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Chapter 69 The Dangerous Banquet

Ye Feng always thought that queens were all beautiful women, but he didn't expect that Queen Qiemo was not only average-looking, but also a little fat. However, she looked dignified, with fair skin and a very tall height.

Maybe because it was a political marriage and the queen was the daughter of a noble family, her looks were just about right.

Fortunately, King Qiemo is obsessed with musical instruments and doesn't care much about it. King Qiemo looks a bit thinner and smaller, sitting next to the fat and tall Queen Qiemo. With this combination, Ye Feng thinks that the two of them will be popular if they talk about cross talk together.

After everyone sat down, Adili led Ye Feng and the musicians out of the procession and reported to King Qiemo: "Your Majesty, this is my brother Ye Feng, who brought you some Dazhou music to present to your Majesty today."

King Qiemo nodded and looked at Ye Feng and said: "I heard that my brother mistakenly took your husband as a spy and was imprisoned in the sky prison. I hope you won't blame him. This brother of mine has always been honest."

The kings of the Western Regions did not have the habit of calling themselves "I" or "I" like King Guwa and the emperor.

Ye Feng immediately said: "I don't dare, General Zuo has already made the decision for the villain, found out the matter, and asked General Zhada to apologize to me."

Zhada then smiled and pointed at himself and said, "Brother Wang praised me for being honest, hehehehe."

General Zuo rolled his eyes and said, "That's not a compliment to you."

Zada thought for a moment and said, "I think you are just complimenting me."

Then he asked Zhahe next to him: "Do you think so?"

Zhahe said with a flattering look on his face: "It's natural. General Zhada is honest and upright, and he is a rare loyal minister." As soon as he said this, everyone admired Zhahe's thick skin from the bottom of his heart.

General Zuo glared at Zhahe fiercely, making Zhahe shrink his neck and lower his head in fright.

Zha Da said to General Zuo with a proud look on his face: "What do you think? I think you are complimenting me."

General Zuo rubbed his temples helplessly, even doubting whether this younger brother was the late king's biological son.

King Qiemo was focused on the music, and it was just some polite words at the beginning. So he didn't want to say too much, but now it seems that his patience has been exhausted, and he can't wait to say to Ye Feng: "It's good that the misunderstanding has been resolved. Why don't you start playing, sir?"

Let’s play a tune.”

Adili sat back in his seat, and other attendants helped to take out the instruments.

The first song Ye Feng prepared was "Daughter's Love", which he played with pipa, harp and hand xun.

The second song is "Jiuzhou Tong", played with drums, pipa, harp and suona.

The third song is "The Song of King Lanling Entering the Battle", played with drums and pipa.

The last song depends on the situation. If King Qiemo doesn't hear enough, there will be another song "The Myth of Stars and Moon" played by Ye Feng solo with a hand xun.

Because there are too many songs, Ye Feng is worried that the musicians may not have time to learn them. Therefore, Ye Feng plans to perform the pipa performance of "The Entering Song of King Lanling" by himself. Ye Feng plays slower music before and after, and passionate music in the middle as the climax.


Soon Ye Feng and the others were ready, and everyone on the field became quiet.

The first song "Daughter's Love" was heard by everyone as if their souls were wandering outside the realm. Queen Qiemo listened with tenderness, and looked at King Qiemo with blurred eyes. Moreover, King Qiemo was so absorbed in the music that he didn't notice anything strange about the queen.

The second song "Nine States Together", with its majestic momentum, made everyone present feel the momentum and heritage of a big country in the East. This kind of heritage of a big country with magnificent mountains and rivers is beyond the reach of these small countries in the Western Regions.

The third song "The Song of King Lanling Entering the Battle" has a solemn and solemn style, simple and melodious. The sound of drums and pipa is like two armies confronting each other, repeatedly fighting for the upper hand, just like the two sides fighting in a stalemate.

The crowd followed the ups and downs of the guzheng strings, and their voices rose and fell, sometimes tense and sometimes relaxed, as if they were personally participating in the killing array.

Just as Ye Feng expected, the three songs did not fully entertain the people present.

So Ye Feng played a solo song "The Myth of Stars and Moon". The melody of this piece was originally a bit sad. Then the hand xun was melodious and low-pitched, making it even more sad.

Ye Feng is used to playing the hand xun with his right hand in an arc shape and opening the left back. The trick of playing the hand xun is that the wider the opening of the left hand is, the more air must be blown downward.

The four tracks ranged from tenderness to excitement to sadness. The huge gap caused the emotions of those present to be agitated and unable to calm down for a long time.

Queen Qiemo reacted first and took the lead in applauding. Others applauded one after another. Applause and applause came one after another for a while.

Then the banquet began, and everyone took their seats one after another. King Qiemo's banquet was similar to that of the Adili family, consisting of some roasted or boiled beef and mutton, some fruits, and some vegetable soup.

There are no utensils and you eat with your hands. The wine tastes better than Adili's. After all, the wine master of the palace has better timing. There won't be too much strange smell.

However, due to problems with brewing and distillation techniques, the wine of this period was very turbid and low in alcohol content. Everyone ate and drank, and occasionally a few male and female slaves came up to dance in the middle of the venue.

During the banquet, Zhada kept looking at Guli's side, and from time to time he would make obscene remarks to Zhahe, and even make some obscene moves from time to time. Guli tried her best to turn her head to the other side and not look at Zhada.

