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Chapter 66 Su Ernai wants to lie down and listen

In the Feng Shui of later generations, the Feng Shui of the South pays attention to all directions and twenty-four directions. The positioning of the gold points is determined according to the attributes of the metal, wood, water, fire, and earth of the deceased's birth date, and the attributes of the mountain facing the mountain. Generally, the mountain must be consistent with the birth date of the deceased.

The attributes of Beishan will change in different years. When the attributes are not conducive to the deceased, future generations will be affected. Therefore, Feng Shui also has the theory that Feng Shui takes turns.

There should be mountain guards on the left and right sides of the tomb, and a mountain in front of the tomb. The mountain in the far direction cannot be in an evil position. If there is an evil, it should be blocked according to the situation, or the direction should be changed, etc. Of course, there are also sayings such as the direction of the water flow, the golden belt, etc., which will be used by future generations.

Feng shui is more complicated and I won’t go into details here.

The difference is that the coffins in this period were oriented east-west, and the openings of the tomb passages were all in the east. This was because people during this period believed in ghosts and believed that people would exist in the form of ghosts after death. The opening in the east was so that the deceased could ascend to heaven after death.

This is why in later Feng Shui studies, it is not recommended to place the bed with the feet facing east and the head facing west when looking at a Yangzhai.

The birth date of the deceased, the time of death and the time of burial must all be calculated, based on the heavenly stems and earthly branches, whether the attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are mutually reinforcing and incompatible, etc.

When burying people, they will refer to the astrological cycles, etc., such as avoiding the cycle of Saturn. Because they are afraid that Tai Sui will be angry due to the direction obstruction, which is also the origin of the earth-shaking on Tai Sui's head.

Many later archaeologists believe that people in ancient times were more advanced in the development of astronomical calendars because of sacrifices and funerals.

In fact, the astronomical calendar is of greater significance to farming. Tribes without advanced astronomical calendars cannot develop farming, but with farming and stable food, humans can further develop.

Therefore, the astronomical calendar in ancient times was actually the basis for the development of agricultural civilization, rather than the astronomical calendar developed by agricultural civilization for the purpose of offering sacrifices or believing in ghosts and gods.

The tombs of this period are different from the tombs of later generations that Ye Feng saw. The tombs of later generations were just to dig a hole, put a coffin, bury some soil, build a tomb bag and insert a monument. Of course, after cremation began, gold jars or ashes were placed.


Mrs. Shen's tomb is very large, with three parts: left, middle and right. The left side is where the coffins are placed, the middle is a place where some funerary objects are placed, and the far right is a pond.

Judging from the scale, it must be an overstep. Shen Xi felt a little guilty for not having enough financial resources to bury Mrs. Shen lavishly, so he overstepped a lot in other aspects. Moreover, this was not within the Zhou Dynasty, so there was no need to overstep.

In the pit of funerary objects are some animals such as cattle, sheep, chickens, wild boars and wild deer buried with them, as well as some bronze vessels such as tripods for daily use.

Inside the coffin are jade articles, some jewelry, and some valuables such as cloth. The coffin has a suspended bottom, and a bed is placed under the coffin; the coffin is divided into rooms, the coffin cover, and the bottom is covered with curtains and mats, etc.

While they were carrying the coffin into the tomb, Ye Feng looked around. Ye Feng discovered that the rocks not far away were red. The rocks are red, usually iron ore. The rocks are purple, usually manganese ore.

This is a mountain peak formed by a long-standing syncline. New synclines are generally valleys, and anticlines are mountains. However, synclines are less likely to be weathered than anticlines.

The reason why this syncline formed a long time ago became a mountain is because the anticline next to it disappeared into a valley due to weathering for a long time. Therefore, this syncline was exposed and became a mountain.

The valley where Mrs. Shen's tomb is located should have been an anticline in the past.

Anticlines are good oil and gas storage structures. Since natural gas is the lightest, it is distributed at the top of the anticline, water is most heavily distributed at the bottom, and oil is in the middle.

Certain coal deposits, such as coal, iron ore, etc., are often retained underground in the syncline part because the top of the anticline is easily eroded.

Here, because the anticline next to it was eroded, the ore inside was leaked out of the fault.

Ye Feng went to find a few pieces of iron ore. The ore here has a high iron content. Later, the Qiang people used this iron ore to make cold-forged armor. The iron ore here is similar to that of the Central Plains. The biggest difference is that the sulfur content is very low.

The Qiang people are not good at using blast furnaces to make iron, so they can only use cold forging. The essence of cold forging is cold rolling. The rolling process of the material directly at room temperature without heating is called cold rolling.

During the cold rolling process, metal materials harden. If it is iron ore with a high sulfur content in the Central Plains, it cannot be beaten repeatedly in this way, and it will break due to metal fatigue.

Ye Feng went to the side to pick up some iron ore, and finally sealed the tomb door, placed some sacrifices and burned some incense candles. During the final worship, Ye Feng went over to worship together. After the worship was completed, the burial was completed. During the ceremony, everyone was preparing to leave.

Ye Feng picked up a basket of iron ore, and the others were puzzled. They didn't know why Ye Feng carried a pile of stones, but everyone was tired, so they didn't bother to ask.

It was already dark on the way back and it was difficult to walk. Fortunately, we had prepared torches in advance and everyone lit them and continued on their way.

Ye Feng was having a hard time carrying a pile of stones. Seeing that Ye Feng was struggling, Lu Chong helped him share some of the burden. This made Ye Feng very grateful. Ye Feng thought that these ores were enough to make several weapons, so he went back to make a knife for Lu Chong. In return.

