Turn off the lights
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Chapter 60

Adili gave Ye Feng ten gold cakes. Ye Feng grabbed four gold cakes and raised the remaining hands in front of Shen Xi, saying: "Brother Shen, I don't need this money, so I'll give these to you."

These ten gold cakes were ten kilograms of gold in this period. In the Spring and Autumn Period, one kilogram of gold was also called one hundred gold, which was equivalent to ten thousand pieces of six pieces of gold. At that time, ten kilograms of gold was equivalent to one thousand gold, and one hundred thousand pieces of six pieces of gold.

Of course, the actual exchange will fluctuate to a certain extent. Due to weights and measures issues in various countries, one pound of gold in some areas can only be exchanged for more than 9,000 six-piece coins.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the weights of copper coins varied, but they were all exchanged according to weight. Relatively many coins were made of six coins each.

Generally, one pound is sixteen taels, one tael is twenty-four baht, and one pound is twelve baht, which is half a tael. Of course, each country has slight differences, and the final exchange is based on the actual weight.

At that time, ten kilograms of gold, or one thousand gold, was a considerable amount. With the purchasing power at that time, one gold could buy a pot of wine and a pot of mutton.

The largest container for holding wine is the zun, followed by the pot. The tripod is equivalent to the pot. You must know that wine and mutton were luxury goods among the ingredients at that time. This is equivalent to having a luxurious meal in the most expensive hotel at that time. It cost one gold.

Shen Xigang wanted to refuse, but Mrs. Shen quickly reached out and took the gold and said, "You should pay some food expenses. I'll keep these first." After that, she took the wooden box and left.

Mrs. Shen held the wooden box under one arm and took out a gold cake from the wooden box with her other hand. She took a bite to see whether it was genuine or not and the quality. This move attracted many servants to watch.

Before Shen Xi could stop her, she let Mrs. Shen run away. Shen Xi could only say in embarrassment: "I don't know the etiquette, my dear brother. Don't blame me. I will return the gold to you later, you deserve it. In addition, you deserve it." , It doesn’t matter if you have something to eat or use here. We are all citizens of the Zhou Dynasty, and we should take care of each other when we go out. Dear brother, you don’t have to be polite."

Ye Feng said: "Brother Shen, please don't be polite to me. Just take it if it's given to you. There will be some use of money along the way. Besides, I'm alone here and don't have much to spend. This gold belongs to you, brother." It’s a meeting gift.”

After some further reasoning, Shen Xi saw Ye Feng's firm attitude and said, "Well, let me hold it for you first. If you need it, ask for it."

Ye Feng said: "Wait a minute, I will prepare a little, and then I will go to the mountains with Brother Zhuan Zhi to look for the body found at that time."

Shen Xi attached great importance to this matter and had already made preparations for Zhuan Zhi. Then he said to Ye Feng: "Zhuan Zhi and the other two guards have been prepared for a long time. Brother Xian can go with them after packing up. This way Thank you for your service, dear brother. I hope to leave early and come back early." After saying this, he asked someone to call Zhuan Zhi and others.

Ye Feng had nothing to pack. He had already wrapped the gold in a cloth and put it in his arms. When he came, he was wearing a straw coat and a backpack. Ye Feng thought about the need for water and food on the way. So there was a kettle, salt, and rosin soap in the backpack. You can bring daily necessities with you.

Ye Feng took out the unused rosin, bat guano, pine oil, etc. from the backpack and put them away in the tent, then put the backpack on his back.

Shen Xi was puzzled when he saw Ye Feng carefully putting away a pile of excrement-like things, so he asked, "Brother Xian, what kind of medicinal materials are these?"

Ye Feng answered without any concealment: "These are bat guanos, they are of great use to me." Ye Feng was thinking about where to get some sulfur. Yesterday, Ye Feng went shopping and didn't see anyone selling sulfur.

Ye Feng tried to ask Shen Xi, "Brother Shen, do you know where I can buy sulfur?"

Shen laughed and said, "Sulfur? I have it here. Why are there so many snakes and insects in the mountains?" During this period, sulfur was usually used as medicinal materials or to repel mosquitoes.

Ye Feng said: "It's not for going to the mountains. I have other uses. Then please help me prepare some sulfur, brother, and give it to me when I come back."

Although Shen Xi didn't know what he wanted the sulfur for, he still agreed: "It's easy to talk about it. Then you can just go to the housekeeper and ask him to give it to you."

After saying goodbye, Ye Feng followed Zhuan Zhi and others into Kunlun Mountain.

Ye Feng and others found the body smoothly. Although it took more than half a month for the body to be found, fortunately the temperature in Kunlun Mountain was relatively low and the body could still be roughly identified. Zhu Zhi recognized that this person was the steward of the Second Master's caravan. Everyone After burying the housekeeper, he hurried back.

What they didn't notice was that there were two men in black monitoring their every move from a distance.

The younger man in black whispered: "Brother, is this person a person who has traveled through time?"

The older man in black replied: "Based on the dryness and hardness of the person's feces that passed through, he should have been gone for at least three to five days."

These two people are the two men in black who were searching for Ye Feng in the valley. The younger one is the man in black who took the detector before. The two have been tracking until this point. It was difficult to track because it took a long time. Okay Ye Feng was so full of food when he came out that he left many traces along the way.

