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Sixteenth, trapped on the banks of the Sheshui River

The artillery position was bombed, and the imperial sniper elite Lieutenant Colonel Takeo Sekikawa was killed. Major General Takeshita Shunyi, Colonel Okada and Colonel Ono were sniped to death, which greatly angered Lieutenant General Yamamoto, the commander of the 06th Division stationed in Wuhan. Yamamoto was so angry that he was

He was about to vomit blood. He stood under the window of the headquarters and yelled and cursed outside the room. He ordered Takeo Sekawa's junior brother Matsumoto Gosushiro to lead his newly trained sniper team and selected 12 more people to attack him.

After breaking out of the city, non-commissioned officers with rich field experience formed a strangulation team composed of 18 Japanese elites. They had only one purpose, which was to avenge General Takeshita and kill the mysterious Chinese sniper.

As early as when Luo Yuesong and others went to Shuangfeng Mountain to blow up the Japanese bacterial weapons depot, Matsumoto's strangulation team had already secretly entered the mountain. The weapons depot under Zhulin Temple was bombed, which can be said to have given Matsumoto, who was already smarter than a rabbit, the direction.

, Moreover, Matsumoto's shrewdness is that he does not go around looking for pursuit, but chooses a suitable location and sets up an ambush in advance. This is what makes a good sniper special.

After Luo Yuesong escaped from Zhulin Temple, he did not dare to fight. He hid all the way, walking day and night. At noon the next day, he arrived at the agreed meeting place, a small ferry by the Jishui River in Dawu. This place was already close to the mountains.

There were not many Japanese troops active here, but Yuesong, who was working in the Japanese den, was always cautious. After finding the rendezvous point, Yuesong was not in a hurry to show up to join Battalion Commander Zhao and his Rangers.

After looking around, I didn't find anything strange, so I walked along the river bank and saw Battalion Commander Zhao and his Rangers resting by the river.

When Battalion Commander Zhao and others saw Luo Yuesong, they were all excited. Battalion Commander Zhao stepped forward and slapped Yuesong hard on both shoulders with both palms, causing Yuesong to take two steps back.

"Good boy, we all thought you had hung up. Damn it, you're still alive!" Battalion Commander Zhao scolded and kicked Yuesong with his feet. Yuesong smiled and dodged away, but Battalion Commander Zhao was still there.

Not letting him go, he rushed up and hugged Yuesong. He tripped hard and put Yuesong down by the river. Then a hungry tiger pounced on Yuesong, and the other brothers also happily joined him.

He pounced on Battalion Commander Zhao and Luo Yuesong, who were lying on the ground, and Yuesong screamed under the pressure.

After some fighting, Yuesong sat up from the ground and looked at the brothers beside him. He realized that there were a lot of brothers missing. He suddenly became serious, grabbed Battalion Commander Zhao and asked, "Why are there only so many people?"

Battalion Commander Zhao pushed Yuesong's hand away and turned around, his eyes filled with tears.

"Where is Li Shaotong?" Yuesong looked at the other brothers and asked loudly.

Each of the brothers turned their backs to Yuesong, with their heads lowered and tears in their eyes. No one answered Yuesong's questions.

"Where is Gu Tian?" Yuesong still asked, with a cry in his voice, "He hasn't smoked my Japanese cigarette yet!" Yuesong finally couldn't help it and shed tears.

In late autumn, by the Jishui River beside Dawu Mountain, patches of Chinese tallow trees are covered with bright red leaves. The bright red of these millions of leaves is just like the blood of martyrs, red, bright and full of the passion of Chinese men.

Masculinity and power contain the love, hatred and hatred of Chinese men.

Battalion Commander Zhao wiped away the tears from his eyes and shouted to the brothers beside him: "It's men. Anyone with eggs should stand up for me!"

Everyone wiped away their tears, stood up, and walked to Yuesong and Battalion Commander Zhao.

"Come on, smoke, smoke Japanese cigarettes, I will fight to Japan, hungry to eat Japanese meat, thirsty to drink Japanese blood!" Yuesong took out Japanese cigarettes from his jacket pocket and distributed them one by one to his brothers.

Yuesong took out a match and lit one, and the brothers lit cigarettes one by one. One match went out, and Yuesong lit another one. Battalion Commander Zhao lowered his head and came over to light the cigarette.

With a "pop" sound, Yuesong instinctively fell sideways to the ground, and the bullet flew past Yuesong's ear.

"Sniper!" Yuesong shouted, while crawling to the high slope of the river bank, he asked everyone to get down and find a hiding place.

"Batalion Commander - Battalion Commander -" A brother was lying on the body of Battalion Commander Zhao, crying. Yuesong was startled, and turned around to see that the bullet that he had luckily escaped with his experience was...

It hit Battalion Commander Zhao squarely on the forehead. The heroic and stoic Battalion Commander Zhao was instantly wiped out. Yuesong saw it and felt pain in his heart, but the Japanese sniper could not

The reputation is not in vain. Long before the war with China, they had many fierce battles with the Russians in Northeast China. The Japanese snipers not only had a large number of bullet training, but also had actual combat experience in the Russo-Japanese War. Although they could not

It can be described as terrifying, but it is definitely an enemy worthy of attention.

Seeing that the brother was still crying on Battalion Commander Zhao, Yuesong quickly shouted: "Hide, hide!" But the brother refused to listen. Yuesong was about to go up and pull him away when he heard another gunshot.

