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Fourteen, tit for 36

Lieutenant Colonel Umekawa, who was wandering around the map in the tent and scratching his head as he studied the battle situation, suddenly received a telegram from Captain Ono. Umekawa opened the telegram and read, "The New Fourth Army is coming." Although it was just a few simple words.

The word, but Meichuan could not restrain the ecstasy in his heart immediately. He held the telegram in both hands and said to himself: "Coming, coming, finally here, yo west, yo west!" Meichuan's hands danced, and his feet danced.

Danzhi didn't know what to do for a moment, so he shouted loudly at the door: "Hao Er, Hao Er!"

Hao Er ran in with a "dong dong dong" sound.

"Lieutenant Colonel!" Hao Er knocked his heels and saluted.

"Here it comes, here it comes, the New Fourth Army has finally appeared. Quick, send the order, let us, the warriors of the Imperial Japanese Army, cheer up. Once Ono-kun and Murakata-kun start fighting, we will attack Luoxi in one fell swoop.

I must catch Luo Chengsi with my own hands. I want to challenge him to a duel. Yes, duel. I want to use my rifle to completely defeat the Chinese sword. I want him to defeat him and defeat his sword.

Sword, defeat his body, defeat his soul, I will make the Chinese people completely lose the will to fight, haha, ahhaha, ahhaha..." Meichuan said a lot in Japanese, arrogantly

Meichuan has completely entered a state of ecstasy.

Koji looked at Zhong Sao's ecstatic expression and also smiled stupidly. His fat face was crooked and his mouth was open, making him look like a purebred Japanese stupid pig.

Meichuan was smug like a narcissistic rabid dog. When he turned around and saw Koji still standing there and giggling, Meichuan's face suddenly darkened and he yelled at Koji in a low voice: "Hurry up and go!"

The smile on Hao Erzhu's face suddenly solidified. Hao Er said "Hi" and ran out to deliver the order.

The sun is turning westward little by little, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflects on the mountain forest. Pheasants with flapping wings are playing in the grass, chirping sparrows are jumping playfully, and light swallows are passing over the tops of rocks and rocks in the distance.

The Situo treetops flew up and shot into the sky like arrows.

The reconnaissance team led by Brother Chao and Tang Si flashed through the dense forest in front of Ono's two forward squadrons, and the Japanese soldiers placed on the big trees to monitor them quickly discovered it. This was the third time that the reconnaissance team appeared at the Japanese frontline.

After getting the report, Ono immediately ordered the two squadron leaders to monitor closely and not to expose him. He also ordered not to send any more reconnaissance teams forward to conduct reconnaissance. Waiting was the best option.

Ono's two smart squadron leaders quickly learned the New Fourth Army's fighting style. They ordered all their soldiers to tie a hat ring with a branch on their head, and added branches to camouflage the light and heavy machine guns. The smart Japanese devils

We are currently lying in ambush high in the mountains and forests, preparing to "eye for an eye and tooth for tooth", preparing to treat others with their own treatment, preparing to ambush the New Fourth Army, preparing to let the senior officers of the New Fourth Army

They were so surprised that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

Speaking of the senior officers of the New Fourth Army, Commander Li really couldn't sit still at this moment. The troops had all moved out, and there was only one guard camp around him, and large areas of the base area were undefended areas. What worried the division commander even more was that

, in order to prevent the attacking troops from being discovered by the Japanese, the communication troops of each regiment seldom moved around. Such a large-scale operation relied entirely on the prior arrangements and tacit understanding between each other. The division commander felt a little regretful at this moment, and at the same time

I was a little resentful, and so were the several regimental commanders. Why didn't they send anyone to report to the division headquarters at all? It was as if the division headquarters had almost completely lost contact with the troops under its command.

While the division commander was pacing back and forth in the division headquarters with his hands behind his back, Gazi came in with a soldier and reported a piece of news that Commander Li was very unwilling to hear: Lan Danfeng had been captured by the Japanese.

"What's going on? Isn't Nurse Lan in Xiaohe Village, where the Second Regiment is stationed? How come there are Japanese soldiers coming to arrest Nurse Lan?" the division commander asked the soldier who came to report with his eyes wide open.

The soldier introduced the situation to the division commander. It turned out that the soldier who was following Dan Feng to protect Dan Feng was not dead. After he was shot and fell to the ground, he reluctantly raised his head and saw two Japanese officers taking Dan Feng away. The second man who stayed behind

After the platoon leader at the regiment station heard the gunfire and rushed with his people, Dan Feng had already been taken away by the Japanese. The platoon leader followed the direction pointed by the injured soldier and led his people to chase him, but so far there is no trace.

No news, not even the sound of gunshots.

The division commander lowered his head and walked back and forth for a while, thinking that even though she was his niece, a war was about to begin. He could not act rashly or be restless, let alone affect the command of the battle. The division commander turned back and said to the soldier who came:

"I know everything about the situation. You go back and ask your platoon leader to continue the search with his people. As soon as there is any news, report it immediately. Also, pay attention to observe how many Japs there are. I guess they are a few scouts, but

Don't be careless, and don't panic if Japanese soldiers come to attack my base area, quickly organize the masses to retreat into the mountains."

"Yes, Commander!" The soldier said yes with a military salute and hurried back.

"Old Li, our division headquarters should also send a small team to search." Political Commissar Ren said to Commander Li.

"It's not necessary, hold on tight. Someone will always find out about our territory. Once we get the news, it won't be too late to send someone there." As soon as the division commander finished speaking, Gazi came in with another group of communications soldiers.


When the division commander saw it, he was extremely surprised and quickly asked about the situation of the troops.

The communications soldier of the first regiment made a detailed report on the situation of the troops to the political commissar of the division commander. After hearing this, the division commander finally calmed down a lot. The division commander said to the communications soldier: "Tell your regiment commander, from now on, don't

Send out another reconnaissance team, stay still, at midnight, each attack force will quickly arrive at the attack location. Once the attack time comes, attack decisively and withdraw after the fight is over. Never let the battle stop."

"Yes, division commander!" The communications soldier took the order.

Not long after the communications soldiers of the first regiment left, the communications soldiers of the second regiment also came back. The reported situation was almost the same as before. The division commander issued the same order to the second regiment. The communications soldiers of the second regiment took the order.

The sun has set, and the birds have returned to their nests to enjoy the tranquility of the night with their children. An adult jackal, unable to bear the torment of hunger, started wandering around in the forest early in the night.

After all, due to lack of experience, the jackal accidentally ran into the forest where the second group was ambushing. When the jackal's eyes shining in the dark appeared in Brother Chao's sight, Brother Chao raised his hand

A sniper rifle.

This chapter has been completed!
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