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Six, skillfully bomb artillery positions

Luo Yuesong killed more than a dozen Japanese soldiers one after another, and after eating roast rabbit meat, he was refreshed, in a happy mood, and full of energy. The area on his waist that was scratched by shell shrapnel did not become inflamed even after being fooled by the loess of the Dabie Mountains.

On the contrary, it was gradually healing. When Yuesong was happy, he picked up a rifle and carried a gun on his back, looking for Japs to kill. When he saw a large group of Japs, he hid in the bushes. When he saw a small group of Japs, he

Think about it, come up with some weird ideas, and kill a few.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Yuesong heard the sound of artillery not far away. Yuesong hated the cannons of the devilish Japanese the most. It was those cannons that blew up his brothers in the third battalion, so many of them did not even raise their heads before the Japanese came face to face.

He was sacrificed without even fighting.

Yuesong followed the sound of artillery and looked for the Japanese artillery position. Grandma also happened to find that the Japanese artillery position was not far away. It seemed to be right next to the stone pond where she had just killed the six Japanese.

Yuesong went to the stone pool and took a look. The water in the stone pool was still a little red. Haha, it must be stained with the blood of the Japanese. There were already flies buzzing happily on the corpses of the dead Japanese by the stone.

. But Yuesong couldn't care less about admiring these at this time. The Japanese cannons on the hillside were still firing towards Suixian County. I don't know which brothers in the national army were being bombed again.

Yuesong followed the sound of cannons and looked at the green smoke. He crouched and walked lightly along the creek for three to four hundred meters. He hid under a big camphor tree and looked down. He saw a flat piece of land on the mountainside.

Six large-caliber howitzers were lined up on the street. Under the command of a lieutenant, more than 20 Japanese soldiers were firing artillery shells in the direction of Suixian County. In addition to the artillery, there were seven or eight Japanese soldiers near and far on guard, and the soldiers were on guard.

Between the cannons, two large trucks were parked. There were boxes of artillery shells on the top and bottom of the truck. Several Japanese soldiers were carrying the shells from the truck. Those Japanese soldiers were all very busy. Mother.

Damn Xipi, these Japanese artillerymen are used to blowing up others. They have never been fucked by others, but they are in good order. Today I met your grandpa and me. Let's see how I can beat you Japanese bastards to death.

Although Yuesong thought so, he didn't have any suitable weapons in his hands. It was not easy to blow up the Japanese cannon. Besides, there were more than 30 Japanese soldiers and security guards, so he just rushed down with a gun.

It’s also a person who has gone and has no return. Rifles can’t do it one by one, and throwing knives and daggers are not relevant. What should I do? Yuesong, who has always been clever and clever, is really in trouble now. He is scratching his head and head, and he can’t think of anything to do.

Yuesong thought of the Japanese cantaloupe grenades, but he only got three of them that night, and he used them all at once. He really regretted it. The few Japanese security soldiers on the mountainside were not field soldiers and generally did not carry them.

What should I do with the cantaloupe grenade? Yuesong stared, trying hard to look at the enemy's equipment to see if there was any weapon that could detonate the shells, but after looking for a long time, he didn't see anything that could be used. Yuesong was still worried.


Although Yuesong graduated from the infantry department of the military academy, he also knew something about artillery shells. Since there was no equipment to detonate the artillery shells, violent impact was the best way. Yuesong looked at the two trucks on the mountainside and showed a strange smile.


It would be impossible to deal with so many Japs without defeating them one by one. Yuesong suddenly remembered that he was wearing a Japs uniform, and Yuesong's ideas for defeating each one came to him.

Yuesong found a bush and hid the crossbow, dagger, shell gun and rifle. He only took 38 large caps and a few throwing knives hidden in his waist, and went around to the flank of the Japanese artillery position on the mountainside.

Then he pretended to be out of breath and ran to a Japanese soldier who was on guard, and said to the Japanese in Japanese: "Major Kawasaki ordered that there is a small group of Chinese guerrillas on the other side of the mountain. The three of you come with me to guard there."

The Japanese soldier waved and shouted that the other two Japanese were coming. Yuesong led the three Japanese and walked more than 100 meters northeast. He placed the three Japanese 20 meters apart and asked them to find them.

place, lying on the ground to hide and guard, and then found a place to lie down.

The sound of artillery continued, and the Japanese artillery was still shelling in the direction of Suixian County.

About ten minutes later, Yuesong crawled forward, quietly left the place where he was lying, and gently touched the back of a lying Japanese soldier. When he was three or four meters away, Yuesong whispered in Japanese to remind the Japanese soldier.

, the Japanese soldier was about to speak, Yuesong put his finger in front of his mouth, making a gesture of speaking, then slowly moved closer to the Japanese soldier, and whispered to the Japanese soldier: "Over there, there are guerrillas sneaking around.

Get closer." Yuesong said, pointing towards the camphor forest in the northeast. The Japanese soldier followed the direction of Yuesong's finger, observed carefully, raised his rifle, and aimed at the camphor forest. Yuesong was lying there.

Next to the Japanese soldier, he quietly took out a flying knife, held it in his right hand, and pointed the knife at the Japanese soldier's back. He pressed the Japanese soldier's head to the ground with his left hand, and inserted the knife in his right hand downwards.

