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Chapter 53

Because people here don’t have surnames, they are named randomly based on mountains, rivers, flowers, trees and trees. Generally, your name is followed by your father’s name, and then your grandfather’s name. As a result, everyone has a name that starts with a dozen characters.

Ye Feng replaced it with a simple name to facilitate memory.

Zhahe said: "Brother, I caught a spy."

Zhada glared at Zhahe and said, "I have told you many times that you will call me deputy general in the army."

Zhahe said: "General, we have caught a spy."

Zhada said angrily: "Vice." But he didn't seem angry.

Zhahe flattered him and said: "The right general Aizezi has been imprisoned. You are the oldest among all the deputy generals. I think you will take over the position of the right general Aizezi sooner or later. Since you will be called general sooner or later.

, I’ll practice first.”

Zhada laughed loudly and said, "I just like the way you tell the truth. It's not time for the changing of the guard yet, why are you here here?"

Zhahe smiled and said, "I just caught a spy on patrol, so I brought it to you."

Zha Da's eyes lit up: "Spy? Bring it over quickly and let me see." If he catches the spy, not only Zha Da will be rewarded, but he, the deputy general, will also be rewarded.

Because the right general Ai Zezi was arrested for collaborating with the enemy some time ago, the king is now offering a reward to catch the spies. Anyone who catches the spies will be heavily rewarded, and relevant personnel will also be rewarded.

And if the spies can convict the right general Ai Zezi of death, then it is possible that his deputy general will be promoted to another level.

Under Zhahe's greeting, Ye Feng was carried in by several people.

Zha Da first looked at Ye Feng's fashionable decoration, and then asked Ye Feng about his origins. Ye Feng just didn't understand and didn't give him any response.

Zhahe came up and said: "Cousin, no, general, this man can't speak our words, and he can't understand our words."

Zha Da said with some dissatisfaction: "Then how to convict him? How to get him to identify the right general Ai Zezi?"

Zhahe didn't expect that Zhada could say such a shameful thing in such an open and aboveboard situation.

Zhahe quickly winked at Zhada, telling him not to continue talking. Then he turned around and asked the others to retreat first.

After everyone else had gone out, Zhahe said to Zhada: "My eldest cousin, we can't say this in front of so many people next time. Be careful if others hear it and report you, or accuse you of false accusations."


Zha Da's eyes widened and he said, "Who dares to sue me? I will tear his mouth apart." Zha Da is a notorious fool.

Zhahe said: "Of course no one dares, but it is always bad to spread the word. I have a way to convict General Ai Zezi of the right."

Zha Da said eagerly: "Do you have any idea? Tell me quickly."

Zhahe said: "Let's just say that this kid is a spy sent by the Loulan Kingdom. He sneaked in and waited for an opportunity to rob the prison and save the right general Ai Zezi. Tomorrow we will mix him with the spies we caught before and execute him together with them.

, when the time comes, there will be no evidence to prove it. When General Zuo asked, he said that he had received orders before that the spies should be executed together, and we were just following orders."

After asking about it, Zha laughed loudly and said, "Okay, your kid's plan is really bad, but I like it."

Then the two of them laughed evilly.

Ye Feng's heart went crazy when he heard them laughing. Although he didn't know what they were talking about, he could tell from their laughter that it was definitely not a good thing. So he said: "You two laughed well, but don't laugh anymore, it will make you laugh."


The two of them didn't care what Ye Feng said and ordered their men to take Ye Feng into custody and execute him tomorrow together with the spies they caught earlier.

Ye Feng was carried out by several people and brought to a yard at the back. The yard was surrounded by a wall, and the door was like a wooden fence, but the wood was thick and looked very strong.

The courtyard is very transparent when you enter it. On the one hand, the courtyard is not big, and on the other hand, there are several so-called cells in the middle, which are actually wooden cages.

There is some hay inside the cage as a bed for the prisoners. The straw mat on the top of the cage looks like it will leak if it rains.

Surrounded by guards and guards' sheds, there are some wooden sticks protruding from the wall and some straw mats placed on them.

Maybe the deputy general had ordered him to be under strict supervision, so he took good care of Ye Feng and gave him a private room.

