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Chapter 56 Joining the Caravan

After a while, the priest trembled all over, then settled down and slowly opened his eyes. It seemed that the ceremony was over. Zamul took the lead and stood up first. Zamul stepped forward and asked the priest something, and the priest answered.

Since Ye Feng was too far away to hear, Zamul finally announced to everyone: "We have comforted the gods and are preparing to execute the prisoner."

After speaking, several soldiers holding bronze daggers walked out to the execution platform and stood behind the prisoner. Then they squatted down behind the prisoner, holding the prisoner's head with one hand and holding the dagger on the prisoner's neck with the other.

Some prisoners shivered when the dagger came into contact with their necks, and their whole bodies went limp. What's more, a pool of smelly yellow liquid flowed out from underneath. Although some prisoners were not so embarrassed, they could still be seen trembling slightly. .

Although the right general Ai Zezi trembled slightly when the dagger was placed on his neck, he quickly returned to his original demeanor.

Ye Feng secretly sighed: "This right general Ai Zezi is also a man."

Ye Feng asked Xiang Shen Xi again: "Why should the right general Ai Zezi be executed?"

Shen Xi said: "This right general Ai Zezi is a brave and capable man, and his right guard troops are famous as elite troops in nearby countries. But one night half a month ago, a strong light suddenly appeared in the mountains. , every household came out to watch the fun."

"This also includes the Marquis of Fu Guo. At that time, the Marquis of Fu Guo was standing on the watchtower of his house and unexpectedly saw the right general Ai Zezi climbing over the wall of a house."

"The next day, this family was found to be harboring spies. The Marquis of Fuguo reported the sight of the right general Ai Zezi to the king. He suspected that the right general had had contact or conspired with the spies. The king was furious and ordered people to arrest him at that time. He arrested the right general Aizezi and arranged for the left general Zhamur to review the matter."

Ye Feng understood what happened and nodded, thinking to himself: "The strong light was probably caused by him traveling through time. I didn't expect that it would cause such a thing. Maybe it would change the history of this place."

As for whether to change the history of this place, Ye Feng felt that he had done nothing and it was none of his business. The blame for this was the robot that sent him here.

At this moment, a palace messenger arrived. He first showed a copper token, and then said: "General Zuo stopped the execution and read the king's oral decree. There are many doubts about the treason of General Ai Zezi on the right. For the time being, General Ai Zezi on the right will be punished." We will take him into custody and discuss it later. In addition, General Xuan Zuo will come to the palace to pay an audience."

Zamul stepped forward and asked, "Why is this?"

The palace messenger whispered to Zamul: "Several nobles interceded with the king. In addition, Wu Ji, the subordinate of the right general Aizezi, found a witness and said that the carriage in your palace did appear at the place where the spies lived at that time. This is corroborated. Right General Ai Zezi testified that he sneaked in to catch spies."

After hearing this, Zamul immediately took out a money bag from his arms, secretly stuffed it into the hands of the palace envoy, and said: "Thank you envoy, I only have these with me now. You can take it to buy some drinks and drinks, and then go home and get some more." Thanks."

The palace envoy smiled and accepted the money and said: "Thank you General Zuo, but General Zuo must be careful this time. It is said that the witness is still a noble."

It turns out that Loulan Kingdom has been planting spies and buying nobles or ministers in Qiemo Kingdom, and King Qiemo was very worried about this. Some time ago, the Marquis of Fu reported that he saw the right general Ai Zezi entering the residence of the spies.

The right general Ai Zezi said that he saw the carriage of General Zuo's family parked at the main entrance of the courtyard. He also saw General Zuo entering the courtyard to meet with the spies, and secretly entered the courtyard for further investigation.

The left general had an alibi at the time. In addition, the left general had a quarrel with the right general Ai Zezi. So the left general insisted that the right general Ai Zezi had lied and framed him, but the right general Ai Zezi did not seize the carriage at that time.

There is no basis for what you say.

King Qiemo was furious and captured the right general Ai Zezi and imprisoned him. Finally, the left general and the auxiliary princes jointly pressured King Qiemo to agree to execute the right general Ai Zezi.

That's why today's execution of General You happened.

At this time, there were new changes in the case. Right General Ai Zezi was temporarily spared from death and was detained again. Because he had changed from a death row prisoner to a suspect, he was no longer sent back to the previous prison, but was sent to another detention center with a relatively better environment.


While other spies continued to impose death sentences, the executioner wiped the prisoner's neck with a copper sword. As soon as the executioner let go, the prisoner collapsed to the ground like a deflated balloon, and blood gushed out from his neck.

Some prisoners opened their mouths, not knowing whether to breathe or say something, then twitched a few times and then died.

When Ye Feng saw this, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his neck and couldn't help but shrink his neck.

General Zuo, on the other hand, hurriedly followed the palace envoy to the palace. General Zuo had an alibi and was fine, but the case became complicated and confusing, which made him a little uneasy.

Ye Feng carried his own backpack and followed Shen Xi out of the execution ground.

Shen Xi asked Ye Feng: "Excuse me, brother, what is your surname?"

Ye Feng replied: "My surname is Ye, and my last name is Feng."

Shen Xi said: "My surname is Shen, and my single name is Xi. I am from Yingdu, Chu State. How old are you? I call you Ye Xiandi. I wonder why Ye Xiandi is here?"

People in Chu moved frequently, but it was customary to name every capital city Ying.

