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Chapter 78

After a while, Ye Feng continued: "Have you ever thought about what would happen to your wife and daughter if we caught you?"

The spy didn't answer. He was a little confused. He didn't know why Ye Feng often asked about irrelevant things.

He thought to himself: "How can anyone interrogate a prisoner and ask these random questions?" He was very confused.

Ye Feng asked again: "A woman has no man, and a daughter has no father. Life will be miserable in the future."

The spy couldn't help but replied: "I left them a lot of money, enough for them to have enough food and clothing."

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "That's even worse. I don't know how many men will have an idea for her. She is rich and beautiful. She married another man not long after, but you are suffering here. What a pity."

The spy said angrily: "No, she will not marry another man."

Ye Feng said: "She is rich and beautiful, but she can't keep other men thinking about her. As time goes by, she will feel lonely and need to find a man to rely on, right?"

The spy said angrily: "No, she is not that kind of person, she will definitely wait for me." The two jailers behind were afraid that the spy would do something, so they immediately stepped forward to suppress the spy.

Ye Feng waved his hand, told the jailer to step back, and continued: "Do you think you are very accurate in judging people?"

The spy said excitedly: "Of course, I won't misjudge her."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "It's inevitable for people to make mistakes sometimes. How about we do a test on how to recognize people? See if you have the ability to recognize the right people."

The spy asked: "What test? How to test it?"

Ye Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said secretly: "I took the bait."

Ye Feng smiled slightly and continued: "You have been to Qiemo a few times. Let's see if your views on some of our people in Qiemo are accurate."

Ye Feng picked up a wooden sign and explained: "I will show you some people's names. If you have seen or know anyone, you can evaluate this person's character. If you are right, you will be considered to have the ability to recognize people."

The spy couldn't wait to prove himself and said: "Okay, come on."

Ye Feng picked up a wooden sign and opened the Qielu text underneath to show it to the spies. Some of the names on these wooden signs were known to or seen by the spies, and some of them had never been seen by the spies. Ye Feng opened them one by one, and the spies one by one.


The spies had played the role of merchants before and came to Qiemo. In order to facilitate their business, they had to deal with some official people. The spies knew to some extent which ones were greedy for money, which ones were lustful, which ones were old-fashioned, and which ones were doing official business.

When Ye Feng picked up the wooden plaque of Deji, the general under the command of the right general Ai Zezi, the spy's pupils immediately dilated a little, and his expression was tense for a moment. But he quickly recovered, and then he glanced sideways and replied: "No.


Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, and then said slyly: "How come I haven't seen him before? Aren't you just here to deliver a letter to him this time?"

The spy said in surprise: "How did you..." He immediately changed his words and said: "How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? I have never seen this person before. I just haven't seen him before."

Ye Feng laughed and said, "He did it all."

The spy retorted: "No way, he wouldn't be so spineless."

Ye Feng said jokingly: "You don't have backbone until eight o'clock."

Everyone: "??"

Ye Feng handed Deji's wooden sign to Adili and said, "Arrest him."

The spy said angrily: "You cheated. You actually deceived me. You actually deceived me."

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Don't sound like a woman whose feelings were deceived. People who don't know better think that I deceive men's feelings and make people misunderstand that I like men."

He raised his head again and said to the two guards behind him: "Take him down."

The two jailers looked at Adili, who nodded. The two jailers took away the spy who was shouting in excitement and swearing. Naturally, the two jailers would not give such a noisy spy a good meal. They beat and fanned him along the way.

The spy vomited blood.

Adili asked doubtfully: "How does Ye Feng know that the mole is Deji's?"

Ye Feng said casually: "Psychology." Thinking about it, he didn't understand what psychology was at this time, so he changed his words and said: "Mind reading."

Adili said in awe: "Brother Ye Feng is really a god, and he can also read minds."

Ye Feng said modestly: "I understand a little, I understand a little."

Afterwards, Adili arranged for someone to arrest Deji, but unexpectedly Deji found out the clues in advance and committed suicide by wiping his neck.

King Qiemo was furious when he heard the report. He ordered his family to be ransacked and the Deji family was confiscated and made into slaves. At the same time, he made a judgment on the treatment of Zhamuhe and expelled the family tree. The whole city wanted him to be executed after being caught. His wife and children were demoted to slaves and the family property was taken away.


Others who participated in the rebellion, such as Zhamuhe's lieutenants and some corps commanders, were also sentenced to death, and their property, wives and children were confiscated. The core or stubborn ones among the soldiers were demoted to slavery, and the rest were not punished.

Zhada and Zhahe found out that they were not involved in the rebellion and did not know about it, so they did not investigate further.

Zhahe was dismissed from the post of captain for robbing merchants and was fined a hundred gold to make amends. This was handled by King Qiemo in order to give Ye Feng an explanation.

Ye Feng is a member of the merchants, so the previous kidnapping of Ye Feng was handled as robbing the merchants. However, due to the relationship between Zhada and King Qiemo, Zhahe had to take the blame in the end.

But Zhada and Zhahe disappeared out of thin air, and no one knew their whereabouts.

In a damp and stinking basement, several people were tied to execution racks. This was actually the underground of the yard where Zhada kidnapped Ye Feng and used him to interrogate Ye Feng.