The two men in black are from the Panding Star in the Jiaomusu parallel universe. They are believers recruited in this parallel universe. The older one is named Chuan Jianguo, and the younger one is named Obama.

Obama said: "Based on our tracking over the past few days, this traveler should have been walking downstream along the river. There is a city called Qiemo City downstream."

Chuan Jianguo said: "No one in this world knows tracking better than me. He must have gone to Qiemo City. As expected, these people also came from Qiemo City. We will follow them to Qiemo City."

On the other side, in Qiemo City, Mrs. Shen took Ye Feng's gold and put it back into the earthen house. She took out a gold cake and went straight to the Qiemo City CBD.

However, Mrs. Shen did not come back until it was time to turn on the lights in the evening. Shen Xi sent several groups of people to look for her but could not find her. She was so anxious that she walked around the courtyard like an ant on a hot pot.

At this time, a guard ran over and said: "My boss, someone sent a letter at the door saying it is for you."

Shen Xi opened it and saw that the letter was written in the characters of the Chu Kingdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty. In fact, there were not many people who could read and write during this period. Most of them were only those in the ruling class or clans who could read. Shen Xi's Shen family was Everyone in the Chu clan is literate.

Shen Xi hurriedly read the content of the letter, which read: "We have your wife in our hands. Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, send someone to deliver three thousand gold coins to the woods beside the stone bridge in the east of the city, otherwise we will chop your wife into thirty pieces." Back to you."

Shen Xi thought about it and decided to use money to save people. Originally he didn't have enough gold, but with the gold that Ye Feng gave him, which was exactly 3,100 gold, he took out 100 gold and found a loyal and loyal man with the remaining 3,000 gold. Guards with higher kung fu can use it to redeem people.

The guard took several people to the east of the city at dawn. Because the other party told them to go alone, the others stopped near the stone bridge to support them, and one of the guards crossed the stone bridge with the ransom.

Everyone saw from a distance that as soon as the guard crossed the stone bridge, there was a man with a sword waving to him from the woods on the right, so the guard walked in the direction of that man.

The man watched the guard approach without saying a word, turned around and walked into the woods. The two walked in tandem keeping a certain distance. When the situation inside was completely invisible from the outside of the woods, the man with the sword suddenly stopped. Stepped down.

At this time, one person appeared on each side of the guard, and two people came out from behind the tree directly in front. One person came out holding Mrs. Shen hostage.

Each of these people was holding a copper sword. Mrs. Shen's hands were tied behind her back, and her mouth was stuffed with cloth. When she saw the guards, she wanted to step forward, but the person who held her hostage held her down, unable to move.

The guard said: "I brought three thousand gold, you can let him go." After saying that, he placed a wooden box on the ground in front of him.

The person on the right walked over to the guard, opened the wooden box, counted the number of gold cakes and gold plates inside, and randomly selected a few to bite and check the quality.

Thinking that there was no problem, he nodded to the person who had come in with the guards before, and then walked back with the wooden box in his arms. At the same time, the leader signaled to the person holding Mrs. Shen hostage to let go of Mrs. Shen.

The man pushed Mrs. Shen forward, indicating that she could leave, and then Mrs. Shen ran towards the guard at a trot.

Mrs. Shen ran to the guard. The guard came up to her, untied Mrs. Shen, and removed the ball of cloth stuffed in Mrs. Shen's mouth.

As soon as Mrs. Shen was freed, she cursed loudly. She said that the kidnappers were damned and asked the guards to go up and kill them. Mrs. Shen saw the kidnappers open the box to check the gold. She was very heartbroken when she saw such a large box of gold given to the kidnappers. .So I came up with the idea of ​​snatching it back.

The guards didn't dare to get into trouble, and thought of escorting Mrs. Shen out first and meeting the person who was escorting her.

But Mrs. Shen refused to give up. She even scratched the back of the guard's head and cursed: "Why do I feed you? You loser, go up and grab the gold back for me."

"It's better to have a dog than to raise you." The guard got angry after being scolded. He didn't dare to get angry with Mrs. Shen. He touched the hilt of his sword and wanted to cut down the two kidnappers to vent his anger.

The few people who kidnapped Mrs. Shen saw the actions of the guards and couldn't help but touch the hilt of the sword in their hands. The atmosphere became tense for a while.

At this time, the man who was leading the way couldn't help but said: "Take the people and leave quickly. We only want money, but if you dare to cause trouble, we don't mind killing you." As soon as this man finished speaking, he suddenly covered his face. mouth.

But it was too late, and Mrs. Shen heard that it was the voice of the housekeeper Shen Qi. Mrs. Shen cursed loudly: "Shen Qi, you bastard, our husband and wife are not kind to you, and you actually did such a deceiving thing." ." Mrs. Shen started to scold and took a few steps towards Shen Qi.

Shen Qi knew that he had been exposed, so he stopped pretending and confessed. "That's right, it's me. How dare you say you're not nice to me? I'm either beaten or scolded by you every day. I get up every day like a chicken." I go to bed early and go to bed later than a dog. I work from morning to night every day, but you are still picky and deduct wages from me. Let me tell you, I have had enough of you, a bitch."

After that, he said to several of his comrades beside him: "Since the matter has been exposed, we can only kill them today to silence them. Let's go together."

Several people understood and drew their swords to surround the two of them, and slowly narrowed the circle of encirclement.

This chapter has been completed!
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