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Chapter 67 No one understands culture better than me

The city of Qiemo is very small. You can hear it all over Qiemo if you shout loudly, not to mention the suona, which is known as the king of musical instruments. Among them are two men in black who are pestering a widow.

The two of them were Chuan Jianguo and Obama. They followed Ye Feng and the others into Qiemo City, and then lost track of the travelers they had previously tracked.

But the two of them suspected that the traveler was hiding in Qiemo City, so they were looking for the traveler in Qiemo City. The two thought of using the elimination method to eliminate them one by one. This small town with more than 1,000 people could quickly find out.

Because they saw that Ye Feng was very familiar with the people here and did not look like a stranger who had just arrived. Therefore, these two people were the first to rule out the possibility that Ye Feng was a time traveler.

After investigation, the two finally discovered some clues. They investigated a family in Qiemo CBD, which had only one widow.

This widow never had contact with anyone, and even though she had no source of income, she often bought valuables such as clothing and jewelry.

The two were about to pester the widow at this time. Chuan Jianguo and Obama said: "Let go of that widow and let me do it. No one understands widows better than me. This widow, I saw her at first sight.

It’s broken.”

Obama said disdainfully: "What's going on? You want to take off a widow's pants when you come up? And you want to look at other people's buttocks? And after you look at them, you say they're naked? You're going a little too far."

Chuan Jianguo rolled his eyes at Obama and said, "If you are uneducated, having a broken butt means a loophole."

Obama showed a trace of ridicule and said: "Is it possible, that's called a flaw?"

Chuan Jianguo said nonchalantly: "I mean, don't argue with me, no one understands culture better than me."

Chuan Jianguo walked up to the widow and said, "Do you want to buy some shoes, beautiful lady?"

Looking at the stunned expression of the widow, Chuan Jianguo continued: "Jiangnan Leather Factory has closed down! The bastard boss Huang He owed hundreds of millions through gambling, gambling, and ran away with his sister-in-law. The leather shoes in his warehouse were stolen by me

I used them to pay off debts. I was amazed at your bones and sold you a pair."

There were no such things as leather shoes in this period, so the widow had no idea what Chuan Jianguo was talking about. And she was not good at words and rarely had contact with people. So when Chuan Jianguo approached her to talk, she seemed a little at a loss and a little flustered.

Chuan Jianguo, on the other hand, thought that the other party had been seen through by him, so he was panicked. This greatly increased Chuan Jianguo's confidence, and he looked at Obama and raised his head like a winner.

Chuan Jianguo whispered to the widow, "We all know about you."

After hearing this, the widow was shocked and said to herself: "Did they reveal the affair between Adili and me?"

Chuan Jianguo was very proud to see the widow's surprised expression. He then said: "Beauty, don't be afraid, we are the same as you, we have done the same thing."

The widow was even more shocked after hearing this. She asked weakly: "Are you also with Adili?"

Chuan Jianguo didn't know who Adili was, but when he saw the widow speaking, he would not miss the opportunity, so he nodded pretending to be profound. At the same time, he closed his eyes and looked a little painful.

The widow glanced at Chuan Jianguo's butt and said to herself: "That heartless Adili said he only loves me, but he actually had an affair with these two men?"

The widow became angry, picked up the laundry pestle next to her, and hit Chuan Jianguo on the head.

The widow cursed loudly: "You two are shameless. You have done such a slutty thing, and you still dare to show off to me? If you dare to snatch a man from me, I will see if I can beat you to death."

When the two heard "rob a man", they naturally knew they were looking for the wrong person. Chuan Jianguo was being beaten, and when he saw Obama gloating about his misfortune, he said: "You have a share, why don't you help explain and say a nice word?"

Obama put away his smile and said: "Sister-in-law, you haven't eaten. Uh~" Obama originally wanted to treat the widow to a meal. It would be nice if both parties resolved the misunderstanding.

As a result, the widow heard Obama say that she hadn't eaten, and thought he was mocking her for being weak in beating people. She couldn't help but use a little more force on her hands, and even Obama joined in being beaten. In the end, the two of them were beaten by the widow in disgrace.

The yard was broken out.

When Obama and Chuan Jianguo were clueless, they suddenly heard the sound of a suona. The two looked shocked at first, but soon they looked at each other in understanding. The two came looking for the sound.

With the rise of Ye Feng's performance, as long as someone asked for another song, he would continue to play. So he played "Senbonzakura" again, "Song of the Hero" again, and "Platinum Star Execution Song"

》…In short, it’s one song after another.

The sound of the suona attracted Adili from the backyard. Even the king in the palace was alarmed and sent an envoy out to find out who was performing the funeral, or who was playing the music.

Adili received the envoy and explained the situation to the envoy. The envoy returned to the palace to report. The king changed into casual clothes and wore a scarf to cover his face. He sneaked out of the palace and shook his head in the corner and listened to the suona.

The subjects nearby saluted him and said hello.

The king was surprised why everyone recognized him. The messenger next to him reminded: "The crown you are holding is too obvious."

It turned out that because he was in a hurry when he came out, the king changed his clothes but forgot to take off his crown.

The king was helpless. While Ye Feng was changing songs, he called the envoy who was also dressed in disguise and said: "Go and tell Adili and ask him to bring this musician to my place tomorrow and play a few songs for me." The envoy responded.

