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Chapter 68 Qiemo Palace

There were musical instruments similar to the pipa in the Spring and Autumn Period, and it was not until the Qin Dynasty that a round instrument with a long handle became popular.

Because there are two main methods used when playing, popping it forward is called "Bi", and lifting it backward is called "Bi", so people called it "BiBa". Later, in order to be in harmony with the qin, harp and other musical instruments at that time,

After unifying it in writing, it was renamed Pipa.

Many people confuse the harp and the guzheng. The main difference between the two is that the harp has 25 strings, and the strings of the two are different in thickness. The guzheng originally had 25 strings, and in the Tang and Song Dynasties, there were 13 strings, and later the number was increased.

To sixteen strings, eighteen strings, twenty-one strings, etc.

Adili sent someone to pick up Gu Li, and asked his servants to summon two musicians. The two musicians were a male and a female. Ye Feng asked the male musician to play the big drum, because this requires more strength, and asked the female musician to play the harp and Gu Li.

Play the pipa.

Ye Feng first taught some simple fingering techniques. Because many musical instruments are easy to pick up for people with an absolute musical sense as long as they know how to play them. The only problem is proficiency.

The bass drum is easy to learn and relatively easy to master, and male musicians can play the bass drum skillfully on the same day.

Gu Li is indeed talented and intelligent and quickly learned the pipa, but her proficiency is still a bit lacking.

The only one who fell behind was the female musician, which is understandable because the song itself is relatively difficult.

In addition, Ye Feng also plans to reduce his playing of the harp and only use it as some accompaniment, and then he and Gu Li will mainly perform.

It is difficult to really learn an instrument, but it is relatively easy to just learn to play a few pieces of music.

Ye Feng prepared four pieces of music. Ye Feng taught each person the part they were responsible for. All three of them knew the music and recorded the music scores they needed to play. However, the music scores of this period were different from those of later generations.

"Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu" are the names of five different tones in the ancient Wa country's pentatonic scale, similar to 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 in the current musical notation. Ye Feng added 4 and 7 with other characters.

, and explained it to several people.

The earliest written record of the five tones of the ancient Wa Kingdom was in the Spring and Autumn Period. In "Guanzi Diyuan Chapter", there is a scientific method to obtain the five tones of "Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu" using mathematical calculation methods. This is

The famous "three-point profit and loss method" in the history of ancient Wa music.

According to the ancient music book "Yue Ji": the palace is the king, the merchant is the minister, the horn is the people, the conquest is the matter, and the feather is the object.

When the teaching was almost done, Ye Feng asked everyone to practice on their own first to become proficient in the pieces they were responsible for.

After Ye Feng made arrangements, he bought some tools such as stone hammers and fire tongs for forging copperware from Adili's shop, as well as some animal skins and wooden strips for making bellows. Ye Feng also bought a car of charcoal and hired a car to arrive.

A truck of soil was dug out of the city and returned. Of course, Adili did not accept Ye Feng's money.

It was already noon when Ye Feng returned to his residence. Ye Feng was not used to having two meals a day. He felt a little hungry and wanted to make some millet cakes to eat.

Of course, there are no peanuts in millet cakes, because peanuts have not been introduced to Guwa during this period. Peanuts were not introduced to Guwa until the Daguang Dynasty. Therefore, the scenes of eating peanuts in many costume films and TV dramas can only be said to be purely fictional.

Ye Feng could only use what was available to make millet cakes. Ye Feng found soybeans and millet, which of course were called bean and millet at this time.

Ye Feng slowly fried the millet and soybeans over low heat. In order to prevent the soybeans from becoming mushy, Ye Feng also washed some sand and fried them together. The sand was isolated and protected, so the soybeans would not be easily blackened.

After frying, because there is a big difference in size between the two, it is easy to sift them out. Ye Feng wraps the soybeans in cloth, then uses a wooden stick to pound the soybeans to simply break some and set aside.

Because there was no sugar, Ye Feng made syrup with the honey he had brought from the mountains before, and then added fried millet and crushed soybeans.

After mixing evenly, put it into the mold made with wooden strips, flatten it and let it cool. After cooling, Ye Feng discovered that there was no suitable knife to cut it.

He had no choice but to smash them into pieces and eat together. Ye Feng gave some to Gu Li and Shen Xi. Thinking that Lu Chong helped him carry the stone yesterday, he gave some to Lu Chong. These three people had never eaten millet cakes, so they naturally liked it.

Never stop talking.

After eating the millet cakes, Ye Feng began to build the blast furnace and prepare for making iron. Lu Chong ate Ye Feng's food and was naturally embarrassed to eat for nothing, so he came over to help.

Gu Li was practicing the pipa on the side, and occasionally came over to bring water to Ye Feng and others or help with some simple tasks.

Ye Feng used animal skins and wooden strips to make a blower. In fact, blowing equipment has been around for a long time. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the blower was made of a skin bag made of cow (horse) skin, called a gourd.


During the Warring States Period, there were multiple rafts working together, which were called "crags", and in the Han Dynasty, they were called "row rafts." Later, people in the Ci Dynasty invented the wooden bellows, which was a piston blower.

Ye Feng made molds out of clay, and made several long grooves in each mold, so that the molten iron would flow in and form iron bars one by one. After making the mold, he set it aside to dry in the shade while waiting for the blast furnace to dry. Ye Feng

Prepare to start making iron again the next afternoon.

The next day, after practicing all afternoon the day before and the next morning, Gu Li and the male musician were already able to play proficiently. But the female musician was still a little unskilled.

