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Chapter 59 Drunk

Adili called a housekeeper and asked Ye Feng to dictate the housekeeper's records.

Ye Feng not only talked about the secret techniques of making carriages, but also briefly talked about some methods of making leather and other utensils. Ye Feng originally wanted to talk about how to make boats, but thinking that boats might not be used in this arid inland, so


Ye Feng has always had a dream, which is to teach the Mongolian boating technology. Maybe the Commander-in-Chief of the Mongolian Navy will take a fancy to him, and he can become the son-in-law of the Commander-in-Chief of the Mongolian Navy.

After recording it, Adili asked the housekeeper to make another copy. He kept one copy and gave the other copy to Abaso. Naturally, he had to keep a copy of this secret skill, which was a priceless treasure.

Of course, Ye Feng only told them some superficial techniques and did not teach them all the core techniques of Da Zhou. After all, these are aliens. Teach them that if one day they turn against Da Zhou, it will have a huge impact on Da Zhou.


But what Ye Feng didn't expect was that from then on, two major craftsman factions appeared in the Western Regions, becoming the Taishan Beidou of Western Regions craftsmen. They had a profound impact on the development of craftsman technology in the Western Regions.

The carpenter Abaso later became the god of carpentry in the minds of craftsmen in the Western Regions. Many people even spent a lot of money to learn carpentry skills from the carpenter Abaso.

Adili's carpentry shop has also become a place that woodworkers yearn for. They are even willing to pay no wages just to enter Adili's carpentry shop and learn the experience and technology of making woodware.

Adili saw the secret skills given by Ye Feng and felt like he had found a treasure. As a businessman, he knew what these meant, which meant that his carpentry shop would become the top carpentry shop in the entire Western Region.

Adili looked at the sky outside and said respectfully to Ye Feng: "Brother Ye, stay at my place for dinner today. Don't refuse."

Ye Feng had eaten very poorly in the past two days. He thought that Adili was a big local businessman and the food he would treat would not be bad, so he agreed. Adili asked his servants to invite Shen Xi and his wife, and at the same time asked the butler to prepare dinner, and whispered

I gave some instructions to the housekeeper.

Soon Shen Xi and his wife were invited over, and Shen Xi learned from the servant who invited him that Ye Feng taught Adili and their carpentry secrets. Although this would cause Shen Xi to lose some woodware business, Ye Feng was so grateful that he could repay the favor.

His character made him respect him very much and he felt that this person was worthy of close friendship.

In addition, the woodware business is actually not easy to do because of the inconvenience of transportation and the fact that it is prone to moisture. So for Shen Xi, it is okay not to do this business.

Shen Xi is a person who pursues high profits and high returns. This is why he would first bring a caravan to a place, and then see what is the most profitable based on the local price conditions, and then ask his younger brother to bring a large caravan over.

After Shen Xi and Adili met, they were naturally polite to each other. Adili arranged the seats according to the Zhou etiquette, and carpenter Abbaso accompanied them.

According to the eating habits of the Zhou Dynasty, the meal sharing system was used, and a small table was placed in front of each person. And all the small tables were placed neatly. During the Zhou Dynasty, the dining table must be parallel to the surrounding walls.

Improper behavior is disrespectful.

Everyone sat down, and Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Adili sat down holding hands together. Mrs. Adili was Adili’s recent wife and had never met Mrs. Shen before. Adili took advantage of this banquet to entertain Shen Xi and his wife and arranged for Mrs. Adili to

To accompany.

During this period, the host has not announced that the banquet is open, and other guests cannot start eating at will.

Adili saw that the wine and food were almost placed, so he raised his glass and said: "You are all my good friends, Adili. Don't be restrained. Just treat it as if you are at your own home. There is no need to be polite. Let me toast you all first." After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp. He picked up the mutton on the table and took a bite, which meant that the banquet had started.

Others had a drink with them and started eating.

