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Twenty-eight, the sword unsheathed 5

At nearly eight o'clock in the morning, Biaozi and Yuesong led the special forces and thirty war horses to the foothills of Erdaoliangzi on time, waiting for the arrival of the Japanese transport convoy.

It was not until about ten o'clock that the Japanese convoy finally appeared east of Erdaoliangzi. There were more than a dozen large Japanese trucks, and there were three motorcycles in front of them. The first large truck was full of Japanese soldiers, and the cab was full of Japanese soldiers.

There sat a squadron leader holding a command knife in both hands. There was no truck in the middle, just a truck carrying Japanese soldiers. Each truck had a light machine gun on the roof. The Japanese convoy was majestic along the way.

Drive here on the highway.

Yuesong took the telescope from Lei Hang, carefully observed the Japs' troop strength and weapons configuration, and then told the snipers ambushing down the slope: "Brother Chao, Murong, you guys don't want anything first. That squadron leader

, after we pass and fight with the Japanese, you guys will concentrate your firepower on the gunners who specialize in shooting the Japanese."

"Yes!" Brother Chao and the others replied.

Yuesong used the telescope to see that the first company of the first battalion had come down the hillside and was preparing to outflank the Japanese retreat. Yuesong thrust the telescope into Lei Hang's hand and said to Biaozi: "Captain, fight!"

"Okay, fight!" Biaozi said and got on his horse.

Yuesong jumped on the horse and said to the other team members who were already mounted: "Load the bullets. Everyone, follow closely behind me. It depends on me. If I do it, let's do it together. This is a meeting on a narrow road. The brave one wins. Let's go."

!" After Yuesong finished speaking, he slapped Kazuma on the butt, and with a cry of "Drive!", the first one rode the war horse up the slope.

Thirty war horses kicked up the yellow dust all the way. As soon as they rushed up the slope, the Japs discovered it. Under the command of the Japs squadron leader, the Japs' convoy immediately stopped moving forward. The Japs pulled the car on the roof of the first truck.

Opening the bolt of the machine gun, there was a "click, click, click" in front of Chao Yuesong's horse. The bullets hit the ground, causing stones to scatter everywhere.

Yuesong raised his voice and shouted to the Japanese in Japanese, "There is an ambush! There is an ambush!" Yuesong yelled and galloped towards the Japanese with all his strength. The other brothers did not say a word and just looked at them.

"Drive, drive, drive" followed closely behind the captain on horseback.

Seeing that something was wrong, the Japanese squadron leader raised his telescope and saw that it seemed to be the Imperial Army cavalry. So he waved to the Japanese soldier on the roof of the car, and the Japanese soldier stopped shooting tentatively. The Japanese squadron leader raised his telescope to observe the two soldiers.

On Daoliangzi Hill, we could clearly see a troop of more than 100 people charging down from the mountain. The squadron leader immediately jumped out of the car and directed all the Japs to get off. The Japs' gunners skillfully set up a small

Steel cannon.

Yuesong and his brothers rode on war horses, and soon they were only more than a hundred meters away from the Japanese. As Yuesong galloped on his war horses, he turned to the brothers behind him and said, "Prepare grenades!" After that, he continued.

Rush towards the devils.

The Captain of the Japanese squadron suddenly discovered that there was another troop of more than 100 people coming from behind the convoy. What worried the Captain of the Japanese squadron was that there was another troop of more than 100 people from the south that was approaching here at full speed. The Squadron Leader

Immediately order the three team captains to form a three-sided ring defense, and ask the communications troops to immediately request support.

At this moment, the Japanese squadron leader no longer cared about distinguishing whether the cavalry charging towards him was the imperial cavalry. With enemies on three sides, the Japanese squadron leader was in need of manpower. In the squadron leader's heart, it was already acquiesced that the cavalry coming towards him was the imperial army.


When Yuesong and others rushed to the first truck, the Japanese squadron leader stood beside the truck and shouted to Yuesong: "South, you attack to the south!"

Yuesong was secretly happy when he heard what the Japanese squadron leader said. But at this time, the three companies of the New Fourth Army in the distance were still three to four hundred meters away from the Japanese, and the Japanese mortar team had already begun to attack towards here.

The soldiers of the New Fourth Army came and started shelling. Yuesong turned his head and glanced at the brothers riding on the horses behind him, and then he took out a grenade. When the other brothers saw it, they immediately unscrewed the back cover of the grenade, and there were more than thirty

The grenades started to smoke.

The Japanese squadron leader saw the cavalrymen taking out grenades and pulling the strings, and asked in confusion: "You..." But as soon as he said these two words, the squadron leader understood immediately, and just as he was about to take out his gun, Yue

Song waved his hand, and a flying knife hit the Japanese squadron leader directly in the throat.

Brother Chao and the others saw through the sniper scope that the grenades in their hands had been pulled. Brother Chao gave the order: "Hit!" Six sniper rifles fired at the same time, and six Japanese gunners fell to the ground one after another.

Yuesong shouted: "Fuck the dog!"

"Hoo ho ho ho" more than 30 grenades falling with white smoke into the group of Japs. Only the sound of "boom, boom, boom, boom" was heard, and rumbling black smoke rose from the Japs. The Japs instantly

A large number of casualties were killed and wounded. At this time, the Japanese finally understood that the people wearing the uniforms of the imperial army who were rushing in front of them were not the imperial army, but the enemy. The team leader in the distance immediately commanded a small team to shoot at the cavalry.

