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Nine, Knife Killing Devil Sniper

Luo Yuesong's head almost turned white with worry. Suddenly he had an idea, surrender! Yes, if you can't win, just admit defeat. If you admit defeat, just surrender. A man can bend and stretch, learn from Brother Q. I have been a soldier for half my life, but I have never experienced this.

What does it feel like to surrender? It’s okay to surrender occasionally.

Yuesong has always been a person who dares to think and act. He is upright and straightforward, just like Luo Yuesong's nature. Just do it. Yuesong climbed to the hole under the camphor tree, tore off a piece of his shirt, tied it on the short handle of the shovel, and made

A white flag was stretched out from the entrance of the cave. I waved it, but I didn’t hear the gunfire. I was about to go out, but then I thought, what if the kid broke his promise and shot as soon as he came out of the cave?

?It seems that it is better to play it safe and negotiate first.

Yuesong waved the white flag again at the entrance of the cave. He didn't hear the gunfire, so he threw his backpack out of the cave. He waved the white flag again, and threw the rifle out of the cave. He waved the white flag again, and threw the dagger out of the hole.

Then he started shouting in Japanese: "Listen to the other side, I surrender, don't shoot!"

Yuesong waited for the other party to reply, but after waiting for more than an hour, no one responded. Yuesong waved the white flag at the entrance of the cave again, and then shouted loudly: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, I surrender, surrender!"


"Come out!" Suddenly someone yelled, and the sound was only a dozen meters away. Yuesong thought to himself, what a good boy, it turned out that he had taken the opportunity to get closer.

"Don't shoot, I'll come out, I'll come out!" After saying that, he climbed out of the hole with a white flag. Looking up, he saw a heavily armed Japanese lieutenant colonel standing beside a crooked-necked willow tree more than ten meters away, holding a

A Type 97 sniper rifle was aimed at Yuesong's chest.

Then Sami Tsukimatsu walked out of the cave with his hands raised, and shook his head towards Yuesong. Yuesong glanced at the shovel tied with a white cloth in his hand, and threw the shovel on the ground with a thud.

The lieutenant colonel slowly approached Yuesong. Yuesong looked at the lieutenant colonel carefully and saw that he was wearing a helmet on his head, a sheathed Japanese saber and a backpack on his back, and a gun and a gun on his belt.

Two bullet boxes, and Japanese long leather military boots. Yuesong thought to himself, this equipment, hey, it's not bad. If we had this equipment, you would be the one who surrendered now, not me.

The lieutenant colonel approached Yuesong, looked at Yuesong carefully, twisted the corner of his mouth with a look of contempt, and said: "Hey, just you? Bomb the artillery position?"

"Why, it doesn't look like it?" Yuesong tilted his head and looked askance at the lieutenant colonel.

"It's not like that! In the hole, crawling back and forth, um, as the Chinese saying goes, 'A dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and a son born from a mouse can make holes.'" The lieutenant colonel said with his mouth twisted and his head turned.

Completely burst out laughing.

When the lieutenant commander raised his head and laughed, Yuesong saw a white strip of cloth under the commander's helmet, which he guessed was a samurai's turban. He also saw a chrysanthemum on the handle of the saber on his back, which was the symbol of the royal family, and thought, this

This guy must be a so-called samurai. Since he is a samurai, of course he must practice bushido. Since he practices bushido, there is a way.

Yuesong looked at the Lieutenant Colonel's saber and said deliberately, "Just you? Samurai?" Yuesong shook his head and pursed his lips, "It doesn't look like it! It doesn't look like it no matter how you look at it!"

When the Lieutenant Colonel heard this, his face immediately changed. His face was serious, his eyes were fierce, and he said angrily: "Samurai, no intrusion is allowed!"

"Hmph! Inviolable, how about giving it a try?" Yuesong lowered his head, squinted his eyes, stretched out his hands, and continued to provoke.

"Baga!" The lieutenant colonel couldn't resist the provocation. He leaned his sniper rifle against the tree trunk, stood with his legs spread apart, pulled out the sword from his back, held the handle of the knife with both hands, and said, "Well, pick up that knife.


When Yuesong heard this, he was secretly happy. He picked up the dagger on the ground, unsheathed the sword, held the scabbard in his left hand, and held the hilt in his right hand. He smiled and said: "Hey, I want to see who you little Japanese samurai are."

What virtue."

The Lieutenant Colonel shouted, raised his sword and struck at Yuesong. Yuesong didn't dare to block it with his dagger. The Japanese samurai's reputation is not in vain. Provoking is provoking, irritating is irritating. If there is a real fight, you have to be extremely careful.


The lieutenant slashed, chopped, and stabbed, and launched more than a dozen moves in a row. Yuesong made full use of his agile skills, sometimes jumping to dodge, and sometimes using the scabbard to block. However, the lieutenant seemed to be a master of swordsmanship.

