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Ten, sniper the devil

In addition to digging holes and building hidden fortifications every day, Luo Yuesong likes to play with his 97 sniper rifle. While playing with it, Yuesong unexpectedly discovered that the 97 sniper rifle and the Japanese army's 38-gauge bullets are common. This makes

Yuesong was extremely happy. He originally thought that he only had less than two boxes of bullets. With such a common use, he would never run out of bullets. He had more than a hundred bullets on hand, not to mention that the Japanese soldiers kept sending them to him.

Thinking like this, Yuesong couldn't wait to find a Japanese soldier to sacrifice the gun, and he didn't know which unlucky dwarf would let the sniper rifle in his hand taste the first blood.

One day, Yuesong was sitting on a big rock playing with a sniper rifle when he suddenly heard the sound of artillery shelling in the distance. Judging from the sound, it should be a howitzer, coming from the northwest, far away from him.

It should be nearly twenty kilometers, and it is estimated to be in the mountains from Dawu to Suixian County. Those who have this kind of howitzer are probably from the Japs' troops, and they should be at least a Japs regiment. Yuesong thought, if he could snipe

A Japanese captain, that was a beautiful thing. The more Yuesong thought about it, the more beautiful it became, so he quickly made preparations for a long-distance attack, and then rushed to the northwest.

After nearly an hour of running, the sound of artillery was getting closer and closer. Although it was intermittent, it could be vaguely concluded that the artillery position was only about two miles away from us.

We were very close to the Japanese position, and Yuesong did not dare to advance rashly. If he encountered a Japanese patrol and his whereabouts were exposed, the duck that was about to be cooked would probably fly away. Yuesong stopped and walked, and then moved quickly.

Hide in place and observe for a while.

After a while, Yuesong walked through the forest and reached the edge of the forest. Yuesong climbed up a big tree, squatted on the branch, picked up the sniper rifle, and looked at the artillery position through the sniper scope. Oops, it was just around the corner.

Behind the hillside a hundred meters away, ten large-caliber howitzers were lined up in a row. There was no large-scale shelling at the moment, only an occasional shell was fired, as if they were testing the attack.

Yuesong looked around through the sniper scope again. In addition to the artillery positions, there were about one squadron of cavalry, and about two squadrons of infantry. It is estimated that these are reserve groups. It seems that the Japanese army's attack on the Suixian area was somewhat difficult.

There was resistance.

Yuesong continued to observe through the sniper scope. If he wanted to find the Japanese captain or someone with a higher military rank, the first shot must be louder. Otherwise, how could he be worthy of the 97 sniper rifle in his hand.

But Yuesong searched for a long time, and except for two more small steel cannon positions of the Japanese, he never saw any senior Japanese officials. This made Yuesong a little confused, how could such a large formation not be commanded by a senior official.

Just as I was wondering, suddenly a group of cavalry rushed up from the bottom of the hillside. There were about a dozen Japanese soldiers. They rode their tall horses and rushed to the top of the hill. Then they immediately looked around. Well, the high officials are here. As soon as they come up,

There were five or six Japanese officers looking into the distance with telescopes. Yuesong suddenly felt a little excited, and he couldn't help holding the sniper rifle in his hand. The sweat on his forehead accidentally fell on the sniper scope. Yuesong quickly used his sleeves to

I wiped it several times, patted my chest gently, and slowly stabilized my mind. Then I looked carefully through the sniper scope. Good guy, standing in the middle is a colonel, and next to him are two lieutenants, a major, and a sixth sergeant.

Seven lieutenants. Although Yuesong was happy, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If he had a cannon instead of a sniper rifle, he might be able to kill several of his lieutenants with one shot. That would be really a mess.


Just when Yuesong was thinking about it, a major led several lieutenants on horseback and rushed down the hillside, galloping away into the distance. This reminded Yuesong that he had to seize the opportunity and there was no time to think about it. In case the Japanese officers finished reading,

If they all ran away, it would be a huge regret.

Yuesong put the sniper rifle on a branch, adjusted the sniper scope, and observed the Japanese commander in the distance. It was estimated to be more than three hundred meters away. I was not very sure. But if I moved forward, there was no place to hide.

, and secondly, it would not be easy to escape after firing. Yuesong looked at the branches and leaves again. It was a northeast wind, and the wind speed was estimated to be level 2. After Yuesong estimated this, he took a deep breath, hit his chest with his left hand, and then used his right hand to

After touching his face and wiping his sweat, he calmed down and concentrated on aiming at the Japanese commander.

When Yuesong adjusted his breathing and heartbeat very well and was about to shoot, there was a "boom" that shocked Yuesong. Grandma is such a bear. Why did she fire a gun at this time? It almost scared my soul.