He said "Yes" and turned around to leave. The king sneaked back to the palace secretly.

When he reached the happy point, Ye Feng's head swayed from side to side, and the audience at the scene also swayed involuntarily, just like a modern concert. In the end, Ye Feng couldn't play anymore before he gave up. Even after it was over, many people still refused to leave.

In the corner, Chuan Jianguo, while rubbing his head that was bruised by the widow's beating, said to Obama: "No one knows the time traveler better than me. I just think there is something wrong with this Ye Feng."

Obama rubbed the back of his head and said, "Come on, you eliminated him first."

Chuan Jianguo pretended to be mysterious and said, "Do you know why I eliminated him first?"

Obama asked: "Why?" Obama thought he did it deliberately and was a little confused.

Chuan Jianguo said: "Because he is the one I have the most problem with, I checked him first. I just judged that there was something wrong."

Obama knew that Chuan Jianguo was talking nonsense, so he ignored him and said, "Next, let's find an opportunity to touch his background and see if he is a friend or an enemy."

Chuan Jianguo said: "No one knows the bottom line better than me. Leave this to me."

Obama immediately stopped him and said, "Okay, will you die if you don't brag? We have to be careful this time and not take action easily. If we mess up again this time, you will not be able to spare us."

When it came to paying homage, Chuan Jianguo was angry, but he didn't dare to show it. The two of them had their own thoughts, so they fell into silence.

Seeing Ye Feng finish playing, Adili stepped forward and said: "I didn't expect that brother Ye Feng is still so elegant. I have heard many people play Surnai, but I have never heard such beautiful music."

The coppersmith master stepped forward and explained: "Master Ye improved Surnai, which seems to be called a suona. This improvement allows Surnai to play more tones, and can play various variations. The timbre is much more beautiful than Surnai's.


Adili said in surprise: "It turns out that brother Ye Feng also has such profound knowledge in musical instruments. I admire him! I admire him very much!"

Ye Feng habitually said modestly: "I understand a little, I understand a little."

Adili took Ye Feng to the back hall, stood back and said, "I didn't expect that brother Ye Feng is not only proficient in carpentry and metalworking, but also knows music. It really surprises me."

Adili then said with some embarrassment: "I have a heartfelt request for my brother, I wonder if brother Ye Feng can agree to it."

Ye Feng said: "Brother Adili, you said, I will try my best if I can do it."

Adili said embarrassedly: "The king saw that you are so good at blowing, so I asked you to come to the palace and give the king a blow."

Ye Feng said in surprise: "Huh? What is he going to do?"

Adili sorted out his words and said again: "The king wants to invite you to the palace, blow~" Adili forgot his name and looked at the coppersmith master.

The coppersmith master quickly reminded: "Suona."

Adili then said: "Yes, play the suona."

When Ye Feng heard that the suona was being played, he felt relieved and said, "Oh, the suona is being played!"

Adili thought to himself: "Well, what else?"

Ye Feng is an easy-going person and has a good impression of Adili. King Qiemo asked him to invite him. If he can't invite him, it will be difficult for him to do business.

Ye Feng pondered for a while and then said: "Okay, but I know these songs on suona. If I still play these songs, I'm afraid that you will get tired of listening and be unhappy. Why don't you help me find three more people who can understand the rhythm, and I will

I’ll make a few musical instruments and play some ensembles when the time comes. It’s just that I don’t have enough time, so I have to give me two more days.”

Adili knew that Ye Feng was trying to help him please the king so that he could have a more stable position in Qiemo in the future, so he said gratefully: "That couldn't be better. Thank you so much, Brother Ye Feng, for being so kind. I really don't know how to thank you."

You are the best."

Ye Feng said: "Brother Adili, you're welcome. We are brothers, there is no need to be like this."

Adili said: "Okay, okay, it's because my brother seems to be out of touch."

Adili thought for a moment, his eyes flashed and he said with joy: "It's easy to find three people who are familiar with music. In fact, Guli knows music well. I also have two musicians in my house. Three people are just right. I don't have to worry about making musical instruments myself."

Go ahead and I'll ask the carpenters and coppersmiths in the house to help you."

Adili wants Gu Li to play with her, so that she may be rewarded by the king, and may have the opportunity to help her get rid of her slavery. Maybe she may also have the opportunity to help her father's case be retried and the grievances cleared.

Ye Feng taught the coppersmith and carpenter the styles and methods of the required drum, pipa and harp, and together Ye Feng helped make the musical instruments in Adili's carpenter shop.

"Book of Rites: Mingtang Wei" records that in very early legends, there was a "Tugu" at the time of the "Yiqi clan", that is, a drum made of clay.

Because the drum has good resonance and the sound is exciting and majestic and can be heard far away, it has long been used by Chinese ancestors to cheer up the army.

According to legend, during the Battle of Zhuolu when the Yellow Emperor conquered Chi You, "The Yellow Emperor killed Chi You and used his skin as a drum, which was heard by five hundred people" ("Taiping Yulan" Volume 582 quoted from "Century of Emperors"). This is mentioned in "The Discussion of Cao GUI"

There is a saying: "One vigorous effort, then it will weaken, and three times it will be exhausted."

This chapter has been completed!
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