It was already dark when we returned to Qiemo City, and the gate of Qiemo City was closed. Adili took out his token and asked the gatekeeper to open the door. The gatekeeper recognized Adili and saw the token, so he did not stop him and opened the gate. Let everyone in.

However, something unexpected happened. Because Shen Xi was too sad, he traveled all night last night and was bedridden due to the cold. The caravan that originally planned to leave the next day was unable to set off because Shen Xi was ill.

I asked the caravan doctor to take a look, and the caravan doctor said he needed to rest for a few days, so the caravan had no choice but to continue waiting.

During this period, caravans coming to the Western Regions would bring a doctor with them, because these countries in the Western Regions did not have any medical capabilities and were still in the age of witch doctors.

In fact, not to mention the Western Regions during this period, even the so-called developed Western countries used methods such as inducing vomiting, bloodletting, hot ironing, and enema to treat their king who suffered a stroke in the 16th century.

After giving him an enema every two hours, he found that the king was not dead yet. He also smeared pigeon feces on the soles of the king's feet, found dead people's bones, ground them into powder, and mixed them into the king's medicine.

Feeling that it was not enough, they stuffed sneezing powder into the king's nostrils, applied secret hot plasters all over the king's body, etc., and finally tortured the tenacious king to death.

It is said that it was King Charles II of the old Anglican Kingdom. Later, other countries used these techniques to interrogate prisoners. Unexpectedly, they were surprisingly effective.

Ye Feng had nothing to do, but was afraid of running into Gu Li. Ye Feng was still a little shy about relationships between men and women, so he went out for a walk after breakfast. Ye Feng walked all the way to the CBD in Qiemo City and walked into the Adili Carpenter Shop. .

The last time Ye Feng came here, he saw something similar to suona being sold in the carpenter's shop. Suona was originally introduced to China from Persia and Arabia with the opening of the Silk Road in the 3rd century AD.

Because this is the Western Region, everyone already has suona. In fact, it is not entirely correct to call it suona, because after suona was introduced to Guwa, it went through many improvements before becoming suona, the king of musical instruments.

The so-called suona during this period had a very narrow range and poor timbre, and there were no semitone keys or treble keys.

The person who received Ye Feng happened to be a coppersmith master. When he saw Ye Feng playing with the suona, he said: "This is Surnai. I bought it from the Persian caravan from the west the year before last. Later we made several imitations. The sound of this instrument is very beautiful."

It is very penetrating and very powerful when played.”

Ye Feng nodded and said, "How much does it cost to buy one?" He took out the gold leaf.

The coppersmith master said: "If Master Ye likes it, give it to Master Ye as a thank you for teaching me the art of gold mining."

During this period, the way Gu Wa addressed each other was as follows: the nobles addressed each other as "Zi", the nobles addressed ordinary people as "Er", the elders among ordinary people addressed the younger ones as "Ru", and students addressed their teachers as "Zi".

Call yourself by name and address each other by name.

This is the Western Region, and the coppersmith master thought that Ye Feng was a man of many craftsmen, so he called him master. In ancient times, this was very cumbersome, so Ye Feng was still used to calling him according to his descendants.

Ye Feng resisted for a while, but when he saw that the other party was resolute, he accepted the suona. Ye Feng thought for a while and said to the coppersmith master: "How about I teach you how to improve the suona. Oh, this is Suona." Ye Feng is still a little unaccustomed to using it.

The name of this period is Suona.

The coppersmith master admired him and said, "Master Ye is really skilled and knowledgeable, and he even knows how to play musical instruments."

Ye Feng said modestly: "I understand a little, I understand a little. But when it comes to Master Ye, I will only try to cut him in the middle."

The coppersmith master did not understand what Ye Feng said next, but he felt that Ye Feng was an expert, and it was normal for an expert to speak in a vague manner.

Ye Feng added the active core of the suona, which added semitones and high notes to the suona.

The method is to connect the inner tube with the air plate and air nozzle, and have a bolt groove. Put a spring on it and insert it into the outer tube. There are threaded holes on the side of the outer tube, and then put on a bolt and nut for fine-tuning the sleeve.

Pass through the long hole of the casing and screw into the threaded hole, and then into the bolt groove of the inner tube. Use the screw and nut to adjust the expansion and contraction distance of the inner tube. After compressing the air nozzle with your lips, the inner tube will shorten its pitch.

Therefore, each sound hole can blow out a semitone, increasing the volume range of the suona and allowing it to play various tune-modified music.

Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di... Ye Feng tried a song called "Love Cycle" that he had seen an up master play on the suona before. The music was pleasant to the ear, and the lingering sound attracted many people around.

People came to stop and watch.

Although it attracted a lot of people, the whole place was silent, and everyone listened attentively. The music was sometimes melodious and melodious, sometimes ups and downs, and the sound was so full that people were intoxicated.

After Ye Feng finished playing, the whole place was still silent. After a while, people came back to their senses from the intoxicating music, and the place burst into warm applause.

The coppersmith master was even more impressed with his admiration. He said to Ye Feng a little embarrassedly: "Master Ye, the Su'ernai that you modified is really nice. The music is also nice and you play it well. I wonder if I can play another one, please.

It’s a bit unsatisfying.”

Ye Feng said jokingly: "Surnai lies down and listens, it will have a different flavor." However, Ye Feng did not expect that the coppersmith master would actually take it seriously.

I saw the coppersmith master taking a blanket, spreading it on the ground, and lying next to it. The coppersmith master had already regarded Ye Feng as a god, so he naturally followed Ye Feng's advice.

This chapter has been completed!
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