, the Japanese soldier didn’t say a word, and died. Yuesong looked at the dead appearance of the Japanese soldier, and almost laughed out loud. He slaughtered the stubborn Japanese pigs at such a close range and fooled the stubborn Japanese so easily.

Erdan, how could you not make Yuesong feel elated? But Yuesong suppressed his laughter and started crawling towards another Japanese soldier. In less than ten minutes, Yuesong did the same thing and killed the other two Japanese soldiers.

Slaughtered. Yuesong was lying on the ground, blushing, but he couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, the gunfire rumbled and the Japanese in the distance didn't hear it. The more Yuesong tried to hold it in, the harder he laughed.

, actually burst into tears with laughter.

The sound of artillery continued, and the Japanese artillery was still shelling in the direction of Suixian County.

The sound of gunfire reminded Yuesong that it was too early to be happy. Yuesong ran back to the camphor forest and hid the hidden rifles every thirty meters. Each rifle was loaded with three rounds of bullets. All the bullets were loaded.

He hid the shell gun in his clothes and ran towards the Japanese artillery position.

When the other five Japanese soldiers on alert saw Yuesong running over, they all ran close to Yuesong. Yuesong panted and said to the Japanese soldiers: "guerrillas, there are guerrillas sneaking over. Over there, over there in the camphor forest."

." Yuesong said while pointing in the northeast direction.

After listening to Yuesong's words, a Japanese soldier was about to report to the Japanese commander. Yuesong grabbed the Japanese soldier and said, "You guys, go support them and I'll report." After that, he ran towards the Japanese artillery position.


After running for tens of meters, Yuesong looked back and saw that the Japanese soldiers were heading northeast with guns in hand. Seeing that the time was right, Yuesong didn't think much and went straight to the unguarded truck.

Run away.

The other Japanese soldiers saw that it was their own people and did not stop Yuesong. The Japanese lieutenant was busy directing the firing of artillery shells and did not pay attention to Yuesong's actions.

Yuesong ran to the truck filled with artillery shells, opened the door, got into the cab, started the truck, increased the accelerator, then put a wrench against the accelerator, put the gear on, released the clutch, and the truck suddenly moved at full speed.

Another truck rushed over. The Japanese soldiers who were carrying the shells were wondering when they saw the truck rushing towards this direction and getting closer. They jumped out of the truck in a hurry and ran towards the Japanese lieutenant while shouting.

When the two trucks were about ten meters apart, Yuesong opened the door, jumped out of the truck, ran desperately to the side for several meters, and quickly lay on the ground. There was a huge explosion behind him, which shook Yuesong's heart.

It almost jumped out. Then there were continuous explosions. Yuesong looked back and saw that most of the Japanese artillery positions behind him were destroyed by artillery shells. The large-caliber howitzers were also damaged. Most of the Japanese artillerymen were killed or injured.

, even those who were not dead were shaken and dizzy.

Yuesong didn't dare to look any further, so he grabbed the rifle and ran up the mountain. As soon as Yuesong ran to the top of the mountain, a few Japs who woke up picked up their rifles and shot at Yuesong. The bullets hit the rocks with a "bang bang" sound.

Hibiki. Yuesong turned over and hid behind a rock, picked up the rifle, aimed and shot, killed one, then got up and ran away.

The five Japanese soldiers who had been tricked by Yuesong to go to the northeast to be on guard also woke up at this time and surrounded Yuesong with rifles in hand. Yuesong retreated while fighting, and soon only one of the five bullets was left, but

There were ten Japs behind him, but Luo Yuesong was not in a hurry. The resourceful Luo Yuesong was already prepared. Yuesong retreated in the direction where he had already hidden his gun. After running about thirty meters, Yuesong suddenly turned around and squatted down.

Shoot, after knocking down a Japs, roll on the spot, take out the prepared rifle, squat down and shoot again, shoot two times and then start running again, do this again and again, until there are only three Japs left behind. But that dog day

The Japs are really stubborn pigs. They knew they couldn't beat them, but they still pursued them desperately. They only chased them for two or three hundred meters. Only three of the dozen people died. They wanted to come up and die. Those who didn't know thought that

It's brave. Those who know it will say that this is really a wild boar fighting method. At this moment, Yuesong really looks down on those Japanese braying donkeys.

Yuesong ran into the camphor forest, took out the hidden gun, and hid it next to a big camphor tree. The three Japanese soldiers soon chased them to the edge of the camphor forest. Yuesong suddenly jumped out and picked up the gun.

**, there was a burst of "tat-tat-tat" shooting. The three Japanese soldiers were covered with bullet holes, and the three Japanese pigs were dripping with blood. Yuesong really wanted to continue shooting, but he couldn't. The bullets of the *** were very limited, so they had to save them for slaughter.

There are more stupid pigs. Yuesong looked at the corpse of the Japanese, blew the white smoke coming from his mouth, shook his head, and said to himself: "Oh, how can pigs play with people! Play, play to death

You Japanese pigs!" After saying that, he spat fiercely at the corpse of the Japanese, then hummed a tune and went to collect ammunition and weapons.

This chapter has been completed!
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