Seeing this, Zhahe whispered a few words in Zhada's ear, and Zhada laughed after asking about it. Zhada stood up with the strength of the wine and said: "Brother Wang, Gu Li and I agreed as early as when Fu Guohou was alive.

Regarding my marriage, please ask Brother Wang to grant me a marriage today."

After hearing this, everyone looked sideways and thought: "I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people."

Some people even whispered: "When did the old man betroth his daughter to him?"

"Betrothed to him, don't be ridiculous. If Gutou was still alive, Zha Da dared to say that and would fight him to the death."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Adili immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, before his death, the Marquis of Fuguo entrusted Gu Li to me and asked me to marry Gu Li to brother Ye Feng. I have reported this to you in advance."

Zha Da said unhappily: "I entrust you with this matter. It must be done on a first-come, first-served basis."

Adili added: "I sent Gu Li to brother Ye Feng's residence three days ago. The two of them are already married. It is not advisable to remarry and beat the general, as it will damage the general's reputation."

Zhida said dissatisfiedly: "Having your wife snatched away by others is a prestige? My eldest brother is famous because he robbed the wife of the right general Aizezi."

After everyone heard this, some people couldn't help but chuckle.

Everyone present knew this. At that time, General Zuo and General Ai Zezi pursued the same noble woman at the same time. General Ai Zezi, the right general, first won the recognition of the noble family and prepared to betroth their daughter to General Ai Zezi.

But most people don't know why that family suddenly and hastily married their daughter to General Zuo.

The right general Ai Zezi clenched his hands and looked livid. The left general's mouth moved slightly and he raised the goblet in his hand as if drinking.

When the right general heard Zhada mention this, he couldn't help but recall what happened back then.

At that time, one of General Right's subordinates came back from hunting and said to him: "General Right, we just went hunting and encountered something strange. You, you, do you want to know?"

At that time, Ai Zezi heard something in his words and asked, "What's the matter?"

The subordinate replied: "We saw General Zuo and your fiancée entering the woods."

Later, the right general led people into the grove and did not see the two of them. But not long after, the family hurriedly regretted the marriage and married their daughter to the left general.

General You has always been worried about this matter. General You was about to get angry.

King Qiemo interjected: "Zhada, those old things have passed, so don't mention them again. Since Guli has married Ye Leshi, you don't need to worry about it anymore. As General Qiemo, in Qiemo

What kind of woman can’t be found?”

Zha Da said nonchalantly: "Brother Wang, you are still the king of Qiemo, and you are not looking for a fat pig to be your wife."

Before King Qiemo could speak, Zhamuhe angrily scolded: "Zhada, what nonsense are you talking about? If you drink too much, go back."

King Qie Mo's face was like pig's liver, but everyone present was silent. After Zhamu scolded Zha Da, he narrowed his eyes and looked at everyone.

King Qiemo has always been cowardly, but Zhazha was used to being arrogant because of his royal status, and often did not take King Qiemo seriously.

The right general Ai Zezi stood up and shouted angrily: "Zada, you are so impudent in front of the king and slander the queen. What crime do you deserve?"

Zhahe immediately whispered a few words into Zhada's ear. Zhada suppressed his laughter and said in a neutral tone: "What do you care about my family's affairs? You should take care of your own wife first, so as not to run away with someone else."

The right general Ai Zezi was so angry that he could not speak. He only said one word: "You." Then he was about to draw his sword and fight with Zha, but was stopped by the deputy general and other nobles next to him.

Qie Mo is not like the ancient Wa country, where they can carry swords and other weapons with them into the palace.

Zhahe and Zhada talked about something else, and then Zhada said nonchalantly: "This is a good idea. How about this. I will have a fair duel with this Ye Feng. Whoever wins, Guli will belong to him."

Zhahe said flatteringly: "Yes, in a duel, only heroes are worthy of beauties. General Zhada is our number one warrior in Qiemo, and only General Zhada is worthy of Guli."

Zhada pointed at Ye Feng provocatively and said, "How about it, do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Zhada was like a mad dog at this time, and most people would choose to avoid him. But Ye Feng was invited by Adili, and he had to stand up for Ye Feng at this time.

Adili said bravely: "Brother Zada, Ye Feng is a distinguished guest invited by the king. Don't ruin everyone's pleasure today. Come and let me have a few drinks with you."

Zhahe interjected: "How can a martial arts contest between me and Ye Feng ruin the fun? We have always been famous for our martial arts, so a martial arts contest will only add to the fun."

Adili shouted angrily: "You have no right to speak here, why don't you back down."

Adili then said to Zhada: "Drinking is just like having fun, come and let's all drink together."

Seeing Adili angrily scolding Zhahe, Zhada was a little unhappy, so he said threateningly: "Adili, I have decided to compete in martial arts today. If you stop him again, don't blame me for not giving you face."

Ye Feng didn't want to make things difficult for Adili. Although Ye Feng was not sure of winning the fight, he still had the courage to use his sword when encountering the enemy.

Although Ye Feng didn't have the guts to pursue a beautiful woman, he didn't want to lose face in front of a beautiful woman. What's more important was that Zha Da and Zha He were working together and were not good people.

What's more, Zhada had framed him before and had forgiven him before due to formality. Today, Zhada dared to provoke him again, which was a chance to settle old and new accounts together.

This chapter has been completed!
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