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Thirteen, tit for 35

Yuesong took his brothers with him, and while talking to them about the heroic deeds of his ancestors, he visited Luoxi's centuries-old pride.

The brothers followed the captain to an ironworks workshop by the creek that passed through the village. This ironworks workshop was really not small, and the sound of "ding-dang-dang-dang" could be heard from a distance. Walking into the workshop, inside the workshop

The old and young who were busy knocking greeted Yuesong warmly when they saw him. Yuesong answered them one by one with a smile. It can be seen that the captain Luo Yuesong has a very high status in Luoxi. Of course, this is different from Yuesong.

Song's grandfather is the clan leader. Besides, Luo Yuesong is also the direct descendant of Taizu Luo Qingyuan. In addition, there is another factor that cannot be ignored, that is, Yuesong was originally a leader among Luo Xi's youths.

Yuesong took out a freshly tempered long sword from the barrel and said to the brothers: "This workshop has been around since Luoxi was built. The long spears, swords and other weapons used by Luoxi people,

They are all made here. Of course, the hoes and plow targets used by the Luoxi people for farming are all made here. Now that the Japanese are here, we are working hard to make weapons again. Luoxi is good at spears and spears.

Sword, the spear and sword used by my elder brother when he led his men to kill the Japanese Miura Squadron a few days ago were all made here."

Deng Minghe picked up a long sword, weighed it in his hand, opened his eyes and looked at it carefully for a long time, and said: "Captain, this thing is not easy to take advantage of. I think it is better to use my sword."

"Is your broadsword good? Then you use the broadsword and the captain uses this long sword. Can you beat the captain?" Tokuzi said with his mouth slumped and his head tilted.

"Just, you don't accept it? You can challenge the captain, right, haha." Daniel also joined in.

"As for weapons, different people have different preferences. The weapon itself is not good or bad. The key is to look at the person. Whooping He is right. If I also hold a big sword, I may not be able to defeat Whooping He. If I hold an ax, I will definitely beat him.

It’s just a big cow.” Yuesong said.

"Yes, let me tell you, the captain is the most sensible." Minghe put the long sword on the shelf and rolled his eyes at Dezi and Daniel.

The brothers were quarreling with each other and raising their eyebrows, and unknowingly they had reached the entrance of a rather antique courtyard. Before entering the courtyard, you could see a towering saponaria tree in the courtyard, with its thick trunk close to it.

There is a green brick wall, with scattered old branches extending several feet from the top of the wall to the sky, looking as pretty as a centenarian.

Lei Hang and the others were raising their heads to admire the strings of green and tender saponins on the tree. Yuesong walked to the dark door, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door. After a while, an old man in his sixties or seventies said, "Squeak!"

"The door opened a crack with a sound.

"Ah, it's Xi'er, come in quickly, come in quickly!" the old man said with surprise on his face.

"Grandpa Xia, you are always so energetic!" Yuesong said politely.

"Oh, thanks to your grandpa, our old brothers are all fine." Grandpa Xia said happily. Grandpa Xia is none other than his great ancestor, the right-hand general of the great ancestor of Yuesong. Thank you for your support.

Brothers. Although the Xingyiquan of the Luo family is generally not spread outside the family, the Luo family and the Xia family have been sworn sworn brothers for hundreds of years. Although they have different surnames, they are like brothers and are actually one family. No, this special little courtyard in Luoxi

, is the Luoxi people's martial arts hall. To enter here to learn the Luo family's martial arts, you have to go through layers of selection. It can be said that the Luo family's unique martial arts, including the Luo family's spear practice and the Luo family's white wolf swordsmanship, are all here

Teaching exercises. And Grandpa Xia is responsible for guarding this mysterious palace that even Luoxi people cannot enter casually.

Yuesong and Grandpa Xia were talking while Grandpa Xia opened the door and let Yuesong and several little brothers into the small courtyard.

As soon as you enter the yard, there is an open space with two rows of wooden shelves neatly arranged on both sides. On the shelves are hung Class 18 weapons. In addition, there are everything you need, such as stone locks, sandbags, and plum blossom piles.

The hornbeam tree stands next to the courtyard wall at the entrance. The trunk is so thick that it is estimated that five or six people can hug it. The vigorous branches are covered with tender green leaves, set off by strings of green soap locusts.

, this tree that is hundreds of years old has a youthful look on its face. Surrounding the courtyard wall are pots of bonsais connected to each other. In each bonsai are delicate and delicate branches growing on century-old roots.

The pottery pots of Xinye and bonsai are engraved with calligraphy works such as flying dragons in the sky or Confucian scholars sitting elegantly. There are also porcelain pots with various colored glazes, mainly black and blue.

Directly in front of the open space is a martial arts hall. In front of the hall hangs a plaque inscribed by Luo Qingyuan, the Taizu of Yuesong, with the four characters "Luoxi Wuhun" written in cursive on it. Hanging on the main wall of the hall is a plaque of the Luoxi generation.

