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Thirty, tit for 2

Seeing that no one had spoken, General Matsui specifically said to Umekawa: "Umekawa-kun, don't you have anything to say?"

"Reporting to the general, I thought that if we can find a way to find Luo Yuesong, we can also find a way to find the New Fourth Army." Meichuan replied loudly.

"Okay, let's continue. How can we find that elusive Chinese?" General Matsui continued to ask.

"Luo Yuesong is the representative of the Chinese military and the New Fourth Army. In fact, it is not difficult to annihilate Luo Yuesong. What is difficult is how to find him. Searching, blocking, and reporting are not good methods from now on. The only way is to find him.

Draw him out of the things he is interested in, surround and annihilate them. Judging from Luo Yuesong's recent actions, he led his so-called special forces to specifically target our army's important supplies and military facilities and wreak havoc.

activities, so as long as we keep an eye on these and even set up bait, we can lure Luo Yuesong out." Meichuan analyzed.

"Commander Umekawa, please don't forget that the discussion now is about how to find the New Fourth Army, not just to find Luo Yuesong or a special force." Colonel Ono said.

"So I think it is feasible to make a fuss about Luo Xi." Colonel Murashita also interjected.

"Yes, Mr. Meichuan, what the two colonels said makes sense. We can make an issue out of Luo Xi. In this way, we can combine what Luo Yuesong is interested in and what the New Fourth Army is interested in. In this way, both

It can lead out Luo Yuesong, and it can also drag out the New Fourth Army's large forces, what do you think, Mr. Meichuan?" Lieutenant General Matsui said.

"Chinese people pay attention to filial piety. If Luo Xi is besieged and forced to hand over Luo Yuesong, Luo Yuesong will definitely come to rescue Luo Xi. However, I still have the same point of view. This is not the method that our Imperial Army soldiers should use, and it is not the method that Yamato samurai should use.

Method." Meichuan said.

"Umekawa-kun, I recently recommended Ono-kun and Murakami-kun to seriously study the Chinese book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. There is a sentence in the book, 'A soldier is deceitful.' Using troops to fight is deceitful. So you can see

It cannot be raised; it seems useless when used; near seems far; far seems near. The advantageous can seduce it, the chaotic can seize it, the solid can guard against it, the strong can avoid it, the momentum can excite it.

Scratch it, those who despise it can be proud of it, those who are reclusive can tire it, and those who are close can alienate it. Attack it where it is defenseless, and attack when it is not paying attention. Such a winning plan cannot be spread out in advance. Umekawa-kun, what do you think of this paragraph?

Does that make sense?" General Matsui asked.

"It makes sense. If we must use Luo Xi, I don't advocate actually attacking Luo Xi. We just encircle it without attacking it, so as to draw out Luo Yuesong and his special team." Meichuan said.

"General, I think there is merit in besieging rather than attacking. If we send the Meichuan Brigade to encircle Luoxi, it will not only attract Luo Yuesong, but also the New Fourth Army. The New Fourth Army will not always besiege the city and fight for reinforcements.

We can also use the methods of the New Fourth Army to deal with the New Fourth Army. The Meichuan Brigade surrounded Luoxi. Murakami-kun and I led two regiments and set up a dragnet in the Luoxi area. Who will save it?

We will ambush anyone." Colonel Ono said.

"Well, I think it's good, but you can't just besiege it without attacking it. You should be surrounding it and attacking it, but don't break it. Just besiege it. What if they don't come to rescue it? If you break it directly, there will be no 'rescue' to talk about.

, of course we can’t get reinforcements, so we have to both encircle and attack, but we can’t break through.” General Matsui analyzed.

"General, this is easy to do. Send his Wumen Mountain Artillery over. After surrounding him, he will first run and bomb, and then shout. Then, he will blast and shout every now and then. Make the noise louder. We are not afraid of Luo Yuesong and the New Fourth Army.

I won’t come,” Murakami said.

"Okay, I finally came up with something new in this spring sweep. According to "The Art of War", this is called 'waiting for work'. In the past, the New Fourth Army used these methods to deal with our army. Now I want to change it.