Mrs. Adili said in broken Chinese: "Sister Shen, I have heard my husband mention you a long time ago, saying that you are dignified and virtuous and that you are Mr. Shen's good wife."

Mrs. Shen twisted the flower branch and said, "Hey, don't call me sister like that. Just call me sister. Calling me elder sister makes me look old."

Seeing Mrs. Shen's pretentious look, Ye Feng was very disgusted. He raised his eyebrows and said faintly: "It's okay, you look old." At the same time, he pretended to be okay and lowered his head to eat like a normal person.

Ye Feng didn't look up the whole time, but when he heard someone making a popping sound, he knew it was someone who couldn't hold back his drink and squirted out.

In order to entertain Ye Feng and Shen Xi, Adili slaughtered a sheep and several chickens, and brought out sea buckthorn, grapes and other fruits, and kumiss.

This standard is already considered very rich. Most people in Zhou Dynasty can only eat vegetarian food. Common people in the northern region can only eat bean soup. Common people in Chu State in the south have some fish to eat, and occasionally they can eat fish soup cooked with fish and rice.

During this period, only the ruling class could afford to eat meat, so there was a saying that carnivores were contemptible. The ruling class was even directly called meat-eaters.

So don’t be fooled by the people on TV who serve two kilograms of beef as soon as they start. With the productivity at that time, there were only a few people who could have a full stomach every day.

However, the utensils and ways of eating here are still very primitive. The sheep and chickens are roasted. After roasting, the sheep and chickens are cut with bronze knives, placed evenly on wooden or pottery tableware, and distributed to everyone.

The wine vessel used to hold wine is a pottery bowl-like thing, or a mini pottery basin. Because Ye Feng had seen the pottery basin used by Shen Xi's family for washing, which had this shape.

Personal tableware is the most fashionable. During his time, Ye Feng had also seen people from other countries using it with their hands. In fact, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, various countries already had chopsticks. However, at this time they were called 梜箸, and they were mainly used to pick up vegetables.

"Book of Rites. Qu Li Shang" records: "If there are vegetables in the soup, use a bamboo stick, and if there are no vegetables in the soup, use a bamboo stick." In addition, "Guanzi. Discipleship" records: "The right hand holds the wooden sword and the dagger." That is, the ancients used to hold it with the right hand.梜梜交菜.

There are other dietary etiquettes in the "Book of Rites". Among them, when eating millet rice, do not use a 梜 or your hands, but use a rice dagger. The rice dagger is a type of dagger, similar to the shape of a spoon.

There are many kinds of daggers, each with different sizes. The big ones are used to hold things out in the tripod. Functionally, they are divided into animal daggers, picking daggers, vegetable daggers, etc. The front ends of these daggers are cast into the shape of a sharp spoon, which is convenient for daggers to eat meat and small things. Use it like a rice dagger.

In addition, soft roasted or boiled meat can be bitten directly with your teeth, but dry meat must be cut with a knife, etc.

As for the tableware used by primitive people, such as knives and forks, they were gradually replaced by 梢 at the end of the Shang Dynasty and the early Zhou Dynasty. 梢 may first appear during the flood control period of Dayu.

The dishes at Adili's house are quite rich, but the taste is not very good. The cooking techniques and seasoning types were not complete during this period. Therefore, the food they cooked was about the same level as the canteen where Ye Feng often made dark dishes when he was in college.

During the banquet, the butler came out holding a wooden box. Adili brought the butler to Ye Feng. Adili picked up and opened the wooden box, and everyone was amazed when they saw the golden gold inside.

Adili said to Ye Feng: "Brother Ye Feng, you were able to teach me such exquisite craftsmanship skills today. I can't repay you. These golds are just a small token of my gratitude."

