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Chapter 77 I Will Be Back

Adili laughed loudly and said: "Zhamuhe, you are also one of my clansmen. Even if it costs the lives of the entire clan today, I will fight with you. I, Adili, am loyal to Qiemo, and my clansmen are also loyal to Qiemo.

We will defend Qiemo to the death."

"Listen to people outside, Zhamu is conspiring to rebel. If you can lay down your arms, I will pardon your innocence. If you remain stubborn, it will affect the whole clan."

Hearing this, some soldiers began to look at Jamuhe hesitantly.

Zhamuhe said loudly: "Adili, don't play these tricks at this time. I can break through the palace gate immediately, and I will be the king of Qiemo. All the soldiers listened to the order and captured the palace. Everyone will be rewarded with a hundred gold.

An official who breaks into the palace gate is promoted to one level. Attack."

Zamuhe knew that the longer the delay was, the worse it would be for him, so he wanted to interrupt the conversation and start a fierce attack.

Just as Zhamuhe turned around to shout, Ye Feng jumped off the wall, rolled on the spot, stood up, and rushed towards Zhamuhe.

Ye Feng's move was seen by the guard behind Zhamuhe. The guard stepped forward and raised his copper sword to block Ye Feng's steel knife. The copper sword was cut into two sections by the steel knife, and the guard was also slashed by Ye Feng.

But this also put Zhamuhe on guard, and at the same time, the guards nearby also rushed over to stop Ye Feng. Even though Ye Feng was extremely powerful, he could not withstand the siege of a few dozen people.

Ye Feng lost the opportunity for a sneak attack and was unable to take care of himself under the siege of more than a dozen people. Ye Feng became more and more impatient when he saw Zhamuhe walking away.

Before Ye Feng left, he asked Lu Chong to arrange for people to go to the left army camp to rob the prison. With all the soldiers and horses in the left army camp, there would not be many soldiers imprisoning the right general Ai Zezi.

As long as the right general Ai Zezi is rescued, the right general Ai Zezi can organize some reinforcements, and the internal cooperation and external cooperation will have a chance to turn the tables.

But I don’t know why Lu Chong still hasn’t made any move after so long. At this time, Ye Feng was very upset, so he shouted: "Brother Lu Chong, come quickly."

What surprised Ye Feng was that the sound was so loud that it resounded through the sky. The soldiers on both sides were stunned and stood on the spot.

What surprised him even more was the shouts from dozens of people outside the palace gate: "Lu Chong is here" and "Right General Ai Zezi is here". It turned out that Lu Chong and right general Ai Zezi were leading their troops.

He rushed outside the palace gate.

Lu Chong was entrusted by Ye Feng to personally take a guard to the Zuo Army to rescue people, but found that he didn't know the way, which wasted a lot of time.

Moreover, after breaking into the military camp, because there was no one guarding the perimeter and no one knew where the right general Aizezi was being held in the Noda military camp, it took some time to find it.

After the right general Aizezi was rescued, he returned home and gathered ten guards at home. He then went to Adili's house and persuaded the deputy generals who surrounded Adili's house. On the way, other nobles loyal to the king brought guards. In this way, along the way

An army of more than eighty people was gathered and rushed over.

Seeing that the situation was over, Zhamuhe fled with his cronies. Before leaving, he shouted: "I will come back~"

The rebel leader fled, and the rebels quickly gave up resistance. Adili and General You quickly took control of Qiemo City.

The city was empty of troops, so Adili sent someone to notify the soldiers who had gone into the mountains to ambush to come back.

Adili and the right general Aizezi divided the uninjured or slightly injured soldiers into several teams. One team of close men was responsible for the security of the palace.

The old and weak soldiers were divided into two teams, one team was responsible for repairing the palace gate, and the other team was responsible for sending the wounded for treatment.

The prime men were divided into four teams, the first team was responsible for city defense, the second team was responsible for guarding and detaining prisoners, the third team and the fourth team were responsible for searching and arresting the remnants of the rebels in the west and east of the city respectively.

Adili stayed in the palace and was responsible for the palace guarding, the treatment of the wounded, and the palace's restoration and other internal affairs. The right general Aizezi was responsible for the city defense, prisoner arrest and other external defense work. Everything was orderly and step-by-step.

Soon it was sunrise, and everyone was hungry due to the fierce fighting all night. Although it was not yet time for the morning meal, Adili made arrangements for the morning meal early.

Not only did the portion of the meal increase, but some minced meat was also added to the porridge. Although the portion was not much, each person could eat some meat flavor. Naturally, the soldiers were happy and their morale was high.

Not long after, the seventy soldiers who had gone into the mountains to ambush also returned to the city. Everyone was relieved at the increase in troop strength.

After the seventy people had the morning meal, they were divided into various teams. Due to the increase in manpower, each team began to take turns to rest and gradually adjusted back to normal shifts.

The seventy soldiers who were ambushing in the mountains had an unexpected gain this time. They caught a spy who was preparing to sneak into Qiemo City at the ambush site.

The spy was afraid of being discovered by the Qiemo people, so he deliberately took a detour from the deep mountains of the Kunlun Mountains to Qiemo, but unexpectedly he fell into an ambush.

When the spy was caught, everyone was dumbfounded. I had never seen any country use such a huge array to catch a spy. There were even rolling logs and rocks on the hillsides on both sides.