Portraits of ancestors with unparalleled martial arts skills and virtuous conduct. Look, all of them are handsome, brave, loyal and heroic, and righteous.

Under the honey locust tree, there is a bamboo table, and two bamboo chairs are placed beside the bamboo table. There is a bamboo tray on the bamboo table, and on the bamboo tray are a celadon teapot and a celadon tea bowl.

Yuesong pointed to the bamboo table and chair and said to the brothers: "More than ten years ago, I got permission from my grandfather to come here to practice behind closed doors. My father often sits here while drinking the high mountain cloud tea from Phoenix Mountain.

He guided me in my practice. I was right there, doing horse steps, lifting stone locks, walking on plum blossom piles, waving spears, and shaking long swords. My elder brother always held a bamboo stick in his hand. If I wasn't careful, the bamboo stick would greet me.

It’s on me.”

"Oh, it turns out that the captain's kung fu was made with my brother's bamboo sticks. I admire him very much." Dezi agreed on the side.

"Go!" Yuesong raised his leg as if to kick Dezi, "It is here that generations of Luo Xi heroes have practiced their martial arts here. In my life, I am

One of the few descendants of Luo Family Xingyiquan, Luo Family Yin Lianqiang and Luo Family White Wolf Swordsmanship. If I hadn’t gone to the military academy later, I would probably still be practicing hard here."

"Captain, come here, let us play!" Xizi took down a long gun from the wooden shelf and handed it to Yuesong.

When Yuesong saw the long gun, his hand felt a little itchy. Yuesong threw the sniper rifle to Lei Hang. After freeing his hand, Yuesong suddenly turned around and struck Xizi's face with his left fist like thunder. Xizi subconsciously turned his side.

With his head dodged, Yuesong grabbed the spear in Xizi's hand with his right hand.

As soon as the spear came into Yuesong's hand, it suddenly whirled with the wind. Yuesong grasped the barrel of the gun tightly with both hands and swung the spear like a wind wheel. Only the shadow of the gun was visible, but not the body. Yuesong suddenly ran a few steps quickly and took advantage of his strength to fly into the air.

Yelling "Ha", the tip of the spear went straight towards Shisuo. Just before the tip of the spear was about to reach him, Yuesong crossed his legs and stepped sideways, leaning back and falling to the ground. The tip of the spear slid past the door in front of Yuesong.

Yuesong pushed his feet on the ground and slid one or two meters against the ground. He only heard a "dang" sound, and the tip of the gun plunged into a plum blossom pile. Yuesong held the gun body with his hand and moved his body with his hands.

The gun pivoted, the waist muscles contracted sharply, and the body flipped in the air. The tip of the gun was like a steel drill, and in an instant a big hole was drilled into the plum blossom pile.

Yuesong was combining the rotation of his body to get up and make the next move when he suddenly found a black crow on the honey locust tree, staring blankly at him. Yuesong hated crows the most in his life, even though he

I'm not superstitious, but every time a crow appears, it brings bad luck to Yuesong. He's going to fight the Japanese tonight, so he can't have bad luck. Yuesong stood still, held the gun with one hand, and fought hard

He ran a dozen steps toward the honey locust tree, shouted loudly, and flew towards the crow on the honey locust tree with a "hoo" sound.

The frightened crow flew away with a "wow" sound, and the spear pierced the trunk of the honey locust tree with a "clink" sound, and the gun body was still "buzzing".

Everyone present was shocked by Yuesong's sudden move, but seeing that Yuesong's face was not very good, no one dared to ask.

Yuesong lowered his head, with a sullen face, walked a few steps quickly, grabbed the sniper rifle from Lei Hang's hand, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"

None of the brothers said anything, and they all followed the captain out of the courtyard. Grandpa Xia knew about Pou'er's temper, so he didn't ask much. When he saw Pou'er walking away with a few young men, he started to "squeak"

With a sound, the courtyard door was closed tightly.

Sometimes people's feelings are really supernatural, especially when they are very concerned about people and things. At this time, Lan Danfeng was holding a bouquet of lilac flowers in his hand and a medicine basket on his back, asking about the fragrance of the flowers.

, while thinking about Yuesong, I walked into the tea forest.

Takeo Ichiro suddenly stood up from the bushes, covered Dan Feng's mouth from behind, quickly placed the gleaming dagger on Dan Feng's neck, smoothly pulled out the pistol from Dan Feng's waist, and inserted it into himself

on the belt.

The soldier in charge of the guard not far away saw that something was wrong, shouted "Nurse Lan", raised his rifle and ran towards this side.

When Onizuka saw that he had been discovered, he held his gun and heard a burst of gunfire. The soldier fell to the ground and fell into a pool of blood.

"Who told you to shoot?" an angry Takeo yelled at Onizuka in Japanese.

"But, it was exposed..." Onizuka explained helplessly.

"Zhutou, retreat!" Jianxiong shouted, forced Dan Feng with his dagger, and took Dan Feng away.

This chapter has been completed!
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