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Chapter 52 - Qiemo Kingdom

The leader slapped Ye Feng on the back of the head and cursed: "Just because I said such a birdlike language to you, I know you are not a good person, you must be a spy."

Of course, the leader couldn't understand what Ye Feng said, and Ye Feng couldn't understand what this person said either. As for why the two parties connected with each other, it was purely a coincidence.

The leader was a corps commander named Zhahe. He was on duty today to lead a patrol and found Ye Feng, who was behaving strangely. He also had a weapon in his hand, so he thought about taking it down first. Unexpectedly, he spoke strangely, so he decided that he was


Zhahe said to the other soldiers: "It will be a great achievement to tie him up and take him back. Once this is done, I will treat you to meat when I go back."

When the other soldiers heard that there was meat to eat, they all felt like they had been given blood. When they tied up Ye Feng, they worked much harder than usual, and almost made Ye Feng lose his temper.

A few people were afraid that Ye Feng would delay his walk, so they used Ye Feng's wooden spear to set up and left. Ye Feng was like a game on a shelf.

When Ye Feng saw the other party tied up like this, he thought the other party was a savage and wanted to roast himself. He said in a panic: "Don't worry! Are you roasting the hair before you pluck it out? You guys are too unhygienic."

The Wu Commander wanted to trick Ye Feng and asked a few questions. The two sides talked like chickens and ducks. After talking to each other, the Wu Commander saw that he could not communicate and felt that it would be a waste of words to talk, so he carried Ye Feng and walked toward the city.

Gradually approaching the city, Ye Feng saw the whole picture clearly. Ye Feng looked at the city carefully. The city was not big, square and square, about a few hundred meters long and wide, with only two gates, one south and one north.

The height of the city wall is about two meters, and the highest part is about three meters. Some places have collapsed, and are only over one meter high.

There were five soldiers guarding the city gate, and there were not many soldiers patrolling the city wall. It looked like there were at most a dozen or twenty soldiers.

Judging from the size of the city and the number of houses, there are only two to three hundred households. It is more of a transit station or a garrison point than a city.

The people here live a life of half farming and half animal husbandry. There are grazing animals and farmers and herdsmen farming and watering the fields nearby. The clothes of these people can only be described as more ragged. Those who don't know better think that this city is the headquarters of the Beggar Clan.

The clothes of these people seem to be made of woven vines, tree bark, and some animal hair. This way of dressing is very close to the period of primitive human society, but it makes Ye Feng's clothes not look so shabby.

But what shocked Ye Feng was the way they farmed. The fields they planted did not need to be plowed, there were no ridges or furrows, and they were planted directly on flat land.

This made Ye Feng feel like he had a knife in his butt, which opened his eyes.

At this time, some information appeared in Ye Feng's mind: "The ancient Wa country was the first country to use ridge farming, which first appeared in the late Spring and Autumn Period. These were a thousand years earlier than the Far Western countries."

Ye Feng recently discovered something. It is that his mind automatically matches the knowledge information that appears. It seems that many of them are things he has read before. But he doesn’t know why his memory has become particularly good recently, and relevant things will automatically appear when he sees them.

come out.

Not long after, the group of people had arrived at the gate of the city. The gate was not very spacious. It was more like a mansion gate than a city gate. It didn't look as sturdy as the gates of wealthy people in ancient times in the TV series.

The gatekeeper was also a team leader and seemed to be very familiar with Team Leader Zhahe. He greeted Team Leader Zhahe and said, "Zhahe, the harvest is good. Where did you catch the prey? But this wild boar looks a little thin and doesn't have much meat."


Zhahe was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw Ye Feng being tied up like a piglet. He suddenly realized and smiled and said: "It's not game, it's a spy. We caught him on the mountain in front of him. This person was sneaky and behaved strangely. He even said he didn't know anything.

Where are the birds singing?"

When the team leader and several soldiers guarding the gate heard that Zhahe had caught the spy, everyone looked envious.

The guard guard said flatteringly: "You are in luck. If you catch the spy, you can get meat and reward. You can also invite me to eat some with you tonight."

Zhahe's face turned cold and he said seriously: "How dare you share the reward from your Majesty with others?"

Zhahe ignored the guard team leader and turned back to the other soldiers: "Brothers, please go faster."

