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Twenty-nine, tit for tat 1

Lieutenant Colonel Umekawa angrily led a large group of troops, thinking about a way to find Luo Yuesong and annihilate him as they walked.

This Lieutenant Colonel Umekawa is none other than Tsukimatsu. In fact, he is not only Tsukimatsu’s classmate in the Japanese military academy, but also Tsukimatsu’s rival for many years. It turns out that when Tsukimatsu was still studying in the army school in Japan, Umekawa and Tsukimatsu were infantrymen in the same school.

Science study. Umekawa was born in a Japanese samurai family. His great-grandfather was a famous swordsmith and was proficient in swordsmanship. Generations of his family have been samurai of the Muchuan shogunate in Japan. They have been loyal to the Muchuan shogunate for many generations, so they have always been

Of course, the confidants of the Muchuan family are also deeply respected by the Muchuan family, and they have also gained a lot of glory. No, Meichuan himself went to the Army School to study, which was arranged by the Muchuan family. When Meichuan entered the military world, Muchuan also

Because of his family's protection, Umekawa has been able to get along very well in the military. He has already reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel at a young age. He was recently transferred from the Kwantung Army headquarters to Wuhan and serves under Lieutenant General Matsui. He directly accepts the command of Colonel Murashita and leads a

Elite field brigade. When Umekawa and Luo Yuesong were in the Japanese Army School, although they were both in the infantry department, Yuesong was one class higher than Umegawa. Yuesong was a famous top student in the infantry department, and with the Chinese martial arts inherited from his family,

He was a veritable master of fighting in the infantry department. It is conceivable that in the army school where the elites of the Japanese army gathered at that time, a Chinese was so dominant there and famous both internally and externally. How could he not be jealous of the Japanese students? Besides, a Chinese man was so dominant there and famous both internally and externally. How could he not be envied by the Japanese students?

Well, Meichuan can also be said to be from a martial arts family. The Japanese army is in the hands of Meichuan, and it is also superb. Therefore, the Japanese students headed by Meichuan always target the Chinese students headed by Luo Yuesong, and they will cause trouble every now and then.

In terms of the number of people in a match, of course the Chinese students are outnumbered, but the Japanese often pay attention to fair fights, so when a fight breaks out, each side sends three masters to fight three times, why are they so cruel and kind?

The kung fu was pretty good, because he had to compete with Japanese students, and Tsukimatsu was specially taught. In this way, when the two sides faced off, it happened to be Umekawa versus Tsukimatsu, but Umekawa had never won a match, and the anger accumulated in Umekawa's heart

, could not be released for a long time, Meichuan practiced hard, but his kung fu really improved a lot, but as soon as he tied with Yuesong, Yuesong graduated and returned to China with Leng Renren. Before leaving, Meichuan

He also brought a group of people to see Yuesong off. Before leaving, Meichuan said to Yuesong: "Luo Jun, let's meet in China. I will definitely defeat you."

Yuesong was not polite and said with a smile: "Okay, you are welcome to China. I will definitely let you walk into China standing up and return to Japan lying down."

When Meichuan was still at the headquarters of the Kwantung Army, he heard about a mysterious master in the Hubei and Henan areas. At that time, Meichuan guessed that it was probably his mortal enemy Luo Yuesong. Soon after, Luo Yuesong created miracles again and again on the battlefields of Hubei and Henan.

Inflicting a heavy blow to the Japanese army on the battlefield in Hubei and Henan, the Special High School Department specially sent people to investigate Luo Yuesong's entire situation and found out Luo Yuesong's details clearly. At this time, Meichuan received the transfer order and came to Wuhan to serve.

.In fact, Umekawa didn’t know that as Lieutenant General Matsui’s favorite general, as a leader of the young generation of Japanese soldiers, and as Luo Yuesong’s classmate and mortal enemy, Umekawa could be said to be the Japanese soldier who knew Luo Yuesong best. Umekawa was transferred to Wuhan, and it was by no means a coincidence.

Unprovoked, it was precisely the plan carefully arranged by the Super High School and Lieutenant General Matsui to use Meichuan to deal with Luo Yuesong.

All along, when Luo Yuesong knew that the Japanese Special High School had mastered many of his situations, Yuesong was worried that the inhumane Japanese would use his family against him. The old devils had never done this. It was not the bastards with great kindness.

It was not the conscience of the bastards who discovered it, but they were waiting for Meichuan's arrival. However, when Meichuan arrived, Meichuan did not advocate using this underhanded trick. Instead, he kept looking for traces of Luo Yuesong and wanted to fight with Yuesong.

Yuesong came to a face-to-face public showdown between gongs and drums and drums. In the past two months, Yuesong had been recovering from his injuries, so Umekawa did not find any trace of Yuesong. Finally, Yuesong led a special force to attack the Japanese transport convoy. Umekawa

I sniffed it out based on my senses, but I didn't see Yuesong's shadow at all. I only saw the transport convoy that was beaten to pieces by Luo Yuesong's men.

Meichuan was angry. He felt that Luo Yuesong was not a warrior enough and did not dare to come out to compete face to face. He always came and went without a trace, so he sulked all the way back to the regiment headquarters.

As soon as Umekawa returned to the headquarters, he hurried to see Colonel Murashita. Seeing that Umekawa came back with an unhappy expression, Murakami ignored him and continued to look at the "Art of War" in his hand in a decent manner.

Umekawa paid a military salute to the colonel of the village and said: "Colonel, the hateful Chinese know how to hide in Tibet and don't dare to come out to fight."

Murakami slowly put down the book in his hand and said, "Umekawa-kun, you have just come here, and you have to slowly adapt to the combat environment here."

"But those Chinese were not real soldiers. They came out unexpectedly, shot a few times, and ran away again." Meichuan sat down on a chair, holding a sword in his hand and sitting there straight.

"So I said we should borrow Luo Xi for a while. If they don't come out, force them out, lure them out, and then annihilate them." Colonel Murakata said.

"We are upright soldiers, the true samurai of the Yamato nation. This method insults the dignity of our Yamato nation warriors." Umekawa still insisted on his opinion.

"Umekawa-kun, Umekawa-kun, you should not be too stubborn. You haven't learned how cunning the Chinese are." Colonel Murashita picked up "The Art of War" again.

"Report!" At this time, a soldier reported that General Matsui had invited Colonel Murashita and Lieutenant Commander Umekawa to the headquarters for a meeting.

After receiving the order, Murakata and Umekawa took a car to the headquarters together.

General Matsui presided over a military meeting to launch the spring sweep.

General Matsui looked around at the senior officers sitting here and raised an issue to all the senior officers. General Matsui said: "The raids have started from summer raids, to autumn raids, to winter raids, and now it is spring raids, but those anti-Japanese elements have

More and more raids were carried out, and the same problem was encountered every time. The large troops arrived, but the New Fourth Army disappeared. The large troops concentrated and marched in, but could not find the New Fourth Army. They spread out and searched over a large area, but they were not attacked.

ambushed and constantly harassed. In addition, despite the blockade and blockade for several months, no New Fourth Army was starved to death or trapped to death. Therefore, I am here to raise an issue for you, that is, during this spring sweep, our Imperial Army

How can we find the New Fourth Army? Below, please express your opinions."

For a moment, the venue was completely silent, and no one could say anything. After all, this was a problem that the Japanese army had never solved in dealing with the New Fourth Army.

This chapter has been completed!
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