The angry spy shouted: "Who betrayed me? How did you know I came from here? Who leaked the secret?"

When the spy was caught and searched, a secret letter from the Loulan Kingdom was also found, which read: "Open the south gate to respond when you are alert in three days." What everyone didn't know was that this letter was actually written three days ago, and the spy took a detour.

We walked for two more days.

This letter was obviously written to a spy in the city, but no matter how tortured, coerced, and bribed, the spy would not tell who the letter was written to.

Adili was at a loss for what to do and talked to Ye Feng about the matter. Ye Feng felt that the spy seemed a bit not very smart. Torture might be of no use against such a single-minded person.

Ye Feng recalled some of the tactics used by the Angsazi Guoxi Police Factory in interrogating prisoners in later generations. He thought for a moment and said to Adili, "I have a way to try, but it's hard to say whether the statement in advance will have any effect."

Adili's eyes lit up and he said: "My brother Ye Feng, as expected, you always have a way. If you dare to try, I will thank you whether you succeed or not."

Ye Feng said: "Help me prepare some wooden signs of the same style, and then write the names of all the suspects, as well as the names of those who have the ability or opportunity to open the city gate."

Adili was surprised and said: "You can also tell fortunes? Do you want your birth date? Why don't you tell me first and tell me whether I still have wealth luck."

Ye Feng said helplessly: "I don't know how to tell fortunes. These are useful to me. Whether I can find the spies depends on these."

Adili was still confused, but he asked a carpenter to make a wooden sign according to Ye Feng's request. He also drew up a list of some people and asked the carpenter to carve it on the wooden sign.

The carpenter thought that many people had died in a fierce battle overnight, so he added the word "tablet" after his name. Adili almost vomited blood when he saw the wooden sign. If Adili hadn't been in his prime, the carpenter might have needed to carve a sign for Adili.

Adili brought the re-engraved wooden signs and turned the words on all the wooden signs downward. He said to Ye Feng: "Come on, brother, let's turn over the signs."

Ye Feng said depressedly: "What, I just turned over the brand. Do you want to turn over your brand so that a big man will be lucky at night?"

Adili said in surprise: "Brother Ye Feng, I didn't expect you to have this hobby? But let's get down to business first."

Ye Feng didn't bother to explain, took the sign, and went to the cell where the spies were held.

Adili shook his head from behind and said, "No wonder such a beautiful girl like Guli doesn't act. It's such a pity."

Ye Feng entered the cell and put the sign on the table. He asked the person in charge of the torture before and asked if the spy was literate. When the interrogator said that the spy only recognized Loulan Jielu Wen, Ye Feng almost vomited blood.

Fortunately, the interrogator could write the Loulan script, so Ye Feng asked the interrogator to carve the Qielu translation on the back of the wooden sign.

The Roman script belongs to the pinyin script of the Phoenician alphabet system and evolved from Aramaic. It belongs to the African-Western branch of the Semitic family of the Asiatic language family. Aramaic is widely spread, and there are many variant languages ​​in modern times, at least

Three thousand years of history.

Ye Feng put the wooden plaques with the side written in Qie Lu down on the table first, and then ordered someone to bring the spy over. The spy was quickly brought over. The spy was a strong man who looked thin, but his body was full of muscles.

The man's eye sockets are slightly sunken and his eyes are piercing. The agent has calluses on the palm of his right hand but not on his left hand. This shows that he is right-handed and is good at using an epee held with one hand.

The length of the bronze sword held in one hand during this period was more than 60 centimeters, and the length of the long sword held in both hands was up to 90 centimeters. However, long swords were not common because ordinary bronze materials during this period were not hard enough.


Ye Feng asked the spy to sit at the table, and Ye Feng sat opposite. On the left and right were Adili and the person who was in charge of the interrogation. Two jailers stood behind the spy to prevent the spy from making dangerous moves.

Ye Feng asked: "Are you from Loulan?"

Seeing that what he was asking was not an important matter, the spy replied, "That's right." But he still looked at Ye Feng warily.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "Are you married? Do you have any children?"

No one expected that Ye Feng would ask these questions. The spy was stunned for a moment before he replied proudly: "We got married last year. She is the most beautiful girl in our area. She gave birth to a daughter for me this year."

Ye Feng nodded and asked, "Who asked you to come here?"

The proud expression on the spy's face had not faded and he replied smoothly: "We are the captain." After saying that, he seemed to remember something, and immediately became vigilant again, looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, let's just chat casually." This way of talking about irrelevant things and suddenly adding questions that need to be interrogated is a common interrogation technique in later generations.

The purpose is to make the prisoner relax and ask him important questions when he is unprepared. Most people will unconsciously show their truest movements or expressions.

Even some prisoners who are not very vigilant can be asked for answers to key questions. This spy is obviously very vigilant and difficult to deal with.

Ye Feng then asked: "Have you been to Qiemo before?"

The spy frowned slightly, thought for a while and replied: "I've been here a few times."

Ye Feng then asked: "You must have come here pretending to be a merchant and following the caravan."

The spy asked in astonishment: "How do you know?" After saying this, he realized what he had missed and stared at Ye Feng nervously.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "We have been paying attention to you for a long time." Ye Feng did not continue and looked at the spy with a smile.

The spy became a little panicked when Ye Feng looked at him like this.

This chapter has been completed!
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