The sword was fast, fierce and ferocious, and the sword techniques were changeable. Yuesong was forced to parry and had no power to fight back. Several times, if he had not used tree trunks to escape, he was almost injured by the sword of the deflated Duzi.

Yuesong thought to himself that he had finally deceived the only son into surrendering. If he continued like this and was accidentally struck by the only son and died under his sword, wouldn't he be laughed at by little Japan?

I don’t want to lose the face of our people, and I have no shame to go back to Luoxi even if I die. I have to show my Chinese martial arts to that weakling.

Although Yuesong doesn't have the Luo family's silver spear at the moment, so he can't use the Luo family's silver snake spear technique; and he doesn't have the Luo family's soft sword, so he can't use the Luo family's plum blossom sword technique, but after all, he still has a dagger in his hand and six flying knives on his belt, which is enough.

Let this little Japanese so-called samurai have a drink.

Thinking of this, Yuesong decided to take the initiative to attack. However, his dagger did not have the advantage, and the ordinary hard kung fu had no obvious advantage against Xiao Nizi's ***. It was better to play Tai Chi with him, so as to make this person better.

The old boy opened his eyes before he died, right?

At this time, the Lieutenant Colonel stepped forward, slashing the sword in the air to be empty, and pulling it diagonally to the right was solid. Yuesong saw the path accurately, ducked to avoid the slashing force of the sword, and pressed down with the sword horizontally.

He pulled the back of the sword diagonally, then turned around and slammed the lieutenant's left arm with his right arm. The lieutenant's sword was drawn diagonally to the right, focusing on the lower right. Unexpectedly, Yuesong used the dagger to move the back of his own sword, and his own

Not only did the sword strike the air, but his left arm was hit like this, causing him to stagger and shift his center of gravity to the right. Without his center of gravity, the sword had no time to immediately make a second move. Yuesong took advantage of the lieutenant to adjust his center of gravity.

At that moment, he squatted down and thrust his butt hard against the lieutenant colonel's left thigh. The lieutenant colonel took a few steps back before he stabilized his footing.

Yuesong looked at the embarrassment of the shriveled only son and stood there laughing. After steadying his steps, the furious Lieutenant Colonel straightened his sword and rushed towards Yuesong with a cry. Lieutenant Colonel slashed left, Yuesong one.

He stepped back and dodged. Zhongzuo stabbed with his right hand, and Yuesong extended his sword to catch it. When the swords met, Yuesong turned around quickly along the sword. Every time he turned around, he leaned on the sword with his dagger. He turned twice in succession.

Then, just as his body was in contact with the Lieutenant Colonel's body, Yuesong suddenly raised the scabbard of his sword with his left hand and hit the Lieutenant Colonel's chest hard. The Lieutenant Colonel took two steps back, freed up his left hand, and covered his chest with pain.

Gotta scream.

Yuesong took the opportunity to throw down the dagger, turned around and ran away. Lieutenant Colonel endured the pain, holding the sword in both hands, and caught up without hesitation. Yuesong suddenly turned around, took out three flying knives from his waist, and fiercely moved his arms.

With a flick of his wrist, the three flying knives flew toward the Japanese Lieutenant Colonel like three sharp arrows. Such a close range and so unprepared that the Japanese Lieutenant Colonel didn't know how to dodge, let alone use a sword.

When he tried to block, three flying knives were stabbed into his chest. The Japanese Lieutenant Colonel stopped and stood there, dumbfounded as he looked at the three knives on his chest. Blood seeped out along the blades of the flying knives, turning them red instantly.


The Japanese Lieutenant Colonel stuck his sword on the ground and barely supported his body. He looked at Yuesong and said intermittently: "You... you... despicable..." Then he knelt down with both legs, looked at Yuesong with a blank look, and returned angrily.

Reported to the Emperor.

Yuesong pointed at the Japanese Lieutenant Colonel who refused to close his eyes and said: "Look, you still want to talk to me about fairness? Grandma is a bear. My brothers in the third battalion didn't even see your stupid behavior, so they were killed by your plane.

The cannon exploded to death. Is this fair? You, a bastard, hit me so far away with a sniper rifle with a mirror that I couldn't get out of the hole. Is this fair? Your husband, a dog from Mount Fuji, held up a sword and dueled me with a dagger. This is fair.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah! There's no way you can talk to me about fairness now!" Yuesong cursed and felt much better. He ran to the trunk of the camphor tree triumphantly and carefully picked up the handful of 97 with both hands.

He admired the sniper rifle with a silly smile and said to himself: "With this thing, I have to play with you bow-legged people, ho ho, ho ho..." Yuesong held the sniper rifle and danced to the enemy.

In front of Lieutenant Colonel's body, he took off his helmet, backpack, gun and two boxes of ammunition, happily armed himself, sang and danced for a while, and then hid the temporarily unused weapons and equipment.

After entering the cave, I hid the entrance with dead branches and leaves, and then walked deeper into the forest with my unexpected harvest, satisfied.

This chapter has been completed!
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