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Fourteen, encounter the National Army Rangers

"Brother, show your head." A voice said to Luo Yuesong.

Only then did Yuesong return to reality from the pleasant memories. Yuesong raised his head and saw a brother from the national army walking over with more than thirty national soldiers.

Yuesong stood up and introduced himself: "Luo Yuesong, major battalion commander of the third battalion of the 107th Brigade, 2nd Regiment of the 21st Group Army. May I ask your surname? Thank you very much for your help!"

The brother waved his hand, smiled, and said: "No thank you, no thank you, we are all brothers, don't mention the word 'thank you'. Brother Zhao Changsheng, Major Commander of the 33rd Group Army Guard Battalion in the Fifth Theater Zone of our Army, this is mine

Captain's Adjutant Tan Liangde, and the other brothers, please introduce yourselves."

"Captain Gu Tian, ​​I have met Camp Commander Luo!" a young officer said with a military salute.

"Second Lieutenant Li Shaotong, salute Battalion Commander Luo!"

"Second Lieutenant Zhang Hedong, hello, sir!"

Several officers introduced themselves to Yuesong one by one, and Yuesong also performed military salutes to them one by one.

Zhao Changsheng saw the Type 97 sniper rifle Yuesong was holding. He pointed at the rifle with great interest and said: "Little Japan's Type 97 sniper rifle, Camp Commander Luo, your gun is crazy. Where did you get such an awesome gun?"


"Haha, by accident, what I captured from a Japanese soldier was a Lieutenant Colonel, from the royal family, and I didn't bring a gun with me." Yuesong replied with a smile, feeling quite complacent in his heart.

"Oh, this is a Japanese-occupied area. Why are you fighting the Japanese here alone?" Battalion Commander Zhao asked curiously.

"Alas," Yuesong let out a long sigh, "Don't mention it. Our battalion did not retreat in that blocking battle. We were all killed. There were three to four hundred brothers. The bastard Japs, the artillery fire was too fierce." Yuesong shook his head.

Shaking his head, he thought of the brothers in the third camp, Laifu, and Nanhai, and couldn't help but feel sad in his heart, with a look of sadness on his face.

"The brothers of the third battalion are men, we admire them!" Battalion Commander Zhao said, patting Yuesong on the shoulder.

"By the way, you are a National Army Rangers, right? What mission do you have if you go deep behind enemy lines? If you don't count me, I am familiar with this area. Besides, my sniper rifle can also help my brothers, right?" Yuesong

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen our brothers from the National Army. I’m filled with joy to see our brothers from the National Army in this dangerous enemy territory. I know that their arrival must have a special mission. Of course I want to join them and fight together.

Devil, please give him a hard time.

"Okay, I can only dream of a lone hero like Battalion Commander Luo." Battalion Commander Zhao stretched out his right hand, held Yuesong's hand tightly, and said, "Welcome!"

Yuesong, who had been crawling around in the prisoner's den for a long time, careful every step of the way, and always paying attention, could finally laugh. Yuesong hugged Battalion Commander Zhao and smiled, tears welling up involuntarily.

The tears came out of his eyes and slid down Yuesong's thin cheek. Yuesong hurriedly pushed Battalion Commander Zhao away, turned around, and secretly wiped away the tears.

The brothers saw it in their eyes and admired it in their hearts. Battalion Commander Zhao raised his hand, patted Yuesong's shoulder vigorously and said: "Brother, you have suffered. Let's go. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's talk somewhere else."

Yuesong led Battalion Commander Zhao and his party to the high mountains and dense forests in the northeast.

It turned out that the Intelligence Office of the National Army's Fifth War Zone Headquarters stationed in Laohekou received reliable information. The Japanese army was tenaciously blocked by the National Army during its attack on Suixian and Zaoyang.

Bacteriological weapons were mobilized and prepared to carry out inhumane germ warfare against the Chinese defenders in Suixian and Zaoyang during the stalemate. After the commander-in-chief, General Li Zongren, learned of the news, he was extremely anxious and urgently ordered the 33rd Group Army Headquarters

A special task force was dispatched to the Japanese bacterial weapons depot in Shuangfeng Mountain at the end of Xiaochang in the Dabie Mountains to try to blow up the Japanese bacterial bombs. General Zhang Zizhong, commander of the 33rd Group Army, paid great attention to this situation and immediately ordered his guard battalion commander Zhao Changsheng

Thirty-three warriors were selected from the guard camp and the entire group army to form a special operations team. Battalion Commander Zhao personally led the team, parachuted into the Dawu Mountain area, and then secretly sneaked into Xiaochang Shuangfeng Mountain from the Dawu Mountain area, striving to blow up the Japanese army in one fell swoop.

bacterial arsenal.

