "What a cute fish, there is meat to eat today." Ye Feng found some relatively straight branches, and then found a relatively sharp flaky stone.

Ye Feng used a stone chip as a knife to simply chop off the twigs and leaves on the branches. He also sharpened the head a little, and the finished product looked like javelins.

Ye Feng hit several fish with a wooden javelin. The other fish were frightened and swam into the water and disappeared. Ye Feng couldn't swim, so after the fish swam into the water, he had no choice but to give up.

Then Ye Feng found a piece of bark and some dry branches and leaves. Ye Feng first built a stone stove with stones, and put the bark on it to make a pot. He broke off a wooden gun head to make a tool for making flint fire, and used a straw rope to pull the wooden gun

The head dug into a piece of dead wood. Soon the broken dead leaves and sawdust scraped from dry branches ignited.

Ye Feng filled the bark with water and placed it on the stone stove. Since the water above took away the heat, the bark would not be burned through, but the other side would be scorched. After the water boiled, Ye Feng put it inside

Washed and peeled fish and morels.

After a while, the fragrance filled the valley. Ye Feng had just eaten some pine nuts in the morning and was not full. After another busy day, he was hungry now and couldn't help but swallow when he smelled the fragrance.

Suddenly Ye Feng thought that there was no seasoning and salt, "Forget it, it's too late today. There is a lot of white powder on the sunny rocks over there, which should be rock salt. Many wild animals rely on salt like sweets to supplement their diet. I will purify it and make some refined salt tomorrow."


"In addition, I will find a way to dig out the honeycomb on the hillside, and then roast and grind the fern root into powder. Then I will make some sweet, salty and different-flavored pancakes to take with me. I will also get some dried mushrooms and cured fish.

It will be a perfect picnic." Ye Feng showed a greedy smile, thinking about how to improve the food and climb out of the valley.

The morel fish soup was cooked quickly. Although there was no salt, Ye Feng still devoured it with relish.

Ye Feng decided not to live in a tree nest anymore because he found a cave. He planned to experience the cave life of primitive people tonight.

Ye Feng first picked up enough branches and dead wood, and burned them in the place where he was going to sleep. After the ground was baked and there was no moisture, he pushed aside the unburned branches and dead wood. After confirming that the sparks were extinguished, he spread it on top.

A layer of hay and leaves.

Ye Feng made a pillow with a bundle of hay, and made a quilt with straw ropes and hay. Ye Feng moved the bonfire closer to the entrance of the cave, put some dead wood and thick branches on it, and fell asleep. At night, Ye Feng turned to the fire.

Branches were added to the pile several times to prevent the bonfire from extinguishing.

After an uneventful night, in the morning, Ye Feng found a new piece of large bark suitable for making pots. This kind of bark pot is convenient, but it is relatively wasteful for cooking. One pot is used up for one meal.

After breakfast, Ye Feng made a hoe with a stone and a thicker branch. In a small hole at a higher place near the pond, Ye Feng dug down some more and expanded it some.

Ye Feng made a dustpan-like shape out of thin branches, spread leaves on top, and fixed it with branches and straw ropes. Then he fetched water from the pond and poured it into the newly dug soil pit.

Finally, some finer soil was poured into the pit and the water inside was stirred to suspend the fine soil in the water. The next step was to wait for the clay mixed in the water to settle, which can be used to make pottery.

Ye Feng went to the foot of a nearby mountain and knocked down some rocks with stones to pick out limestone. Calcining the limestone at high temperature can produce quicklime, which is calcium oxide and carbon dioxide; quicklime reacts with water to produce hydrated lime, which is calcium hydroxide.

However, the temperature for high-temperature calcination needs to reach 900 degrees. Charcoal burning can only reach 700 degrees in a general environment. It can reach 900 to 1,000 degrees in a closed environment with a bellows.

So Ye Feng built a blast furnace with stones and pond mud, and made a bellows with branches and leaves at the bottom. The straw ropes could be pulled to turn the branches, and the branches would drive the leaves to fan the furnace.

Ye Feng first used some branches to bake the walls of the blast furnace. Because a humid blast furnace can easily crack at high temperatures, it needs to be dried over a low fire first.

After drying, Ye Feng put in limestone and the charcoal left over from the roasting ground last night. After lighting the fire, he placed some stones above the blast furnace and sealed the opening a little smaller to help preserve heat.

After that, Ye Feng sat next to him and pulled the straw rope to activate the simple bellows. The blast furnace needed to burn for two or three hours. Ye Feng took advantage of this time to scrape off some white powder from the rocks, which is a kind of rock salt.

After returning, the fire in the blast furnace had burned out. Ye Feng used two thick branches to open the sealing stone to allow the blast furnace to dissipate heat. The water in the puddle next to it had seeped cleanly. Ye Feng dug out the clay inside, pinched out the shape of a pot and a large pot.

Two small pots for water.

This chapter has been completed!
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