Ye Feng thought about it in his mind and said: "I originally wanted to travel around and see the local customs and customs. I originally followed a caravan to travel west, but I didn't expect that I was robbed by bandits from the Loulan Kingdom on the road passing through the Loulan Kingdom.

Outnumbered, we were outnumbered and scattered."

"I hid in the mountains for half a month before I came out. As soon as I got off the mountain, I encountered patrol soldiers from the Qiemo Kingdom and was arrested as a spy."

During this period, knight-errants were advocated, and many people imitated the knight-errants and traveled around the world to do justice. So Shen Xi did not doubt that he was there and continued to ask: "Brother Ye Xian, what are your plans?"

Ye Feng thought for a while and did not tell Shen Xi about his affairs. He lied and said with a serious expression: "This time there is a lot of danger, so it's better to prepare to go back to Dazhou and travel around Dazhou. The barbarian temper outside

It’s not very good. If you’re not careful, your life will be lost.”

Seeing that Ye Feng's words were sincere and not fake, Shen Xi said, "Brother Ye Xian, why don't you come to my place first to make things happen. We will also go back to Dazhou in a while, and we can travel together to take care of each other."

Ye Feng had no other place to go and was unfamiliar with the place, so he agreed to Shen Xi's invitation.

Shen Xi invited Ye Feng to his rented place. On the one hand, it was because people from the same Zhou Dynasty took care of each other. In addition, Shen Xi wanted to ask Ye Feng about the Ejun Festival, and also wanted Ye Feng to lead the way to retrieve the bones.

Find out about this.

Ye Feng followed Shen Xi to a courtyard with low earthen walls. There was an earth house in the middle of the courtyard. In the middle of the front of the earth house, there was a tent made of animal skins supported by wooden sticks. These animal skin tents were used to store goods. There are six tents in a circle outside, including tents made of animal skins and straw mats.

Shen Xi and his first wife lived in a mud house. Under normal circumstances, businessmen would not bring their families out to do business. But Mrs. Shen was very shrewd and monitored Shen Xi very strictly. She insisted on following Shen Xi, so Shen Xi had no choice but to go together. Take it out with you.

Shen Xi had been married to his first wife for more than ten years and had no children. Shen Xi took another concubine 12 years ago and gave birth to a daughter and a son. This year, her daughter is nine years old and her son is eleven.

However, due to the incompatibility of the original wife in the family, she lived separately from the concubine and rarely interacted with her. The original concubine deducted expenses, and the concubine often had to make repairs for others to make ends meet, so Shen Xi could only help secretly. Concubine room.

During this period, you could generally only have one wife, but you could have multiple concubines. In the family status, the head wife had a very high status, while the concubines had a very low status. It was very common for the head wife to bully the concubines, and she even singled out the mother of the second oldest child in the family. He was also bullied by his wife.

According to the etiquette and laws of the Zhou Dynasty, only one man was allowed to have one wife according to his title. Monogamy was the dominant form of marriage in the Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty was a patriarchal society. Although you could marry more than one to carry on the family line, first-line wives were still the most important. There is no need to have multiple "wives" between common people.

In other words, a man can marry multiple women, but only one has the title of wife. Of course, there are rare cases where one man and two wives exist, but this situation is very rare, and it is only found in Chu State.

There were some other marriage systems in the Zhou Dynasty. For example, the main marriage system in aristocratic families was the companionship system. Simply put, the niece and nephew married together, and the status of the Teng wife was second only to the head wife. The Teng wife system was based on the pair marriage system in primitive society. Legacy.

There is also dual marriage, where sisters share husbands.

There is also the harem system, which is a marriage system in which a son marries his father's concubine after his father's death. This custom is not common among the Guwa people, and it lasted only for a short time.

But it is more common among nomadic peoples. For example, after Wang Zhaojun passed away, he wrote to the Han court asking for his return. Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty issued an order to "follow Hu customs" and adopt the step marriage system according to the nomadic people's system, and remarry Huhanye Danyu. In the eldest son, the plant is tired and the chanyu is tired.

There are also some special marriage systems, such as exchange marriage, plundering marriage, brother-sister marriage, contribution marriage, gift marriage, son-in-law marriage, witch and ghost marriage, etc.

Brother-sister marriage refers to the marriage between brothers and sisters of the same father or mother. This kind of primitive marriage only exists in very few uncivilized areas.

Wu'er is a special custom in the state of Qi. According to the "Hanshu, Geographic Chronicles", "The elder brother of Duke Huan of the First Dynasty, Duke Xiang of Qi, was promiscuous and his aunt would not marry, so the eldest daughter of the country's common people was not allowed to marry. They were named 'Wu'er'." ."

Shen Xi brought Ye Feng to the Tsuchiya. He wanted to introduce his wife to Ye Feng and find some clothes for Ye Feng from his luggage. However, Shen Xi's wife saw Ye Feng in tatters and was disgusted. She covered her nose and stayed away. Keep a distance from Ye Feng.

Shen Xi's wife complained to Shen Xi: "Why do you bring everyone home? Does your family run a charity? The house has almost become a slave den."

The Spring and Autumn Period was a period of great change when the slave society of the ancient Wa Kingdom gradually disintegrated and the feudal society gradually formed, so slaves still existed during this period.

Shen Xi tried to find two pieces of his own clothes for Ye Feng to put on, but they turned out to be a little fat. Shen Xi was a bit fatter in middle age, and Ye Feng exercised often, so there was a slight difference in their figures.

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