Ye Feng felt that it would be enough for everyone to practice for another day, so he made an appointment with Adili to go to the palace to perform tomorrow evening.

After arranging the performance practice for the three of them, Ye Feng returned to his residence to make iron. Ye Feng put in iron ore and charcoal and started a fire.

In the first furnace, the iron in the iron ore is burned out to remove some impurities. After burning, the molten iron condenses into iron blocks. Ye Feng screens out the iron blocks and cleans them.

Then put charcoal in the blast furnace, put a mold on top, and put the iron blocks on top of the mold to burn. After the iron blocks melt, they become molten iron and flow into the long grooves of the mold. After solidification, they become iron bars one by one.

Ye Feng stacked the iron bars together and burned them in the fire. Then he took them out and forged them with a stone hammer. This multi-layer overlapping method can also make the weapon harder and less likely to break. Later Damascus sabers were made of multiple layers of iron sheets that were repeatedly stacked.

Forged in the same way.

In the end, Ye Feng forged a machete that was more than a foot long. Ye Feng made a gesture and was very satisfied. He thought that next time he makes millet cakes, he can use the machete to chop it without making a mess.

And it can also be used to cut vegetables and cut melons for eating. Yes, Ye Feng is a complete foodie. His priority is not to make weapons, but to make eating tools. Ye Feng also made a knife sheath out of wooden strips and cowhide.

On the third day, Ye Feng practiced the ensemble several times with other musicians, and the results were good.

In the evening, I followed Adili to the royal palace. The palace is not very big. It looks similar to the home of a rich man in an ancient village in the ancient Wa country. It is even worse than the compound of a wealthy family, and it does not have the momentum that the palace should have at all.

The outer walls of the palace are higher than ordinary walls, and there are watchtowers in some places, with soldiers standing guard on them. Rather than a palace, it is more like a rich man's home with five courtyards.

The first courtyard you enter is the meeting hall, which is where the king, ministers and nobles usually discuss national affairs.

The second courtyard is the study room and the banquet hall. The banquet hall is used to receive foreign envoys or have banquets or celebrations. This banquet is held here.

The third courtyard is where the king lives.

The fourth and fifth courtyards are where the queen, concubines, princes and princesses live.

There is a garden in the fourth courtyard. The fifth courtyard is a square for the prince and princess to play.

The next three courtyards cannot be entered by Ye Feng. They were all introduced by Adili, but he was talking about which floor he was talking about, not based on the entry of Guwa Kingdom.

Ye Feng listened to Adili's introduction, and the two walked all the way to the banquet hall.

There were already many people in the banquet hall. The generals on the left and right, Aizezi and Ye Feng, all recognized them. They each brought a lieutenant, because one lieutenant was on duty and the other was resting and did not come.

In addition, some nobles came. Some of them looked familiar to Ye Feng. They had met them in the city before. After all, Qiemo City was so big, and everyone looked down at each other every day. Of course, the relationship between Ye Feng and these people was a continuous one.

There is no need to say hello.

Because Adili was also in charge of the finance and taxation of the Qiemo Kingdom, he was considered a semi-official, and he was a relative of the emperor, so his position was arranged relatively high.

After that, there are two classes of civil and military officials. On one side are the left and right generals Aizezi and others. On the other side are the auxiliary princes and Adili. Now the position of the auxiliary princes is vacant, so Adili sits at the head of the other row.

Adili pulled Ye Feng to sit behind him.

There is a row of seats behind each chairman's seat, which are for the family members or entourage of the person sitting in the chairman's seat. Of course, they are also divided into three, six or nine. The first two seats are single tables, and then there are multi-person seats.

Adili arranged for the other musicians and entourage to sit in the back, Gu Li sat behind Ye Feng, and several others crowded into the other two tables to sit down.

During this period, Qiemo Kingdom and Guwa Kingdom had similar regulations on men and women, that is, men and women could not sit together if they were not direct relatives or husband and wife.

Adili also introduced some customs and political affairs of Qiemo country to Ye Feng.

The reason why Adili is also in charge of finance and taxation is, on the one hand, because he is obsessed with business and does not like being an official. On the other hand, a small town with more than a thousand people does not need to spend so much time dealing with financial and taxation issues.

The busiest time was collecting taxes in the fall and distributing funds to various officials. Therefore, King Qiemo allowed him to take charge of finance and taxation on a part-time basis.

However, this gave Ye Feng the feeling that Adili was a "temporary worker." Ye Feng was very worried that one day Qiemo would have financial problems, and whether King Qiemo would let Adili, a "temporary worker," take the blame.

During this period, the countries in the Western Regions did not yet have perfect management, laws and regulations. Therefore, the amount of funds allocated depended on the king's mood. Sometimes more was given, sometimes less was given, and the time was not determined.

There was no concept of monthly salary during this period. If any official in charge asked for money, the king would give it according to his mood.

Farmland taxes are collected in autumn according to the rules. Other taxes, such as head tax and commercial tax, are collected according to the king's mood and the state of the treasury. The amount and time frequency depend on the king's mood.

Of course, the king usually will not go too far, because if he goes too far, someone may rebel.

After a while, everyone arrived, and the banquet hall was almost full. A messenger shouted: "The king and queen have arrived."

Everyone immediately stood up quietly to greet King Qiemo and Queen Qiemo. King Qiemo came out from behind with Queen Qiemo in tow.

This chapter has been completed!
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