, 'Treat the other person in his own way.' It seems that it is very effective for you all to learn the Chinese art of war and understand the Chinese fighting methods. I order Lieutenant Colonel Umekawa, early tomorrow morning,

Then besiege Luoxi. After the siege, first bombard and then shout, saying that Luoxi must hand over Luo Yuesong, otherwise, Luoxi will be bloodbathed. Colonel Ono, lead your regiment, in squadron units, along the east of Luoxi, from

North, set up multiple ambush points to ambush any New Fourth Army that comes to the rescue. Pay attention to the connection between the squadrons, and must not be divided and surrounded by the New Fourth Army. Murashita-kun, you lead your regiment, use the same tactics, along the

To the west and south of Luoxi, prepare for an ambush." ​​General Matsui ordered.

"Hi!" All the officers stood up, lowered their heads, and replied loudly.

Returning to the wing headquarters, Colonel Murashita immediately arranged the specific tasks of each brigade and the specific positions of each squadron. He also sent an artillery squad and a cavalry squad to the Umekawa brigade. Lieutenant Colonel Umekawa returned to his command post and made arrangements overnight.

The specific positions and specific tasks of each squadron under the Meichuan Brigade when they surrounded Luoxi were described.

Early the next morning, Meichuan led the Meichuan Brigade, used cavalry to clear the way, and rushed to Luoxi in Yuesong. The Meichuan Brigade arrived at Luoxi at about ten o'clock in the morning, and in less than half an hour, they surrounded Luoxi.

There was no way out. Meichuan himself led a squadron, lined up in a row, opened up the formation, and arranged it by the river outside the south main gate of Luoxi. The artillery team was located on the other side of the river. The black muzzle of the Wumen Mountain Cannon was pointed at Luo Xi.

Xi, you can rush to Luo Xi at any time.

Umekawa did not follow General Matsui's order to bombard first and then shout. Instead, he shouted first.

Meichuan rode a war horse, straddled a sword, and was escorted by more than 20 soldiers. He came to the tree more than 100 meters outside the south gate of Luo Xi and shouted to Luo Xi in unskilled Chinese: "Hey, Luo Xi."

The person in charge of the creek will come out."

Yuesong's eldest brother Luo Chengzhi led Luo Xi's disciples, holding weapons tightly in their hands, and kept a close eye on the Japs' actions. After Meichuan began to shout, Luo Chengzhi stood on the south gate tower and replied loudly: "I have something to say.

Just say, if you fart, let it go."

"Well, that's really rude. Listen, we are here this time to arrest Luo Yuesong, a criminal wanted by the imperial army. We know that Luo Yuesong is from Luoxi. As long as Luoxi hands over Luo Yuesong, we will withdraw our troops immediately. Otherwise, we will

I'll make your Luoxi flow like a river of blood." Meichuan said harshly.

Who is Luo Chengzhi? He is the eldest brother and master who has taught Yue Song to practice martial arts since he was a child. His kung fu is three points better than that of Yuesong. Besides, where is Luo Xi? Since ancient times, whether it is the army or the army

Still a thieves, no one dares to say harsh words to Luo Xi. Although there are not many young adults in Luo Xi, and now there are less than 200 people who can fight with guns, but Luo Xi's ancestor Luo Qingyuan is a bright and powerful person.

The Zhenyuan General of the imperial court and the common people of Luo Xi all came from the military. Coupled with Luo Xi's martial arts tradition passed down from generation to generation, these two hundred young men in Luo Xi are all as ruthless as ten. So...

How could Luo Chengzhi take Meichuan seriously? He just took ten thousand steps back and took him seriously. Luoxi people never give in, let alone foreigners.

Luo Chengzhi shouted towards the city gate downstairs: "What a bastard, how dare you run wild in Luo Xi, hand over Luo Yuesong, okay, you can see if I agree with the gun in my hand." After that,

, took the rifle from Ryoko, raised his hand and fired, with a "bang" sound, Meichuan was caught off guard and dismounted with a "bang" sound.

This chapter has been completed!
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