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Chapter 55 Chu State Merchants

Ye Feng thought: "As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. If they say that Loulan has sent spies, then they and Loulan are enemies. If I say that I was robbed by people from the Loulan Kingdom, then the Loulan Kingdom is our common enemy."

"But thanks to that Ejun Qijie, no, thanks to that dear friend who risked his life to bring Ejun Qijie to me. Good deeds are rewarded. Fortunately, I was kind enough to bury him and didn't take a detour directly."

Ye Feng saw that many people present believed his words, so he shouted impassionedly: "The Loulan people kill my friend, and the Loulan people and I are inseparable."

Most of the people in Qiemo around had lost their relatives in the previous war with the Loulan Kingdom. When they heard Ye Feng's cry, they couldn't help but follow Ye Feng and shouted: "We will die together. We will die together..."

When General Zamul of the Left heard Ye Feng mentioning Ejun's festival, he immediately asked his soldiers to get Ye Feng's backpack.

Zha Da and Zha He were nearby, and couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. The two looked at each other and secretly said, "No, the secret must be revealed."

Zha Da immediately stood up and said: "General, why don't you let the last general go get it."

The left general Zamul rolled his eyes at him and said: "Do you need my lieutenant to carry a backpack? What nonsense are you talking about?" Thinking about what was wrong, he glanced at Zhada meaningfully. Zhada shivered at the sight.

He immediately retreated.

Zhada and Zhahe were both sweating coldly and suffering internally. Zamul glanced at them from time to time, which made them even more uneasy.

After a while, Zamul's soldiers took Ye Feng's backpack. Under Zamul's instructions, the soldiers took out the items in Ye Feng's backpack one by one. Among them was Ejun Qijie, and General Zuo picked up

Ejun Qijie looked at it carefully.

Although the Central Plains had not officially established contact with the countries in the Western Regions at this time, as a small country in the Western Regions, they had already heard about this large Eastern country.

Although the Han Dynasty sent envoys to the Western Regions, official records of the countries in the Western Regions were officially recorded. In fact, as early as the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Hetian jade had already reached the Central Plains through inter-tribal trade and inter-country trade, but there were not many official records.


As the head coach of one side, Zamul naturally knew that there was a big country in the east. Although he didn't know the specific country, he generally believed it when he saw E Jun Qi Jie. In addition, Ye Feng looked like an Oriental.

But to be on the safe side, Zamul thought of someone. So he called another soldier and asked him to invite a local businessman named Adili. This businessman had organized a caravan and reached the far east.

Not long after, the soldiers invited Adili, and Adili also brought another person. Adili had already learned from the soldiers the purpose of asking him to come, and he brought an Oriental businessman Shen Xi who he knew.

Shen Xi happened to be a businessman from the Chu State, and Adili also roughly explained the situation to Shen Xi on the way. Hearing that he was from the Chu State, Shen Xi was naturally willing to help.

When Zamul took out Ejun Qijie, Shen Xi became very excited when he saw Ejun Qijie. He hurriedly stepped forward, took Ejun Qijie and looked at it carefully, and at the same time asked in Qiemo words

: "Where did this thing come from?" Zamul pointed at Ye Feng in astonishment.

Seeing Shen Xi's expression, Ye Feng secretly said, "No, probably this thing has something to do with this old boy."

He hurriedly said in Chinese: "Hello, Mr. Shen! I am also Han Chinese."

Shen Xi asked in Chinese: "What are Han people?"

Ye Feng just wanted to pat his head, but found that he was tied up. He thought to himself: "At this time, the Han Dynasty has not yet come, so of course I don't know what Han people are."

So he added: "I am from the Han River Basin, and I am also from the Zhou Dynasty. I was caught by these people as a spy. Those two people over there wanted to kill a good person and take credit for it, so I can get the reward."

Although Shen Xi didn't know what it meant to kill a good person and take credit for merit, he could probably understand the literal meaning.

Shen Xi asked again: "How did you get this Ejun Qijie?"

Ye Feng did not dare to hide it and said: "I found this from a dead body. That person died in the mountains over there." Ye Feng said and tried hard to use his movable fingers to point in the direction he came from.

Then he continued: "The man was hit by an arrow in the back. He must have been dead for a long time when I saw him. I buried him in the mountains about two days away from here. If you want to see him, I can take you there."

Ye Feng thought to himself: "This person knew E Jun Qijie, so the dead person is probably related to him."

Shen Xi thought for a while: "This person speaks my language and looks like a native of my country. Although his words are weird, he can't do anything for the sake of his brotherhood."

After thinking about it, he turned around and said to Zamul in Qiemo's words: "This man is the escort brought over from the Great Zhou Dynasty by a caravan I am familiar with. Their caravan was robbed by the Loulan people on the road, and he escaped by chance. General, I I can testify to this person that he is a citizen of the Great Zhou Dynasty and is not a spy from the Loulan Kingdom."

Adili also said: "I am also willing to work with Mr. Shen to vouch for this person." Adili and Shen Xi have business contacts, and they have a good relationship, so they took the initiative to vouch for it.

Jamur already believed Ye Feng to a certain extent, and he was even more convinced when he heard Shen Xi's words, so he immediately let people loosen Ye Feng's restraints. Jamur turned to Zhahe and Zhada and said seriously: "What? You two don't want to Are you ready to explain?"