Flying. But this shot gave the clever and resourceful Yuesong a revelation. Yes, if he waited for the enemy to fire when he fired, the enemy would not know his position, and he might be able to fire a second shot.

Thinking this, Yuesong couldn't help but feel happy, with a smile on his face. Yuesong turned his gun and looked at the artillery position through the sniper scope. Oh, God helps me, and God will destroy you. The Japanese's ten cannons are all there.

Start loading, it looks like the Japanese are preparing for a massive attack.

"Boom, boom", one sound, one after another, the gunfire rumbled, and the Japanese began to cover it with artillery fire. Yuesong turned the gun and aimed at the Japanese colonel with all his heart. Yuesong clearly saw the colonel's grimace through the sniper scope, and also

With that pretentious little beard, Yuesong wanted to hit that disgusting mustache with one shot, but it was so far away and he hadn't practiced long-distance sniping. If he missed it, wouldn't it be a loss?

Yuesong moved the muzzle of the gun down a little more, pointed it at the Japs Colonel's heart, adjusted his breathing, stabilized his heartbeat, tightened the butt of the gun, and touched the trigger with his index finger...

A gust of wind blew over, and a few dead leaves fell on Yuesong's hair. Yuesong shook his head and shook the dead leaves away. Yuesong thought, I heard that wind has a great influence on the flight of bullets.

Even if you aim at the heart, you may not be able to hit it. So Yuesong moved the muzzle of the gun a little to the left and aimed at the middle of the Japs Colonel's chest. He thought, no matter what, just hit it. Yuesong's face was close to

The butt of the gun, eyes pressed against the sniper scope, the gun body tightly held with the left hand, the index finger touching the trigger, counting in one's mind, one, two, three.

"Boom" was another cannon blast. Yuesong pulled the trigger decisively, the gun body shook violently, and the bullet flew out suddenly.

Yuesong didn't look too much. He immediately pulled the bolt of the gun, changed the ammunition, and aimed at a major. Without thinking, he pulled the trigger.

Yuesong saw from the sniper scope that the Japanese major suddenly trembled and fell off his horse. There was no one on the horse of the Japanese colonel. Although Yuesong didn't know what the outcome would be, it was already time to retreat. Yuesong sniped

He put the rifle on his back and slipped down the tree in a second, then quickly ran deep into the woods.

Yuesong did not look back, but he clearly heard the sound of machine guns continuously firing into the woods, and the sound of branches and leaves in the forest falling continuously. To Yuesong's surprise, mortars also began to shell next, and shells continued to hit him.

There were explosions all around, and trees were broken and fell to the ground after being hit by shells.

Yuesong ran five or six hundred meters in one breath before squatting next to a big tree. He took off the sniper rifle from his back, picked up the gun, and used the sniper scope to look at the woods behind him. No, there was a cavalry rushing into the woods.

, the distance from him is only more than 400 meters, now it is troublesome. If the cavalry chases the infantry, the infantry will definitely die.

Yuesong picked up the rifle and started running deep into the woods. As he ran, he looked back at the Japanese cavalry. The distance was getting closer and closer, and the Japanese cavalry seemed to have discovered him. Yuesong wanted to squat down and snipe a cavalry, but then he thought

I thought, no, the little Japanese soldier Yuesong knew that those male donkeys had never been castrated, so they were not afraid of them. Killing one of them would not work.

Thinking about this, Yuesong accelerated his running pace. Behind him, the rifles of the Japanese cavalry rang out. It seemed that he had been discovered by the Japanese cavalry. What should he do? Keeping running like this was not an option. Sooner or later, the Japanese cavalry would catch up.

, by that time, even if I have three heads and six arms, I still can’t beat those uncastrated male donkeys.

Oops, I blame myself for being too impatient and shooting rashly without thinking of a way to retreat and hide. But what's the use of regret, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Yuesong ran while thinking of a way, and looked back while running. The Japs cavalry were getting closer and closer to him. They were only about two hundred meters away. Although it was difficult for the Japs to hit him with rifles on horseback at this distance, there were so many Japs.

Shooting at yourself, if there is smoke rising from the ancestral graves of the Japanese, and some bad luck happens, and you are injured, you will become the saber ghost of the Japanese cavalry.

Yuesong suddenly stopped, panting heavily, picked up the sniper rifle, aimed, and shot. With a "bang" sound, he hit a horse. Both the Japanese and the horse fell to the ground, but the other Japanese still looked like

The headless ghost is rushing towards me desperately. The distance is only more than a hundred meters. For the cavalry, it is only a blink of an eye. What should I do? Is it really going to become the saber of the ghost cavalry?


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