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Seventeen, Yue Song was shot and fell to the ground

When the remaining brothers saw it, their hearts went cold, and they all lay on the ground listlessly.

"Batalion Commander, you are going to die anyway, let's rush out and fight with the stupid brat!" Zhang Hedong couldn't bear it any longer.

Yuesong was not in a hurry. He took out his cigarette case and saw that there was only one cigarette left. He put the last cigarette into his mouth, drew a match, lit it, took a deep puff, and handed it to Zhang.

The second lieutenant said: "It's easy to die. Let the brothers finish smoking this cigarette first."

Lieutenant Zhang took the cigarette, took a long puff, and passed it down.

Two minutes passed and the cigarettes were finished. The brothers looked at Yuesong, waiting for Yuesong to give the order to rush out and fight.

Yuesong calmly tore off a strip of white cloth from his body, tied it to a dead branch, raised it above his head, and shook it at the Japanese.

"Batalion Commander, surrender, I, Zhang Hedong, will not do it!" Second Lieutenant Zhang said, his face turning red with anger.

"Batalion Commander, we will never surrender even if we die!" The other two brothers were also unambiguous.

"What are you so anxious about? Who asked you to surrender? Isn't this a delaying tactic? The devilish Japanese are easy to deceive. If they are deceived, once we get close, we can fight with them and maybe kill a few more."

Yuesong explained to the brothers with a smile.

"Will the Japanese believe it?" Second Lieutenant Zhang asked.

"Why not? Look at the 97 sniper rifle in my hand. I tricked that old boy Jiechuan into my side and then killed him with a knife to get this sniper rifle. If I hadn't cheated, I would have gotten this sniper rifle at that time.

What I have in my hand is a medium-sized formal. How can I fight with him at such a distance? Boys, I have to use my brains!" Yuesong told these brothers while recounting his successful experience.


After Yuesong finished his lesson, he raised the small white flag and waved it above his head, but there was no reaction. Yuesong began to shout in Japanese: "Japanese warriors, you have won, we surrender, don't shoot."

"Come out, stand up!" came the reply from the other side.

"Hedong, let a brother step forward and try first!" Yuesong ordered.

Zhang Hedong patted the head of the brother next to him. The brother raised his gun with both hands and stood up. But at this moment, something unexpected happened. The Japanese, who had always been a stickler for samurai ethics, shot him. The brother was hit in the forehead.

gun and fell to the ground dead.

When Yuesong saw this, he was furious. He didn't expect that this time his cleverness would be misled by his cleverness, and a brother would lose his life in vain. Yuesong slapped himself hard in the face, and then started to curse in Japanese.

Japs: "Depend on your ancestors, your ballsy bushido, it's all fucking deceptive tricks. If you have the guts, come out and let's fight!"

But those well-trained Japanese snipers didn't pay any attention to your tactics and still lay in the sniper position waiting for the enemy to show up.

Judging from the "rustling" sounds, the Japs holding rifles were approaching here again. Zhang Hedong couldn't help laughing, and suddenly appeared, picked up the rifle and hit a bunch of bullets at the Japs.

Fall to the ground.

"Get down, Hedong!" Yuesong ordered, "Now there are only three of us left, and it may be impossible to escape this time. In this way, the three of us take turns to exchange positions, using ** at intervals.

* and *** attack the enemy, be careful to save bullets." After Yuesong said that, he suddenly stood up and shot a Japanese soldier in the chest. Then he climbed to Hedong's position, and Hedong climbed to Yuesong's position.

Another brother suddenly stood up, raised his rifle and shot at the approaching Japanese soldiers, hitting a Japanese soldier head-on. However, he squatted down too slowly and was unfortunately hit in the face by a Japanese sniper, killing him immediately.

Yuesong and Hedong exchanged glances. They stood up at the same time, shot, and killed the two Japs. Then they lay down at the same time, rolled over, and exchanged positions.

"Hedong, have you seen it? There are seven or eight more Japs approaching us. We have to hit the closest ones and move fast. In addition, the Japs obviously used grenades to blow up the boats, but why didn't they use grenade bombs to blow us up?

?" Yuesong said.

"The bloody Japanese are playing tricks on us. It just so happens that I can kill a few more," Hedong replied.