Zha Da calmed down at this time, and simply acted like a rogue and said loudly: "He couldn't speak at all when he first came here. When you talk to him, you can't understand what he says. Moreover, this person is dressed strangely and behaves obscenely." He doesn’t look like a good person. No one believes him even if he says he’s not a spy. You can’t blame me for that. If you do, blame him for looking like a spy.”

Ye Feng felt ten thousand emotions running through his heart, and said in his heart: "You look like a spy. Your ancestors for eighteen generations all looked like spies."

Zamul said angrily: "You're nonsense. You never use your brain when doing things, you just know how to fool around. Back off, each of you can get twenty army sticks by yourself."

Ye Feng thought to himself: "General Zuo is not a bad soldier. He is quite decent even if he doesn't protect his shortcomings."

At this time, the time messenger shouted: "The auspicious time has arrived, and it is time to worship."

Ye Feng asked Shen Xi in surprise: "Why did you start worshiping if you didn't behead your head?"

Shen Xi asked in confusion: "What is beheading?"

Ye Feng replied blankly: "Isn't it usually the case that a big man with a big knife comes out and chops off the prisoner's head from behind?"

Shen Xi shook his head in surprise and said: "I have never seen such a punishment in my life. In addition, if you can cut off a person's head in one go, how hard and sharp a knife is needed."

Ye Feng patted his head and thought: "Yes, the best weapons used in this era are made of bronze alloy, and the alloy technology may not exist in this backward place. It is indeed a bit difficult to chop off the head with a bronze knife."

Ye Feng asked: "Then how to execute the prisoner?"

Shen Xi said: "Generally, a sharp blade is used to cut the criminal's neck, or directly insert it into the chest. If the criminal is a heinous criminal, he will be stabbed to death by everyone. Male prisoners will have their genitals, hands and feet cut off, and female prisoners will be stabbed. Lower body. People here believe that this way the prisoner will never be reborn and fall into hell."

Ye Feng thought: "In primitive times, humans' worship of unknown fertility evolved into the worship of reproductive organs. Therefore, they believed that destroying the genitals of heinous criminals was a serious punishment."

Ye Feng remembered watching an archaeological program before, where a sixteen-year-old female corpse was excavated from the Western Region. There were more than a dozen stab wounds on the body, including three stab wounds on the lower body, which even penetrated the pubic bone.

Shen Xi continued: "Because the one being executed this time is Ai Zezi, a right-wing general, the gods must be worshiped first. In addition, in the Mo country, cattle are used as totems, so they will worship first and then execute the prisoners."

Ye Feng nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Seeing this, Shen Xi said sheepishly: "That's all I know, and I'm not very familiar with the rest. The languages ​​of Qiemo and Khotan are similar, so I know some Qiemo. Qiemo is a small country, I rarely stay here. This time I only stayed here to recuperate because I felt unwell on the way."

Ye Feng nodded, and Ye Feng also understood some of the information. Because some of the history of the parallel universe he lived in was very similar.

At this time, a woman walked out, with a lot of strange dyes smeared on her body, and the clothes she wore were also very exaggerated.

Shen Xi said: "This is their priest, who is responsible for communicating with the gods. She is respected and worshiped by people all over the country. Her status in Qiemo Kingdom is almost equal to that of the king. However, she rarely shows up."

Shen Xi lowered his voice a little and said: "This kind of person looks glamorous but is actually very miserable. The selection of priests starts with young girls, and young girls with psychic potential will be selected. Then they will undergo a series of training, and most of them will be trained in the middle. They were eliminated. In the end, only one person was left to become a priest. Those who were eliminated in the early stage were fine, but those who were eliminated in the later stage could only be the servants of the priests. These people, including the priests, cannot marry for the rest of their lives."

"Quick, kneel down together." Shen Xi reminded Ye Feng when he saw everyone else kneeling down.

When Qie Moguo knelt down, one leg was kneeling down and the other was in a squatting state. Ye Feng secretly half-squatted there.

I saw the priest mumbling words and jumping up and down while performing some kind of ceremony. Everyone held their chests and lowered their heads, not daring to breathe. Ye Feng didn't dare to be too obvious, so he could only lower his head slightly and roll his eyes up, peeking at the sacrificial ceremony.

The priest jumped and recited for a full quarter of an hour, and then the priest threw two handfuls of powder in front of the sacrificial altar. The powder immediately ignited a flame when it came into contact with the oil lamp on the altar. The flame was extinguished quickly after it ignited.

The flames caused a commotion among the people present, and they all praised the priest for his boundless power.

Ye Feng thought to himself: "The magicians are the same no matter what era, they only have the same tricks to deceive people."

Although Ye Feng sees the other party's deception, he will not expose it because no one in this era will believe what you say. You cannot make people in this era believe that there are no ghosts and gods, because this is their spiritual sustenance.

At this time, the priest mumbled loudly and said a bunch of words that no one could understand. What was even more strange was that Ye Feng's brain did not respond at all, and there was no information prompt.

Ye Feng thought for a while and thought that it might be the random sound made by the priest, and it was not in any other language, so his brain could not identify what language it was.

This chapter has been completed!
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