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Eleven, accidental escape

Luo Yuesong ran and finally saw a little hope of escaping the pursuit of the Japanese cavalry. The hillside in front of him became steeper and steeper, and the trees became denser and denser. Yuesong was secretly happy, thinking, on this steep hillside, the Japanese cavalry could not escape.

It's impossible to run so happily. I might have a chance to escape.

However, things did not go so smoothly. Yuesong, who was running all the way, was chased by the Japanese cavalry and ran away like a rabbit. Now he had to run and climb mountains again. After only climbing a few dozen meters, Yuesong was panting from exhaustion and his legs were weak.

It's like I've poured dozens of kilograms of lead into my body. I don't obey orders. Every step I take is very difficult.

They say misfortunes never come singly, and it’s true. The Japanese cavalry couldn’t run fast on horseback, so the Japanese dismounted and pursued them on foot with their guns in hand. The Japanese, who still had enough leg strength, were soon less than 60 meters away from Yuesong. If this continued,

Sooner or later, Yuesong will be overtaken by the Japanese. Just as Yuesong was turning from joy to worry and was extremely worried, a bullet flew from behind and hit Yuesong's left shoulder. Yuesong stretched out his hand and touched it, and there was a heavy flow of blood and pain.


Anyway, I can’t run anymore. Rather than being chased and hacked to death by the Japs, it’s better to take advantage of my strength and go back and kill several Japs, one to save my capital, and two to earn one. Thinking like this, Yuesong

He simply stopped running, turned around and lay down in the grass next to a tree, picked up the sniper rifle, aimed, pulled the trigger, and shot. He hit a Japs. By pulling the bolt, he loaded the bullet again, aimed, shot, and again.

Shooting down a Japs. Repeatedly, Yuesong sniped and killed one Japs after another, but the Japs rushed upward one after another. In fact, Yuesong didn't know that Yuesong's first sniper bullet was originally aimed at the Japs.

The colonel accidentally hit the Japanese colonel's heart in the middle of his chest. The Japanese colonel was killed on the spot. Although Yuesong's second sniper bullet looked like it knocked the major off his horse, it actually only hit the Japanese major's right hand.

Shoulder, that Japanese Major is the captain of the Japanese cavalry squadron. The reason why the Japanese are chasing Yuesong so hard is because Yuesong not only sniped and killed the Japanese Colonel, but also angered the Japanese Cavalry Major. Yuesong shot these two

, inadvertently poked a hornet's nest, how could he not be chased and killed by the Japanese cavalry at all costs?

The blood kept flowing, and soon it dyed Yuesong's shirt red. The Japanese cavalry on foot, with the assistance of the following infantry, swarmed up and approached Yuesong. The nearest Japanese was only ten meters away from Yuesong.

, Yuesong shot and killed another Japs, but four or five Japs were already in front of Yuesong. Yuesong held a sniper rifle in his left hand and took out a shell gun in his right hand, "Bah, bah, bah", there were three more Japs.

He fell to the ground, but three more Japs rushed towards him from the side. Yuesong fired three more shots, two Japs fell to the ground, and one Japs in pain raised his rifle bayonet and stabbed Yuesong.

He took a step back, trying to avoid it, but his feet slipped and he fell into the grass. Then he felt like he was falling into the boundless darkness, and his body kept rolling along a slope. He probably rolled a little.

After a few minutes, Yuesong hit a rock and stopped. Yuesong didn't understand what was going on. He only felt a sharp pain when his back hit the rock. His eyes were pitch black and he couldn't see his fingers. Could it be that he was like this?

So he broke into the Yama Palace, bid farewell to the Yang world, and came to the underworld?

The severe pain on his back reminded Yuesong that he was probably not dead yet. Yuesong reached out and touched the stone behind him. It was cold. Then he reached out and touched his forehead. It was still hot. Then he touched his own.

My heart was still beating, and I touched the wound on my left shoulder again, "Ah - it hurts!", it seemed that I was indeed still alive.