The crying brother was shot in the right chest, vomiting blood, and was choked and unable to speak.

A brother wanted to go over and save him.

"Get down, don't move!" Yuesong quickly ordered to stop, "Don't go over, the Japanese sniper deliberately didn't kill him, just to kill his teammates who saved him."

Yuesong lowered his head and searched for the location of the Japanese sniper through the sniper scope, while whispering to the brothers around him: "From now on, I am the highest officer here, and everyone listens to my command!"



"Yes!" Everyone agreed one by one.

"How many brothers do we have in total?" Yuesong asked Zhang Hedong who was lying nearby.

"With the two of us, there are eight brothers in total." Second Lieutenant Zhang replied.

"Count the ammunition!" Yuesong ordered.

"I also have a magazine and a grenade!"

"I still have a magazine and a half."

"I still have half a magazine."


Everyone reported the number of ammunition they had. It is no wonder that although Yuesong did not fire a single shot at Zhulin Temple, these brothers of the Rangers fought with more than 30 people on the periphery against nearly 400 Japanese troops, and first took the initiative to attack the occupied areas.

The Japs, who had taken full advantage of the location, were then chased and intercepted by hundreds of Japs. They finally broke out, but no one had many bullets left.

However, Yuesong did not panic. He thought back then, he was not afraid of jumping around in the enemy's den by himself, not to mention that now there are seven national army brothers beside him. He thought back then, he had to face the enemy with one gun.

The infantry, cavalry and artillery were not dead, not to mention that there were more than a dozen long and short guns with two to three hundred rounds of ammunition.

Yuesong turned over and said softly to everyone: "Don't panic, brothers, haha, they all crawled out from the dead. Don't be afraid, don't let the Japanese look down on us Chinese men." Yuesong took out the match and

He lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then passed the Japanese cigarette and matches to the other brothers and said, "Light it up and smoke it. I'm telling you, when dealing with snipers, you have to take your time. Haha, I'm here."

, the sky will not fall." Yuesong continued to comfort the brothers and relieve their pressure.

Although Yuesong looked as if nothing had happened, Yuesong had been thinking about how to overcome this difficulty. Moreover, his eyes did not let go of his guard for a moment, and he kept secretly watching the movements of the Japanese snipers.

After finishing a cigarette, Yuesong had an idea.

"Come two brothers, have you seen there? There is a boat at the ferry over there. You two, sneak over and use the boat as a cover to retreat to the other side. You will be out of range of the Japanese. Come on, other brothers, listen to my command.

I yelled 'Hit', and everyone fired in the northeast direction to cover the two brothers, but there was only one bullet, so you had to save your bullets and shoot more." As Yuesong said this, he motioned to the two brothers to sneak towards the ferry.


It is easy to approach the ferry from the high slope, but there is a small stretch of flat land to reach the boat. It is easy to be killed by snipers when you go directly there. When the two brothers were ready for the attack, Yuesong shouted: "Hit!"

"The brothers suddenly shot together in the direction of the Japanese sniper.

There was a "bang" sound. Although Yuesong and the others successfully covered the two brothers and rushed to the side of the boat, the brother lying on the southernmost side of the high slope was killed by a sniper as soon as he stood up to shoot together.

"Get down and don't move. There is more than one Japanese sniper." Yuesong immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. Based on his own experience, the Japanese had either two snipers or five or six. Judging from today's situation,

There should be more than two Japanese snipers, and they are probably targeting themselves. They have been ambushing here for a long time. It seems that they may not be able to escape today. But, no matter what, we must cover as many other people as possible.

Brothers retreat, no matter what, they run one by one.

Yuesong looked back at the two brothers on the side of the boat and saw that they were already submerged in the water. While using the cover of the boat's hull, they swam to the other side. Although it was very slow, they were getting closer to life little by little.

"Rust, rustle, rustle," Yuesong heard subtle footsteps. Yuesong quickly raised his sniper rifle and saw that seven or eight Japanese soldiers carrying Type 100 rifles were sneaking closer. Yuesong became more aware of the problem.

Seriously, it seems that this group of devils is not an ordinary army, otherwise they would not be equipped with 97 sniper rifles and 100-type assault rifles at the same time.

Yuesong knew that only he could play a real covering role, and only he could stabilize the team that had sacrificed more than half of his brothers. He must use his own sacrifice to cover the retreat of his brothers. Thinking of this, Yuesong also considered

Unexpectedly, the sniper was seriously threatening his own life. He suddenly stood up, took aim, and fired. The entire action was completed within 0.5 seconds. A Japs holding a 100-type rifle fell to the ground, and the other Japs holding rifles fell to the ground.


"You two, work harder and get over quickly. It seems there are a lot of Japs!" Yuesong shouted to the two brothers who were dragging the boat to the other side, and then secretly said to Zhang Hedong, "After we get over,

, you lead the team and must take them back."

"Commander Luo, take them back and I'll cover them!" Second Lieutenant Zhang said.

"Stop talking nonsense to me, this is an order!" Yuesong lowered his voice and yelled at Second Lieutenant Zhang.

"Yes!" Second Lieutenant Zhang replied.

"Both of you have reached the middle of the river. If you work harder, you will be out of the range of the Japs..." Before Yuesong finished speaking, he heard a loud "boom" and the boat in the middle of the river was blown up by the Japs.

It was shattered, and the blood of the two brothers dyed the river red.

This chapter has been completed!
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