"Hedong, watch. I'll throw a handful of leaves outside. When the leaves come together, you get up and shoot."

"Okay, just take a look!"

Yuesong grabbed a handful of leaves and suddenly threw them over his head. As expected, the Japanese sniper was fooled and shot him without thinking. He suddenly got up and shot, killing another one.


"Battal Commander, there are indeed several more Japs approaching us, but the snipers don't seem to have changed their positions."

"Don't worry, Hedong, let's take our time and kill each other. You use the gun to push up the helmet and expose it a little."

Hedong did as Yuesong said, and sure enough, the Japs sniper hit the helmet with one shot. Yuesong took the opportunity to get up and shoot, killing another Japs. But when he got up, there were already two Japs away from him.

Yuesong and the others were very close when a bullet from a Japs Type 100 gun whizzed in and hit Yuesong on the right shoulder.

"Batalion Commander, you are injured!" Hedong moved over anxiously to see Yuesong's injuries.

"Attention, the Japanese are approaching." Yuesong reminded Hedong.

When Hedong heard this, he quickly picked up his gun and listened quietly to the footsteps of the Japanese.

Yuesong tore off a piece of cloth and wrapped it around the wound on his left shoulder with his mouth. When Hedong heard the footsteps of the Japanese approaching, he suddenly raised his gun and fired. One Japanese was killed, and the other shot Hedong in the chest.

Hedong fell to the ground on his back and died with his eyes open.

Yuesong quickly grabbed the gun on the ground, stood up suddenly, and shot the Japs in front of him. Six or seven more Japs rushed over. Yuesong ran around behind Gaopo, sometimes hiding, and sometimes changing positions.

Suddenly he got up and started shooting, killing five Japanese soldiers one after another.

But just when Yuesong shot and killed the fifth Japanese, a sniper bullet hit his left chest. Yuesong only felt a violent vibration in his chest. His vision went dark and he didn't know anything.

I don’t know whether it was God’s arrangement or Yuesong was unlucky. At the moment Yuesong was shot and fell to the ground, Hu Biao, commander of the reconnaissance company of the Second Regiment of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army, heard the sound of gunshots and came to see that there were Japanese troops under siege.

The national army troops trapped on the river bank attacked from behind and secretly killed the snipers. The newly trained snipers were killed by the New Fourth Army with knives. Poor Matsumoto Isukuro and his

Senior brother Sekikawa Takeo was a well-known sniper in the Japanese army with rich combat experience and outstanding achievements. However, they were not killed by the enemy's gunshots, but they were all killed by the sharp knives of the Chinese.

But Hu Biao didn't come earlier. Just when Matsumoto Isorō had just shot Yuesong, he pounced on him and killed Matsumoto Isorō with one knife. There were still a few Japanese with 100-style rifles left.

, within a few minutes, they were all sent back to their hometown in Japan by Hu Biao's reconnaissance company.

Hu Biao took the New Fourth Army soldiers to the river and took a look. The Nationalist soldiers were still very brave, and none of them surrendered. However, the weapons of the Nationalist army were really good, all of them were M18***s. But what surprised Hu Biao was that

, why is there a Japanese lieutenant colonel mixed with the national army? Hu Biao took a look and found the crossbow arrows on Yuesong's body, as well as the dagger on his waist, especially the throwing knife on his belt. It is estimated that this is not a Japanese.

When Hu Biao was squatting next to Yuesong and thinking about it, he suddenly noticed that Yuesong's fingers moved. Hu Biao thought to himself, could this guy be still alive, so he took off his clothes and looked at Yuesong's wounds. Judging from the location and the amount of bleeding, it seemed that

He didn't hit the heart, so he quickly asked the health worker to bandage Yuesong. When Hu Biao saw the 97 sniper rifle next to Yuesong, he understood something in his heart. It is estimated that this guy is a headache for the Japanese army. He was recently killed in the Dabie Mountains.

Rumor has it about the unpredictable Chinese sniper.

"Come on, come on, hurry up, take this brother back for treatment." Hu Biao quickly ordered, so the soldiers of the New Fourth Army's reconnaissance company quickly cleaned the battlefield, carried the unconscious Yuesong and ran to the New Fourth Army field hospital.

This chapter has been completed!
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