In fact, Yuesong is not dead. It is true that the sky has eyes, allowing our hot-blooded hero to survive the disaster. The patch of grass where Yuesong was lying was exactly the entrance of a hidden cave in Huanglong Cave. When the Japanese stabbed Yuesong with a bayonet, Yuesong

While avoiding, he slipped and fell into the Huanglong Cave. It was the accidental fall into the Huanglong Cave that saved Yuesong's life.

At this time, Yuesong saw a glimmer of light at the entrance of the cave. It was actually the Japanese who had opened up the grass at the entrance of the cave, looking for the sniper who suddenly disappeared. Seeing the light at the entrance of the cave also made Yuesong completely awake. Yuesong hurriedly pulled away.

A match. With the light of the match, Yuesong found his sniper rifle. Yuesong felt in the dark and quickly replaced the bullets. Seeing that no one entered the cave, he drew another match and found a big rock to hide.

He got up, picked up the sniper rifle, and aimed at the bright light at the entrance of the cave. Sure enough, a figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. Yuesong shot without thinking, and the man rolled down like himself. At this time, there was a sound from the cave entrance.

There was intensive gunfire, and the bullets hit the rocks in the cave and produced sparks. Yuesong hid behind the rocks and didn't worry about them shooting randomly. He just aimed his rifle at the entrance of the cave.

Another figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. Yuesong fired, and the figure rolled down as usual. Yuesong hid behind the rocks, changed the bullets, and aimed the gun at the entrance of the cave. Suddenly, a loud noise was heard at the entrance of the cave.

The rocks rolled down, and the entrance of the cave was pitch black. Yuesong thought to himself, the Japs are really cruel, and they want to bury me, Luo Yuesong, alive. Yuesong was not in a hurry, and took the opportunity to lie down and rest for a while.

Three or four minutes passed, and the entrance to the cave was still dark, and there was no new movement from the Japanese. After relaxing, Yuesong felt some pain in his left shoulder. Yuesong touched the wound and felt that the bullet was still in the muscle. Yuesong

He took out the Luo family's ancestral golden sore medicine that he carried with him and was about to apply the medicine to the wound. Then he thought, if the bullet is not taken out, the root of the disease cannot be cut off. The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain, so he just dug out the bullet and forget it.

He took out a throwing knife and reached to his left shoulder to get the bullet, but the wound was on the left back shoulder and the knife couldn't reach that angle. Yuesong inserted the knife into his belt and simply used his fingers to buckle it. But as soon as his fingers touched it

The wound was in unbearable pain. Yuesong gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and with a sudden heartbeat, he forced two fingers into the wound. Finally he felt the bullet. Yuesong pinched the tail of the bullet with two fingers.

Yelling "Ah——" the bullet was pulled out of Yuesong's flesh. Yuesong threw away the bullet, poured out the golden sore medicine, sprinkled some medicine on the wound, and then sprinkled the medicine on his shirt.

A piece of white cloth, gritted teeth, tied the wound tightly.

After everything was done, Yuesong stood up, raised the sniper rifle with his right hand, looked up at the sky in his heart, and shouted madly: "The devil of a dog--, I, Luo Yuesong, are steel--are iron--,

I, fight - don't - die -, ah - ah ah - ah ah - " This voice, with the smell of blood, ripples in the cave, full of infinite passion for hatred, full of revenge and hatred.

Hot blooded.

After yelling and shouting, Yuesong calmed down and realized a new crisis. The Japanese blew up the entrance of the cave. Although he was not directly buried alive, if he could not find the exit from the cave, he would not be able to escape.

Is it really the same as being buried alive? Yuesong pulled a match and looked around. There were rocks everywhere but no way out of the cave. A new crisis appeared in front of Yuesong, but a new

For Luo Yuesong, the crisis is a new challenge and a great opportunity to create a new history.

This chapter has been completed!
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