When Yuesong learned the purpose of the Rangers' trip, he was so excited that he cursed the Japanese army loudly. The little Japanese devils were not human beings at all. They were no better than fucking pigs and dogs. They actually used bacterial bombs against our troops. After Yuesong finished scolding,

, introduced the general situation of Shuangfeng Mountain to Battalion Commander Zhao, and then studied the detailed battle plan with several officers.

From the hole he dug, Yuesong took out the Lieutenant Colonel's military uniform, the police officer's ID card, and the officer's ID card that he had stripped off from Sekikawa Takeo's body. Then he took Battalion Commander Zhao and his entourage and hid along the way, trying to get around as much as possible.

Following the Japanese army, we walked for a day and a night before we found the Zhulin Temple in Shuangfeng Mountain where the Japanese army's bacterial weapons depot was located.

Zhulin Temple is located in a nest on the mountainside of Shuangfeng Mountain, about four to five hundred meters away from the top of Shuangfeng Mountain. The nest is surrounded by peaks, and the slopes are covered with tall pine trees and low tea trees. The Japs are on the top of Shuangfeng Mountain.

There are sentries, including a heavy machine gun position, four light machine gun positions, and a mortar position. There are also Japanese hidden sentries and patrols around the mountain nest. There are also a winding road leading to the outside of the mountain.

There are many roadblocks, large and small, and there are light machine guns at each roadblock. There is also a heavy machine gun and two light machine guns guarding the entrance of Zhulin Temple. There is a Japanese squadron outside Zhulin Temple alone, and there is another one inside Zhulin Temple.

Squadron, and, according to reliable intelligence, the bacterial bomb is hidden in a large hole under the Zhulin Temple. There is only one entrance above, in the inner courtyard of the Zhulin Temple. The Japanese guard the inner courtyard day and night with four light machine guns from four angles.

With the entrance of the underground cave and two searchlights, it would be even harder to enter the warehouse of Japanese bacterial bombs.

Yuesong took Battalion Commander Zhao and his party to hide on a hilltop more than 600 meters away from Zhulin Temple. Yuesong, Battalion Commander Zhao, and several other officers carefully observed the Japanese troops through binoculars and sniper scopes.

Upon seeing this situation, the ambitious Battalion Commander Zhao and several other officers' faces were immediately filled with sorrow. Their ambitions had faded a bit at this moment.

"Battle Commander Luo, although our intelligence is very detailed, how do we get in?" Battalion Commander Zhao, who was in a heavy mood, asked Yuesong helplessly with a gloomy face.

"Captain Zhao, there is no need to worry. As the saying goes, there is always a road ahead. Remember, when all my brothers from the third battalion were killed in battle, didn't I, Luo Yuesong, survive alone in the enemy's den? Not only did I survive, but I also got more and more equipment.

The better, the more enemies we will annihilate." Yuesong, who has experienced several life-and-death situations, said with confidence.

"Camp Commander Luo, could it be that our brothers already have a clever trick for entering the Japanese bacterial weapons warehouse? Come on, tell us!" Battalion Commander Zhao said anxiously.

Several other officers also quickly approached Luo Yuesong.

Yuesong looked directly at Battalion Commander Zhao, then at the other officers one by one, and said, "Want to know?"

"Of course I want to know, tell me quickly, tell me quickly!" several people said in unison.

"Haha, I haven't thought about it yet." As soon as Yuesong said this, several officers were like deflated balls and walked away angrily one by one.

Yuesong was not in a hurry. He sat under a pine tree, took out a Japanese cigarette, lit it, and smoked leisurely. Li Shaohua and Gu Tian saw that Yuesong was smoking and quickly came over to ask for a cigarette, but Yuesong refused to give it to them.

The two of them didn't dare to say anything, so they walked away in disappointment. After smoking a cigarette, Yuesong shouted to Battalion Commander Zhao and other officers: "Come on, come on!"

"What are you doing here? You're not allowed to smoke, no!" Gu Tian said angrily.

"What? You don't want to hear my idea? Okay! Then I'll die in my stomach." Yuesong waved his hand, turned around and was about to light another cigarette.

"We have an idea! Come here and listen to what Battalion Commander Luo has to say!" As soon as Battalion Commander Zhao heard that Yuesong had an idea, he immediately became excited and quickly called a few officers over. The officers came around while jumping around.


Yuesong explained his bold plan to everyone in detail while smoking a cigarette.

This chapter has been completed!
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