This place was originally used for interrogating prisoners in the early years. Later, he felt that it was very boring, so he rarely used it. Naturally, the people sent by Adili did not know that there was something else underground, so they did not discover this place.


Chuan Jianguo used the tools readily available here to interrogate and beat several people.

Chuan Jianguo asked loudly: "Tell me, where did you hide Ye Feng? If you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, you will be stern."

Zhada wailed in pain: "I don't know, he's gone."

Chuan Jianguo said angrily: "You lied to me, didn't you? Did you arrest him just to let him go?"

Zhahe said: "He escaped on his own."

Chuan Jianguo became even more angry and said: "Do you think I'm a fool? Do you think I didn't check the rope you use to tie people up? It's so thick, how can you run away? And you only have such a big place here, so many people, you will let him

Run away? Just lie to ghosts."

After saying that, Chuan Jianguo whipped Zhahe with more than ten whips in succession. Zhahe let out a continuous wailing sound that was comparable to a tenor.

Zha Da explained: "That Ye Feng was very strong. He broke free from the rope. He caught us, tied us up and left." Zha Da concealed the process of his "torture".

Chuan Jianguo became even more angry after hearing Zhida's words. He whipped him a few times before saying, "You think I'm stupid, don't you? Your rope is so thick, he broke free, and you broke free when I tied you. Is your rope just a decoration?"

Zha Da suddenly woke up and said: "Hey, when you say this, it seems that this is really the case. The people from Yu Kuang country actually sold me fake goods. I don't trust the Yu Kuang people anymore."

Zhahe said helplessly: "Brother, we were able to break free of the rope because Ye Feng forgot to put away the meat-cutting knife, so we cut the rope. The rope was very strong. Ye Feng was able to break free because he was really strong.

You forgot that our house was almost demolished by him."

Chuan Jianguo went over and gave Zhahe a slap in the face and cursed: "Do you think I'm an idiot? Will I believe your lies? Ye Feng kidnapped you and left a knife for you? Listen, is this human talk?


As he spoke, Chuan Jianguo whipped Zahe a few more times, and then said: "He can still demolish the house. Do you think he is Erha?"

At this time, Obama came in from the outside, and Hechuan Jianguo said: "We are about to move. The Loulan Army will arrive tonight. We have to get out of the city quickly. If nothing happens and the battle is defeated this time, the entire clan will be arrested.

Slaves, let’s not be captured and made slaves together by the Loulan people.”

Chuan Jianguo heard that the situation was urgent and said: "What's so scary about Loulan's army? No one knows slaves better than me." Although he said this, he dropped his whip and ran out.

Obama called Sichuan Jianguo and said: "Don't worry, let's disguise it. In addition, I bought two dung trucks, and we tied them up and took them out of the city together."

Chuan Jianguo said anxiously: "Lead them slowly, don't waste time, let's leave quickly."

Obama said: "How can we explain to Mr. Bai if we just go back?"

Hearing this, Chuan Jianguo said: "These people are very interesting, and I am a little reluctant to let them go. Taking them back and giving them a few whips will relieve my boredom."

In Qiemo City, King Qiemo also re-adjusted the appointment of officials in Qiemo, appointing Adili as the auxiliary prince and concurrently as the general of the left. Adili became the only person in the history of Qiemo who combined civil and military power.


Adili originally did not want to be an official, but now that the country is devastated and people are uneasy, Adili has to accept this position. For the three vacant deputy general positions, the corps commander who has contributed to the suppression of the rebellion will be promoted to the post.

When everyone was congratulating Adili, a horse patrol outside the city came to report and found that the Loulan army of about 1,300 people was secretly approaching Qiemo.

In Ye Feng's parallel universe, the Loulan Kingdom was the later Shanshan Kingdom. The Loulan Kingdom began to be loyal to the Yiqu Kingdom and rebelled against Gu Wa repeatedly. Later, the King of Loulan was ordered by the Yiqu Kingdom to kill several groups of envoys from the Gu Wa Kingdom.

Guwa sent Fu Jiezi to resolve the matter. Fu Jiezi killed the Loulan King, appointed a new Loulan King, and renamed the Shanshan Kingdom. At this time, the Loulan Kingdom had about 1,300 households and a population of more than 11,000 people.

The strength is 2,100 men.

The troops this time were led by General Kani of the Loulan Kingdom and Captain Usa of the Left Army. General Zuo's deputy general named Lu Xixi led 200 people as the vanguard, and General Zuo led 600 people as the center army.

The captain of the Zuo Army led a baggage camp of 500 people as the rear army, responsible for escorting grain, grass, weapons and supplies.

Of the 500 people responsible for escorting, 200 of them were in the transport convoy, with each group of four people making up a total of fifty vehicles. Two people were responsible for driving and two people were responsible for escorting, and each group of five vehicles constituted a convoy.

Every time they walked a certain distance, the captain of the Zuo Army would leave twenty to thirty people to build a military station on the spot to handle the convoys of horse-drawn carriages transporting grain and grass. Two hundred soldiers were built and dispatched along the way.

The army arrived and set up camp five miles outside the city. The captain of the Zuo Army led the remaining one hundred and eighty transport troops to establish a supply base east of the bridge fifteen miles east of the city.

The soldiers in charge of the convoy put down the goods to rest for a while, then drove the carriages back to Loulan Kingdom in batches to escort the next batch of supplies.

This chapter has been completed!
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