During this period, various countries had different currencies, but the only currency that could be considered universal was gold. So Adili prepared a box of gold for Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng saw the gold, he wanted to take it, but he was a little embarrassed. So he politely declined: "The secret skill is just a simple effort. Brother Adili vouched for me before, but I haven't thanked him yet. How can I get your things now?" "

Adili said: "The profits your secret skills have brought to me are beyond your imagination. In the future, my woodware may be sold throughout the Western Region. Giving you this little gold is nothing. You can come to me if you have anything in the future." , Big brother who can do it will do it for you, and we will be brothers from now on."

Shen Xi is a businessman, so he naturally knows how important the carpentry skills that Ye Feng taught Adili are. He said helpfully: "Brother Ye Feng, brother Adili is kind and generous, so please don't refuse. Brother Adili is a righteous man. Every time I pass by this place, You will receive his warm hospitality. And you can become a brother with Brother Adili, which is something that many people cannot achieve even if they want to."

Seeing what Shen Xi said, Ye Feng said: "Brother Adili's kindness is hard to refuse, so I will be disrespectful. From now on, you will be my brother Adili."

Adili said happily: "Good brother, come and have a drink with us." After speaking, Adili drank the wine in the glass.

The goblet and jue are a type of drinking vessel, mostly made of bronze. The goblet is also made of wood.

The wine at this time was called wine, but it was actually like rice soup mixed with distiller's lees. Ye Feng was not good at drinking. But fortunately, the alcohol content at this time was not high, and was similar to the sweet wine of later generations. Ye Feng drank the wine in the goblet.

The banquet lasted until very late. Ye Feng was toasted by Adili and the carpenter Abbaso in turns. As a result, Ye Feng became drunk before the banquet was over.

As for how he went back, Ye Feng had no idea. But what was certain was that he was carried back by Shen Xi or a servant of the Adili family.

The next morning, Ye Feng woke up at three o'clock in the morning.

Ye Feng walked out of the tent and happened to see Shen Xi and his wife coming over with a wooden box. Shen Xi's wife kept pulling Shen Xi and whispering something, but Shen Xi ignored her. So the two of them were in a stalemate, tugging at each other.

When Shen Xi saw Ye Feng, he excused himself to say hello and handed the wooden box to Ye Feng. He said, "My dear brother, I was drunk yesterday. I was afraid of losing this valuable thing, so I kept it for you temporarily. Now that you have sobered up, I will return it to you." .”

Mrs. Shen's face was ugly, and Ye Feng could tell that it was Mrs. Shen who wanted the gold inside. Ye Feng couldn't give it all to her, and it would be to Brother Shen. Ye Feng thought about it and opened the wooden box.

Mrs. Shen said bitterly: "Hey, why don't you trust us? Do you want to open it and see if it's safe? You're such a white-eyed wolf. It's a good thing our master saved you and didn't show any sign at all."

Shen Xi pulled Mrs. Shen and said, "Stop saying a word. It's too rude."

Ye Feng didn't care much about money, so he planned to take some for himself and give most of the rest to Shen Xi.

After Ye Feng opened the wooden box, he saw ten gold cakes inside. In fact, the countries in the Western Regions used gold and silver shells as currency. Adili knew that Zhou used gold and copper as currency, so he gave Ye Feng some gold.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period of the ancient Wa Kingdom, gold and copper were mostly used as the main currency. The book "Guanzi" clearly states: "The upper currency is pearls and jade, the middle currency is gold, and the lower currency is knife and cloth."

Because of the low silver output in the Guwa State, the Guwa State rarely used silver as currency. The earliest use of silver as currency was during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, because it was conducting trade with the Western Regions. The Western Regions did not recognize copper coins and trade was cumbersome. However, due to the amount of silver produced

There were too few to meet the needs, so they were canceled a year later.

This problem lasted until the Great Guang Dynasty. This was because countries that had a good life in childhood had more silver mines, which alleviated the problem of lack of silver mines in the ancient Wa country. Therefore, I saw some time-travel dramas or costume dramas of this period.

The use of silver coins can only be said to be pure fiction.

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