Looking at the backs of Zhahe and his group, the guard guard took a sip and cursed: "What are you pretending to do here? Why don't you just catch a spy? When I catch a few spies and get rewards, don't do it either."

I want to eat my flesh."

They were still in the period of slave society. Those who could serve as soldiers at this time were considered to be from wealthy families or noble families.

However, productivity was low during this period, and even though they were semi-nomadic people, they rarely had meat. Most of them ate highland barley soup mixed with wild vegetables such as bracken.

Not to mention the slaves who worked in the fields. They often didn't have enough to eat. They could only drink some wild vegetables and highland barley porridge and soup for three meals.

During this period, only the nobility and royal family at the core of power could regularly eat meat. Sometimes the king's family would slaughter large livestock and invite the nobles to eat together. The nobles would also divide part of the slaughter to honor the king and entertain other nobles with good relations.

So Zhahe and the others could be rewarded with meat, which was very enviable by other soldiers. Of course, Zhahe also knew that there were more wolves than meat, so he would not invite some people who were not on good terms to eat.

After entering the city, Ye Feng felt that it was run-down. There were few people walking around on the streets in the city, and most of the people he saw were wearing tattered clothes and transporting things.

However, it is easy to tell whether there is money or not. Rich people mostly wear animal skins. And they do not appear to be malnourished or underfed. These people should be from the aristocratic class.

There are also some who wear animal skins mixed with plant-based clothing, or wear relatively worn animal skin clothes. Some of these people are strong and strong, and some are not even sallow and thin. These people should be the middle class here.

There are also some who are worse dressed and appear to be malnourished. These are the majority and should be from the civilian class.

And those who were naked, with sallow complexions and skinny muscles, and some were even tied with ropes, must be slaves.

Ye Feng secretly thought that he had been misled by those TVs before. In fact, before the liberation of the ancient Wa country, there were many families. The whole family only had one set of clothes, and whoever went out had to wear it. Before the liberation, there were still many people living in cave dwellings. Even during the heyday of the Manchu Dynasty,

, there are still many people who don’t have enough to eat.

Only after the Guwa people established the New Guwa Kingdom could all the people have enough to eat. On the one hand, the country was thinking about the people, and on the other hand, it was the hybrid rice developed by Mr. Yuan for the country.

Those who have not experienced or truly understand history cannot understand how rare it is for a country to be able to feed, clothe, and house such a huge population.

This is why the United Nations lists the elimination of poverty in the ancient Wa country as a world miracle, because throughout human history, only the ancient Wa country in the world has truly achieved this.

Ye Feng looked at the depressed world, and then at the leaf clothes on his body, but he also felt that he was very gregarious. He was in a good mood, and looked around, not knowing that a big disaster was befalling him.

Walking to a house that looked like an official office in the city, Zhahe asked others to wait here and entered the official office himself. This official office was also built of mud mixed with sand and hay. There were some terracotta tiles on the roof, so it was called

Because the terracotta tiles did not completely cover the roof, the middle pieces were patched with some hay and mud.

But this is still much better than those thatched houses. Where I just passed by, I also saw some thatched houses and animal skin houses. Those houses were supported by branches, and then some animal skins and hay were woven to protect them from wind and rain.

Zhahe entered the government office and found the duty officer. The duty officer was usually held by four deputy generals in turn.

This is a small country in the Western Region, called Qiemo Kingdom. Qiemo Kingdom is a city-state, and there is only one city called Qiemo City. It has two hundred households, a population of more than 1,000, and a military strength of 230 people.

The left general Zamul and the right general Aizezi each commanded one hundred people, and the palace was guarded by thirty people. Each of the left and right generals had two lieutenants. The one on duty today was the deputy general Zhada of the left general Zamul.

Although this is a country, it is actually equivalent to a village in Guwa. Therefore, many of them are related to each other. Zhada is Zamul’s cousin. Zhahe and Zhadah are also distant relatives. They are related because they served in the same army.

is also very close.

Zhada was a reckless man, but his bravery in combat was highly appreciated by General Zamul of the Left.

Zhahe is a villain who likes to flatter, but he is full of tricks.

Of course, Ye Feng only learned this later, and their names were transliterated by Ye Feng at will.

This chapter has been completed!
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