Several people untied the ropes from Ye Feng's body, and then tied ropes and stones around his feet. These things made it very inconvenient for Ye Feng to walk.

After the jailer tied up Ye Feng, he pushed Ye Feng into the cell. Ye Feng was pushed and staggered. After he stood up, he seemed to have thought of something and turned around and asked, "Are you in charge of the food?" The soldiers shook their hands, indicating that they didn't understand and left.


"Baga, Lu Smida, you don't care about food?" Ye Feng said angrily. But seeing everyone walking away, he could only shake his head helplessly.

Ye Feng took a look at the environment. The cells near him were all single cells, and there were several multi-person cells in the distance.

To his left was a sleazy young man who seemed to be a regular visitor here.

On the right is a middle-aged man, who gives him a very calm and steady feeling. This man is sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed like an old monk sitting still.

The young man on the left saw Ye Feng being locked up and took the initiative to say hello and said something. Ye Feng didn't understand, so he waved his hand to express that he didn't understand.

But that person completely ignored whether Ye Feng understood or not, and kept talking to Ye Feng non-stop. He could even talk happily.

Not long after, the jailer brought food. He said that the food was only one melon per person, and it was still a bit rotten.

When Ye Feng saw the rotten melon, he said to himself: "Hey, being in prison in ancient times was very particular, and there was fruit after the meal." Ye Feng thought that he had missed the meal time, and this was the fruit after the meal.

In fact, this is the dinner for these prisoners. During this period, it is difficult for most people to eat, so it would be good if they can provide food to keep the prisoners from starving to death.

What these prisoners usually eat is rotten or maggot-infested food, and the better ones are very watery vegetable soup.

The prisoner on the left saw that Ye Feng refused to eat, so he desperately waved his hand to Ye Feng, indicating that Ye Feng would give him the rotten melon.

Although Ye Feng was very hungry at this time, he couldn't eat this kind of food at all, so he gave the rotten melon to this man.

Ye Feng collected the hay on the ground, piled it into a thicker pile, and then lay down on it.

I was thinking about how I could communicate with them because of the language barrier. Let the other party know what I meant, explain it clearly, and let them let me go.

Ye Feng thought about what those people said before, trying to guess which language it was from, or what kind of language family it was.

At this time, I remembered that "Lop Nur is a mixed race with a small number of Serbs and Qiang people, and they speak Turkic language. The Serbs began to enter the Western Region in the seventh century BC. Some of them mixed with the locals, and some of them established

After he established his own kingdom, the king of the Se people was called the King of Se."

"It's useless to know all this. I don't know Turkic, so I still can't communicate." Ye Feng thought helplessly, thinking that it would be more effective to think of some sign language. Sign language communication might be more effective.

But due to running around for several days, Ye Feng was a little tired and fell asleep thinking about it.

In the valley of Kunlun Mountain, two men in black held a detector that looked like a compass. According to the instructions of the detector, they entered the valley where Ye Feng lived.

The person holding the detector said: "This is it."

After that, the two of them searched everywhere. They were well-trained, and they quickly completed the search and reunited.

Another person said: "There are traces of someone living here. And he used a lot of later technology to make some things."

The person holding the detector said: "According to the detector's display, I found his crossing point. There are traces of high-energy burns around him. It should be the person who traveled through it. It can't be wrong."

Another person said: "This place is very close to there. Is that where his goal is?"

The man holding the detector said in surprise: "Where did you say it was?" At the same time, he pointed to the southwest.

The other person nodded, with a deep look in his eyes. The topic just seemed to have aroused his memory.

There has always been a forbidden area. This forbidden area started with Nuwa patching up the sky. When Nuwa patched up the sky, it was not because the sky was leaking, but because aliens opened the time and space portal, and the aliens fell from the sky and slaughtered humans.

In order to allow ordinary people to survive more, Nuwa made up several lies, telling different tribes that there was a leak from the sky or that there was a war between the gods and the gods. In short, this place was not suitable for living.

In order to give humans a greater chance of survival, Nuwa divided the humans into six teams and set off in different directions.

This chapter has been completed!
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