Yuesong shouted: "Go to the gun!" Yuesong and his brothers took advantage of the cover of the truck and rushed over on horseback. The guns in the brothers' hands suddenly spurted out fiery snakes.

The speed of the war horses, relying on the firepower of the gunmen, after a burst of "ta-da-da" fire, the Japanese squad lost most of them in an instant. But after the bullets were fired, there was no time to change bullets. Yuesong and his brothers rode the war horses.

, has already rushed into the group of Japs.

Seeing that the enemy had already rushed in front of them, the Japanese soldiers, under the command of the squad leader, swarmed up with bayonets pointed out and rushed toward more than thirty special forces members on war horses.

Yuesong shouted: "Get on the sword!" After saying that, he threw out a few flying knives, knocking down the Japanese who were rushing towards him. Then he rode on a war horse, holding a Japanese sword in his hand, like lightning.

, rushed over, and with a "swish" sound, a Japanese soldier's face was slashed by Yuesong's sword and blood spattered. Yuesong rushed over all the way, and three or four Japanese were chopped down to the ground by Yuesong's "swish". Biaozi

He didn't show any weakness, and the big knife in his hand was slicing the heads of the Japanese like carrots and melon seeds. The third brother didn't like to use knives, and the two guns in his hands kept shooting "bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah," and the Japanese were just like the three brothers practicing shooting on weekdays.

The gun handles were the same as before, and one after another fell down with a "boom, boom, boom". The big bull couldn't ride a horse, so he simply jumped off the horse, raised his sword and rushed forward, killing one with one blow, and then swept away

With one knife, the gun barrel of another Japanese soldier was split into two pieces by the big bull, leaving a big bloody hole on his neck. Minghe also jumped off the horse, and the big knife in his hand was "whooshing", making the wind around him.

The Japs were crying and howling, and the Whooping Crane killed them all the way. The Japs' arms fell to the ground, the Japs' dog heads rolled on the ground, and the Japs' blood spilled all over the floor.

However, just when the brothers were fighting hard, Yuesong found that more and more Japanese were rushing over. The Japanese were screaming "Yiyiyiya", without any fear, but a little bit crazy. Although Yuesong

Yuesong and the others bombed, strafed and slashed with knives, killing sixty or seventy Japanese in less than ten minutes, but there were still more than a hundred Japanese who surrounded Yuesong and the others. Seeing that some brothers could no longer resist,

Three or four brothers have died in the battle.

At this time, three companies from the east, south and north had already arrived, and a counter-siege was formed instantly. More than 300 New Fourth Army soldiers raised the bayonets on their spears and stabbed the Japanese in the back mercilessly. Look.

, three bayonets were stabbed into the back of a Japanese soldier at the same time. The Japanese soldier didn’t even have time to cry for his father and mother, before his blood spurted out and he fell to the ground dead. Look, the bayonets of the two soldiers forced the Japanese soldier to retreat continuously, and the Japanese soldier was forced to retreat.

The corpse of his companion stumbled, and two bayonets were inserted into the devil's dirty body like a butchered pig. The devil struggled, howled, and then vomited blood and died.

In less than ten minutes, the battle was over. Most of the Japanese soldiers were picked to death with bayonets by the soldiers. The corpses of Japanese soldiers were densely scattered on the ground, making the sky shout to the earth: "Revenge! Revenge! An eye for revenge."

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, raise the bayonet in your hand, pick the domineering Japanese to death, let's take revenge together! Revenge!"

Just as more than 300 soldiers, more than 300 heroes, and more than 300 Chinese men were raising their guns, shouting the rage in their hearts, and celebrating their victory, fierce gunfire rang out five kilometers away.

The battalion commander quickly ordered the soldiers to retreat. Yuesong led the soldiers who could drive trucks and quickly moved in trucks. Biaozi led the soldiers of the special force and escorted them all the way on war horses.

While blocking the Japanese reinforcements, the Second Battalion encountered fierce Japanese artillery fire and encountered Japanese charges again and again. After annihilating dozens of Japanese, and persisting in blocking the Japanese for half an hour, the Second Battalion quietly withdrew from the position and retreated to

base area.

Yuesong and others drove the truck and moved to Sunjiachong, ten kilometers away. The militiamen and villagers who had been waiting there used dozens of wheelbarrows and more than 200 carrying poles to move the slow-moving people in less than 20 minutes.

Manjiu truckloads of weapons, ammunition, clothing, food and other military supplies were transferred to the base area.

After all the supplies were transferred, Yuesong and Biaozi led the special forces and blew up the truck. The brothers rode their war horses and returned in triumph.

When the Japanese reinforcements arrived at Erdaoliangzi, Japanese Lieutenant Colonel Meichuan saw the corpses on the ground and was so angry that he screamed "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah". When Meichuan and his troops finally found the truck that had been abandoned and blown up by the New Fourth Army.

, the Japanese car was still burning, Meichuan raised his sword high and shouted loudly: "Luo Yuesong, just wait for me, I will cut off your head and present it to the emperor!"

This chapter has been completed!
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